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Monday, July 24, 2023



California was named after the mythical warrior queen CALAFIA.

Sutter's Mill site - where gold was first found - the news spread rapidly and the rest is history - sordid as it may be.

California is the fourth largest economy in the world.

The Gold Rush brought over 10,000 folks, most from the East Coast - greedy bastards who heard about Gold - in 1849.

The many wooden ships were deserted by the present Ferry Building and surrounding areas - and those gold seekers - headed for the mountains

Check this out:

The facts about the gold rush and the adverse impact on the indigenous people who lived here for over 15,000 years - are not told to many  - folks are kept ignorant - and ignorance can lead to evil actions.

Seven hundred and fifty thousand pounds of Gold was mined in and around the property where Gold was found - and the rivers surrounding where the Gold was found - were polluted with toxic and contaminated - mercury.

The indigenous tribes were enslaved, and blacks and other people of color were treated with disdain.

Until 1927, one could kill an indigenous person and fetch a measly $5 for the scalp.

Edicts were sent by California governors - most racists to the core - and this mentality still exists with the current Governors - who have not addressed the genuine concerns of the indigenous tribes.

In California today, we have 110 indigenous tribes that are Federally Recognized.

45 indigenous tribes - formally recognized - terminated - as part of the United States termination policy.

The termination policy established in 1950 - the United States chose not to recognize these indigenous tribes - arbitrarily.

Before the Gold Rush, an estimated 200,000 indigenous people - between 1840 - 1870, this population was reduced to 12,000 predominantly - falling prey to diseases from strangers (Whites).

The laws of the time did not recognize the indigenous tribes are human beings - enslaving adults and even indigenous children was common.

18 treaties were signed between 1851 and 1852 between the indigenous tribes and the United States government - the Bureau of Indian Affairs playing a leading role.

7.5 million acres were reserved for the California indigenous tribes - only for the United States Senate to reject this mandate - a meeting held in secret and led by the California Senate.

Our elders have always proclaimed - do not trust those that speak with a forked tongue.

Many indigenous tribes signed the treaty - sold their belongings, and proceeded to the land set aside for the California indigenous tribes - only to be turned away. Just are the ways of the devil.

In 1905 some 55 years later, the indigenous tribes were told of the secret meeting held by the United States Senators who rejected the earlier treaties signed between 1851 and 1852.

In 1850 the State of California passed laws, and each one of these laws seriously adversely impacted the innocent indigenous tribes who lived here on Turtle Island for over 15,000 years.

Note the sordid laws:

     *  A justice of the peace to remove Indians from lands in a white person's possession. 

     *  Any Indian to be declared vagrant (upon word of a white person), thrown in jail, and sold at auction for up to four months with no pay.

     *  The kidnapping, selling, and use of Indian children as slaves.

     *  Indentured servitude of any Indian ( from 2 years to 50 years were reported - as many as 110 -  mentioned in one report).

     *  Prohibited Indian from testifying in court against a white.

This notion that the Whites were superior and indigenous people were inferior persisted until 1950, a hundred years later, and even beyond. Why would these jerks want anyone to assimilate into their sordid ways?

Who do you think brought the diseases like smallpox, - sexually transmitted infections, and most of the conditions that are spread today on Turtle Island?.

We know about the Relocation Act of 1956, where indigenous were relocated from the East Coast to Los Angeles, San Francisco, and other cities.

We can go deep into Health Services, Legal help, and all sorts of injustices meted out to the indigenous people today.

Thousands of us stood - shoulder to shoulder - at Standing Rock - Water is Life - do not mess with the indigenous:

Only in recent years have some attention been given to indigenous tribes - some of us who went to Standing Rock - felt great for the first time in many years. 

Many today, the injustice meted out to the indigenous - in 2023, some of us are watching you bastards like a hawk.

The present Department of Interior - Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi and Senator Diane Feinstein - represent themselves, and no one  - each one worse than the other - one shaking like a reed in the wind - and the other has no clue what day it is.

The answer will come from Mother Earth - Climate Change and other natural happenings will bring the strangers to their knees - they will fall on their faces.

Stop messing with the indigenous people.

California owes all indigenous people reparation - let us begin with those who were here for over 15,000 years.

Imagine mining over 750,000 pounds of Gold.

Imagine clear-cutting old-growth forests - harvesting redwood trees - each fetching over $10,000.

Imagine stealing land - millions of acres. California leads the world with agricultural products - and machinery to harvest wheat, rice, tomatoes, alfalfa, etc. Meat and other products. 

Imagine damming the many rivers and using the stolen water - including San Francisco - the Hetch Hetchy and Tuolumne Rivers - stolen from the indigenous people.

Today the water is mixed with groundwater - the thieves keep lying - the SF Public Utilities Commission - a cabal of jokers!   

Imagine the land so fertile - today - laid bare - the rivers polluted and poisoned with fertilizers - and the watershed vanishing - the strangers want it all - when nothing much belonged to them - stealing and lying their forte.

San Franciso is a corrupt City - today - it has failed the citizens - it will collapse - the addicts cannot maintain themselves - gone are the day when you got - most everything on a platter.

The San Francisco politicians are the joke of the world - cheating, lying, spewing hot air at their many meetings - none can be trusted. 

They have a $14.6 billion budget - and will have a defect of over $1.8 before they know it - and more for the following year. 

As for the Mayor London Breed - making over $45,000 a year - give her the podium and hear her bark up the wrong tree.

Governor Gavin Newson, once the Mayor of San Francisco - has always been a metrosexual joker - the few of us who have studied him know - he is chaff that lies by the roadside. 

Good leaders know the way, show the way - and go the way.

California is indigenous land - if you are indigenous - you will be respected - those whose ancestors behaved like monsters - their children too - have blood on their hands. Aho. 

No one can fool - all the people - all the time. Repent and fade into oblivion. Your time is coming - much like the Pharaohs of old who saw it firsthand. You are warned.

We know those that speak with a forked tongue.

Our time is now - those that have perpetuated the atrocities all these many years - are put on notice.

The Indigenous have the Great Spirit to protect them - their good actions bring about blessing - unlike the murderous missionaries - who will fall on their faces - believing in converting - others at the point of a sword.

Stay strong and listen to those with wisdom - with tenacity, fortitude, and unity - we can and will attain our freedom - if we have not already done so. Aho. 

Our youths are majesty and warriors of a kind - we must assure them we love them, shower on their blessings, protect them against the evil design of the strangers, and stand united; those missing women are in our thoughts and good actions.

We have warriors - women and men - every single day - from the dawn of day - to sunset - we will serve - our hearts in the right places - slowly but surely - we must rally those right-minded - to address injustice - much the same as we did at Standing Rock.

We stand by those who suffered much - today, we have tools to expose the atrocities - empirical data counts - slowly but surely - we are building our database - a good one - for the right time - to make the right move.


Standing Rock - the official recording:




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