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Saturday, July 29, 2023


Indigenous children were removed from their homes - primarily reservations - and taken to over 400 day and boarding schools - to be brainwashed - and learn the ways and means of the Whites - causing generational trauma - that has yet to be addressed and owned - by those who speak from both sides of their mouth.

The indigenous people on Turtle Island have lived here for over 15,000 years. Most know it as the United States of America.

In our schools, colleges, and universities - the history taught is tainted - convoluted - and a disgrace to the human race.

If only people read and understood the generational trauma - most indigenous tribe bear within - and yet arise to shine - given the opportunity.

The intense love and nurturing of indigenous tribes linked to infants, children, youth, and young adults - is well known - by those familiar with the indigenous tribes.

The atrocities committed by the evil Whites - devils - like Richard Pratt, who created the Carlisle Indian Industrial School in Pennsylvania in 1879 - have been recorded in detail and stink to high heaven.

Between 1880 and 1902, over 100,000 indigenous children were removed from their homes and sent to these sordid boarding schools to be brainwashed.

Many of these innocent children were ill-treated and died - some buried in mass graves - and others in single graves.

Today there is a movement to remove the remains - from these boarding school cemeteries - and bury those children on land that belongs to their ancestors - or land given to their tribes - so-called reservations. 

At the many sordid boarding schools - the innocent children could not use their native names or speak their language.

The children were deprived of their culture - forced to embrace Christianity - their names changed - what else is there to say.

Many indigenous children were leased out to White families as indentured servants.

All these atrocities perpetuated generational trauma - that the United States government, the U.S. Supreme Court, has not adjudicated abject discrimination cases - more, as the land was stolen, all of it - every square inch - once known better as Turtle Island.

The Hopi were incarcerated at Alcatraz -  after they protested not to send their children to the boarding schools -many run by Christian missionaries - who still have not apologized - have blood on their hands.

Chief Lomahongyoma and 18 others of the Hopi tribes refused to send their children to these sordid boarding schools.

Chief Lomahongyoma and his men were arrested and imprisoned at Alcatraz Island.

"Kill the Indian in him and save the man" - a mantra uttered - that today is not tolerated - but the discrimination continues subtly.

Such slogans were uttered, and the indigenous were treated with utter disdain.

In 2023, what do the so-called civilized Whites have to say about these actions - who have BLOOD on their hands. The many missionaries - evil to the core and a disgrace to the human race.

Here on Turtle Island - our Elders - with wisdom - warned us not to trust those who speak with a forked tongue.

Today more than ever before - this is true - with fanatics - forming one-third of our population not believing in our Constitution. 

The Constitution clearly states how traitors must be dealt with - as it is written - most of the scumbags who invaded Capitol Hill on January 6, 2021 - were traitors -  have not been dealt with as stated in the Constitution. 

Different strokes for different folks - open your eyes - more your hearts and repent - you that have blood on your hands - will fall flat on your face. 

Never mind if your great grandfather and mother - or your great, great grandfather and mother - with intent committed crimes against the indigenous tribes.

You, the present generation, must repent and see  - comprehend that restitution must be executed fairly and justly. Time is running out - and you can run and hide - Karma awaits you.

It is challenging to understand how some folks who landed on this land - already found that it was occupied - then arbitrarily made up some fake stories - and resorted to stealing, cheating, and naming this land that was stolen - as theirs.

Here in California, indigenous tribes are still waiting for recognition - many were promised land - and as usual, lied to. 

Such atrocities prevail to this day - right here in San Francisco.

Children from many tribes were shipped here to California - a sister to Los Angeles, a brother to Oakland - no decent human being does this - but that segment that did it - must owe it - retribution. 

Of all the children here on this land - indigenous children suffer the most. I know this because I talk to them - and they tell me - how they feel about the many injustices.

Recently, many indigenous tribes have sent their children to schools, colleges, and universities.

This has allowed many to represent their tribes at conferences - events such as what happened at Standing Rock.

Conferences on subjects like Water is Life - Missing Indigenous Women, Education, Transportation, Food Security, Nutrition, Health, and Safety.  

The Cherokee Nation has over 350,000 citizens making it the most significant tribal nation. 

Once the Cherokee owned millions of acres of land - a fertile valley, grew one-of-a-kind crops, that their own language with their own alphabets, their own newspapers - designed and built their own homes.

The Whites saw this and stole their land - only for the Cherokee to come back and repurchase their land - a history that is not told in its entirety - Long live the Cherokee, and long live the many indigenous tribes - that today - stand tall and represent.  

We are still here.

Slowly but surely, we will rise and shine.

American Indian Tribes

Our culture and costumes have held the test of time.


Our Elders know best.

From generation to generation, we establish what rightly is ours.

Our inheritance goes back 15,000 years.

Every indigenous infant is precious - stop the genocide.

STOP messing with the innocent.

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