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Saturday, July 27, 2024



Kamala Harris - nominated for U.S. Presidentship.

Freedom and Democracy Jives - not so Autocracy and License - Donald Trump, an egotistical maniac, is anathema - the Republicans are a Cult - let us not play with Fire.

Our Constitution is not just a document. It's a sacred pact—an experiment that has stood the test of time and served as the bedrock of our nation. Let's uphold it with reverence and commitment.

The Founding Fathers and the experiment that is tested today.
We are a Republic - that has stood the test of time - now - slowly but surely put to the test by fanatics and autocracy - by folks like Donald Trump and his thugs. 2024 will be the test of the century - can we unite and send the fanatics to where they belong - jail.

We must protect this experiment - by our Founding Fathers - from those who lack understanding of its principles. Let us not allow it to be undermined.

Divisiveness and fanatics rule supreme. Donald Trump, their leader who has lost his mind - lunatic.

The nation is confounded and confused, with strange and changing times and values that once held in high regard now thrown to the wind. 

We must protect these values, mandates, standards, and ethics—which have endured through the ages and have brought us all these years—for better, not worse.

Kamala Harris' mother is from India - came here to study - earned a Doctor's degree and worked on Cancer and related issues.

Her village in Tamil Nadu, India, looks forward to Kamala Harris visiting the village where her Indian mother was born - and where women are now doing better - they look for the North star - Kamala Harris.

Kamala Harris has won the hearts of millions of women in India and worldwide.

Kamala Harris' father, a Stanford alumnus, is from Jamaica. Her father and mother, both Civil Rights advocates, deeply understood the Civil Rights movement and the value of Freedom and Democracy, bringing a rich and diverse perspective to her upbringing.

Donald Trump - his mother and father.

Donald Trump's mother came to the United States from Scotland - and his father is a Jew from Eastern Europe - both were immigrants - I can go deep into their legal status - but let us keep it - as is stated - above.

We have allowed Donald Trump to run his dirty mouth - spewing vitriol, diatribe - and utter nonsense.

No decent, educated person will listen to the utter nonsense that Donald Trump utters.

If one goes to the source—from where he comes—the way his family has amassed wealth.

Today, Donald Trump assumes he will win and become the president of the United States, but he is a loser.

Donald Trump is now fascinated by his crypto scheme, which he thinks will prosper  - crypto replacing the dollar and its clout worldwide. He can keep on dreaming - today - and JD Vance - are drowning in the cesspool of their own creation.

Donald Trump has tarnished all that was good - anything he touches turns into a mess - and yet he thinks he is capable of winning when, as I said - he is a loser.

Both his mother and father were immigrants - they got all they wanted from our nation - only for their son - never, ever to pay his taxes. Their son is a liar, a cheater, a rapist, a felon, and one that is detested - worldwide.

The way Donald Trump has amassed wealth—the over 350 times he has been in Court during the last 30 years.

This despicable man would have been lingering in jail long ago. 

It is only in America—a man like him can do as he pleases—why?

How he acts indicates an IQ of less than 35—maybe 36. 

The man is a Joke and wants to run for President for the first time. He made a fool of himself.

Bullying - someone like Joe Biden, raping women, not paying his taxes, abusing judges who have indicted him - the man is a felon - and thinks he will win - when in fact he will be sent to jail.

Donald has attracted law enforcement and the judicial system to indict Donald of treason and sedition  - added rape, cheating, stealing, failing to pay his taxes.

Moving boxes of documents - containing confidential government information - working with autocrats, and now trying his best to destroy our freedom and democracy - he knows what he is doing - and he is shameless.

Donald Trump cannot survive in any decent country.

Donald Trump has created divisiveness of the highest order in the United States —we clearly saw this on January 6, 2021, with the assault on Capitol Hill.

Reading our U.S. Constitution, Donald Trump is a traitor - he, with intent, wanted to stop the counting of the Electoral Votes.

Donald Trump called for the death of Mike Pence - and was responsible - for inciting the thugs and goons - to enter U.S. Capitol Hill - attack our Law Enforcement - and destroy property - which resulted in mayhem, bodily harm, and death.

Donald Trump's stooped so low that they urinated and defecated - and Donald Trump knows this and endorses such actions - as will most egotistical maniacs.

Donald Trump stole sensitive documents that he should never have removed - breaking all mandated laws - no one is above the law - Donald Trump is a thug and deserves to serve a long time in jail.

Paradoxically, White women and men are contributing millions to the campaign coffers to help Kamala Harris succeed and be elected to office—to be the first woman President of the United States.

White men and women know that what they see in Kamala Harris is a person well-qualified who can challenge Donald Trump and beat him hands down.

White men and women fear that if the likes of Donald Trump come into power, the middle class will suffer the most. Those millionaires and billionaires will enjoy tax breaks and benefit the most.

Kamala Harris is a unifying fact - Donald Trump is a divisive force - much like a hurricane that brings about bad news and destruction of the worst order.

America today enjoys the contribution of those who have suffered for hundreds of years.

We take for granted the contributions of sports, jazz music, many inventions, and Dr. Martin Luther King and Frederick Douglass.

Few know that W.E.B. Du Dubois was a confidant of President Theodore Roosevelt. An influential sociologist, writer, and leader during Theodore Roosevelt's presidency, Du Dubois was also known for embracing the all-Black Buffalo Soldiers.

President Joe Biden got to know Kamala Harris better through his son Robert Hunter Biden, and Kamala Harris was in the right place at the right time—here in San Francisco.

As the District Attorney in Sacramento as the California Attorney General, they anointed Senator and Vice President of the United States at the right moment.

Kamala Harris has seen it all, met the challenges, worked hard, and understands the politics of the times.

Donald Trump is a liar, steals, cheats, rapes women, does not pay his taxes, abuses the Judges who have indicted him - acts like a fool, and basically favors the ways of an autocratic - an egotistical maniac.

We Americans are at a critical juncture - our Freedom and Democracy - is at stake.

The Supreme Court and the many sordid decisions.

Our Supreme Court kicks the can down the street - the many decisions made in recent years - defy logic and shame those who favor uncalled decisions - against our women, our children, the poor, immigrants, Social Security, and Medicare - we have Supreme Court judges taking gifts - money - and breaking the very laws that they must adhere to.

Fredrick Douglass.

Chief Sitting Bull 

Chief Joseph

Dr.  Martin Luther King Jr.

Harriet Tubman.

The land Turtle Island - now known as America was stolen - each and every inch - an area of 3,717,812.8 square miles.

The indigenous tribes lived on Turtle Island for thousands of years.

Imagine some folks landing here on. Turtle Island  - seeking their freedom -  only to make a mess of this land we call America.

It is incredible how everything begins with the Mayflower, the Quakers, Puritans, and Separatists.  

Blacks, some 12.5 million, were forced into slavery - which lasted for 246 years from 1619 to 1865 when the 13 Amendment abolished slavery.

400 years have passed since slavery existed, and it still hovers like a dark, sordid cloud - and few think about the deep scars, the inherent trauma, the disdain, and discrimination - having a woman as the President of the United States - is not acknowledged by many. 

Blacks have contributed so much to Turtle Island - the ones that most helped Blacks, once better known as Negroes - were the Indigenous people.

Blacks have given so much to the nation now called America. The infrastructure of this nation was built by the Blacks; the very planning of Washington DC was planned by a Black man.

Blacks have contributed significantly to inventions, the railway system, medicine, plasma, agriculture, and sports. 

In sports—football, basketball, baseball, and boxing—blacks are treated like gladiators.

Blacks have helped many presidents of the United States, including Federick Douglass, who helped President Abraham Lincoln.

W.E.B Du Dubois helped President Theodore Roosevelt. The same Theodore Roosevelt linked to the all-Black Buffalo Soldiers - the same man who favored National Parks - and the same man who learned to love Blacks.

We do not know these facts, but truth be told, Blacks were taken advantage of on many levels and are taken advantage of today. 

Our Secretary of Defense today is Black - Austin Lloyd, the Commanding General of the U.S. Army Forces Command, General Michael X. Garret, who holds a four-star rank - well respected.

The Indigenous tribes - on Turtle Island - more the Elders have repeated, do not trust those that speak with a forked tongue. 

Donald Trump is one of them - racists and supremacists -  he suffers from an inferiority complex - which is why he lies naturally - he cheats - a man who is a disgrace to the human race. 

Naturally, he is an egotistical maniac. He is a LOSER.

This land belongs to the Indigenous people - you would not know it - the way the Main Media - talks and talks - about our very corrupt politicians - sordid and corrupt the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Donald Trump, Barack Hussein Obama, Zoe Lofgren - and others - one worse than the other.

This drama linked to President Joe Biden and Gaza - must be analyzed - the 45,000 innocent Palestinians dead. 

More maimed and traumatized - the world courts pass indictments - and we, the United States, dared to welcome Benjamin Netanyahu to address joint United States and Senate.

Someone has blood on their hands—and I can reveal their name—but it would do no good unless those who must pay attention have standards, morals, and ethics and stop talking from both sides of their mouths.

The principle of proportionality - when one drops laser-guided bombs on 2000 and 5000-pound bombs - mandates careful consideration - paying attention to civilians - and a higher consideration when it comes to hospitals, schools, infants, children, and women.

Carpet bombing in Gaza - the people forced to move from one location to another - thousands of innocent dying. 

Benjamin Netanyahu has been indicted by the world courts.


How much sorrow, trauma, pain, and suffering can one endure?

The United States today is in dire straits.

Most have not read Project 2025 - where the most devious and toxic plans - linked to Social Security and Medicare, Abortions and women's health, Immigration and people of color, our precious Freedom and Democracy, the status of Federal Workers, and their removal from being employed.

The Department of Justice and the total decimation of the DOJ - there are many lists of individuals who will be taken down - the Vice President that Donald Trump has chosen is worse - the utter nonsense that JD Vance spews, vitriol, and diatribe of the worst order.

Most are waiting for some help to come to our rescue - when our moral duty today is to Vote the Republicans out  - all those who pledge allegiance to Donald Trump, who is the leader of the ongoing cult. 

Time to book him in.

The destruction of Gaza is uncalled for - Benjamin Netanyahu - must be brought to book.

Our Main Media must focus on the many atrocities happening daily in the West Bank - that the Israelis have annexed -  according to the International Court of Justice.

Monday, July 22, 2024



President Joe Biden has stepped down until his term runs out. In the interim, Kamala Harris will face significant challenges. Her role will be crucial, especially in the international arena, where she must navigate dealings with autocrats - like Donald Trump.

Undeniable and powerful forces behind the scenes have wielded significant influence, leading to President Joe Biden's decision to step down. 

Politics stinks! Imagine those who call themselves billionaires - are not in touch with the working poor - shaft us all.

Ironically, President Joe Biden often reminisces about his father, who toiled to put food on the table, buy his first house, and overcome hardships to put his children through college. We have those out of touch with blue-collar workers and families, changing the equation for the worse.

Kamala Harris was raised in the Bay Area, California, and knows many of us advocates. 

She was the District Attorney in San Francisco, became the Attorney General of California, and then was elected to the United States Senate. 

President Joe Biden chose Kamala Harris as Vice President and affectionately encouraged her, " I got your back, kid."

She was bused to school in the East Bay, West Berkeley - and learned well from her mother, who was South Indian, and her father, who was from Brown's Town, St. Ann Parish, Jamaica - about Civil Rights and all that Civil Rights stood for.

Dr. Shyamala Gopalan, a woman of strength and determination, came to the United States to pursue her dreams from Tamilnadu, India - and succeeded in raising two accomplished daughters.

While some may not think Kamala Harris is fit to be President of the United States - those who are astute, with tenacity and fortitude, have seen her raise $160 million in 24 hours.

We saw Nancy Pelosi, Zoe Lofgren, Hakkim Jefferies, Barack Hussein Obama, Chuck Schumer, and others try their best to gang up on President Joe Biden and force him to step down.

The way they act will come to bite them in the butt.

We, the people, will not surrender our freedom. 

We understand freedom and license - abuse of freedom is license.

The Republicans at the top, Donald Trump and JD Vance, believe they can destroy democracy - sorry - you will be defeated, and your time is now - to fade into oblivion.

Independents are the backbone of our Democracy—meaning most voters are Independents—and our political system has not highlighted this critical fact.

Independents are brilliant, and the younger generation embraces being Independent. 

However, each time we have the general elections, the two Parties—Democrats and Republicans—refuse to entertain the Independents.

Kamala Harris has some 48% of the voters supporting her.

This one singular fact is that Kamala Harris has promised us all, citizens of the United States, to " earn and win." 

After accepting the nomination to run for president of the United States, she raised $160 million in 24 hours.  

Donald Trump is sweating, and when he comes face to face with Kamala Harris - he will put his foot in his mouth. 

We are now poised to defeat fanatics and autocracy that have crept into our government.

Project 2025 is one document that has given some sordid insight into Donald Trump, JD Vance, and the many fanatics who have now met their match.

Kamala Harris is a highly qualified prosecutor and can expose Donald Trump, who is a felon - a rapist, a cheat, a liar, does not pay his taxes, abuses the judges who adjudicate his cases in court - over 50 cases - all of which do not favor Donald Trump.

Recently - an attempt was made to assassinate Donald Trump.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation did all it could to protect Donald Trump.

Donald Trump could have held his campaign event in an auditorium - the idiot chose an open field - thinking he could have his way - and put Law enforcement and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in an awkward situation.

The FBI Director, Kimberly Cheatle, was brought before Congress and treated more than the Republicans who questioned Kimberly Cheatle with disdain.

Kimberly Cheatle resigned, and the assassination investigation will take longer.

Recently the FBI declared there is evidence that a bullet may not have grazed Donald Trump's ear - but may be a sharp object of some sort.

No more will Donald Trump and others be allowed to hold events like political campaigning - besides having them in a large hall or stadium - no more farmland and open space.

It is too dangerous - to protect someone like Donald Trump - a felon and one who does not respect anyone - an egotistical maniac.

The FBI is spread thin - which makes it all the more difficult - dealing with Donald Trump, who runs his dirty mouth and insults all -  left, right, and center. Any ample open space makes Donald Trump an open target - and I hope he has learned his lesson from the last episode.

The Republicans can huff and puff - they have no clue that Donald Trump is a rogue person - who defies standards, lies, cheats, does not respect law and order - or aspects of law enforcement to protect a chronic felon - and is a disgrace to the human race.

Donald Trump is with the autocratic government and has already sold our secrets to our enemies.

Truth be told, no law enforcement linked to the United States government should come close to Donald Trump - he does not respect the law - and law enforcement.

We saw this on January 6, 2021: enticing his goons to harm decent, law-abiding politicians doing their work and counting the ballots.

Imagine trying to harm and kill Vice-President Mike Pence, who is a Republican and helped Donald Trump - before he saw that Donald Trump did not follow nor honor the United States Constitution.

These goons who do not want to honor our United States Constitution - attack our Law Enforcement as was witnessed on January 6. 2021  - shocked the world.

These bastards, one on hand, have disdain for Law Enforcement and, on the other, want the Federal Bureau of Investigation to protect the goons and their leaders, the likes of Donald Trump - this will not happen.

Donald Trump is an Anathema to the United States and a felon.

Too many fanatics flying in the face of the Law - we need to deal with these jerks - and nip the nonsense in the bud.


With integrity, tenacity, and fortitude - Kamala Harris - can deal with the fanatics and, foremost, the egoistical maniac - Donald Trump. We, the people, treasure our freedom and will not accept a goon like Donald Trump, a felon - with 34 pending charges - to be some fake president of the United States.

As I said, Kamala Harris must work hard and brags that she can work hard.  The work I am talking about is knowing what to do in challenging situations, such as wars on so many fronts and worldwide. She must deal with Vladimir Putin - if it ever happens, that meeting will be something to witness.  Putin, of course, cannot travel much - he has been indicted by the International Court of Justice. It is the same with Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu - who also has been indicted and is a known warmonger.

Nancy Pelosi - muddies the water.

We must be leery of Nancy Pelosi. She needs to serve the nation on many fronts. With intent and revenge, she went after Donald Trump for all the wrong reasons. Twice impeached by actions initiated by Nancy Pelosi and backed by Zoe Lofgren and other lackeys, their efforts failed and created a lot of bad blood. Nancy has been unable to serve the citizens of San Francisco - and has not helped the Native Americans - more those Indigenous people who lived in San Francisco for thousands of years - the same as with Zoe Lofgren - two hags that think they can play with fire.

The Muwekma Ohlone - the indigenous people of San Francisco.

It is amazing how ignorant and arrogant the politicians  - wheelers and dealers are from San Francisco.

Zoe Lofgren, Nancy Pelosi, and Diane Feinstein (expired) are currently in power at San Francisco City Hall. They think they can play with fire, pay lip service, and play one group—one tribe against the other.

The General Election will make or break our nation.

Donald Trump and AJ Vance are from the same cloth - one worse than the other - both are selfish - one for sure an egotistical maniac.

Again and again, while these politicians think they are representing the people - they are not.

This land we all live in is Turtle Island - now known as the United States of America.

Deb Haaland has failed to fight for the Native Americans. Now is the time to sit down with President Joe Biden and speak Truth to Power—or else we will remember you for doing nothing. Aho.

While President Joe Biden has done some justice by appointing Deb Haaland as Secretary of Interior, not much has been done to place some tribes on the Federal Register. 

Soon before the White House - indigenous people will ride their horses from the Bay Area to Washington DC - arrive at the White House to present their petition - the many atrocities committed.

President Joe Biden will accept the petition, read it, and take action. 

I know Kamala Harris knows the plight of the indigenous people in California, and she can step up and do what is right. 

Kamala Harris knows me, and I have known her for a long time.

President Joe Biden will be the President for another five months - and can come to the rescue of the Native Americans and help them all as best he can. That is the least he can do - before his term expires.

Alcatraz Island - San Francisco.

San Francisco.

Native American - Lower Fort Mason.

Painting of Ohlone Land.

Golden Gate Bridge - San Francisco.

The Presidio of San Francisco - Main Post.

We get our drinking water from Hetch Hetchy, 167 miles away. We are the only City and County that flushes our commodes with clean drinking water.

Dolores Park - Francisco - where thousands gather at events.

Saturday, July 20, 2024



Nancy is a troublemaker -  because her wheeling and dealing days - are over. Nancy must step down and fade into oblivion. Joe Biden is the President of the United States, and if he has the balls - he should hold his ground - and warn those ganging on him - to stay away.

Let President Joe Biden put every tribe on Turtle Island on the Federal Register by Executive Order.

America, once known as Turtle Island -  practiced Democracy - for thousands of years. Those ignorant and uneducated on the issue - must pay heed - and learn more - before America, as we know it - is no more.

If the Six Nations could amicably settle their issues, why are we wasting millions impeaching and losing each case, visiting Taiwan to muddy the waters - keeping Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and others at Bay - Nancy Pelosi - has screwed things up - and as I say, must fade into oblivion.

The Six Nations—the Iroquois Tribe—were invited and visited the White House. 

The Founding Fathers learned much from the visits, had long dialogues, and incorporated the wisdom of the Six Nations Elders into our Constitution.

We should be ashamed when we Americans take the indigenous tribes of Turtle Island for granted. 

We should be embarrassed that the indigenous tribes live on Reservation - when this is their land - and all of us are immigrants.

The audacity of idiots like Donald Trump, whose parents are immigrants, his father from Eastern Europe, and his mother from Wales. 

When Donald Trump says Make America Great Again (MAGA), he must remember that there was Turtle Island for thousands of years before America. Only a buffoon will say the idiotic things that Donald Trump says and does.

Donald Trump has now assumed some fake role of a prophet or one that God saved from dying - well, he has not seen the blue light - and still has not changed his sordid ways - hate and ramblings that make no sense.

Donald Trump is full of revenge and destruction, and the 2025 Project lays the foundation - to target all those Donald Trump and his lackeys want to get back to - destroy their lives - and destroy whatever harmony and progress - our great nation has made. 

Our nation today is in dire straits. We have a President who is doing an excellent job. The infrastructure bill has benefited millions. The economy is doing well. Unemployment is at its lowest. We are still recognized as a nation that all look upon. Our dollar is so strong that it has stoked many tests and remained stable for the longest time. 

It is time for President Joe Biden - to ponder well and initiate some one-of-a-kind policies that have not been done before - first and foremost, healing the indigenous tribes here in the United States.

President Joe Biden is more intelligent than Donald Trump - President Joe Biden must go to a niche place. 

He could start by issuing an Executive Order declaring all Indigenous tribes with links to Turtle Island - put on the Federal Register - with this one Executive Act - for the first time - all Americans will unite.

Those who came here from Europe - who think they are privileged - must STOP this nonsense -  Donald Trump has taken upon himself to be a dictator of sorts - he is aiming to be autocratic - to deprive Elders of their earned benefits and women the right to govern their own bodies.

"Drill Baby Drill " - the resources we have on Turtle Island - Mother Earth - must be handled with care - Donald Trump, who is an idiot - does not comprehend that - and as soon as possible - President Joe Biden must issue several Executive Orders - to keep the monster at bay. 

The Elders have clearly stated, "Do not trust those who speak with a forked tongue "—to which I will add—who are materialistic.

In less than 300 years - all that was pristine and wholesome - has been contaminated and polluted.

Who would cut so many redwood trees - kill millions of Buffalo for their fur - contaminate the rivers, lakes, and oceans. Deplete the Ozone Layer - and give a damn about Climate Change - what else is there to say - about those who want to amass wealth at the expense of the indigenous - each square inch was stolen.

General James Mathis

General Mark Milley.

General Lloyd Austin.

The Democrats' disarray—washing dirty laundry in broad daylight, failing to understand that 14 million citizens voted for President Joe Biden, and daring to gang against President Joe Biden—will be recorded in history. That adjudication will be revealed in November 2024.

Few know how the Democratic Party works—powerful entities with money contribute to and control it.

It is the same with the Republican Party - in this case, Donald Trump is at the helm of affairs.

President Joe Biden has the experience, and it is an experience that can take the Democratic Party to a better place.

Today, both parties cannot deliver - and we know if the Republicans win - our nation will be in dire straits.

Given the situation, we must now look at our military, which owes its allegiance to the Constitution. Can the military do what it has never, ever done before? Time will tell - come November, 2024.

Several high-ranking military generals and others are experts in all things military and the safety and well-being of our nation.

I have been in touch with some of them for forty-five years. 

Politicians, corrupt as they are—who amass millions—daily beg for money to fill their campaign coffers - are oblivious to the voters' concerns.

The corrupt politicians - are focused on gathering as much wealth as possible and not on serving the citizens of the United States of America.

We seem not to have learned a lesson - the invasion of Capitol Hill on January 6, 2021 - some 2500 fanatics broke windows, attacked the Capitol Hill law enforcement - and threatened to kill the former Republican Vice President  Mike Pence - they even had a noose complete with the entire trapping to hang Vice-President Pence.

These thugs who dared to invade Capitol Hill - deface the walls - urinate, and defecate had no shame and, indeed, revealed their true colors.

These thugs, including Donald Trump, who is a felon, are traitors.

The punishment for traitors is hanging - the Constitution - mentions the punishment - and yet the Supreme Court and other courts are being lenient on this good-for-nothing - jackasses.

Let us not allow the fanatics to destroy Turtle Island - the land belongs to the Native Americans - the indigenous people of Turtle Island - before someone landed by mistake - and now call it America.

Right now, time is running out. We must apologize to the Native Americans, and one way to bring about reconciliation is by putting all the Native Tribes on the Federal Register.  

Deb Haaland, the 54th Secretary of the Interior, must step up for the tribes and not wheel and deal - selling out the Native Americans.

The Department of Interior has failed the Native Tribes, and President Joe Biden - can stand tall and represent - by his authority - an Executive Order - mandating all Native Americans be put on the Federal Register.

This land does not belong to those who are NOT Native Americans.

Here are some who fought for their people in the United States.

Chief Sitting Bull

Chief Joseph

Turtle Island - now called America.

Who kills millions of Buffalo for their fur and leaves the meat to rot - only those who are greedy and have contaminated and polluted Turtle Island - and think they own it - when they sole the land.

Andrew Jackson

The devil himself - much like some Republicans. This man murdered and killed thousands of infants, children, women, and men - removed them from the land where they lived for thousands of years and put them in Reservations. Such atrocities will come to haunt those who, even today - want to destroy our democracy.


The time has come to do a sound needs assessment—today, it will not be business as usual. 

The vain talk about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion pushed by lackeys who do not understand how to rid themselves of their innate bias yet want to erase discrimination is an allusion.

Let us examine the number of voters who are Independents—over 52%—and how this relates to all the talk about politics.

Having the Republicans and Democrats - this two-party system - abuse our rights - the rights of the voters - is something not discussed by buffoons the likes of Nancy Pelosi and others who deem they understand the polls.

Well, the time has come for the Independents to take a stand.

While the Republicans have many faults - the Democrats have increased the divide  - the poor and the filthy rich - and Nancy Pelosi will see for herself - the stupidity of going after Donald Trump and the two failed impeachments.

Defying the norm and going to Taiwan for personal reasons.

Rallying - the Democrats to gang up on President Joe Biden.

The Democrats failed to reach out to the younger generation long ago - ask Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. 

Today, the Democrats have Nancy Pelosi and Zoe Lofgren, but both should step down and fade into oblivion. Both have failed their constituents, Nancy in San Francisco and Zoe in San Jose.

Nancy Pelosi and Zoe Lofgren are two hags - who have gone out of their way to harm indigenous tribes - depriving them of their Federal Recognition - that includes Diane Feinstein, who passed away not long ago. President Joe Biden, show them who has the balls - and put all the indigenous tribes on the Federal List - and show them on whose side you are.

Chuck Schumer, Hakeem Jefferies, Nancy Pelosi, Zoe Lofgren, Barack Hussein Obama - other too many to name are acting like chameleons - all have had the pleasure to be close to President Joe Biden - and today are stabbing him in the back.

The Recent Republican Convention clearly shows who has the money - it also reveals the deep divide between the Republicans and all women - women are not going to allow the Republicans and more Donald Trump and his side-side JD Vance - to fuck with the women and deprive them of their rights as citizens - and more their humanity.

JD Vance wants freedom for himself and Donald Trump - to hell with freedom for the women, the children, the youth, the young adults, women, and men - our Elders and those with compromised health.

JD Vance did not have a normal childhood, nor was his youth conducive to anything normal. His adult life was a mess, and even in college, he was known as a person who was not expected.

The only blessing that came his way was his wife, a lawyer he met in college—who he loved, and she loved him and made him look at reality—but his vision was one of white supremacy, and it remained so.

JD Vance is deep in the writing of Project 2025 - to rid millions of immigrants and target women and their bodies, but has no clue about the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

JD Vance does not want to have anything with Ukraine - has no clue that the United States and Britain - disarmed Ukraine and handed 1600 nuclear missiles to Russia.

The United States and Britain supported Ukraine and did not in 2014 when Russia invaded Ukraine - then went on to take over Crimea and Georgia.

The United States, under President Joe Biden, has done its best supporting Ukraine - JD Vance was one of those idiots in the U.S. Senate - putting hurdles in the way to fund Ukraine - when Ukraine needed help most. 

JD Vance now wants us to believe that JD Vance is a genuine U.S. Marin.

JD Vance is NOT - just a paper pusher - not worth the salt - worked in some Public Affairs office - and has no experience on the frontlines - if he did, he would not talk the bull shit he talks - when talking about Ukraine and related issues.

An experienced U.S. Marin never boasts about what he or she has done for their nation—they act and keep on acting and humbly execute their mission to the best of their ability.

JD Vance is a Hilly Billy - a good-for-nothing man - who will disappoint those he purports to represent.

 JD Vance is a shadow of everything that Project 2025 stands for - controlling women, having disdain for the immigrants - the Elders and those most vulnerable - he recently removed an entire paragraph on his website - rude remarks against the immigrants. 

Every American citizen should be careful of Donald Trump and JD Vance - listen to their every word - and remember these two jerks - mistake license for freedom. Abuse of freedom is license.

As for Democracy as laid down in the United States Constitution - these two jerks - do not want to abide by Democracy - they want complete control of the Judicial System - want to take over the Department of Justice,  dismiss thousands of Federal workers, and put stooges in their place - adversely impact Social Security and tap into Medicare and other medical benefits that help our Elderly.

Unfortunately, the forty or so Democrats who want President Joe Biden to step down do not have a candidate who will stand up and represent the United States.  

Nancy Pelosi - has yet to learn about the damage she has done. 

Nancy Pelosi, Zoe Lofgren, and others who think they control California and the Electoral College - and can play with fire.  I keep saying, only a foolish person who takes on an idiot like Donald Trump wastes millions of dollars - taxpayer money - and fail two times to impeach Donald Trump - and that stupid was Nancy Pelosi - a reed blowing in the wind - any which way. 

Nancy Pelosi, the reed shaking any which way - and lacking integrity, fortitude, and decency - is a JOKE.

Here in San Francisco, no one respects Nancy—and the same is true with Zoe Lofgren. Like those of old age who are engrossed with their own petty deeds, they are not respected because they only think about how to fill their campaign coffers.

President Joe Biden must face his foes with tenacity and fortitude.

Benjamin Netanyahu is NOT to be trusted.

Plans are afoot to invite Benjamin Netanyahu, who is a War Monger - and indicted by the International Court of Justice - for war crimes - killing and maiming infants, children, innocent Palestinians, and more. 

Benjamin Netanyahu has had deep relations with HAMAS for over 30 years - receiving millions from the Qataris and doling the money to HAMAS and other entities - now - pretending that it is against HAMAS.

Recently, the International Courts, for the first time, have indicted Israel - annexing land belonging to the Palestinians - and it is a crying shame that the Zionists - have stolen the land, annexed it - and built thousands of homes.

Now is the time for President Joe Biden to make a statement - speaking truth to power.

Israel and the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) must move out of Gaza - now totally destroyed and millions of innocent Palestinians in peril - slowly dying of starvation - unbearable sanitation woes and women and children suffering the most.

There is no clean drinking water - wells are covered with rubble - from all the bombing and shelling - Gaza that once housed millions in decent housing - is now totally devastated.

The plan by the Republicans is to humiliate President Joe Biden - by inviting him to speak to Congress and the Senate - no one in their right mind - should attend this meeting - and honor a criminal - time will tell. 

We know who backs Israel for all the wrong reasons. The younger voters in the United States will not vote for those who support Israel - that is a rogue nation.

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), with intent, have killed and murdered over 45,000 Palestinians - make no bones about this fact.

Our college students know what they are protesting about - most of them do not favor the Republicans and the fanatics that follow Donald Trump.

President can issue a statement - that encourages the youth and young adults - his position - if he agrees with the youth and young adults - he will win the Presidentship - he does not have to pander to Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Hakeem Jefferies, Zoe Lofgren, Barrack Hussein Obama - other sell outs.


We need to move quickly in projecting a trustworthy platform that is viable and sustainable.

Some Democrats are frustrated and confounded. At this late date, they are mudding the waters instead of supporting the President of the United States, Joe Biden. 

Stop trying to entice Gavin Newsom, who has failed as Governor of California and has no experience on the International Stage.

He has no military experience and is, in many circles - called a metro-sexual.

Gavin Newsom can wave his hands all he can. It's best he keeps his hands in his pocket and steps aside. 

Fire Joe Biden signs at the Republican Convention.

Kamala Harris must not take the future for granted. She may think she can fill Joe Biden's shoes, but that is a far cry from being President of the United States.

President Joe Biden must make some poignant, deep, and focused decisions.

If he wants to choose someone else to be his vice president, he could. 

President Joe Biden has time on his side—from now to October 15, 2024—to get many things on track.

Now is the time to tally the electoral votes—now is the time to send a letter to those who want President Joe Biden out—to stay out and mind their own business.

We know who controls the money in the United States and who these crooks are. We must now call them out and put them on notice.

President Joe Biden must express his views clearly on NATO and the 13 million United States citizens who back him, on the North Alliance Treaty Organizations (NATO), Ukraine, and keeping our Freedom in the United States intact.

Now is the time to bring in the retired Generals -  and rally millions who agree that the United States will not cater to or endorse autocratic ploys and machinations - someone like Donald Trump is anathema.

Donald Trump and his sidekick are dangerous elements. We have a narrow window to assess the situation. As we understand Democracy's aspects, we must take precise, deep, precautionary action to safeguard our Freedom and Democracy.

We all understand that our nation is a republic.

Our Founding Fathers created the Constitution as an experiment.

Foremost was our Freedom - we did not want to adhere to any King - and less any Autocract - elements that our Founding Fathers - detested.

Donald Trump and JD Vance are talking about licenses.

We understand our Freedom as opposed to our license.

We will NOT surrender our Freedom to the likes of Donald Trump and his fanatics - we do not take orders from an egotistical maniac that is Donald Trump.

Those who oppose President Joe Biden could have raised their opposition one and a half years ago.

What keeps our nation free are the voters - the 14 million who voted for President Joe Biden.

These Democrats who think that polls and some gimmicks linked to polls will save the day - are totally out of sync.

President Joe Biden must put those who oppose him on notice - stop washing dirty laundry in public - only those who lack etiquette, standards, morals, and ethics - would act like these Democrats who do not respect the 13 million citizens and voters of the United States of America.


Many of us served our nation and valued our Freedom.

These U.S. Democrats backed by dubious entities stop the dirty politics.

These U.S. Democrats cannot make up their minds—and do not have—a candidate in mind who can be a forthright, stellar, and acute President with experience that matters—more International affairs.

So far - the Democrats do not have - a candidate in mind who can be a forthright, stellar, and astute - candidate, a President with experience that matters.

These old farts Democrats have had their way for too long, and it is time - we have limited terms to serve - too much fungi growing on these politicians, the likes of Nancy Pelosi and others - an anathema to the United States. 

As a reminder, our military owes its allegiance to the Constitution—not any person or entity, and certainly no autocrat. 

We have hundreds of retired Generals, Admirals, and others of good rank - ready to serve the nation. We are all prepared to handle whatever arises - even turmoil of the worst order.

Now is the time to keep our military informed, stay on the ready, and address any untoward mess in the pipeline. Aho.



 Elements of the operation of the Long Cabin into our Constitution.