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Thursday, April 27, 2023


Children in front of SF City Hall - our city is going to the hogs.

Chief Sitting Bull

The Representatives we, the people, have chosen - with intent - now are holding infants, children, our Elders, and those with compromised health - hostage.

The Republicans led by Kevin MacCarthy are playing with fire - he and his lackeys have no sustainable and credible plan - and what the Democrats have is somewhat credible - the time has come to put the Nation first - and learn to do things bi-partisanly.

Why do these scumbags like Kevin McCarthy and primarily other Republicans - want to harm the innocent and those that need help most - with intent?

Why would anyone want to target the Women Infants and Children (WIC) program - that millions depend on - take this away, and we would do immense damage and put the lives of infants and children - in dire straits. 

Why do the sordid Representative target Veterans who fought for our Freedom and are now deprived of health benefits?

Why do we want to take away the benefits from those that paid into the system - like Social Security?

Why do these representatives target Education and do not have checks and balances with quarterly audits - so that we do better in Education?

We can point out the dumb Representatives - who must, in two minutes - give their opinion on why they want and do not want anything concerning the Debt Ceiling.

We must think twice - before spending the money, we MUST pay our debts. As I said, we must learn to do things better - learn to discern and have the needs of the people of the United States - first.

Speaker Kevin McCarthy - has failed, and every time he opens his dirty mouth, he shoves his foot deep into it.

Those who lie and think they can escape murder must stop this nonsense.

It is time that we introduce where the Representative takes an oath to speak the Truth before every session or meeting.

It is incredible how these vermin lie - and when the ignorant who are not educated on issues listen to the lies - they genuinely think they are facts. 

These evil tactics using brinkmanship to make a point - full of lies and half-truths are becoming a norm.

As we accept lies - we erode our standards and ethics - and before you know it - as is happening - we disdain law and order.

Slowly we think nothing about our infants and children, our Elders, and those who must be uplifted - and I know this - as I have to rescue those most need help daily.

The indigenous people were here for 15,000 years plus - most everything was pristine - then came those who speak with a forked tongue, President Joe Biden - who thinks he can hoodwink us in broad daylight. No one can fool all the people - all the time.

The Great Spirit sees it all - and the time has come for all indigenous people - to speak Truth to power.

Harry Belafonte - passed away - 96 years old.

We honored Harry Belafonte - he loved the indigenous - and spoke Truth to power. Let us not be afraid of the cowards - who lie, cheat, bully those who cannot defend themselves - write policies - that are devious. Where are our leaders - worth the salt?


The Supreme Court has failed us - Corporations are people too.

Nancy Pelosi still has a lot of hate - her two impeachments - trying to take Donald Trump to the cleaners - did just one thing - wasting millions of dollars - we must learn not to go near the cesspool - if we do - we mess ourselves.

We need Frederick Douglass - to lead and make good things happen.

Stay as cool as a cucumber! We got this.

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