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Friday, August 4, 2023



The small chorus frog makes a loud noise.

Check out this chorus frog:

Ever since I was young - I always checked out the many forests. There is a certain peace that I experience when I am in a thick forest - that peace allows me to see nature - in a completely different way.

I can find a place - a meadow - even a tree that I could climb - and look at nature and make it speak to me. And there is more .....

I first look for Amphibians, which include frogs, toads, newts, and salamanders. I deeply sense where the frogs thrive - most everything is healthy.

This includes the nearby rivers and lakes - the birds and fish - the animals of every kind - that humans have failed to acknowledge and respect.

Those- and those that contaminate and pollute - without consideration - must be ashamed of themselves. They have numbed their conscience and think they are running away from Karma.

I also look around for the many birds that have taught me much.

I like to imitate the sounds of the birds - and this and more always kept me grounded.

Of course, animals have lived in our forests for thousands of years. Rarely do we do a needs assessment - why is it that in just less than three hundred years - we have done so much damage to Mother Earth?

From a young boy, I interacted with animals - and learned how to keep my distance - and at times have come close to a lion, tiger, wild hogs - and kept my cool.

Wild animals have an innate sense - and can figure out - more about human beings - than we humans about these animals who are so majestic and need to be respected. 

Humans deeply connected with the animals around them for thousands of years.

Then as humans moved away, attracted to concrete and density living -  we lost this relationship with nature  - more those who live in the many concrete jungles for a prolonged period - all over the world.

With the abject clear-cutting of old-growth forests - the Ozone layer has been compromised. 

As the Ozone layer is depleted - the sun penetrates the Earth - and warms our oceans and the land.

Healthy Coral

Bleached Coral - this phenomenon is mindboggling.

We can learn more to know more to do more :

As our oceans warm, the healthy coral is getting bleached. An entire ecosystem surrounding the coral is impacting fish and other sea life.

Some scientists have managed to rescue healthy coral - and increase that population - by creating a kind of coral farm on land. 

In some cases, they have been successful - allowing the farm-controlled coral to adapt to warmer waters and survive.

This is a painstaking job - the scientists are doing their best - and seeing is believing that the humans that created this mess can also bring some solace and save the coral.

The gradual heating of the oceans and the land has caused drought, large fires, and failure of crops, rivers, and wells drying up, and we hear about these facts - we see them - and yet we do not change our ways.

The Oceans have been recorded at 70 degrees Fahrenheit - bleaching coral - creating toxic algae - adversely impacting the Oceans, land, and seashore. 

In the United States, millions still cannot see what is happening and keep ignoring Climate Change. Time will tell. This denial defies logic - and those ignorant cannot see the facts - the empirical data.

The floods caused by hurricanes - havoc affected so many - millions have lost their homes - and thousands have died - from floods and related issues.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has published its recent 2023 report.

It spells out that on August 2, 2023, humans over-consumed so much from the Earth - all over the world - earlier than the records - kept. Please take some time to read the link below - to better understand the facts - and share the information with those that care.

In the past - to calculate how humans consumed food and used other resources - it was tallied at the end of each year - December was a time and date - as the records showed. The United States peaked in March 2023, months before December 2023.

Please read the report - IPCC 2023.


The warm ocean waters - all over our Earth - have given rise to algae - that produce toxins.

The fish and other species like the whales and the dolphins are all confused - and while some of us have empathy - many do not give a damn, and those that think all is well are confounded.

The Coralls are dying - and we know that millions of fish - are confused and have no food they relied on in the past.

Again and again, millions of fish are found dead on shorelines all over the Earth - the Oceans are speaking to us.

Much as the forest and the inferno they experience are begging us to pay attention.

How can we be so ignorant and stupid and fail - to continue to spew so much carbon dioxide into the air - use millions of tons of coal - other fuels - pollution, and dangerous particulates, and fail not to pay attention to the harm done to the Ozone layer - that has regulated the amount of sun that hits the Earth.

The Polar bears - cannot find their way - as the snow that once was thick created a way for the Polar bear and other animals to travel miles on land - covered by thick snow.

Today Polar bears and other animals like the reindeer are now stranded on ice islands - drifting - and putting these animals in harm's way - more the young animals.

We have raging fires; the ones in Canada have been raging for months; we had them here in California; we have them in Italy and Greece - all over the world.

Recently Beijing, China, experienced a 500 years flood. Slovenia, too, has experienced severe flooding - the estimated damage is over 500,000,000 Euros.

In the United States, not a month goes by without severe flooding - the damage caused is in the millions of dollars - the  U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency - stands ready to help.  

Some nations like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nigeria, and India - where emergency help comes to the rescue weeks after the calamity - the United Nations, the World Bank, and other International organizations - have yet to create an International  Emergency Plan to help - those in dire straits.

It is time those large entities using millions of tons of coal - large petroleum companies - nations like Saudi Arabia, Russia, and others too many to name - contribute to the International Emergency Plan - to help the needy.

Be prepared to send heavy-duty equipment to move large objects - heavy-duty trucks - other emergency tools to - save lives and show their humanity.

Again and again - thousands die - because they linger in distress for weeks on end. We must not make light - when we can save lives - and not treat human beings - like fodder.

We see the pictures on our television screens - and many do not think much of the infernos - created by Climate Change.

The rivers, the lakes, and the oceans are here for us to enjoy - flora and fauna - and all the creatures we see thrive - when all is in order.

As the years go by - we are losing species - between 55,000 - 73,000 yearly that go extinct.

More and more, Climate Change has changed how we grow our vegetables and fruits - the grape vines and the apples, peaches, pistachios, and what have you.

We need more water to water the trees - and have less water for extensive irrigation. Must be pondering - and do something - or is it business as usual?

The indigenous people have also told us - to take little and leave more for future generations.

Of course, the GREEDY have not heeded this wisdom - they take all they can get - and their avarice knows no bounds.

It is a paradox the farmers in drought-stricken Arizona - use precious water from the Colorado River - to grow Alfafa - to send the produce to Saudi Arabia to feed the cows and horses - making a mockery of our resources - more in this drought.

The same applies to farmers who will suck the water from the watershed, thus depleting the watershed - and look for water to irrigate from elsewhere - just to make a fast buck.

Water is Life.

I  said Water is Life. 

You greedy bastards - more those in the business of petroleum, coal, and corporation that spew toxins in the air - you better realize who will fall flat on your face - if you abuse Mother Earth.

This is what I saw for myself on my trip to Alaska.

In Alaska - the large glaciers are melting - the more we deplete the Ozone layer - we harm ourselves. Mother Earth 
can heal itself - that two-legged animal - is bringing its demise.


The extensive forests absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it in carbon pools, including trees (both living and dead),  root systems, the forest floor, soils, and undergrowth.  

The live trees and many in Northern California where I live - the Redwoods, the Sequoia - have the highest carbon density storage - followed by soils and the forest floor.

The indigenous tribes once cleared the undergrowth - and at times set controlled fires, and all was well.

The indigenous took care of Turtle Island for over 15,000 years.

The United States Forest Department has yet to sit down with the Indigenous tribes and learn from them about the forest, the salmon, and the many things - the ignorant U.S. Forest Department and other U.S. Agencies  - could have known - but have not because they are arrogant.

The United States of America - like Andrew Jackson - stole every square inch - stole the land from the Indigenous tribes, and has not compensated the Indigenous tribes.

The United States stole millions of acres of forest land and permitted the killing - of millions of buffalo roaming the plains. Committed many atrocities, all recorded, and, to this day - have not atoned for their evil ways.

 And helped to torch our old-growth forests and other forests - because they have failed to adhere to common sense - and do not respect Mother Earth.

Let us step aside and speak about another important topic involving our very being - the way we think and act - the way we balance ourselves - as intelligent human beings.

We must remember to nourish our bodies with sound nutrition - not the junk food that so many favors and contaminate their bodies with nitrates, sulfates, and other preservatives - poisonous to our bodies.

It is a shame the number of folks who suffer from cancer. Diabetes is on the increase. Dementia and mental issues are now the surge of millions.

It costs over a thousand dollars a day - when one is admitted to a hospital. Less if you take in a five-star hotel. They pump you with various medications - many manufactured in India and China.

When can we not manufacture the medicines here in the United States? 

We must breathe clean air - and if it is contaminated - find out who are the culprits?

We must be educated on issues - and learn to discern. 

There is much information out there - we must know to filter the news - and educate ourselves. 

Common sense is a rare sense - and as we go along on this journey on this Earth - we must uplift one another by good actions.

We wonder why few go to church - places of worship and do not listen to those who pontificate.

One can lie so much - and our contemporary generation - will speak truth to power. 

We listen to hypocrites who say one thing and do another.

Good leaders know the way, show the way, and go the way.

Some in authority can try their best to lie and use fear to persuade - it simply will not work.

The mind is powerful, and the grey matter we use has yet to be determined - it is used during our lifetime.

The scientists who look into this matter - say we do not use a more significant part of the grey matter - studies are done - after we close our eyes and depart.

Finally, the spirit that each of us has maintains the most critical balance and preponderance of our being.  

Most of us know and admit that good actions count.

We must ponder when cheap clothes are made in Bangladesh and brought by those greedy for cheap and sold for many dollars more - this nonsense must stop.

The cheap trinkets we get from India, China, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and other third-world countries are made of inferior and contaminated materials - a large amount of carbon dioxide spews and depletes the Ozone level - making these defective products. 

The rivers and lakes are contaminated with chemicals that poison those close to the factories - this is the case in Africa, too - where Uranium, Gold, Silver, Copper, and Zinc resources that could help the local population are taken away by China, Russia, England, France, Denmark and so on. 

Petroleum products and clear-cutting forests in Brazil and parts of Africa - adversely impact Mother Earth. 

The Amazon forests and other extensive forests all over the world - act as lungs and keep our environment clean - clear-cutting the forest is a crime against humanity.

In the interim, China, India, the United States, and Europe - keep depleting the Ozone level - while shooting arrows in the air.

It does not help that the Ukrainian War contributes to contamination and pollution. 

The military in those countries that export ammunition, military tanks, and related weapons - all contribute to the depletion of the Ozone level. 

They must STOP the pollution and contamination of this precious Mother Earth.

The U.N. Security Council has failed us all - we have clearly seen this with Russia and Vladimir Putin.

The United Nations must amend the ways it does business.

We are far from having this notion of the Five Super Powers having veto power. 

No one in their right mind - will agree to this - in today's world.

The United Nations Security Council is a JOKE.

The General Assembly may vote to restrict Vladamir Putin - but the monster should have been taken out - a couple of days - after he invaded Ukraine.

We have antiquated institutions like the United Nations, the World Courts, and other bodies - that cannot adjudicate - and talk tongue-in-cheek - while thousands die - worldwide.

Closer to home Donald Trump another maniac - is backed by fanatics who make up one-third of our population in the United States - about 340 million.

The United States spent a trillion plus dollars - fighting in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, and Libya - where are the weapons of mass destruction - and why were those who sent our troops - on wrong assumptions - not in jail?

The thousand who died - innocent citizens in Ukraine - is mindboggling, and we tolerate this autocratic maniac from still moving around and taking from both sides of his mouth.

As we all know, there is a crisis when it comes to Food Security - many countries in Africa, Indonesia, and the Middle East  - buy their wheat, rye, sunflower oil, and more - no one really does not include death and those dying from starvation - rape, and other atrocities - linked to the International Panel on Climate Change report - why?

This frog wants to know why we pollute?

The Indigenous have been here for 15,000 years. 

Can you all stop polluting Mother Earth?

Can we have some empathy for Africa, the home of humankind?


Let us respect Mother Earth - and all that is good within it.

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