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Friday, August 14, 2020


Mayor London Breed has shown her true colors -

she and hear lackeys - she now wants the essential workers

to suffer - some will be laid off - and others - take pay cuts.

 The SF Budget and Appropriations Committee started at 10 am and ended past 10:30 pm - I gave my public comment - and called it a day around 10:30 pm. 

I heard the heads of Departments come - promising how best to spend our " tax payers money ".

Every year at this time when we have this long, drab, shallow, budget issues - there is NO empathy linked to our infants, our children, our youth, our beloved Elders - those with compromised health.

More those who are mentally and physically challenged - the City and County of San Francisco has a $12.8 billion - yes  BILLION - and the wheeling and dealing - continues.

The shameless Mayor who have NO clue what is happening - small business suffering, large businesses leaving our once great City - the homeless situation - bursting at the seams. 

Now the dumb, shallow -  no good Mayor - who loves to bark up the wrong tree - and spewing diatribe - is targeting the " essential workers ".

Our nurses worldwide are treated with respect -

not so in San Francisco - paid less and over worked.

Our nurses, our engineers, those who clean our facilities, social workers - again and again she has called " essential workers " heroes and she-heroes.

Mayor London Breed has turned her back on " essential workers " - with intent discriminating against " essential workers".

Mayor London Breed  - inept and shallow - has decided with intent  to let some " essential go " -  others will not be paid what is due them - but what is more - there has been " no meaningful discussion ".

Mayor London Breed has not read the contract - signed between the essential workers - and the City and County of San Francisco.

This  happens often in the City and County of San Francisco - targeting the essential workers - those who cannot defend themselves - and this and more - cast a " very dark cloud " over SF City Hall.

Mayor London Breed a known sell out - pandering to Big Developers - fake as they come - amoral - now, has cast her die - against the proven, hardworking, ethical - essential workers. Bring it on.

Many of these essential workers belong to SEIU and I did not hear anyone from the UNION - speak at SF Budget and Appropriations Committee  - a senior Union member that matters.

One of those entities - who sit with the " fat cow" and are taken for a ride. Time to show who is in charge - shut the operations in toto - this can be done and should be done - without notice.

This nonsense treating our " essential workers " hundreds of them with disdain - has been going on for years. 

This talk about the Office of Racial Equity - is a bandaid - and a sham.

No one knows - how the money will be handled - and knowing folks like Sheryl Evan Davis, Shamann Walton, Shakirah Simley, Naomi Kelly, Harlan Kelly, Juliet Ellis, DionJay Brookter - others too many to name - this talk must STOP - we need to see the walk.

Most essential workers - with families - more young children - put their lives on the line - and now - they are treated with utter disdain - by Mayor London Breed and her lackeys.

We have a $1 Billion in the " General Fund " - rainy day fund - and the essential workers by foregoing their pay raises for years on end - have saved the City and County - $50 million plus.

Juliet Ellis - $34, 200, 000 . 00 doled out

Community Benefits 

by Juliet Ellis - from the SF Public Utilities Commission

the woman must be held accountable and sent to jail 

she and those who are linked with her sordid deeds.

As we all have had knowledge - the SF City Attorney - has for the longest time - chosen to hide thing under the rug - give opportunities like Naomi Kelly and Harlan Kelly - who have disgraced themselves - and should step down.

Each making over $400,000 a year - and daring to cheat, steal and hoodwink - we have the empirical data.

Add when the amount as stated above $340, 200, 000 Community Benefits was tallied - this is just the tip of the iceberg - the Controller and the SF City Attorney - chose to side with the crooks - crooks like Juliet Ellis - to save some clients - that we know - and revealed by another report the BLA report. Time will tell.

The Sunshine Task Force is impotent. The SF Ethics Commission is dysfunctional. Now that the SF Controller's Office and the SF City Attorney - have partnered to hide the true information - and have cheated the tax payers of millions of tax payers money - become accomplices - what are we to say.

It took the U.S. Attorney General here in San Francisco to shed light and expose the blatant corruption - now the SF City Attorney and SF Controller - want to placate the situation at hand.

We under some ordinance has been pushed forward - for the SF Board of Supervisors - to pin point the corrupt Primes - tie the sub contractors - to the Primes - and stalled all project - put a lien and use what other means - decertifying, prohibiting doing business in San Francisco - other may be useful tools to curb the crooks making hay - while the sun shines. 

The meeting will take place - be it a virtual meeting  - this coming Monday - and let us see - how honest our SF Board of Supervisors are - we now know the SF Controller and SF City Attorney - pick and choose - who they want to be handed the subpoena - who they want to play jackass with.

Our Economy peaked from 2012 to 2019 - and then the Covid-19 pandemic hit us - like a lighting.

San  Franciscans - took all the precaution - stayed at home - wore their mask - and stopped the pandemic in the tracks.

The tax payers must know how their money is spent - we pay the $400,000 salary to Harlan Kelly and Naomi Kelly - each.

We the tax payers pay Mayor London Breed over $380,000 plus perks - and get nothing much - but hot air.

The SF Department of Health has a $2 billion plus budget - with very poor accountability -  Dr Grant Colfax saying something about nothing. This guy must step down and so to - the many so called experts - most White  - paid well and kicking the can down the street.

The Homelessness we are experiencing in San Francisco today is atrocious - anyone can try their best - but one has to penetrated a inner circle - lined the Emergency Command Center - one Mary Ellen Caroll, Naomi Kelly, and others - they seem to control most everything.

This inner circle is a cancer - and to stop the spread - the cancer must be removed - now.

The spread now is raging - with all sorts of people - who are Covid positive - from outside coming into San Francisco - because of the free meals, and basic health treatment - that is given - and lacking in near by areas.

Some of these poor souls - will tell you - they are grateful - but they wear NO mask - they sleep anywhere - they do not maintain basic  hygiene.

Now more and more innocent San Francisco - are exposed to the virus - and many have landed in hospital - some have died - and all this and more - is pathetic.

Imagine in the middle of the pandemic - the  SF Budget and Appropriations Committee - spent an entire 13 hours - to talk, and talk, and talk.

The meeting started at 10 am and ended passed  10:30 pm. 

When the time came for Public Comment - the communication system - broke down. 

Tax Payers and constituents  who waited for over 12 hours to speak - left. 

Some of us remained - the fire works are best at the end - if one is given the permission to participate. Hundreds waited - some spoke - and we are proud of our advocacy and we will get rid of this corruption - raging like a wild fire - in all the SF City Department more the Executive Branch - Room 200  at SF City Hall.

Some City Departments - like the one headed by Abagail Stewart Kahn and Trent Rhorer - have lost their mind - that come them being White and given free reign.

Making - over $250,000 a year plus benefits - and failing us - San Franciscans -  falling behind Smithsonian policies.

Trying  to provide services for the poor - linked to money controlled by the Federal Emergency Management Agency  (FEMA). The FEDS are not stupid - you will be audited - and you will have to pay huge fines.

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