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Thursday, May 23, 2024



Benjamin Netanyahu is bidding his time - the International Criminal Court has a warrant for him - the Court in Israel - has indicted him for abject corruption - what else is needed to - bring this warmonger to book?

From the days of the Ottoman Empire to the British, to Hitler and the Third Reich - to the United Nations declaring Israel as a State - and openly accepting Palestinians - having their own State - but in a roundabout way.

Kudos to Spain, Norway, and Ireland for standing up for freedom, justice, and fair play. These three nations have the balls to speak Truth to Freedom.

The Palestinians have lived in an open jail having no freedom - the Israelis armed the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank - under occupation for over 75 years.

The Israeli use " Administrative Detention " to charge any Palestinian girl, woman, boy, man, Elder, those with compromised health and jail them.

Those arrested and jailed can spend years coming before any court or judge. In the interim, the Palestinians are subjected to all sorts of torture, rape, starvation -  and the International Criminal Court has all the empirical data and more.

The October 6, 2023 incident was under Benjamin Netanyahu's watch. 

Israeli intelligence had prior knowledge about the invasion, but those in charge did not care to take precautions.

In particular, one woman from an Israeli intelligence soldier had prior information. 

This Israeli woman soldier deciphered the material that came to her desk.

She immediately brought it to the attention of her superiors in the Israel Army - who neglected to take immediate action.

Imagine bringing the information to the attention of the higher Israeli officers - who failed her and brought about this horrific incident. Who do you think is responsible?

Benjamin Netanyahu had excellent relations with Hamas for over 35 years. What made him go against his former agents of dubious actions - how much money did he amass to fill his coffers?

Hamas - who are not Palestinians - but more from Egypt - the Muslim Brotherhood - thousands are jailed in Egypt - this is a fact.

Hamas established the Brotherhood's political arm in Gaza in December 1987  following the outbreak of the first Intifada - an uprising against Israeli occupation of the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem.

Hamas also saw an opportunity to come to Gaza and the West Bank - when the Palestinian Authority - failed to be united and compromised the security and well-being of the Palestinian people.

For over 35 years, Benjamin Netanyahu received millions of dollars from the Arab nations - foremost Qatar - as the vital receiver and siphoned the. Money - to Hamas and other entities - divide and rule - has been Netanyahu's forte.

Many branches of Hamas run clinics and hospitals, distribute food, have schools and religious schools, run large operations, provide transportation, construction, and so on.

Hamas military operations are separate and independent, and therein lies the crux of today's problem.

Hamas has constructed over 250 miles of tunnels under the Gaza Strip, given that the enclave consists of some 140 miles - the ingenuity of Hamas and their engineers has baffled the world.

Underground - Hamas all that it needs - they have been self-sufficient - and have had access to Egypt underground - for decades - Israel knows this - Benjamin Netanyahu knows this - what Benjamin Netanyahu did not expect was to be betrayed by Hamas.

The October 6, 2023 invasion may have been carried on earlier than expected - fearing a treaty between Saudi Arabia and Israel - that the Hamas leadership objected - Benjamin Netanyahu - was caught sleeping in the cockpit.

What is at issue here is the indiscriminate bombing of Gaza - adhering to the principles of the " Principle of Proportionality " - we, the United States Army, adhere to the Principle of Proportionality - so does Britain, Australia, Germany, and any civilized nation.

Why is the world accepting this genocide - killing and maiming innocent Palestinian infants, children, women, men, Elders, and those with compromised health?

Even as the International Criminal Court has a warrant for Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli Defense Minister - hundreds of innocent Palestinians are being killed and maimed - this is shocking, and no one is doing anything about it.

Joe Biden has failed us miserably.

The United States cannot pander to Israel - now defending Israel - when Israel and the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have killed 37,000 innocent Palestinians - more than half of them infants, children, and youth.

The coming U.S. General Elections - will not bear well for Joe Biden - unless he severed all relations with Israel - when it comes to supplying Israel with ammunition, bombs, jets, tanks, and all the war weapons and accessories Israel is using in this going GENOCIDE.

No decent army will kill innocent infants, children, youth, women and men, our Elders - and those with compromised health.

The principle of Proportionality. has been used by every Army that standards - the war in Gaza is a disgrace to the human race.

The United Nations and the United States have tried their best to work with Israel - the United Nations is fed up - forcing the Security Council to take many matters to the General Assembly - the General Assembly agrees with the U.N Security Council- only for Israel to defy the United Nations.

It is time to suspend Israel from the United Nations - in the case of the International Criminal Court - both Israel and the United States are NOT party to the International Criminal Court.

While both Israel and the United States - may purport that not being a signatory to the mandates of the International Criminal Court  (ICC)- may I bring it to the attention of the world - some standards must be in force - since when do we want to act like barbarians or as renegades. 

The flag of the United States

As a Superpower, the United States has won the world's respect.

In - recent months - since the Gaza war erupted, the many Resolutions passed by the Security Council - having been voted in the majority to proceed - have been stalled by the United States favoring Israel - and the United States using the Veto Vote.

Slowly but surely,  many nations have lost respect for the United States.

The United States is now looked upon as the stooge for Israel.

This indictment by the ICC is a signal and stern warning to Israel to change its ways.

The majority of the citizens of Israel want the hostages released - this could have been done a long time ago.

Most Israeli citizens disapprove of Benjamin Netanyahu calling the shots - he has failed the Israelis and the world. 

Israel is not acting as a democratic nation - the circle around Benjamin Netanyahu - stinks of Sulphur and Autocracy.

No nation should be killing and maiming so many infants, children, youth, Elders, and those with compromised health.

There are hundreds of Israel soldiers - who disagree with the actions of the Israel Defense Force  (IDF) - Israel is moving away from being a nation of laws - and has failed the " smelt " test.



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