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Tuesday, August 25, 2020


Frederick Douglass

 Every four years - we all go through this drama.

The  Democrats have their convention - and display their flawed platform every four years  -  then the Republicans - huff and puff - have their divisive platform.

The  Independents who are in the majority - are given NO choice -but to choose the lesser of the two evils. While all the time - listening to utter nonsense.

Truly - has this Nation arrived at a place - where we have two old men - who cannot even begin to comprehend the more important issues - that we human deal with.

All over the world - more and more - human beings have realized the United States have leaders not worth the salt.

Worldwide the sympathize with the American people.

It does not make it easy - when 117 nations - will not allow Americans in - because of the 181, 000 deaths linked to the Novel Covid-19 virus - and the raging pandemic all over the United States - slated to kill 300, 000 by the end of this year - 2020.

Every Presidential Election we gather to elect a President - we do NOT do justice to the Founding Fathers.

The Democrats say they want to do do what they want to do - but they do not serve us the people. They have No more tricks left in the hat - and with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer - what else can we expect.

We saw this with the Stimulus Plan - the Democrats - making a fuss -halting the process.

Order the Republican majority Senate to hand over the Stimulus Plan to the Democrats who control the House.

The majority House - promising  the Small Business - other vulnerable segments of the population help - nothing happened.

We the people gave the Democrats a pass - they had a lot to do with the mess. Then came the second round - the Republicans sat on the Stimulus Plan - making the Democrats think - the Democrats had the Bill - named the Heroes Bill - with all sorts of Pork Barrel - oddities. 

The Democrats blamed the Republicans - for sending the money to the LA Lakers, other million dollar corporations - some returned the money - most are finding excuses.  This was linked with the Stimulus Plan - round number two.

Nancy Pelosi

As for the Heroes Bill - is has yet to bear fruition - even though the Democrats say - they had - most everything in place - three months ago.

To add fuel to fire - One Billion dollars was sent to the dead - the First Round of  the Stimulus Plan. 

Most families got $1200 for ten weeks - some token money - and then when the promise was made - for another round of Stimulus Plan - all we are hearing are bickering.

We fail to comprehend - the United States - can print trillions of dollars - there is NO gold backing as was in the 1940s - Fort Knox and all that it stood for - No Gold Backing. 

Paper money - it cost more to print the paper money - they say - and we listen and listen - and no nothing about the jackasses - who should be taken to task.

Today families have no money to pay rent, many thinking of committing suicide.

No food to put on the table, the children and youth stressed - and there is more.

In San Francisco we have 15, 000 homeless - and many sleeping in tents - facing inclement weather - while the Democrats - are doling money - Stimulus Money and other money - Community Benefits.

We the people are left listening to the excuses.

In the interim - those that need help - more the Small Businesses have received no help - it has been four months long. 

Do you think we can trust Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer - or for that matter the lackeys that listen to Mitch O'Connell - the U.S. Treasury or even the U.S. Department of Justice. No.

Our Founding Fathers were not prefect - yet chose to have a Republic - the States having a say - in their own affairs.

Working with the Federal Government - the States paying their dues to the Federal Government.

The many States receiving funds for major projects  and the welfare of the people of these the United States.

The Federal Government - holding in Trust - Social Security that those paid into  - hoping against hope to receive Social Security when they need it most - in their Golden years.

The United States Judicial Courts - that third Branch - the First being the Congress - the second the Senate - each having checks and balances.

An important fact to remember the Congress, the Senate, the Executive Branch - co-equal - no one branch - not even the Judicial Branch - can make rogue decisions.

Well the cancer that once was on the fringe - has now come into the Executive Branch. 

Never did the Founding Fathers envision any President - losing his senses, more his values, the very DNA of the present sitting President - steeped  with conspiracy theories. 

No empathy, no compassion - I said this a long time ago - and I say it not an " egoistical maniac " - that has caused us endless problems.

This current President has an affinity to Dictator the likes that rule North Korea, Russia, Brazil and more.

We are now in the middle of a raging Pandemic - Novel Covid-19 pandemic. 181, 000 Americans have died - and we do not have a grip on the fact. The man says - it will go away.

58, 000 died in the Viet Nam War - thousands died in other Wars - but there is more to this story - we are headed to having many more dying - as much as 300, 000 by the end of the year - 2020.

The popular vote by large measure played a role in deciding who would lead the Nation in the past.

A popular vote was accepted - the Electoral College most of the time was not revealed in details -  was accepted by most - as a matter of fact.

The citizens of the United States of America - must now remove the Electoral College - it serves NO purpose but to be remind us of ancient - the Feudal System.  Most folks have NO clue about - less the Magna Carta.

The Smithsonian Electoral College - a remanent of Feudal Times - is NOT understood by most United States citizens. Time to flush that mode down the commode.

Some think that there is some majesty to the Electoral College - it is some type of College - or institution worth the salt .

In  fact the Electoral College consists of groups - shallow groups - mostly Whites.

Whites - having some alliance - more a warped mentality -  the Electoral College  voting system - is feudalistic.

It many have served its purpose when segregation was accept - no more - today. 

With every effort made to order us to vote - can you imagine some Electoral Votes - gathered in some  " dark den " - the votes tallied by folks who are NOT in sync with the time - deceiving us in broad daylight.

None of us - decent, educated on issues - voted to have some sordid, evil, selfish, immoral, unethical, lacking true human values - such as Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Mitch O'Connell - others too many to name - one worse than the other.

The above statements hold good - to the Electoral College - antiquated - as I said before - time for that Royal Flush - bring in the commode.

So the Democrats were stunned when Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez (NY) - 29 years old - and a fire brand who put the living fright in Nancy Pelosi and those Smithsonian Democrats - who have been hoodwinking us.

The other Democrats with a better idea how to make this world better - Iihan Omar (Minn), Rashida Tlaib (Mich), Ayanna Presten (Mass).

We are afraid to ask the relevant and pertinent question - why are these astute and stellar - relegated to the background - while Nancy Pelosi shakes like a reed - blowing any which way - sound like some noise that makes NO sense.

Who do you think - would take on the sordid Republicans and the more sordid Democrats who think - it is business as usual.

It is the same here in San Francisco - many put their faith in Nancy Pelosi - she says she represents San Francisco - but she does not have the guts to meet real San Franciscans - that can teach her a thing or two.

Each one of us - woman or man - must think for ourselves - we cannot afford for these aging Democrats - who cannot possibly think straight - and are now relegated to playing sordid politics.

The Democrats failed with the Muller Report and the Impeachment of the present person making his abode at the White House.

The Democrats failed with the Stimulus Plan - the first round.

They failed again - the impending second round - and God alone knows what the Democrats can do - other than say - they will try their best.

As for the Republicans - they blew their first day to put their best foot forward - the speakers the majority of them - had their speeches pre-taped - only two spoke in real time. That is as fake as any one can come - pretending to address the Nation - and being as fake as one can be.

Kimberly Guifoyle thought she was some dictator - trying to convince us with her BS - when in the past she has had no standards - her love for the present " egoistical maniac " -  is prove enough - the woman has lost her mind.

The egoistical maniac has put children in cages - and thinks nothing of it.

The egotistical maniac is still counting the pandemic - will go away - we have 181, 000 dead and more by the end of the year, 2020 - some experts say 300, 000.

The egoistical maniac picks fights with heads of Germany, France, Canada, China, Japan - he thinks he speaks his mind - he has lost his mind - and does not even know it.

Any decent woman or man must have empathy, more compassion - and it is critical to be educated on issues - we do not see an iota of this - linked to the egoistical maniac.

Our Nation - Turtle Island - now called the United States of America - has reach a point of - NO RETURN -  we must take control of our destiny - We the people must be in the cockpit.

This land all of it - belongs to the indigenous people - a fact that must be put - front and center. We must acknowledge the indigenous people - the Great Spirit that see it all.

This pandemic must be acknowledged as a time and a period of time - for deep reflection.

Our women who can lead must be acknowledged - more those that can stand tall and represent - Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez is one of them - but there are hundred that I know - that have NOT given an opportunity to shine.

Women to pander to the MACHINE must think twice - men who have failed us all - do not have the balls - to think outside the box - with a vision - that has been vetted and embraces all.

The Republican Party today - is inundated with " darkness " - how can we stand by and allow infants, children, youth, single women - to be left to die - other driven away - into the hands of the cartels - we must question our inability to discern and more to Speak to Power.

In my life - I have had the ability to sit down with some powerful leaders - from all over the world. We still have many leaders - one comes to mind in the United States - General James Mattis - he will come to the rescue of our Nation - the United States of America.

Let us not fall for movement - that have no foundation - more that are Spiritually Bankrupt.

We must remember the difference between Freedom and License - Abuse of Freedom is License.

Our children, our youth, our young adults  - this is your time to shine - you can do it - you must now step up and show the world - you can understand Climate Change - and help make the right decisions.

We cannot compromise sound education - this notion of  " virtual sessions " is something that is shallow - and the best minds can help create a better model of sound education - it will take time.

Here is the man with the other man -
both favor dictatorial ways - less empathy - 
no compassion what so ever.

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