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Wednesday, May 1, 2024



It is wrong for Columbia to fire a student leader because Columbia did not agree to negotiate better but called in the New York Police Department to arrest and cause pandemonium. The Presidents of some of the universities are making a concerted effort to shelter the top management, having yet to have a thoroughly rehearsed plan to deal with contemporary situations. Using police force and brutal force does nothing but aggravate the problem. 

After World War II, the superpowers Britain, the United States, Russia, France, and China, joined by other nations, met in San Francisco - to form the United Nations.

The United Nations Charter was signed at the War Memorial here in San Francisco on June 26, 1945, at the War Memorial Theatre.

Reading the Charter then, I learned its vision for the nations and signatories - was one of hope and peace.

Over the years, the United Nations has been used as a tool. 

The Superpowers have veto powers. 

The United States uses its veto power to take sides, which is wrong.

 It is the same with the other Superpowers. This ping-pong must Stop.

In recent years, we have witnessed nation after nation using genocide as a tool - mostly adversely impacting the poor - infants, children, women, the Elders, and those with compromised health.

Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Rwanda, Cambodia, Myanmar, Ukraine, Sudan, Darfur, and Vietnam are some of the nations bearing the burden of genocide and living with the deep scars that cause trauma and deep stress for decades.

We must learn from past genocides - it is simply horrific and nauseating what is happening in Gaza - over 22,000 innocent Palestinian infants and children - have died. RIP.   

The ongoing saga that is going on in Gaza right this very minute - is a disgrace to the human race.

Famine in Gaza is surging - even though some trucks have been able to enter Gaza - the rubble and all sorts of impediments and hurdles - keep those in charge of the distribution of food and other necessities at bay.

Leading the sordid charge of Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli Defense Forces - killing, maiming, failing to adhere to the"Principle of Proportionality "  - when it comes to laser-guided bombs - 2000 lbs, 5000 lbs supplied to the Israelis by the United States - over 24,000 infants and children killed - cries to heaven for justice.

We know well that the Zionists were responsible after World War II - invading Palestine with one purpose in mind: to take over land and kill the Palestinians.

For 75 years, the Zionists, evil to the core, have had disdain for the Palestinians.

This fact has been stated - again and again - that the Zionists assume that they can steal, lie, cheat, kill, burn to death, and do as they please on land that is occupied - Gaza and the West Bank.

Truth be told, the Zionists are responsible for all the madness that has taken place in Palestine.

Now, the Zionists are bringing their tainted way of thinking about Gaza and the West Bank to the University of California Los Angeles - attacking students without any provocation.

Much as the settlers - who live on occupied land - harm the Palestinians from the West Bank.  

We must not lump everyone - when it comes to the Jews - as the ones who want to steal the land and kill and maim - belong to a particular category of evil to the core.

Every Zionist is a Jew, but not every Jew is a Zionist.

Many decent Jews do not aspire to the philosophy of Zionism.

The decent Jews - who have nothing to do with stealing land that does not belong to them and are against those who commit all sorts of atrocities - hurting the Palestinians.

The Jews who lived in Palestine for thousands of years lived side by side with the Palestinians who were Muslim, and they did with folks of other faiths.

The indigenous Jews have empathy towards the Palestinians and will tell you that when you encounter them - as do many of my Jewish friends.

The Gaza situation has triggered a raw nerve, and for the first time, the Zionists have revealed their true colors - sordid to the core. 

The Main Media, the likes of CNN Daily, are making a fool of themselves and have not been truthful - siding with the Zionists who have created turbulence and pandemonium - their philosophy to steal, rob, pillage, kill, murder, incarcerate with cause thousands of innocent Palestinians - using Administrative Detention - defies norms and their influence in the United States in spiraling and hit the low bottom.

Those Zionists who chose to enter the University of California - Los Angeles and attack the students have revealed their true colors. Zionists non-students 40 years and 50 years - considering themselves privileged, acting like thugs of the worse order.

Two UCLA had severe skull fractures, and the Governor of California must get to the bottom of the situation - and those caught must be indicted and a strong message sent to all Zionists - we, the people, do not tolerate "thugs" serenading in the wee hours of the morning - sordid thugs - targeting the students who were resting and fast asleep in their tents.

America has bent backward to accommodate Zionists - giving them the privilege of holding dual citizenship. Here in the United States, we target the immigrants on our border - and protect the Zionists who are a threat to our nation - fostering divisiveness.

We need more unbiased investigative reporting and monitoring of the thug Zionists - their atrocities must not be tolerated - nipped in the bud.

Our United States Army does not trust the Israeli Defense Forces - Joe Biden is a lackey of the Zionists and has openly declared himself a Zionist - he is a Catholic, and saying what is says - makes himself a moron. 

His policies favoring giving bombs, ammunition, jets, missiles, and other U.S. military software and hardware - to Israel - have created divisiveness, and thousands will NOT vote for him and his lackeys. 

Joe Biden may make fun of Donald Trump - Joe Biden will bring his own downfall - his only support comes from those over 70 years old - who have no clue about Quantum technology and less about day-to-day sordid politics favoring the Democrats - corrupt - who have no spine and weak in the knees. 

Joe Biden knows that a large crowd of non-students - over 150 invaded the area where the UCLA students slept in their tents. These thugs attacked the students - most of them pro-Israel.

The student was shocked these folks who attacked the students - must be brought to book - and Joe Biden does not know about this incident. Typical of Joe Biden speaking in generalities - can Joe Biden bring justice to the students who were attacked - without any provocation  - most of them in their tents - asleep.

From some of those in the know - these thugs said things that are familiar with words common and spoken by the Zionists. 

In the end, pro-Israel thugs - this is America, not Gaza - where the Israeli Defense Forces - kill and maim - with no impunity.

Time the Zionists are warned that if they misbehave, their American passports will be taken from them.

Given the American passports, these thugs, well-known to the Los Angeles police - were given a lot of leeway to attack the pro-Palestinian students - and harm them.

Two of the pro-Palestinians - received head fractures. 

Others who were attacked - suffered severe wounds from which they have not recovered. 

This attack came from the blues - with the intent to harm the pro-Palestinian students. 

This attack premeditated - should be investigated and the thugs brought to book.

Totally uncalled sordid behavior by those who were not students - 40-year-old and 50-year-old thugs - outsiders - and pro-Isreal.

For sure, this and other attacks - confronting the pro-Palestinian student will backfire - you will see it at the coming general elections. 

Add to that the tents were removed today - the tents and other stuff loaded into dumpsters - further insulting the pro-Palestinian students. 

The pro-Palestinain students, in the wee hours of the morning - were provoked and attacked, and this came as a shock - more to the many women.

The student must sue those that have deprived them of protesting peacefully - taking a position to expose the Zionists and Benjamine Netanyahu - an egotistical maniac.

Benjamin Netanyahu is touting to invade Rafah and putting millions of innocent Palestinians in harm's way; we are watching the Zionists who think they can push us around and will bear the ire of millions - the world over. 

Soon, the Zionists will be debarred entry into many nations - and rightly so.

Maybe the time has come to debar the Zionists into our universities.

 Those who have dual citizenship using the American passport to learn in our universities - while chiding us - and pushing the Zionist mentality - that the Zionists feel must be tolerated - not so today - you took advantage of our hospitality. Enough is Enough.

Georgetown University takes time to pray. Each university has decided to negotiate and follow protocols—GU University has done well so far—that is the way to shine and shed light where darkness exists.

The Palestinians, as I have mentioned, consist not only of Muslims; you have Greek Orthodox, Armenian Orthodox, Catholics, and other faiths - who all lived with the Jews in peace - for thousands of years - before the Zionists arrived in Palestine in the 1950s - and destroyed the harmony. 

Just last night, we had some Zionists who are not students - enter an area where the UCLA students were camped and attack them - two students suffered from fractured skulls - this type of attack and behavior is not to be tolerated.

The Zionists in the United States are not privileged and should not be given dual citizenship status - the United States passport and the Israeli passport.

I have traveled all over the world and seen things for myself - the sites where the Holocaust did take place - millions of Jews were killed, primarily incinerated in the concentration camps.

The severe atrocities committed by the Third Reich - were ordered by Adolf Hitler, who was Austrian - spoke German - and used his rhetoric to stir the ire of those who were hurting.

We also know that Adolf Hitler hated the Gypsies and killed millions of Gypsies.

 Anyone that opposed the Nazis was rounded up and killed - these included - Catholics too, who resisted Hitler - and other faiths too. 

In fact, Hitler and the Third Reich did not tolerate opposition to the Nazi mandates - if they found out you opposed their demands - they murdered you.

Many do not know that after World War I - which the Germans lost - the Germans had to pay for losing and pay their adversaries in money and other goods - bringing starvation and deep starvation - to the Germans and others, making the Germans suffer and starve. 

Those who defeated the Germans - demanding large sums of money, taking hold of crops like wheat, rye - whatever they needed - starving the Germans to death.

Students protest at Columbia University - those that took control of Hamilton Hall - where the Columbia Dean has his office - was taken over by outsiders - who barred the doors - and caused damage to Hamilton Hall - The New York Police Department swat team had to come in - using " flash and bang " canisters to remove those who decided to use violence and cause damage - that has nothing to do with the Columbia students - the outsiders, mudding the waters.

Today, we see the same things happen in Gaza - in recent years - we have never, ever seen so many infants, children, Elders, and so many innocent Palestinians die.

Collateral damage from the laser-guided bombs and other artillery fire included ammunition, bombs, tanks, missiles, and Patriot and Iron Dome missile interceptors - supplied by the United States to Israel.

It is just a matter of time before the International Court of Justice - declares the United States complicit in the genocide linked to Gaza and other areas.

Funding Israel with money, military software, and hardware - aiding and abetting without permission from Congress - encouraging sordid " crimes against humanity. "

No nation can use our United States taxpayers' money to kill, maim, destroy thousands of homes and buildings, and destroy infrastructure, forcing thousands to live in tents and face inclement weather. 

If Congress disapproves of this military material - then it is illegal.

University Austin, Texas.

University Austin, Texas

University Columbia - New York

University Columbia - New York

University Austin, Texas

University California, Los Angeles.

Always speak truth to power.

The universities in the United States are protesting, and we must remember that Columbia, Harvard, George Town University in Washington, UC Los Angeles, UC Berkeley, the University of Austin in Texas, and Fordham University - in New York. Brown University, Providence - and other universities each followed protocol and protested, and rightly so.

The conscience of protesting has always come from our United States universities.

The legacy left by our United States universities is well known. It is time for the presidents of the United States universities to make a sound needs assessment of what is transpiring before our eyes—our U.S. universities—and some presidents are perplexed, confused, and confounded.

The university Presidents—the Deans—are perplexed and confounded. Many of the Presidents linked to the universities underestimated the students.

In 1968, hundreds were arrested at Columbia University, protesting the Vietnam War. Today, in our digital world, the students are far advanced while the Presidents of the Universities and Law Enforcement have remained dormant - failing to move with the times.  

The brut force of any kind has no place whatsoever at our university campuses.

Even as education has reached a different pinnacle, those who have to maintain law and order are left behind using force - more, using unruly force to take down women students and others vulnerable -  making a fool of themselves. 

When some university leaders at the top lack empathy, fail to make a sound needs assessment or get in trouble, they call the Police -betraying their ignorance - to rescue them.

Students cannot go back to 1968—the other protests followed after that—today, the circumstances are far removed, and even the United States government is confounded to address the current demonstrations and divestments linked to Israel and its ruthless bombing and genocide.

We are now in a digital world - with real-time information - portraying how incompetent some universities' leadership is.

Soon, classes will offer a unique curriculum to address our times when large amounts of money—tuition fees—are demanded to deliver poor education, many universities and colleges are uneducated on issues, and their hearts are in the wrong place. 

The Police must be called only as a last resort - even if they are called, they must not harm the students.

Our students must only be judged by those who know about the present generation and the many hoops in their way. Every day, they fight for a better life while those holding positions pretend to care for the students and fleece them with cheap education.

The present generation - who have been lied to - and failed policies on every level - where is the dialog?

Where is the understanding? Do not talk down to the students and think you will get away from murder in broad daylight.

Protests attract other protestors - anarchists - troublemakers - who do not belong near any university and come from long distances to add fuel to the fire. 

We have professional troublemakers—fanatics and anarchists—who are trained to cause trouble. 

They are not students—they are troublemakers and must be dealt with severely.

Of course, no one is prepared for such scenarios, but they happen all the time - mainly because those with ulterior motives take advantage of the situation in the pandemonium.

In the future, all universities must be ready to deal with these anarchists - they are the same that invaded Capitol Hill.

The same Zionist anarchists that attacked the students at UC Los Angeles - they travel long distances - just to create turmoil and pandemonium.

At the University of California Los Angeles - there were violent atrocities committed by Zionists against the Gaza protestors - who did not provoke anyone. 

These outsiders Zionists, some in their 40s and 50s, should be ashamed of themselves.

The Police, too, their time - and all this a more - creates more problems. 

In the meantime, without having the necessary negotiations - talking about suspending the students - firing some - and talking about punishment instead of negotiating and having some common sense to avert confusion and hatred is paramount.

The Presidents and Deans of these universities should have foreseen the current situation, such as non-students trespassing and occupying Hamilton Hall near Columbia University.  

Hundreds of New York Police gathered to smoke out the folks - using " flash and bang" canisters who occupied Hamilton Hall - and took hours to handle the situation - many of the protestors who had taken control of the building - fled to the rooftop - only to be arrested.

Anyway, if one looks at this pandemonium, the students will win.

It may take years, but in the end, truth prevails, and the same old ways of doing business must change—and with it, the old mentality that stinks to high heaven.

Those so-called political Elders have yet to learn how the students think and live and that the students' opinions matter. Today's students will be tomorrow's leaders - the old Ford Motor Car has been used but will not win the race.

Quantum technology is around the corner - and our courses taught at the universities have yet to keep up with the latest information.

The politics today are tarnished - where the fair play and justice - that the many policies say must be enforced - confusion and hate is rampant.

Students need clarification on their own campus - and the Presidents and Deans trying to find solutions - they were all sleeping in the cockpit.

George Washington statute at the George Washington University - draped with flags of Palestine surrounded by tents - showing the world we still have genuine freedom in the United States - unlike so many autocratic governments - that kill and maim at will - including Israel - that talk the talk but fail to walk the walk.

The politicians lie, cheat, and hoodwink the public in broad daylight.

For how long can we tolerate and look the other way - while thousands are maimed and killed - infants and children in Gaza?

Can you imagine the United States Congress looking the other way and supplying bombs, tanks, ammunition, jets, and all sorts of military software and hardware - to Israel?

These military hardware and soft wear materials cannot be used to kill and maim - but Israel does just that -  so do you think the United States is complicit?

Many cases linked to the United States and Europe are before the International Court of Justice - a branch of the United Nations - the ICJ cases move at a snail's pace - some cases take years to be adjudicated. Time will tell.

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