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Friday, June 30, 2023



Today's Supreme Court has, with intent, chosen to harm the citizens of color and the LGBTQ+ community - shooting arrows in the air.

In blatant defiance - adjudicating with malice - challenging those who are not conservative with narrow-minded - adjudications.

Those Supreme Court Judges - using tainted power.

The majority of Supreme judges; are conservative - espouse - concepts and ideas that do a great disservice to those citizens who most need assistance and uplifting.

The Nation is suffering from the pandemic and the disgraceful act - the invasion of Capitol Hill - on January 6, 2021.

Our students have to deal with compounded interest on the loans taken, and the time is now to come to the rescue of our students. 

The forgiveness student loan plan has all the ambiance of uplifting.

The adjudication of the Conservative Supreme Court action - linked to the students and the forgiveness of their loans - is uncalled for and will have severe consequences for those who favor this action - doing the devil's work behind the scenes.

Time and time again, the U.S. Supreme Court has taken on the LGBTQ+ community and meted out injustice.

More and more, the younger generation will not adhere to antiquated, biased, and downright unjust norms and adjudication that is not fair.

Decent citizens embrace all, and that includes the LGBTQ+ community. We do it here in San Francisco, New York, and other places - narrow-mindedness will not help this Nation - it is time to embrace all in total unity.

Some of those Supreme Court Judges who think they can do as they please, breaking the laws - accepting gifts - going on vacation - tallying thousands of dollars - consider that as Supreme Court judges, they are untouchable.

The Supreme Court Judges know, and we know - that Congress has set laws where the Legislative Branch of the government - can sanction the Judicial Branch - those judges breaking the law should be brought to book.

I have spent hundreds of person-hours listening to the U.S. Supreme Court judges - question experts, attorneys, and others they deem necessary to question - the U.S. Supreme Court and its decision or adjudication modality is flawed.

A vein of questioning discriminates - you see this clearly regarding indigenous people - the many tribes who lived in the United States once well known as Turtle Island.

It does not faze the U.S. Supreme Court to acknowledge that hundreds of treaties signed by the United States government - bestowing " sovereignty " as have the Lakota Nation - were nullified by the Courts and the matter dismissed by the United States Supreme Court - adjudicating cases - saturated with discrimination and blatant disdain for all Native Americans.

Unsurprisingly, we see this today with the LGBTQ+ community, Blacks, Asians, Latinos, and others who are not Caucasians. 

The recent adjudication of 6-3 against the LGBTQ+ - a hypothetical case is baffling - the U.S. Supreme Court judges - overstepped their power - and this case will come to haunt the United States Supreme Court - and by default - the Judicial Branch.

The conservatives do not exercise fairness, and their judgment is tainted - when this happens - lying, cheating, and corruption of the highest order - are implemented - this is not justice - it is injustice. 

I read the case linked to the LGBTQ+ issue - it is frivolous - and the LGBTQ+ community must appeal it - and they win hands down.

The LGBTQ+ community consists of human beings - all human beings must be respected. Often, the LGBTQ+ community is treated with disdain - this is not right - those that fail to respect the LGBTQ+ community - will be judged by a higher power.

That higher power sees it all - and some of us who have seen the blue light - can discern - and in studying the characters - of the conservative judges - most of them cannot discern and are incapable of fair and just - adjudication.

The righteous must have their heart in the right place - there is nothing to fear - stay united, be educated on issues, live well - and good actions count. You will be protected.

Many states have had their mayors file amicus briefs, and many states have had their attorney generals file an amicus brief too.

Each of us must fight these 6-3 decisions - the six conservative Supreme Court judges playing with fire - the 3 Supreme Court judges - speaking truth to power.

One-third of our Nation are fanatics. 

This singular factor will take our Nation down. Time to checkmate the fanatics.

The rich and powerful - treating the working poor - the majority of the LGBTQ+  community - enduring unnecessary hurdles.

There is a limit to the nonsense meted out to the LGBTQ+ community - and that time is now.

Adjudication and fair play mandate an understanding and empathy towards the many students, the working poor, and those disenfranchised.

The mentally and physically challenged - fighting each day to survive.

We know several U.S. Supreme Court Judges have failed us - by receiving gifts, expensive vacations, and other favors that Congress mandates the U.S. Supreme Court Judges to report, and they have not.

We, the people, cannot be treated with disdain.

We, the people, mandate the U.S. Supreme Court judges to adjudicate important matters as mandated by the Founding Fathers and in keeping with the Constitution.

We, the people, demand fair play and equal justice for all. 

This 6-3 voting - clearly separated the six conservatives - in the majority - defying the three Supreme Court Judges who are for the people and decency.

We, the people, are astounded and perplexed when large sums of money - and crooked attorneys are used to water down the law - that crooks get away with murder in broad daylight.

Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce.

Geronimo, a leader, and shaman - spoke truth to power.

Chief Sitting Bull united the Lakota Tribes.

The United States Supreme Judges must comprehend that this is the land of the Native Americans.

The Whites are strangers here - and have taken it upon themselves to do as they please. 

For all of us, the Constitution was an experiment - the time has come to amend many portions of the Constitution now.

The Founding Fathers could not have figured out everything - and would disagree with the convoluted statement "Corporations are people too."

Much like the Founding Fathers, who looked the other way regarding slavery.

The Constitution adapted to the times - freed the Slaves, and the rest is history. 

Black Slaves - laid their lives - their blood and sweat - to save the Nation by joining the Civil War and winning the battles for the Union. 

Abraham Lincoln listened to Fredrick Douglass - slaves fought well and won the battles.

Freedom was granted to the slaves, and amendments to the United States Consitution were made.

The experiment and the Constitution served our Nation - Blacks went on to contribute immensely to the Nation.

We all are fully cognizant of and know that the Civil Rights Act in the 1960s again - reflected the intentions of the experiment and the amendments of the Constitution, shedding light where there was abject darkness.

It happened earlier when White women could vote - the Suffrage Movement - led by stellar women and men like Frederick Douglass - allowed white women to vote, which was the right thing to do.

At a later date and time, Blacks were allowed to vote - again, the experiment and the Constitution worked. We must do a needs assessment and evaluate the situation at hand. Discrimination is more prevalent today than ever before.

People of color must be educated on issues - and not pander to anyone - the very fact you are human - you can stand tall and represent. 

Be proud of your ancestors - respect your Elders - respect indigenous women - they have suffered through no fault of their own. Our warrior women and men - are created by the Great Spirit, and those that come in our path - must come with a clean heart.

Dr. Martin Luther King.

We honor Dr. Martin Luther King - the leader to led the Civil Right Movement- and brought so many changes - some reflected in our Constitution - again, the experiment - favored those who laid their lives - spoke truth to power.

Blacks went on to contribute so much to our Nation.

Today, the U.S. Defense Secretary is Black - and we all know of Barack Hussein Obama.

His father hailing from Kenya, East Africa - served as the President  - 44th President of the United States.

Today thousands of Blacks contribute to the Nation - doctors, professors, inventors, politicians, sportsmen, women, track, entertainment, and you name it. 

The changes shed light on our Constitution and adjudications made early on - by the United States Supreme Court - because they understood the " experiment " - and shed light where there was abject darkness.

We still have to deal with redlining regarding housing and the banks favoring the whites with loans - and this is where the U.S. Supreme Court must adjudicate - and create equal justice for all.

History has not been kind to people of color - be it Asians, Africans, Latinos, or others - the time is come for the United States Supreme Court - to address justice for all.

The death of George Floyd shook the Nation - the United States Supreme Court must be ashamed that so many linger in our jails - most of them people of color.

Most of the jails stink to high heaven - I would advise the United States Supreme Court judges to visit the prisons and comprehend that the soul of America is being tormented.

More human beings are jailed in the United States than any other country. What does this say about the United States?

It is the same when infants, children, youth, young adults, our beloved Elders, and those with compromised health suffer - the United States Supreme Court judges - are fast asleep at the cockpit.

The students will not lie down and take the nonsense meted out by the Judicial Branch.

Given a choice in the given circumstance and Presiden Joe Biden - the Executive Branch has spoken Truth to Power.

The Judicial Branch has tainted its record - gone backward - fumbled - needs clarification, and confounded. Aho.

Frederick Douglass

Harriet Tubman

The Supreme Court Judges should not allow politics and tit-for-tat feelings - between the Democrats and Republicans to muddy the waters.

Some Supreme Court Judges think they are all powerful - and have become dictatorial.

Judges must be fair, and most importantly, their hearts must be right.

The Judges who are Conservative on the Supreme Court must learn to discern. 

Finetune their moral compass - and stop playing with fire.

The Founding Fathers created the Constitution under very stressful times - and disagreed on many issues - however, they saw an arm of consensus too - agreed and compromised - to cater to the citizens' best interests at that time. 

The present Conservative Judges on the U.S. Supreme Court should be ashamed of themselves.

There is an element of dereliction of duty - taking a shortcut and tainting themselves - dabbling with dubious values to make flawed adjudications.

The Supreme Court Judges must ask themselves - whether they have taken the citizens be it students or the LGBTQ+ community, to a better place - or to a worse site?

The Supreme Court Judges - serving long terms - understand that they have taken an oath to help and bring about harmony - more and more, many of their recent decisions - are a disgrace to the human race.

These Conservative Judges have tarnished the judicial system - the office of the  U.S. Supreme Court - a few of these judges were sent to the U.S. Supreme Court without holistic vetting and adjudication, and therein lies the folly of all time.

Let it be known the Indigenous are here to stay.

The ways of the indigenous are colorful and noble.

The U.S. Supreme Court has lost its soul.

Each of these Chiefs was blessed by the Great Spirit.

Millions of Buffalo once roamed the plains - the Buffalo were hunted for their flesh, fur, and other parts used for many purposes. Then came the strangers - they killed the Buffalo for the fur coat - left heaps of meat to rot - and thought nothing of their act - today they are Greedy as ever - and his thinking - sordid.

The time has come to shorten the term of the Supreme Court Judges should exercise their duties on the bench - three four-year terms - if not two.

In recent years the divisiveness all over the United States has grown and is now affecting the very security of our Nation.

We witnessed this on January 6, 2021 - when hundreds of thugs,  domestic terrorists, and white supremacists - after trespassing Capitol Hill - took it upon themselves to damage the property.

Threatening to kill the Congresspersons, Senators, and even the Vice-President as the Electoral Votes were being tallied and certified.
These vermin chose to urinate and defecate, and the world saw this, and this one act tarnished the good name of the United States.

The U.S. Supreme Court, those ultra-conservative judges with an ulterior motive - be it biased - are holding us, the people - hostage. 

Our indigenous children are blessed by the Great Spirit.

Our Elders have wisdom blessed by the Great Spirit.

This is Turtle Island - the indigenous have lived on Turtle Island for over 15,000 years. The audacity of the Strangers to dictate laws and make rules on the fly. If the Justices cannot respect themselves - there is no way they will respect others - it is time we zero on the U.S. Supreme Court that has failed the Indigenous people.

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