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Monday, February 3, 2025


Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce.

For over 20,000 years, the indigenous tribes inhabited South and North America. 

The Indigenous tribes traded with one another, intermarried, and practiced protocols that worked.

One of the protocols was always respecting and honoring the local tribes through which other host tribes traveled and traded.

When the strangers landed on Turtle Island, now known as America, the many indigenous tribes lived here. 

It is despicable when suddenly those who arrived here and were cared for by the indigenous tribes - suddenly declared the land was not theirs.

The land - every square inch belongs to the indigenous.

Yet, the strangers, also known as Whites, took it upon themselves to think and act that this land—Turtle Island—was theirs to rule.

In earlier years, Blacks from Africa—Black navigators—visited North and South America, and to this day, Whites shy away from the genius, experience, tenacity, and fortitude of Black navigators. 

The same was true of the Shipwrights from Hati, who built ships and were accommodated by Kings and Queens—the Shipwrights of that time were honored for their shipbuilding skills.

A segment of the population today spreads divisiveness of the worst order.

Politicians in power - stating that policies that are "meritorious " must be in place - favor the privileged, and these buffoons should be ashamed of themselves. 

Recently, we witnessed the EMMYS, which demonstrated how diversity, when given an opportunity, shines and brings about unity.

Whites the likes of Donald Trump - trash - are anathema to Turtle Island, and this abject discrimination must stop - before those who practice it - drown in the cesspool of their own creation,

Turtle Island - an area of some 3,717,812.8 square miles.

We have a lot of land - a lot of land where good things can happen.

We have seen greed invade land where the forests thrived - massive fires and the Santa Ana winds - destroy areas where homes once stood up and now are no more - incinerated.

At one time, millions of Indigenous people lived on Turtle Island. They traded, intermarried, had protocols, and, most of all, respected one another. 

There is no word " greed " in Indigenous dialects and languages.

Then came the strangers, and all hell broke loose.

Why are so many indigenous tribes put on Reservations - and why are so many indigenous tribes - not on the Federal Register?

We must admit that this land - all of it - was stolen - the Indigenous tribes killed and maimed, the women raped, the homes torched - there is not a single document - where the indigenous people of Turtle Island - signed over the land.

Those who believe in the "meritorious cliche " have no idea or sense that everyone can excel, given equal opportunity.

This fixation on Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion - contemplated by some failed to understand - that there is a segment of the population who are deep into their privilege.

Much - like the Colonists, the English, the Portuguese, the Spanish, the Dutch, the Germans, the French - and others - favored slavery - even the Churches for centuries - encouraging slavery.  

One way to take control of the lives of those who care about freedom - as opposed to license - is to tolerate an autocratic government - that is what we have now - in the United States - in the year 2025.

We do not study the history of the Third Reich and Hitler, Mussolini, and the brown shirts,  Stalin and Lenin who killed millions - much like we have Putin today - we have a monster in the White House - who is a narcissist. 

Narcissists love to see others suffer - Donald Trump must be ashamed of himself - putting millions of our children and youth - in harm's way.

All over the United States, innocent, hard-working people are taunted - by misinformation and disinformation - threatening those who can stay here - that they will be deported.

Donald Trump is not Indigenous - a fat white pig - who should never be free - as a felon - he must spend his time in jail.

Stay tuned for two years of hell.

After two years, there will be an awakening. 

Suddenly, all those who voted for the autocrat will dump him, and his lackeys—those embracing freedom—will win, and they will win big time.

On January 6, 2023, a traitor tried to stop recounting and tallying the electoral votes. This traitor was adjudicated a felon. He now lives in the White House and is a well-known pariah.

On July 1, 2024, the Supreme Court ruled 6-3 in favor of Donald Trump - stating that presidents have absolute immunity for acts committed as President with their core constitutional purview, at least presumptive immunity for official acts within the outer perimeter of their official responsibility, and no immunity for unofficial acts.

The language is obfuscated, and the legalization convoluted - such language that is not direct and meaningless - it will further allow a narcissist to act as an autocrat and cause harm to our nation, the United States of America.

Our  United States Constitution clearly states who is a traitor - yet, using some convoluted legalize - those who Donald Trump appointed on the current Supreme Court - favored the autocrat and, with this one ruling - mentioned below - destroyed any semblance we, the people, have, for the Supreme Court.

 Roe v Wade protected women - every woman knows what is best for her - and if she needs help and her life is in danger - we knew for over 50 years - that all women would make the best decision for themselves - their own life and abort if there was in peril - or in circumstances that the woman could decide.

Today, every woman is threatened by men who think they know more - and for the Supreme Court to willy-nilly negate a ruling that has helped so many - is a big blunder - so far, hundreds of someone could live - but have died - in vain.

Donald Trump is a felon, a liar, a cheat, a person who does not pay his taxes, and he has raped women - this man is an anathema to our nation, and he happens to be the President of the United States.

Donald Trump is playing god - there are only men and women - and he and his lackeys do not want to acknowledge those psychologists, psychiatrists, medical experts, scientists, and others who know better. 

The indigenous people always acknowledged the " Two Spirit " people. 

All over the world, " the trans population " plays a role in society.

In recent years, however, cowards have threatened the trans population. 

Human beings must be treated with love and uplifted.

Killing or murdering any human being is a crime.

The current government favors hate and discrimination - and this and more will come to bite Donald Trump in the butt.

Chief Sitting Bull of the Lakota nation.

The Pilgrims landed on Turtle Island early on. They were surprised to find indigenous tribes that knew how to fish and till the land.

The indigenous people taught the Pilgrims how to plant and reap corn, fish, and gather herbs and other greens, and they saved their lives.

The strangers were also surprised to meet one Indigenous person who could speak English - Tisquanturn, aka Squanto.

Tisquanturn, also known as Squanto, was an indigenous tribal person who spoke English and helped the Pilgrims survive in New England - acting as a translator.

Squanto was a member of the Patuxet tribe of Wampanoags.

Captain Thomas Hunt captured Squanto and sold him into slavery in Spain. 

Squanto escaped to England - with the help of the Catholic friars - and worked as a shipbuilder and translator. 

He later returned to his tribe until he met the Pilgrims and helped them survive. 

Smoset was the first Indigenous tribal person to make contact with the Pilgrims and helped them in many ways.

One must remember that these two Indigenous men lived and operated in two locations, spread very far.

One did not know what the other had done - both visited countries abroad - and learned English - and each returned armed by learning the English language and played a key role - in translating and bringing about peace and prosperity. 

Both learned other skills in shipbuilding, including things they learned in England and other places they visited and worked. 

When they returned to their homeland, they shared what they had done and learned, which was terrific. 

The fact that the Pilgrims were helped and were helped in English speaks a lot.

We all know that the United States of America favors our Constitution, and the Constitution is an experiment that has worked considering the rapid changes made - from Industrial inventions to the Digital world today - Artificial intelligence (AI) is knocking at our door.

We humans have emotions - and AI does not know yet - how to address emotions.

As a writer and poet, I have doubts about AI—not that I do not understand how it can work when repetitive actions are needed.

Understanding philosophy, History, Cosmology, Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, Theology, Sociology, Computer Science, Computer Machine languages, and more requires much effort.

As humans, we can learn all the above and more and understand and teach and reveal our thoughts and feelings as a human being. It is not so much a robot or artificial intelligence - that can bring about worthy and meaningful changes - emphasis on artificial intelligence.

We are now dabbling with AI, allowing it to create a resume and write something by jotting down sentences. Some admire that robots can achieve something - however not yet - better - competing with intelligent human beings.

The human brain is powerful, and no robot or machine can capture the many things humans learn when they travel the world and meet people.

Climb mountains, cross oceans, visit National Parks - speak many languages, experience love, meet haters, and overcome hurdles—a million other things AI will have to figure out with complicated algorithms.

Very little is mentioned about AI and the energy required to keep it working at a peak.

We lack the energy to support artificial intelligence (AI) in the United States. Who will pay for the energy?

Recently, we saw the Stock and Shares impacted - DeepSeek, a small Chinese startup, shocked companies like Google and OpenAI.

Paradoxically, the Chinese startup invested a measly $6 million, compared to hundreds of billions by companies in the United States, using supercomputer chips, and failed to achieve what DeepSeek achieved with older and cheaper computer chips. 

The United States, at this late date, now wants to debar DeepSeek from invading our computers and using its model of AI - much like after collecting trillions of dollars worth of data - we are debating if we should embrace - TikTok. 

Also, Russia, China, North Korea, and other autocrats are busy trying to use AI - to attack our institutions - China has already hacked the Office of Personnel Management and our banks - stealing billions - they even hacked the Pentagon.

Right now, the thugs who work with Donald Trump are attacking the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), which was hacked by Mainland China in 2013.

The thugs are out to destroy the United States Department of Education - gut the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation - and use the U.S. Department of Justice stacked by Donaldmite lackeys - out to compromise the security of the United States at all levels.

China and Russia will use AI to hack our satellites. Grab them like chopsticks and send them twirling into a faraway oblivion dark hole. 

Soon, Sterling, which can work wonders, they say, will be outdated.

Much like the Tesla cars and tanks that are failing.

Wait until the Chinese grab the largest Tesla Factory and send him home with a poisoned lollypop. Where do we find these clowns?

 One is from Flattop Mountain in San, South Africa. These poorly paid X computer technicians steal data from the United States government while working at other companies owned by the X owner.

These novices aged 19 years to 25 years - have no clue how our government works. 

For starters, they are not government workers - they are not on the U.S. government payroll - they work for thugs. 

They are out to steal information without permission, with Congress fast asleep in the cockpit. 

The stolen information will be used to better the fortunes of the thugs - who brag they have money and fake fame - much like AI, they have no soul - added no morals to standards and no ethics.

AI - can turn against human beings, more so by nations like China, Russia, North Korea, and others without morals, standards, or ethics.

Plans are already afoot to collect information from locations and buildings - where tiny chips can be planted to gather information.

 All the necessary information can be collected in our cars; no disclosure forms are required. The data collected is studied without our permission.

American companies and local, state, and national law authorities are planting electronic gadgets to collect information on our telephone poles and buildings. This is already happening.

While we think the United States government is guarding our information - we know the data is collected - and right now, with unqualified folks heading the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Secretary of Defense, the Director of National Intelligence - other critical positions - being filled by unqualified candidates - compromising our security.

Recently, we have witnessed our Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) fail - the recent Regan Airport and the Learjet incident in Philadelphia - both incidents back to back - pointing fingers at key traffic managers fired and air equipment that is Smithsonian.  

The machines and robots are far from anything created by more intelligent human beings, and more sentences with emotions - that make one laugh and cry - reassure one to be bold - and face the world with many unknowns. 

There are plans to transform medical decisions, operations, and a host of other things - that could be done - but we do not have the ethical and moral standards - created to keep AI - in place  - monitored, and controlled.

This land - Turtle Island - also known as the United States of America - of it is Indigenous land.

Today, millions are rallying - and over time - the Democrats who failed us miserably - must wake up - gather folks in the streets and speak truth to power.

Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi must speak up and tell us their short- and long-term plans.

We have 18 months - to defeat the Republicans - and beat them at their own game.

Our Constitution was an experiment - that did not have a place for cheats, liars, rape mongers, or folks who do not pay their taxes; these monsters have circumvented our Constitution - and created a surge of pandemonium.

On July 4, 2026, we celebrate 250 years - Independence Day.

July 4, 2027 - I see the demise of the Republican Party - a severe defeat and thousands go to jail - this time, it will be much like the Boston Tea Party.



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