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Wednesday, June 7, 2023


San Francisco has failed our children - the Baby C Proposition - won because of the hard work of many who cared for our children - fought for the funds to create quality childcare - while most things were moving in the right direction - here comes Mayor London Breed with two proposals to use Baby C Proposition funds - some $150 million - for unrelated projects and issues.

San Franciscans have always cared for our children, youth, young adults, and those who are challenged. 

The Baby C Proposition was created to foster quality childcare givers, focusing on pay and the children's and parent's best interests.

In 2018 the Baby C Proposition passed with flying colors, and those who campaigned with tenacity and fortitude - hoped, and prayed now was the time to move forward.

Baby C Proposition passed - it is wrong for anyone to use the funds - for other purposes - more when our children need Childcare and education that has been lacking for decades.

Simply put, there are mandates on how to spend the money - and diverting the money by someone who has lost her mind - will not be tolerated and is illegal.

Our City and County of San Francisco neglected the many baseline issues linked to Childcare for decades. - and the many mayors,s including Mayors Edwin Mah Lee and Mayor London Breed, failed us.

As often happens, the matter went to the Courts - some interests wanted to know how the money would be spent.

In the year 2021 - in the middle of the pandemic - the Courts adjudicated in favor of the parents and children and those in authority who clearly had stated their mission objective.

Now that Baby C Proposition was positively adjudicated in favor of the parents, children, and teachers - there was a deep sigh of relief.

The pandemic in 2020 created a demand to cater to our infants, children, and those challenged children. 

As most of us know - infants and children could not be vaccinated - congregate situations - created hot spots - where COVID-19 and other ailments - surged more in the Mission,  Western Addition, Excelsior, and Bayview Hunters Point Area.

The lives of hundreds of infants and children were saved - and this was possible in many ways by the available funds linked to Baby C Proposition funds.

San Francisco leaders - more those certified to give quality Childcare came together - and did well with well-planned curricula.

The childcare planners - local and state authorities - had access to the Baby C Proposition funds - for the first time, those giving quality childcare could be paid $20 per hour.

Other much-needed resources were made available - and many parents, more those immigrants speaking limited English, were helped, and Baby C Proposition and Resources flourished in San Francisco.

Mayor London Breed has been lying as she often does - saying she is for our infants and children. She favors using SFTV hanging around those who do not have much to do with infants and children - frolicking with those who prefer Vaseline and such products. Straight parents are fed up - when our infants, children, and youth are treated with disdain - by those that do not adhere to family values, ethics, morals, and standards.

Mayor London Breed has been talking from both sides of her mouth - at some events - pretending to show support to our infants and children.

At other times behind closed doors - she favored two proposals to spend the Baby C Proposition funds - to deal with the impending General Fund - and its depleting funds.

The General Funds are heading in the wrong direction - with the General Fund more than $800 million in the red.

Our Controller Ben Rosenfield, our City Administrator Carmen Chu, and most SF Board of Supervisors think something other than our infants, children, youth, and young adults matters.

Those city leaders - making in access of $375,000 should take a 40% cut in salary -  the Mayor London Breed is not worthy of the $500,000 she makes with perks.

Traveling to Israel and other places - hogging - while the City and County of San Francisco have become a cesspool.

Carmen Chu - the SF City Administrator  - a lackey of the Mayor London Breed - should do more for San Francisco. Where is her take on our infants, children, youth, and young adults? Where is her take on the failing education of our children, youth, and young adults? 33,000 plus city employees come under her jurisdiction - this number could be cut to half - 50% and save this City and County a lot of money.


Mayor London Breed and her lackeys wasted millions of dollars - Stimulus Federal money - many crooks making hay while the sun shone.

One-third of the commercial space in the San Francisco Financial District is vacant.

We have 71,000 homes vacant in San Francisco.

Our streets in San Francisco are filthy - with drug addicts - doing drugs - in your face - defiance.

Innocent tourists and San Franciscans are assaulted - and Law Enforcement - is nowhere to be found.

The Ambassadors are nowhere to be found - and over $40 million has been given to them - our taxpayers' money - many of these jailbirds from Los Angeles - trying to keep our streets safe and failing in their objective. 

They call themselves Practioners - who has certified them?

We, the taxpayers' need an audit on how the money is spent by Urban Alchemy - one Director makes over $220,000 - our taxpayers' money.


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