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Sunday, April 2, 2023



Russia, India, and China - the three stooges - want to carve some sort of evil power - where the freedom we enjoy - as known to the free world - will be compromised in a big way - detrimental to the entire Earth.

There are two world bodies the United Nations and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization - both talking but failing miserably to walk the walk.

The United Nations has been pussyfooting with Russia. How many infants, children, youth, young adults, our beloved Elders, and those with compromised health - should die in Ukraine?

To make Russia comprehend the magnitude of the crimes against humanity - the United Nations - time and time again - failed at the United Nation's Security Council and had to go three times before the General Assembly - to send Russia a clear message - that the United Nations - will not tolerate - crimes against humanity.

The International Courts took three years - with thousands of facts - to charge Vladimir Putin - with crimes against humanity. 

Even though the United States - was bellowing - that Vladimir Putin and Russia - deserved the charges - placed upon the head of Vladimir Putin - the United States is not a party to the International Courts - as are one hundred and twenty-three- nations - and being not a member-United States - means to say something - but it means nothing at all.

Many nations in Central and East Africa - are suffering from drought. The war in Ukraine and other related factors - have impacted many African nations - millions of cattle and goats have perished - infants, children, youth, Elders, and others have died. The rich nations that pollute - care little, and all this and more is nauseating.

The United States failed in Afghanistan - after raping Afghanistan for over twenty years. The Joe Biden exit - has caused millions of innocent Afghans to die - infants, children, women, young girls - to be treated like chattel - few in the United States care about Afghanistan - we are responsible for invading nations - and creating a mess Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan - prompting Vladimir Putin and Iran to do the same. 

Thousands of Afghans lined up to leave in a hurry - many leaving their luggage and leaving only with the clothes on their back. Little is known about the details - in the future - films will be made - but today, no one cares about the millions dying - this winter has been harsh in Afghanistan - who is responsible for this situation - crimes against humanity. 

President Vladimir Zelensky has done his best - begging for help - daily the destruction of Ukraine - has created deep trauma - even if Ukraine is built up again - the Ukrainians will be damaged - and only a monster like Vladimir Putin - has achieved such atrocities - since World War II - the Ukraine debacle - a million times worse. 

Joe Biden and Xi Jinping and two fellow - poles apart - Xi Jinping has positioned himself to rule forever - he is out to teach the free world that his plan will succeed. COVID-19 put a damper on his agenda. His dream to build a railway from Beijing to the Middle East much like the SILK ROUTE - is fading. Communist China is flexing its muscles at Taiwan - the United States is poised to do what it does best - time will tell.

This land - Turtle Island is all stolen - every square inch. The strangers were not here a hundred thousand years on Turtle Island. Not even five hundred years in large numbers. They came here - for ulterior motives - that quickly turned to GREED and AVARICE. Chief Sitting Bull - united the Lakota Nation - he represents us all that matter - and still does.

Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce - stood tall and represented his people. For the sake of his tribe - more women and children - he fled with them to Canada - then hoodwinked by the United States to return to the United States and cheated of his freedom. Time will tell - do not trust those that speak with a forked tongue.

Andrew Jackson is a monster of a kind.

This monster whose face is found on the twenty dollar bill - stole millions of acres of land in and around Florida and other locations - from the indigenous tribes - raped and murdered children and women - and we still remember him - when his deeds demand that he be trashed and thrown into the dust bin. We must seriously look at reparations for the indigenous people - all over Turtle Island - and even here in San Francisco - where the local politicians are Buffoons and very corrupt.

The Seminoles remember those strangers who were helped only to bite the hand that fed them. So do the Pensacola, Apalachee,
Guale, Timucua, Potano, Ocale, Tocobaga, Mayami, Ais, Calusa, Jeaga, Teqesta, Matecumbe, and Miccosukee indigenous tribes of Florida.

Geronimo - (Mescalero-Chiricahua) - joined the three Central Apache bands - the Tchihende, the Tsokanende, and Nednhi - to fight the Mexican and U.S. Army - in the Northern Mexico states of Chihuahua and Sonora - in the Southwestern America territories of New Mexico and Arizona.

There is no warrior like Geronimo when it comes to hand-to-hand fighting - and evading the enemy - many times disappearing right before the enemy.

Geronimo was not one to surrender - the state of affairs prevailing then - many of the Scouts that knew Geronimo marveled at his power - and the scouts prevailed upon him - to give up for the sake of his people - more the children and women.  

Even today, the U.S. military marvel at his tactic - and how he evaded the enemy repeatedly. 

Time and time again today, the U.S. Military will use his name - Geronimo - when they undertake some critical mission.

The strangers are not to be trusted - not now or in the future - not ever.

I pity those who seek favors from the United States Government - they are the least to be trusted - not Joe Biden, not Kamala Harris - not the Department of Interior and Debbie Harland - not anyone who is involved with Federal Recognition.

Why would any indigenous tribes beg - whose ancestors were here for 100,000 years - and the strangers just came here on Turtle Island - yesterday?

No one should negotiate with the thieves - we have them here in San Francisco. They stole the land - Hetch Hetchy and damned the Tuolumne River.

There is no document where indigenous tribes sold the Hetch Hetchy Valley.

The Miwoks, the Yokuts, the Western Mono tribes, the Southern Mono tribes, the Paiute - none of them have any recollection of selling land - they have a  deep memory of rapes, murder, scalping, and other atrocities - stealing land and burning the homes of the indigenous tribes.

There is no document - where San Francisco and the extended Bay Area were sold to anyone - it was all stolen by strangers - who can not be trusted - ever. 

Today two men - purporting to belong to some indigenous tribes - purport to speak for everyone - Acknowledgments made are as fake as are pronounced - and mean nothing at all.

No one can speak to thieves and convince the world that the thieves will give up land - and at the same time - beg for money  - to create some trust land - to bring succor to some entities that do not exist.

San Francisco is deep into trouble - they are more than $800 million short-linked to the SF General Fund - even though they have a $14 billion budget.

San Francisco wasted millions and has been taken upon by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) - the Mayor, London Breed, will be singing the blues - even as she had to fork up $23,000 to the SF Ethics Commission.

Today the streets of San Francisco are unsafe - thousands are cars, homes, and innocent people preyed upon. It is like a war zone.

Tents are offered to the indigent, and some entities charge $80,000 a year - for a bed at the Navigation Center - it costs around $32,000 a year. There is NO accountability.

Those - running these schemes - know who they are -  a segment of the population that controls our pharmacies, insurance companies, and large financial institutions - you know who they are.

The Great Spirit sees it all - and history repeats itself.

The indigenous people still manage to control and preserve forty percent of our Earth - the indigenous know when they say Mother Earth - what is are talking about - and how they can deliver.

Those who are materialistic - those who say one thing and do another. More - weak in knees - those with ulterior motives - are not to be trusted - never, ever.

Good leaders know the way, show the way, and go the way.

Only those whose hearts are in the right place can take others to a better place. 

Again and again, I encounter crooks - who say one thing and do another. 

Stay away from me - my time is precious. Aho.

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