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Wednesday, December 4, 2019


The current hearing before the Judicial Committee - will clarify pertinent issues - in particular " high crimes " leading to impeachment - treason and bribery.

This President failed us all - linked to Public Trust. The majority of the tax payers - decent citizens want nothing to do with him.

This Presdent has failed us all - compromised each of the key safeguards - linked to our Constitution.

Created  turmoil  - of the worst order - never seen before - many actions - directly initiated by the President of the United States -  Donald Trump - the most unworthy President to hold an office as President of the United States of America.

The President has attacked the very Federal Agencies - U.S. Attorney General, the FBI, the CIA, the Secretary of State, other officials - his administration - has the highest turn over - and Donald Trump should be ashamed of himself.

An Independent Counselor made findings after two years - and found the President, Donald Trump - has violated the Constitution and that Congress must make the determination - to hold the charges - brought against Donald Trump - through a method know only to the United States - impeachment.

The Constitution was created to protect the United States - Governmental agencies - created to protect this Nation - 
we are a Republic - with checks and balances - you would not know that monitoring Donald Trump - who thinks he is a dictator or much like a pompous King without a crown.

Donald Trump  has even challenged Generals - from the Department of Defense - saying that he knows more than anyone one else - boasting about  his IQ - and compromised our National Security - tweeting.

This President Donald Trump has with intent abused his power - to seek personal favors.

Did his best to tarnish the name of his opponent Joe Biden - in the coming Presidential Elections - and to further his personal ploys and machination - involving millions of dollars.

He and his family has done this from day one - in the course of time - all this and more will be revealed.

Truth always prevails.

Expert after expert has clearly stated that the present President of the United States - is unfit  to govern.

And  as such many experts and U.S. Governmental officials - including Ambassadors  - have stated publicly that this President will spare NO effort to have his own selfish way.

I have  dared to call him an - egoistical maniac - from early on - weeks after he was sworn in as President - the worse President we have had in our Nation - starting some 243 years - when our Founding Father laid the Constitution to this great Republic - with checks and balances.

As I keep saying  - the Founding Fathers - incorporated  many checks and balances - in the U.S. Constitution - to STOP any one - including the President of the United States - from compromising our Republic - more importantly with our enemy - nations like Russia, China, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, North Korea - all of which can never, ever be trusted.

Our Nation broke away from the British -  King and Royalty - to create a Republic. 

Remember the Boson Tea Party?

We the United States inherited many of the customs from the British - however, our Founding Father did not want a King and insists that no one in the Republic was beyond the law.

The King could not be impeached - everyone else could be impeached - this fact is well know - but what is NOT know the sordid process of the British and the King or Queen - the royals always had their own way - and continue to do that to this very day.

With the many checks and balances - Donald Trump is  "NO " King.

To be sure - a 100% sure -  America and Americans will NOT tolerate - anything to do with a King - and substitute the Constitution and the rights of the people - citizens of the United States of America - for any Royal buffoonery.

Impeachable offenses must not be taken lightly.

In this case - all the " high crimes " committed by Donald Trump and his minion - are well documented - the problem is the Democrats - are part of the problem.

The process of the " impeachment " are held in open - to clarify all sorts of " high crimes " - and so far we are just being educated on the issues - the many telephone calls, the many junkets to Ukraine, the many telephone call to China - the secret communication with the Russians - and there is more that cannot be revealed.

We indigenous know that - no one can trust the Whites - they were born to lie - and indigenous people must NOT  be carried by - these forks who speak with a " forked tongue ".

From the onset of the Impeachment Proceedings - the Republicans have protected the President Donald Trump - arbitrarily and this is plain wrong.

In the past we had a bipartisan adjudication - not so today.

This lack of bipartisan was brought about by the high crimes of Hillary Clinton - when she was the Secretary of State - the  Barack Hussein Obama - chose " with intent " to not charge her - nor to chide her - Hillary Clinton should have been charged - 
with dereliction of duty - we have all the proof - and we have the empirical data.

Nancy Pelosi for all her talk - has NO walk.

As this proceeding delves into some salient and pertinent issues - 
connected to Impeachment - never, ever seen before on many fronts - the President with intent breaking laws, our Constitution - many Republicans in hight places - in cahoots with Donald Trump.

This is a process - a long process - and the more time it take to adjudicate this sordid process - the more the divisivenesses will entrench the communities at large - as the indigenous proclaimed a long time ago - " do not trust those with a forked tongue ".

I say they talk the talk but fail to walk the walk. Greed is their god - and they will sell their mothers for a nickel. Believe you me.

Abuse of the office for personal gain - to compromise the office of the President of the United States - in elections, to work with foreign entities to compromise our Nation's security and welfare - the above and more - call for " impeachment " - the people voting to impeach or not.

This  President has failed us all - by serving his own personal needs - soliciting personally to adversely impact our Elections - with intent - jeopardizing the welfare and security of our Nation and citizens.

Caught red handed - in the Ukraine episode - " quid pro quo " - money appropriated by Congress -  with held by the White House - without cause.

The money was  released when a Whistle Blower - brought light to  Congress and appropriate United States entities.

The  Intelligence Committee - that created the 300 pages document - now being evaluated and adjudicated by the Judicial Committee.

The  ploys, machinations, and shenanigans - exercised by Donald Trump  has tarnished the fair name - of these the United States of America.

We must use the " impeachment " as a last resort - to remove any President - who has failed - in this case again and again - impeachment - clearly refers - to several high crimes - impeachable crimes - that we the people will agree to - given the facts - more coming from the Ukraine - scandal.

Added a telephone log with hundreds of calls - all connecting the dots.

Many calls - made by the Republicans -  captured by the telephone companies - material revealing - the day, time, hour, second .

More - revealing in the calls - who made them and for what purpose - infallible - empirical data.

The egotistical maniac with intent allowed a foreign entity to mess with the affairs of our Nation - more our Elections. 

We must NOT tolerate the on going madness  - the many illegal transactions  - initiated with intent by Donald Trump.

We do not need some Constitutional scholars to educate us on that - not some of us who have been following such matters for over 50 years.

These crimes has been discussed in detail - by the Founding Fathers - and more in writing by creating the Constitution - vetted by our Founding Fathers.

The Founding Fathers - who created one of kind document - revered all over the world - created some 243 years ago - which has fully served its purpose an more.

Our Founding Fathers agreed early on those unscrupulous and uncouth politicians - could compromise our Nation and our Elections - not only the President of the United States.

We can read the Constitution and the Federal papers - that have not be discussed in detail  - if we the citizens and tax payers - care to.

The  egoistical maniac in the White House - has NOT read the Constitution - and more thinks that the powers vested in him as the President - permit him to do as he pleases.

President Donald Trump must be charged for many international crimes - " crimes against humanity " - atrocities committed in Yemen with his knowledge, in Syria with his knowledge and permission,  in Iraq and the torture of thousands of Christians and Kurds and other minorities communities that I have written about.

On our Southern borders putting children, youth, others in cages - dehumanizing human beings that should be treated as such. The Court in Hague, the Geneva Convention, the many International Institutions - are waiting for the impeachment.

Nancy Pelosi has declared the impeachment proceeding on - the articles of impeachment - are being drafted - the Democrats want Donald Trump out - the Republicans want Donald Trump in - but for how long.

The time has come to bring the above charges and more - on the International Level - and prove to the world - that the tax payers and citizens of the United States of America - in the land of the indigenous people.

More - many sovereign Native American nations - believe is justice - and adjudicating these " high crimes,  - crimes against humanity - and bring to book Donald Trump - a scumbag and a person - who has BLOOD on his hands. Aho.

A point to note at this juncture -  this present President - may be thought of  fit or unfit - mentally - he is NOT able to hold the position of the President.

Donald Trump - is mentally challenged and  unfit.

As has been stated by 38 Psychologists and Psychiatrists - a document signed and sent for the President - perusal.

There is Freedom and there is License - abuse of Freedom is License.

When the license - borders on  Treason, bribery for sure - and more - the President took an oath to defend our Nation - and failed - and must therefore bear the consequences.

On Treason and Bribery - Donald Trump fails - ratified for clarification - Constitutional Bribery.

This President - Donald Trump -  has done everything in his power - to destroy the checks and balances - that most of us thought were in place - to safeguard our Nation.

Donald Trump single handedly compromised the Constitution - the powers bestowed on the President.

Donald Trump -  has failed the citizens of the United States of America - as we all know NO one is beyond the law.

This President Donald Trump an uncouth, unscrupulous, demeaning, person - that has failed each and every citizen of the United States.

Donald Trump is No King - he is no Dictator - he is an egoistical maniac.

Donald Trump  has proved by his  sordid actions - adversely every aspect - of our Government - local, state, and federal.

I must note that Nancy Pelosi cannot fool all people all the time -
one has just to follow the money - her family on the East Coast - with deep links to the Mafia.

The woman is not to trusted - and must must down - she has done sufficient damage - and her opinion on this current impeachment does NOT count.

The people united - will never, ever be defeated.

Donald Trump must step down and fade into oblivion.

So - help us God. What would our Founding Fathers have said if they watched the current circus - who knows?

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