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Saturday, April 15, 2023



Ambassador Richard Sklar - also past Commissioner at the SFPUC.

Former SF Public Utilities Commissioner - Richard Sklar - understood every aspect of what was happening at the SF Public Utilities Commission - the present Commissioners -  kicking the can down the street. Leave the taxpayers and constituents of San Francisco in the dark. Mr. Sklar - is no more; we remember him as he listened to public comment - which today is an anathema to the present ignorant SF Public Utilities Commission and General Manager.

The San Francisco Public Utilities Commissioners have failed San Franciscans - wasting billions of dollars - failing to make a sound needs assessment - on the many shady projects - that now need a thorough audit to STOP the bleeding - before the situation worsens.

Lying- to the public at large -  and figuring out how many contractors are fleecing the SF Public Utilities Commission in broad daylight.

There are safeguards within the San Francisco Administrative Code 54 - that mandate safeguarding corruption - and embracing checks and balances - this SF Administrative - does not apply to San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC), or so the SFPUC thinks - hoodwinking the public in broad daylight.

The Southeast Community Facility Commission at 1800 Oakdale - located in the Bayview, comes under the City and County of San Francisco's jurisdiction- the SF Public Utilities Commission must maintain the Community Facility.

The leadership authorized have failed miserably to maintain 1800 Oakdale - they have the audacity now to nest themselves at 1550 Evans Street - and the old establishment is left to deteriorate - deferred maintenance.

There is a requirement for those holding positions preferably living in the Bayview Hunters Point area to truly serve the constituents of Bayview Hunters Point. Go Figure.

The 1800 Oakdale is slated to be torn down to build housing.

There has been no community meeting - outsiders with ulterior motives - and screwing the community in broad daylight.

SF Administrative Code 54

The corruption at the SF PUC continues to grow and spread like a plague - the decision-making at all levels - lacks transparency and accountability.

Crooks who we know lie and cheat are promoted at the SFPUC. 

The current General Manager needs to learn about operations and maintenance. 

The current SFPUC General Manager needs to learn about the billions wasted - his sidekick Ron - is busy with mundane issues. 

General  Manager and Deputy General Manager - currently at the SF PUC - transported themselves from the SF City Attorney's office - where they held similar positions and failed miserably.

Here is one of many documents that need to be brought before the constituents of San Francisco - for discussion - to shed light where there has been abject - darkness:

This is San Francisco - where many educated citizens are left in the dark. Stop hoodwinking us all - in broad daylight.

Here in the United States, we have treatment plants - like the one in San Diego and the one in Los Angeles - that have superior technology - and have served the respective populations well.

Here in San Francisco, we started with the Sewer System Improvement Project - with a budget of $6 billion.

It is now heading towards $12 billion - which should offer the community $600 million. But there is no one to audit the rooks - and the ignorant Commissioners who try to defy us - after we speak at Public Comment.

A community Task Force was created, and the Task Force was promised five percent of the budget. That amounts to three hundred million.

Once the Task Force created the document - Juliet Ellis and her lackeys - dismissed the SSIP Community Task Force - gave them a commendation, and Juliet Ellis took control of the situation.

Two individuals took charge of the Community Benefits - after the SSIP Community Task Force was dismissed - Dwayne Jones, a point person for AECOM - controlled one hundred and fifty million. 

Dwayne Jones, who fleeced the community - depriving the community of much-needed help - when thousands were in dire straits. Time will tell. He now has made his nest with the SF Port Authority, another racists City entity - an Enterprise Department -that keeps hiring male Whites in open defiance.

Dwayne Jones did not work for SFPUC - yet had an office at 525 Golden Gate - and ran the show - for a long time - blessed by Harlan Kelly, who is now indicted and failed us all in San Francisco.

Harlan and Naomi Kelly had top positions and could have uplifted many but chose not to.

His wife, Naomi Kelly, the SF City Administration - stepped own - because of the situation - and that was the end of the most potent Black couple - that many Blacks in San Francisco - boasted about.

Here is the scheme planned in detail - to hoodwink the community. Only the FBI could follow this scheme - as they only can follow the money.

Southeast COMMUNITY Facility Commission Building at 1800 Oakdale, San Francisco, will soon be closed without public meetings. The community building was built to foster education, create career jobs, and promote one-of-a-kind horticultural education. Have a place for Seniors to come and recreate and have meaningful meetings. Today - the site has elevators that do not work, Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning that does not work - some crooks want to tear down the building - to build homes. We are watching you thugs - like a hawk.

The 1550 Evans building - has yet to receive a signature - from an entity that dealer with Quality Control - that all is well with the building. 

Yet, there was an opening, and all sorts of shenanigans, ploys, and machinations are taking place - today.

The management of the 1550 Evans is a joke.

Those managing and operating the brand-new building - have yet to learn that they are not representing the community - I mean the community with the current demographics.

Some of us fought in the trenches for the community - now these wannabees have come to teach us how best to take care of San Francisco and more of the Bayview Hunters Point community.

It is a joke that most of those who live outside San Francisco - work in San Francisco - and give a damn about San Franciscans.

They say 33,000 folks work for San Francisco - and come under the SF City Administrator - Carmen Chu - former Assessor - now City Administrator -  they move around - the inner circle of utter corruption.

Thirty million was collected - some collaboration with SF City College. This has yet to happen. 

They say the Community benefits are there for the constituents of San Francisco - this is far from true.

Outsiders benefit  - - put in charge of our City Departments -  local San Franciscans kept out.

San Francisco is a corrupt City - what is more, the corruption is saturated - and will take decades to be wiped out.

There is a committee at SF City College - that is fully aware - of what is happening - again, the public at large has been taken for a wild ride.

We have seen banners all over Bayview Hunters Point - promising this and that - but at no point -  nothing worth the salt - has yet to be delivered. Today The Micro-LBEs are getting no support - they cannot bid on anything as some reference is made to an agreement - signed way back in 2018

The SFPU Commissioners are all lackeys - with NO engineering expertise - and playing with fire.

A Force Main that has been compromised at Pier 80 - the Force Main runs in the middle of the large shed. 

In 2002 - three conduits were dug - under the Force Main - the Force Main was compromised. 

The sitting San Francisco Public Utilities Commissioners  - none of the Commissioners are stellar engineers - have yet to learn what is happening with the Force Main. Time will tell.

Some band-aid has kept the Force Main - hanging - if we have an Earthquake, the Force Main will collapse - and a large area will be compromised. Life and death issue.

We need a hearing on the 1550 Evans building.

City College has invested $30 million - linked to the 1550 Evans building  - we need to find out more about this $30 million.

We know that 1800 Oakdale will no longer lease space.

There is an issue with 1800 Oakdale Heat Ventilation Air Conditioning  (HVAC) - fixing the system will cost millions. 

So someone has decided to mothball the building.

The SF Bayview Hunters Point community - must be noticed - the community fought for 1800 Oakdale. Only for outsiders to come into our community and make plans for us - without consulting us.

We have a General Manager who heads the SFPUC - who has yet to give us once a detailed report. 

Some staff member speaks - when the agenda item says " General Manager's Report " - on the agenda. The General says nothing - because he knows nothing much - he was the former SF City Attorney.

The General Manager makes $500,000 - and does nothing but spews diatribe.

Today we have no one in the community who understands the process - the outsiders - come and boss us - and so far - we have yet to take a position.

No one can fool - all the people - all the time.

We are watching you all - crooks - like a hawk!

Why does the Bayview Hunters Point community not know about killing the lease linked to 1800 Oakdale? 

A facility built by the advocates  - a long time when the San Francisco Water Department - maintained the building.

The SFPUC took over when Mayor Willie L Brown Jr. created the SFPUC - where most of his lackeys got a job - in 1996

The SF Public Utilities Commission has sent a letter to evict City College from 1800 Oakdale - the pretext is that the Heat Ventilation Air Conditioning repair will cost $90 million, so it would be better to tear down the building. Why?

Is there a plan to build housing - with uncouth parties behind this scheme pulling the wool over the eyes of the constituents of Bayview Hunters Point? The advocates who fought to build 1800 Oakdale - Southeast Community Facility Commission Building? The community fought for career jobs, space for our Elders, space for our children, and a meeting place for the community to meet and deliberate.

The political thugs have decimated the community. No one knows what is happening more during the pandemic - and all the virtual and dubious meetings - where the thugs meet and deliberate. We, the community, will not tolerate this ongoing nonsense. You who are hoodwinking the community are put on notice. We, the community, must be notified to meet, and this is your notice - to put the information mentioned above on the agenda.

In the interim, the San Franciso Public Utilities Commission can consider the following issues to deliberate:

   A.  The failing infrastructure on the Great Highway by the Pacific Ocean will cost about $ one billion - it must be moved at least a quarter mile East of its present destination - threatened by Sea-Level rise. 

   B. The Force Main by Marin Street collapsed after three conduits were dug under the Force Main. The Force Main - with a width of eight feet. The collapse happened in 2002, and the present SF Public Utilities Commission - has yet to learn about this issue - a time bomb waiting to explode - it will cost over five million dollars - if not ten million dollars.

   C. We have serious flooding issues on the Embacadero by the Ferry Building and all along the Embacadero - flooding entities like the Delancy Institution - forcing them to replace carpeting and furniture repeatedly. Fixing the problem will cost SFPUC and the most ignorant Commissioners - $ 400 million.

   D. On Folsom Street, very near 17th Street - year after year, the businesses endure flooding - costing millions to small businesses. The SF Public Utilities - will have to spend another $200 million to fix this problem.

I could mention twenty other problems - two issues clearly begging the question.

Number one - replacing the aging sewer and clean water drinking pipes - over 1000 miles of sewer pipes and 1200 miles of clean water pipes - eight percent of them - over 95 years old.

The taxpayers and constituents of the City and County were supposed to get a quarterly report. This was promised in 2016 - that promise has never been kept. When Karen Kubick left as the SSIP Project Manager - most everything - worth the salt - was flushed down the commode.

For the past four years - nothing at all. 

There are bond measures - approved by the taxpayers of San Francisco - that cover payment for this work. 

One bond measure issued early in 2000 - was supposed to deal with clean water and wastewater.

The Commission  - defied the taxpayers - then decided to deal with the clean waste - failing to use the money - meant to replace the wastewater pipes and related issues. Dereliction of duty.

Anothconsiderablerge Bond Measure was put to the vote - which the San Francisco taxpayer passed - to address wastewater - under the pretext the Treatment Plants were prone to seismic issues.

The " clean water" project was called - Water System Improvement Project. 

In like manner, the sewer water - was named Sewer System Improvement Project - (SSIP).

Then in 2016, we had another Bond measure - $6 Billion - once again, we were told we would get quarterly reports - on the brand new digester - a proprietary design from Norway - when we could have used an American design - San Diego and Los Angeles have - state of the art - Treatment plants. 

What makes San Francisco so unique to go aboard to have digesters - designed abroad - that will operate -  on energy that far exceeds the ability - to meet the energy needs of the Digestors - now being replaced at the Treatment Plant - in the Bayview.

Who does the deep thinking - who does the needs assessment - who is responsible for wasting billions of dollars - and we have the Chair of the SFPUC -  who has a Ph. D in horizontal and vertical construction. 

We have no engineers like Richard Sklar and Anson Moron - who understood every major project - who could analyze every line item - the current Commissioners are buffoons - and we care to tolerate their utter nonsense.

Items on tunneling, design-build projects, and outflows matter - various types of piping needs, generators, land use, energy issues,  workforce, and quality control, inventory, timelines and goals, the many Environmental Impact Reports - other matters that the current buffoons on the Commission do not comprehend.

The present Sewer System Improvement Project (SSIP) - started with a budget of $6 billion - has now reached $12 billion - and before you know it - will reach $20 billion.

Technically speaking, 5% of the money spent on the SSIP must be set for the community - this has yet to happen - with meaningful discussion and sound outreach to the Bayview Hunters Point community.

The 1550 Evans Street Community and Recreational building - has No signoff - quality control - yet it is being used - which is a problem.

Another $300 has been raised by SF City College - to conduct classes at 1550 EvanIt has yet to be discovered what has happened with the $30 million. SF City College has a committee - this committee has been kept in the dark.

We know a former chancellor at the SF City College was fired - understand now that all sorts of political pressure have been applied to kill City College. We know that practically every household in San Francisco has gone to SF City College. What the hell is happening?

We appreciate the work done and the service provided by the professors at SF City College - who repeatedly threatened to lose their jobs.

Time and time again - we advocate for rights - the last time, we put SF City College on track - only for some evil people - trying to take down SF City College. 

So what does it take to have a committee that monitors the issues, and the committee is kept in the dark - with " dark money " and failing to provide the committee with empirical data - or facts that can be verified.

From out of the blue, the committee that monitors the pertinent issues at SF City Hall - has received a letter - about the closing of 1800 Oakdale.

The operations at 1800 - were transferred to 1550 Evans Street without meaningful discussion with the community.

Thugs now conduct " virtual meetings " and do what they please.

The operations now being conducted at 1550 Evans are moot - are a far cry from the aspirations of our Elders and stellar advocates - who fought for the community.

I have worked hard for forty years - I know the process.

The problem is the mostly Black sellouts - do not know the process - have no access to documents - these Blacks - corrupt are a disgrace to the human race.

Some of us are watching you thugs - you will be corralled - and you will have to deal with Law Enforcement. 

Stop the nonsense - while you have time to breathe in freedom - or you will linger in jail for a long time. Make no bones about this fact.

No one can fool all the people - all the time.  

The adopted SF Public Utilities Budget FY2020-21 and 2021-2022


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