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Tuesday, July 11, 2023



The heat wave that has engulfed the entire Earth.

For thousands of years, the indigenous tribes have taken less and kept more for future generations.

Then came the " greedy. "

These creatures are the worst that live on this Earth - and continue to harm the Earth - exploiting resources not only where they live - but invading other nations - and fostering their evil - greed. 

It is not right for the colonial nations to still carry on their greedy actions - in places like the continent of Africa - stealing rare metals, harvesting old-growth forests,  pretending to train many African nations - to help them increase their agricultural recourses - and then exporting them to places like China. 

It is a shame that vast areas - old-growth forests have been clear cut - in regions like Brazil - encroaching on indigenous tribes - and killing the indigenous tribes to satiate their greed.

Once the Belgians killed and ransacked the natives - they used the natives to slave and paid them little, if nothing.

The Belgian King Leopold II was ruthless - cutting off hands - and chopping off heads - stealing the resources from Belgian Congo - today's Rwanda and Burundi.

Recently Aterian, based in England, discovered large lithium deposits in Rwanda.

Yet another company, Trinity, has invested millions - frolicking with Finance Minister from Rwanda - Uzziel Ndagijimana  - purporting to employ 5000 employees.

We all know about " Blood Diamonds " - it is the same with mining cobalt, lithium, and other rare metals found all over Africa - which is a Continent - exploited today - by those colonial - good for nothing - whose main purpose is to take more and give little to the African nations. 

Many African nations in Central and East Africa are facing severe drought.


We cannot and must look - the other way. Infants, children, and no human should be left to starve to death.

The Main Media has failed to address the dire disparities that millions have endured for the last 80 years all over Africa.

Millions of Africans have died - we see pictures of famished infants, mothers walking with their children - to locations hundreds of miles from where they live - to areas with some water - to survive. 

We have seen disparities, starvation, and other atrocities happen in the past in places like Darfur, Sudan, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, Angola, Mozambique, and I could go on. 

Even today, millions in Africa have NOT received their vaccination against the raging pandemic.

MODERNA, which created the mRNA vaccine, was backed and financed by the taxpayers of the United States. 

Today, China has paid MODERNA - one billion dollars - to provide Communist China with vaccines. Does anyone comprehend this paradox?

The World Health Organization has devised a plan to help the poor countries - they have yet to achieve their goal. That is putting it mildly.

I could name others who have failed - there is a bias - deep bias, more abject discrimination - against Africa and Africans. This must STOP.

The Organization Nation of African Unity (OAU) has been trying to unite - and stay united. Since it was formed on May 25, 1963, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - 32 nations that had achieved independence joined and formed the OAU.

The number of nations today stands at 54, and the complexities brought by some countries - like the present Civil War in Sudan is mind blogging. 

I was a young man and lived in Nairobi, Kenya, when the OAU was formed. As years went by, I was fortunate to travel the world - and meet people from all walks of life. Since I lived once in Nairobi, Kenya - I could speak to the happenings - as best as I understood them.

I met and am familiar with leaders like Jomo Kenyatta, Julius Neyrere, Gamal Abdul Nasser, Golda Meir, Jawaharlal Nehru, Kwame Nkrumah, and others. 

Again the so-called richer nations can and could have put together some sustainable and viable plans to address safety, agriculture, clean energy, education, transportation, health, communication, and more. 

The time has come to treat human beings worldwide with respect.

The pandemic proved to us all - that we can handle a pandemic only when we address the adverse impacts concertedly.

The heat rampant heat wave impacting Africa and Asia.

Heat waves and fires in North America and Canada - have played havoc, and dangerous particulates cause more harm PM.2.5.

The so-called developed nations - Communist China is still considered a developed nation - are still trying to compete with the more developed nations - for all the wrong reasons.

We cannot and should not be using fossil fuels at this stage with all our empirical data - linked to pollution, contamination, drought, diseases, starvation, and many other adverse impacts that pile up - just because we cannot help ourselves and be less greedy.

Today we can use Artificial Intelligence (AI) and address many issues easily.

AI can easily create vaccines to address a particular type of cancer and cure it.

AI now tracks and informs us of many issues - fires before they happen. 

AI can aid Metrology and help us with the weather.

AI can create paragraphs related to any subject and issue - and baffle us some.

AI can stop starvation - help us with food security - and aid us with nutrition, logistics, and much more needed information.

Paradoxically, humans have invested much money into Artificial Intelligence (AI) to foster greed and make money.

Our infants, children, youth, young adults, our beloved Elders, and those with compromised health - more the physically and mentally challenged - are an integral part of the human race - homo sapiens. 

Science, Technology, Religions, and Philosophies- experts in many fields - look at many issues differently.

The war in Ukraine - will reveal to many what happens when we do not checkmate Autocratic governments.

Vladimir Putin - his clowning days are over.

The circus we witnessed in Russia recently when Vladimir Putin - was made to look like a clown without a red ball on his nose.

This monster has no conscience - he has BLOOD on his hands - thousands killed infants, children, youth, innocent women and men - and he and his lackeys think they can get away with murder in broad daylight.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was fast asleep - you will remember Germany once wanted to help Ukraine by sending helmets - today, it is ready to help with tanks, ammunition, and what have you.

Finland, Sweden, France, Italy, Germany, the United States, England, Canada, Australia, and Denmark - the 3I nations that belong - to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization with more on the way - are united - we must keep Autocratic governments at bay.

The raging wars in Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, parts of Africa, and elsewhere in the world - have tasked the United Nations.

The United Nations Security Council can come out with many resolutions - none of which matter.

Today the use of Veto Power by the Big Five - is a major hindrance. 

Russia and China using VETO power to stall peace and muddy the waters.

Even when the United Nations General Assembly meets - the many decisions and adjudications need to be deeper and mean something.

There is a Sunami prevalent among autocratic nations like China, Russia, India, Syria, many African countries, and many South American nations - that detest true democracy and freedom.

There is true freedom, and there is a license.
Abuse of freedom is license.

We owe it to our Elders who fought for freedom, and our children, who must be loved and not treated with disdain.

Many of our youth are lied to and need genuine guidance and clarification - our youth need to be given the direction and education that matters.

There is much information in cyberspace - much of it must be filtered. 

To filter the mudded waters, one must be educated on issues and able to discern and adjudicate cases fairly and justly.

The thoughts that come to our mind are just thoughts - we must treat our bodies with care and the best nutrition.

Similarly, our mind can be endowed with good reading, discerning right from wrong - and wholesome meditation. 

One may not believe- silence is a healer.

Nature - spending time alone in the woods, by the river, if you are lucky, the hills and mountains are best - to nourish the soul.

Animals - riding a horse - a horse can teach one a lot - from the first day one touches the nose of the horse - it remembers you - you love the horse, and the horse will love you.

It is the same with dogs and cats - they know more from their gifts than the two-legged being.

Music calms the soul - and poetry and good reading empower one to stand tall and represent.

Sports are good and teach teamwork and discipline. I know what I speak of as I practice what I preach. Many a person who has worked with me - continues to keep in touch with me.

Our spirit must be wholesome - from good actions - uplifting one another - and infinite patience in dealing with those who must be encouraged. 

If you save one life - that is a miracle. You will be blessed.

All of the above must be linked to humility.

Those that want to overpower and are boastful - as we see here in the United States - act as fanatics - will fail.

The Indigenous people have always cared for Mother Earth.

This care for Mother Earth transcends everything - unconditional love for others. Love and respect for nature.

The fact that women bear children is a miracle to behold.

Both father and mother must nature children - if fathers and mothers fail to do so - we know the result - it is not very pleasant.

Today there is false hope; many focus on individualism and being greedy. 

Greed leads to avarice and from avarice to destruction - as we are witnessing today. 

While the Earth is experiencing an extreme heat wave - and we have nations that have had a drought for four and five years in a row - we are also experiencing a pandemic - with variants ready to spread - and foster endemic.

Each human being is priceless - each has a role in our universe.

We, humans, are precious even as we are fragile - we know this - but at some point, greed takes us to a place - that is dark.

Prayers are needed to heal and create a balance created by confusion and pandemonium. 

Good leaders know the way - show the way - and. go the way.

Only those whose hearts are in the right place  - can take others to a better place. Aho.


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