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Sunday, February 23, 2025



Donald Trump has lost his mind - trying to side with Russia to stop the war - while forcing Ukraine to sign some agreement to force Ukraine under duress - to sell fifty percent of its rare minerals - and other ploys and machinations - unbecoming of the United States as we know it.

Three years today - Putin invaded Ukraine - and Donald Trump better treat those suffering in Ukraine as human beings. As for Russia, Putin, and his thugs - need to be dealt with and will one way or the other. The vote at the United Nations today - with the United States and Russia - in the company of Isreal and North Korea - speaks volumes - Donald Trump has earned us the distinction as a rogue nation.

Zelenskyy and Biden.

Long Live Ukraine!

Today is the third anniversary of the Ukraine invasion by a thug and autocratic Vladimir Putin - who is a good friend of Donald Trump, who is a narcissist and lives in the White House.

Donald Trump is all for himself and wants a deal with the Ukrainians. At the same time, he keeps Volodymyrr Zelenskyy from the table and tries to cut a deal for himself, pressuring Zelenskyy to allow Donald Trump access to rare minerals. 

This is NOT the American way to make any deal - remember, Donald Trump made a deal with the Taliban and created a mess - he could have had our groups leave when he was President - but he did not do that.

Donald Trump makes deals by taking advantage of others. In this case, he blamed President Joe Biden.

Why are we pandering to the Saudis - do we remember 9/11?

What do the Saudis have to do with Ukraine that matters?

Well, today, Donald Trump is pandering to Vladimir Putin - a KGB agent, a thug, a murderer, and the United States - must have nothing to do with Putin.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) - the European Union must help Ukraine - and must unite with Ukraine to fend off Russia and, if possible, bring down the autocratic Putin.

The Ukrainians protest and right so - they have done all in their power both at home in Ukraine and here in the United States - to stand shoulder to shoulder to keep Ukraine free - and the Russians at Bay:

Volodymyr Zelenskyy - a decent man - and monster Donald Trump.

Even as Ukraine has stood its ground and kept Russia at Bay - produced two million drones -  sacrificed 70,000 of its soldiers - women and men  - with 120,000 injured.

At this juncture, the United States must stand steadfast with Ukraine - Donald Trump is dabbling with ploys and machinations.

Donald Trump is pussy footing with Vladimir Putin - going so far as to accuse Ukraine and Volodymyr Zelenskyy of invading Russia.

Russia has lost over 150,000 dead - in all, 300,000  with over 180,00 injuries.

Donald Trump is a felon, a liar, and a cheater, and he does not pay his taxes; on day one, he promised to stop the war - after the invasion by Russia - nothing much has happened.

Donald Trump's ratings are at a time low - his actions trying to create pandemonium - have surged the wrath and ire of the citizens and others in the United States. 

Donald Trump - one must remember a felon - the only President of the United States that has that stain - a felon to his resume.

Donald Trump's spree of signing executive orders is the most silly and some downright nauseating.

Donald Trump has gone on a rampage, signing more than 70 Executive Orders - many have gone to Court, and the judges on all the Executive Orders - that adversely impact United States citizens and immigrants - have been stalled - some important ones, like the Birthright issue - there has been an injunction in force.

The most corrupt today is Donald Trump - his corrupt lackeys who carry out his stupid and senseless executive orders - as I mentioned, silly and adversely impacting thousands of federal workers and citizens when it comes to health, research, farmers, FEMA, DOJ, USAID, FBI, in fact any federal department where there was some semblance before is now in a mess.

This nonsense—an entity not connected with the Office of Personnel Management contacting federal workers—is illegal. 

 No entity not affiliated with the Office of Personnel Management can order federal government workers to complete and report surveys that are not legal and binding. 

The crooks behind the crime can be taken to Court and jailed.

It is a serious crime to conduct such surveys, asking for personal information, which is none of anyone's business, and to respond within a short period—utter nonsense.

We, the taxpayers, mandate that Elon Musk be audited for the $ $60 billion linked to all the government contracts given to him on a platter—SpaceX. 

We will find out the waste - that is why - the Inspector Generals were fired, and that too illegally. These crooks who make their abode in the White House - are crooks and must be rounded up and brought to book.

NASA has been taken for a ride - our taxpayer's money.

Elon Musk has been firing all the inspectors who have been sending him notices of violations (NOVs) - he does not want any law enforcement or federal entities to ask him questions about all the problems Tesla Evehicles are having; it is the same with SpaceX - a $20 billion project funded by us - taxpayers - he has invested in pharmaceutical and does not want to hear from those inspectors that monitor medicines.

How can a person who has so many problems - have money and not pay those he owes - he did this in San Francisco - when it operated TWITTER - when he sold Twitter and named it X.

I noticed all these guys who are billionaires make money cheating and will not reveal their taxes.

These billionaires -  act in a manner - where they deem themselves so necessary - that they order innocent people around and, as we have seen, put millions in harm's way. Narcissists!

This was Gaza before - beautiful beaches - with a dense population before Israel and the Israeli Defense Forces - leveled it to rubble, killing over 55,000 innocent men, women, infants, children, youth, young adults, Elders - those with compromised health.

Gaza today - is reminiscent of Dresden, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki. The land belongs to the Palestinians, both Gaza and the West Bank - the land cannot be given or sold to someone like Donald Trump - who thinks he is still in the real estate business - as a felon and President of the United States.

Donald Trump, the felon, thinks he can have the Panama Canal - having no clue that the Panama Canal belongs to Panama - who has also invested millions - in upgrading the Panama Canal.

The United States profits a lot from the Panama Canal - the idiot Donald Trump would not know that. He woke one day and decided it wanted the Panama Canal - that would not happen.

Donald wants Greenland - it will not get it - not so - because he has no clue that Denmark will kick his ass. They already told Donald Trump to fuck off!

Now he wants Gaza - even brought the King of Jordon - to vouch for his stupid idea - the people will lay down their lives - and what is more, the hate for Donald Trump will increase a thousandfold - and Donald Trump must remember - that no one in their right mind respects Donald Trump.

Andrew Jackson was a racist of the First Order.

Donald Trump supersedes Andrew Jackson, his hero.

Donald Trump is using Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion as something negative - he wants his privileged status inherited by whites - to gain favors and discriminate others who are not white. We call such idiots - assholes. Scum of the Earth.

This Department of Government Emergency (DOGE) is NOT a federal government - and does not have the capacity or experience to audit any United States federal government office.

Those working for Elon Musk and Elon Musk have been caught lying - Elon Musk told a story about the offices - underground that operated as a mine once. He talked about an elevator in the mine - when asked by a journalist who visited the office that deals with federal retirees - there is no elevator.

Secondly, Elon Musk fabricated the idea that federal workers did all their work manually—this is entirely wrong.

In the 1980s, the feds did not initially have computers with the latest software, but in the 1990s, almost everyone had good computers and software.

The paper worker was scanned, and the software worked fine. From the 1990s to today, the retirements are processed quickly and correctly.

Elon Mask has his Ecars like Tesla, who have a multitude of problems - in his factories, the workers and treated bad - and Elon Musk himself is erratic, much like Donald Trump - fucked up morons.  

Stop treating the federal workers with disdain - attacking them - firing them without process - and stressing their families. 

The entire United States today is in turmoil - and Congress better come out with a plan - to get these thugs before the judges and behind bars - as soon as possible.

What is Congress doing? You appropriate the funding and stop funding any money to these nonsense entities not connected to the Office of Personnel Management.

This shitty DOGE has no standards, and did this entity go before U.S. Congress or, for that matter, the  U.S. Senate? 

We have federal attorneys who have been fired  - federal workers fired - without reading their rights.

We have a process called Reduction In Force that has standards. Federal workers are human beings, and their families are adversely impacted. Infants and children suffer while you bastards treat human beings without respecting them.

Who are these hackers who work for Elon Musk - do they have clearance?

Enough is enough - speak up and tell these buffoons - they have crossed the line.

We have standards in the Federal System  - following the standards - doing illegal things -  treating federal workers with disdain is despicable.

You are not shooting rockets in the air - with your money, Elon Musk. 

The rockets you shoot are paid for by taxpayers, and billions of dollars are given to Elon Musk when humans can use that money here on Earth.

Elon wants to go to Mars. Let him use his money to go and stay with his large family, which includes three or more wives and twelve children.

Here on Earth, we have not yet charted the deep Oceans - yet we continue to contaminate the Oceans with plastic and poisonous chemicals and dump stuff that we think we can dispose of in the Ocean - when we must recycle and do what is right.

Notice that Donald Trump is targeting Law Enforcement. The Judge Advocates Office is linked to the United States military's Inspector Generals, who are highly specialized and can smell a rat like Donald Trump from a mile away.

Donald Trump is a cheat, liar, rapist, and a felon - yes - he is President but a felon - the first and only one that has lived in the White House and hopefully the last.

Today, the stress level has increased - and the Main Media is not talking about the stress - but contributing to it - by showcasing Donald Trump, Elon Musk, and the rest of his thugs.

Our infants, children, youth, young adults, women, men, Elders, and those with compromised health are all stressed - and Donald Trump has no clue how soon he will fall flat on his face - Karma!

Stop pushing our buttons - your narcissist. You are on borrowed time. Pay attention, do right, and do not make millions suffer. 

Federal workers work hard; the least you can do is conduct a sound needs assessment. You cannot do that because you are all idiots - with a big ego - and the time is coming - and it will land you in jail.

Our federal workers are well-trained and already understaffed.

Here comes Donald with the hammer, and the federal workers are treated with disdain. 

This is uncalled for, but those who are mannerless and lack etiquette would not know that.

Can you list the five things you do every day - positive?
Donald Trump and Elon Musk - are busy raking in money for the rich - while creating pandemonium and stress. Think about the people who voted you in. Did they ask you to target federal workers? How about dealing with inflation and doing it right?

You do not know that all the money you are trying to save is taxpayers' money. 

You two, Donald and Elon, do not pay your taxes on time. You take massive breaks—eight of them—and one has to just Google them.

I have news for you in one month: Your rating will be minus 20 points, hitting you two jerks—Donald and Elon—like lightning.    

If you are not educated on issues, you are not only ignorant but arrogant, and that will make you fall on your face.

The flag of the United States of America.

The firing of General Charles Brown, the Joint Chief of Staff, and Admiral Lisa Franchetti, the Chief of Operations, has shocked the citizens of the United States.

Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth and Joint Chief of Staff - General CQ Brown. We indeed have a sucker - as Secretary of Defense who has no clue what he is doing.

This is not a time to fire the best of the best we have in our military - not at this time when China is looking at Taiwan and other issues - adversely impacting Japan, Guam, Australia, the Philippines, Taiwan, and South Korea. 

A lot is going on right now - worldwide - Donald Trump is compromising our security - and if we start a war - we will ruin our economy - no one should trust a felon, an egoistical maniac - that is Donald Trump - who has not served in the military - and has had disdain for the military and more generals.

Donald Trump took on Congressman John McCain - who was taken prisoner by the Vietcong soldiers -  suffered torture - and was insulted by Donald Trump - stating that only losers get captured.

This is not the time to weaken our military, compromise our safety, or demoralize our nation and international relations.

This is not the time to traumatize our federal workers and their families, thousands of them - fired - failing to adhere to Reduction in Force - standards.

Donald Trump is reckless, a maniac - and the women and men he has chosen to run our United States government - are fanatics - who are out to destroy the law and order we have and adhere to in the United States and deprive the citizens of the United States - deprive them of their freedom.

We honor and love our military, and what we see - dishonoring our military by Donald Trump and his lackeys is not right—the military is our only salvation. 

We must honor and respect our military more, especially when families make many sacrifices and soldiers, women, and men lay their lives so that we may all be free and secure.

Firing the Joint Chief of Staff, General CQ Brown, and the many military judges and advocates vital in approving serious, meaningful, and critical decisions is asking for trouble and compromising our safety at home and worldwide.

Admiral and Chief of Operations - Lisa Franchetti - was an asset - foremost proving to the world - that our American women - can attain anything they set their minds to. This jackass Pete Hegseth has no spine - inebriation is his forte.

Joint Chief of Staff General CQ Brown is a high-level asset. This means he has the experience and can make decisions immediately, conduct a needs assessment, and develop a plan to address the situation.

Lt General Dan Caine - a jet fighter - has been chosen to replace Joint Chief of Staff - General CQ Brown.

Pete Hegseth has no clue how to run the Department of Defense, and his poor judgment was shown when he chose Air Force Lt. General John Dan Caine. He does not have the qualifications to head the Joint Chiefs of Staff—what a shame.

For the first time, we will not have a four-star General holding the position of Joint Chief of Staff, and no one can be given the four stars just so that Donald Trump, a felon, can accommodate him.

Worldwide, our enemies are laughing at us - and more when we see the leaders, chosen, more fanatics fumble the ball at the Pentagon.

Appointing military leaders with no expertise, ignorant and arrogant, headed by Pete Hegseth and the egoistical maniac for all practical purposes - doing us harm.

You do not show anyone who has served the United States of America as did four-star General Charles Q Brown - the door - without just cause.

It is the same with Admiral Lisa Franchetti, Chief of Operations. She, too, served for 40 years. We do not need some jerk known for his heavy drinking to show decent military officers—a General or an Admiral—the door.

If there is a situation today - weak as we are - with a Secretary of Defense who is the laughing stock in decent military circles. China, Russia, China, and others who are our enemies - are wondering - why we are firing the best of the best of the best?

As for whites who think they are superior - that the whites are privileged - that they are more innovative and are the only ones that can lead - it is just a matter of time - that they will learn their lesson.

The is Turtle Island - the land of the Indigenous - let that sink in - we know of our Elders warning us "do not trust those who speak with a forked tongue " - we know the white trash - and tolerate them - we know their habits, lack of etiquette, ignorant and arrogant.

We witnessed how the Senate Committee allowed the present Secretary of Defense to take the fifth—it tells a lot about character. We saw this in Germany: He opened his mouth and shoved his foot in it.

General George Q Jones and Admiral Lisa Franchetti - the United States - Secretary of Defense is unfit and will be remembered as a good-for-nothing nuisance - listening to Donald Trump - an egotistical maniac. 

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