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Tuesday, June 6, 2023


The San Francisco Hilton Hotel is for sale. Some three thousand hotel rooms - with Parc-Fifth - will remain vacant. 

One of San Francisco's premier hotels - the San Francisco Hitlton - known worldwide - is up for sale.

San Francisco's dirty streets, the rampant drug addiction, the blatant thieving in broad daylight of the stores at Union Square - the many stores closing Nordstroms'. COCO, Navy, and the boarded stores around Union Square - remind tourists of a War Zone.

The SF Board of Supervisors and the Mayor London Breed - are in total shock - the Legislative Branch, the SF Board, and the Executive Branch Mayor London Breed and Sean Elsbernd - the advisor to the Mayor - have all failed San Franciscans.

The Mayor London Breed cannot speak for us - as she did recently before the San Francisco Bussiness Group - that has yet to cooperate with the Mayor London Breed - because for all her sordid talk - there has been no walk.

When the United Airlines survey was disclosed - a full sixty percent of those surveyed cast their vote against the City and County of San Francisco - stating the filthy streets, safety, drug addicts, and the many boarded stores - reminding them of a War Zone.

It does not help when at the event, the representative, a woman, called the Mayor a badass Mayor - as if she is known as a badass Mayor - a term adhered to by the " hood. "

If - that is the impression we citizens are reminded of - then there is every reason - the prevailing state of affairs - is on the shoulders of the Mayor - Mayor London Breed.

San Francisco is no more a first-class city.

The leaders that could have handled the situation at hand - failed - because instead of thinking out of the box, being innovative, paying attention to the empirical data - listening to the citizens of San Francisco - more during public Comments - the San Francisco leaders are making excuses - they are now swimming in the cesspool of their own creation.

One-third of the commercial space is vacant in San Francisco. This one factor will not be the needed revenue to keep the City and County of San Francisco afloat.

There are over 71,000 vacant homes, and landlords only want to rent to some people - because, time and time again - renters fail to pay rent - destroy property - the landlords prefer to not rent their property.

Our Commercial areas be it Tarval, San Bruno Avenue, Clement Street, or Lombard Avenue - are all suffering - the small business that was once thriving are now suffering.

San Francisco keeps taxing our small businesses - while offering them few incentives.

Even - though San Francisco wants to convert Commercial Space to Rental Space - which on average costs $49,000 to $69,000 to make the required changes - no one in their right mind - will consent to such high baseline - expenses.

Again the SF Planning Department that took six to eight years - on any big project to get their entitlements - even now - needs to be fixed.

Some one hundred amendments have been made to bring the Department of Building Inspection and the SF Planning Department in sync - they are working on many changes - even as they have to be approved by the SF Board of Supervisors.

Redtape in San Francisco has destroyed San Francisco - and these emergency shortcuts - that will sunset after a few years - are created in a hurry - and are primarily shortsighted.

Governor Gavin Newsom - could have helped San Francisco - he has not. We saw this when the Housing Element was sent to Sacramento for approval - and delayed. We see this with the many laws - passed without meaningful hearings in San Francisco. We, the people, the citizens in San Francisco - always are left to play - second fiddle.

It is a shame that the Mayor's Office of Economic Development has been audited - and found to be in dereliction of duty. 

Over $50 million has not been spent - the reason is given - the office needs Full-Time Employment (FTEs) to fulfill their obligations.

This is the third head at the SF Mayor's of Economic Development and Workforce that has stepped down.

Public Comment at all the SF Board meetings is a joke - the measly two minutes given to the public - do more harm than good.

In the meantime, Supervisors like Hilary Ronnen and Connie Chan can spew diatribes - making no sense - and create a mess - at the many meetings, they decide to speak - often spewing tirades.

The people united cannot be divided. Soon there will be a revolution - there is only so much nonsense the people can endure.

In the interim, the City Attorney at the SF Board of Supervisors in room 250 and the Budget Analyst - allow the SF Board of Supervisors - to play with fire - again and again.

The SF Controller Office - Ben Rosenfield has failed us.

We remember all the nonsense at the SF Public Utilities Commission - leading to indictments- because the Federal Bureau of Investigation had to step in and do the needful. Only the FBI can follow the money.

It is time for round number two - and this time around - I hope most of the crooks are rounded up. 

Some of them SF Board of Supervisors - have failed us all - nothing much has changed at SF City Hall - in the last 15 years.

The corruption is so saturated at SF City Hall - that most decent folks have given up.

It does not help that we are told the City and County will have a 1 billion dollar deficit. We have a $14.6 billion budget - with little revenue coming in - 2023-2024 and 2024-2025.

Games are being played - money set aside from Proposition C and I for permanent housing.

Now used illegally - for temporary housing, little homes, and Ambassadors - who are glorified Security Officers - without any certifications and not permitted to be armed.

Daily innocent folks are assaulted, and many are abused by deranged drug addicts openly using drugs.

More - having no respect for our children, decent families that see this nonsense daily as they go to school, to work, for their daily shopping - and cannot look away - the utter nonsense is in your face.

The latest news about the Hilton Hotel closing in San Francisco - should send a strong message to the headstrong Mayor - London Breed, who must be given an orientation - on quality of life issues.

Recently Mayor London Breed visited Israel but has yet to mention a word about her trip. 

While there, she must have been informed by those protecting her and read or even heard the sirens.

For sure, she heard about the plight of the Palestinians - we have many Palestinians in San Francisco from Ramallah, Jerusalem other places - we must help them and appreciate their services to San Francisco - the many Pop and Mom stores. 

Thousands in San Francisco, more in the neighborhood, enjoy a sandwich and other Palestinian food - and have a good rapport with the Pop and Mom - Palestinian neighborhood stores.

We even have one Commissioner from Ramallah on our Small Business Commission - who represents our City and County and does very well.

In the meantime - we must all address quality-of-life issues - on War Footing. Aho.

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