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Friday, November 3, 2023


They say history repeats itself. Are we heading for a time - many years ago when thousands rallied and came to Palestine to fight a religious war - reminiscent of the Crusaders and Suleiman the Magnificent? Above is Hassan Nasrallah - the leader of Hezbollah - if the right people sit down with him - the present madness can be stopped - with the hostages released.

Laser-guided bombs have been used to target one person - while hundreds of Palestinian children - are collateral damage.

So far, over 6000 Palestinian children have died. 

More Palestinian children are covered in the rubble - and no one seems to care - less about the Western corrupt Main Media.

When it comes to " crimes against humanity," - we must have the empirical data - we have in abundance, and this time around - for all the hog-wash - Israel may have to appear - before the International Courts.

There is not a single world leader to take the issue of death, maiming, killing, and slaughter of innocent infants and children - be they Palestinian - because some think they are privileged and better - when in fact they are the scourge of the Earth.

Right now, thousands of arms and ammunition are being distributed to the Zionist settlers in the West Bank. This clearly sends a message to the Palestinians in the West Bank - to be ready for a genocide.

This defiance led by Benjamin Netanyahu and his cabal - is something that will not be tolerated worldwide.

Hezbollah and Hamas are not afraid to lay down their lives - and Israel is begging a power that everyone knows - to set those who do not want peace - to experience hell - hellfire that will destroy those who intimidate others. 

Much are those who play with fire get burnt.

Do we have any clue about the deep penetrating precision bombs that can go two to three feed below the target and implode - killing any life in its path - and creating a large crater - the GBU-54 is one of these creations, and there is more to come: 

We are living in a real world - where disinformation and misinformation prevail - the Western Main Media - as it did with wars in Syria, Iraq, Libya, and Afghanistan - spewing the worst type of diatribe. 

The gullible audience here in America and elsewhere sallowing the bitter pill. 

Antony J. Blinken has been all over the place - it is time to bring some world leaders - to find a solution - and this should have been gone weeks ago.

Palestinian children must not die - and some of us advocates - must speak truth to power.

Towards this end, we cannot trust the Western Main Media - spreading misinformation - and sugarcoating the death of thousands of Palestinian children - now numbering 6000.

We have two days to resolve this mess - there is a better time to kick the can down the street. We have two days and 48 hours to end this mess.


The latest from Gaza -  more carnage and atrocities:

President Joe Biden and Chairman Xi Jinping.

1945, the United Nations was formed, and the charter was signed

 here in San Francisco.

San Francisco is one of the most corrupt cities in the world.

Added to the corruption - drugs are found all over the place - and many thousands daily sleep on the streets - surrounded by filth, and the San Francisco - Mayor London Breed - is busy talking about Artificial Intelligence.

The Mayor, London Breed, received some degree from Davis - where growing tomatoes and potatoes are discussed - and less statesmanship and sound politics.

All over San Francisco - thousands of stores are empty - large shopping malls have closed their doors, and the Mayor London Breed, is busy barking up the wrong tree - every opportunity she gets.

She has no manners or etiquette, and she was put there by the machine for one thing and one thing only - to help endorse pay-to-play machination, ploys, and shenanigans.

We have thousands of Palestinians in San Francisco.

If San Francisco had some common sense - which is a rare sense - the SF Board of Supervisors and the Mayor London Breed - would make a sensible statement linked to the death of thousands of innocent Palestinian children.

For now, San Francisco is my home base - and we embrace the world. San Francisco is where the United Nations was signed in 1945.

An essential element to remember is that the Quran does not tolerate harming women and children. Christians from all denominations also do not tolerate charming infants, children, and women. 

When I was young, I listened to the Elders - people with wisdom from all over the world. Later, I trained myself in Philosophy, Theology, Education, Environmental issues, Transportation, Safety, and International Policies.

My blog addresses local, state, national, and international issues.

Our heart must be in the right place to take anyone to a better place.

We must believe in good actions - good actions count.

We must endeavor to speak truth to power. Each one has the power to contribute the best we have to the universe.

To some given the privilege to see the Blue Light - there is a clear understanding - that time is now - our leaders are blinded with mundane stuff - time to do right and do it - now.

There must be an ecumenical effort to solve this problem - Pope Francis, the Imams, the leading Jewish Rabbis, Christian Bishops and Cardinals, Hindu, Jain, Buddhist, and leaders of various faiths - must come together - we do not want this mess to turn into a war - not now - not ever. Aho. 

We have 48 hours to do so.


Thousands of innocent Palestinian children have died.

Take some time to read the Balfour Declaration:

Thousands of San Franciscans and others from the Bay Area marched down SF Market Street in solidarity - Mayor London Breed was nowhere to be seen - not a word from her on the thousands of deaths - innocent Palestinian children killed - Mayor London Breed is a loser - and you will see it soon - when the coming Mayoral election is held.

Scenes like this do not impact -  Mayor London Breed and her lackeys. I will be watching - folks like Nancy Pelosi, London Breed, and Kamala Harris - making fake speeches at the coming APEC summit - to be held at the Moscone Center in San Francisco. A bunch of morons who are meeting to discuss trade and the economy - when pandemonium reigns supreme - in Ukraine, Gaza, and all over Africa, which is a continent - San Francisco talks the talk - but cannot walk the walk - Climate Change included.

When you have buffoons in San Francisco at SF City Hall - who cannot make a sound needs assessment.

The folks in Room 200 at City Hall - need to learn about International Politics.

The likes we have at San Francisco, Board of Supervisors - you witness blatant mistakes made - and no one seems to care.

Down the road, our budget stands at $14.6 billion - yet we are heading for a 1 billion dollar deficit - with all sorts of shenanigans in Room 250.

Public Comment, which is sacrosanct and essential, is being curtailed to add fuel to the fire.

The SF Board of Supervisors - better known as the Buffons do not know much about the First Amendment - in fact, they should know how to represent - but are busy raking in the money - to fill their campaign coffers.

Not long ago, our streets were torn - in fact, throughout the pandemic, our streets were torn - and some Primes and contractors made vast amounts of money.

The contractors bid low -  and then make endless change orders - and the SF Board of Supervisors has no clue - how many decent San Franciscans have suffered.

Our San Francisco population was 840,000; it is twenty percent down - thousands of decent families have left San Francisco - never to return - it all started in 2020.

San Francisco is unique - in the past, those neighborhood leaders contributed their money, time, and skills to make their neighborhood great.

Then came the division and eleven districts - those running for office did not intend to do right - we this now - like an ostrich with their heads dug in sands - they do as they please.

We have 40% of our commercial space vacant -  and recently, three large companies and thousands of jobs left San Francisco.

Much like the era - there is too much talk about Artificial Intelligence AI.

There is dark money invested in the Artificial Intelligence companies - they are gobbling large areas of real estate - and adversely impacting downtown and the assessor's office - the real estate market in San Francisco has tanked - and those with tons of dark money - are having a gala time.

It is just a matter of time before several folks involved with the real estate transactions - will be audited - and busted - much like what happened with the SF Public Utilities Commission. 

Mayor London Breed has yet to write a single legislation worth the salt. She is not a leader - she says one thing and does the other - she knows this - but not for long. Pariah.

London Breed does not know about Artificial Intelligence, Kamala Harris, or Nancy Pelosi. These dummies are all over the place - remember, Nancy Pelosi wasted millions - trying to impeach Donald Trump - not so much to do right - but to win some brownie points for herself.

Nancy visited Taiwan - triggering some bad relations with Xi Jinping, who is supposed to come to San Francisco - to attend the APEC meeting - it all depends on what happens in and around Gaza.  

Kamala Harris represents Joe Biden at a recent Artificial Intelligence summit - the summit was held at a place - where some scientists broke the Nazi message code and saved thousands of lives. 

Someone wrote Kamala Harris's speech; she read it - like a frog croaking - and the world is wondering - about these two clowns - Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, his sidekick.

Statesmen and women - do not take sides - they speak truth to power - and the few words they say - they must discern - and we do not see this with Kamala Harris, who has no clue about International politics, and Joe Biden - who still thinks he is in the Senate.

Truth be told - all those who worked for Kamala Harris - as the Vice-President of the United States - each and everyone left here - why I wonder?

President Joe Biden - has made some terrible mistakes - linked to the Gaza episode - and his rating is at a - all-time low, and there is more to come.

Joe Biden, with intent, wants to support Benjamin Netanyahu - this one sordid action - will bring his downfall - the blood of thousands of children - Palestinian children. 

Joe Biden is toast, and the world knows more about a charlatan - the man has no balls - pandering to a warmonger like Benjamin Netanyahu - a disgrace to the human race. 

Joe Biden, step down and stop your utter nonsense. Stop sending any money - taxpayers' money - to Israel.

Daily, the United States is complicit - when we, together with Israel, are killing infants and children. Breaking International Laws - Joe Biden is a coward - placing our soldiers in harm's way - bringing two large carriers to the Middle East to flex some muscle - what about your moral compass, Joe Biden?

Joe Biden, before you know it - your ratings will fall to below 20!

The people united - will not be defeated - the Democrats must speak up and tell the idiot who leads them - that he has failed humanity.

Take time to read the Balfour Declaration:

The present Gaza situation is not to be taken lightly.

While - Israel and all those lackeys who support Israel - think that killing infants and babies is acceptable.

The time is coming close - I say three days - when there will be a rain of missiles - close to the Lebanese border.

 Today, we heard Hassan Nasrallah, a leader from the Hezbollah movement - who could have spoken before but has chosen to speak now - right when poor Anthony Blinken is making his rounds.

Hardly had Anthony Blinken left Israel for Jordon - to meet the King of Jordon, which recently has an extended peace agreement with Israel - Jordon asked its ambassador to return to Jordon.

Anthony Blinken should STOP pandering to the Israelis. STOP the funding to Israel - we should not have sent two aircraft carriers to the Middle East. Blinken failed us in Iraq, Libya, and Afghanistan. We can sit down with the Qataris, Egypt, and Israel and agree to free all the hostages. We can make a truce with the other parties - over five thousand Palestinian children have died - many still buried in the rubble - and no one seems to care. Pope Francis will be visiting the Middle East soon -  we can make progress happen. 

Before that, Anthony Blinken had a talk with Benjamin Netanyahu - asking Israel to cease and stop the bombing - even as Netanyahu was given time to ponder and help the situation with the STOPPAGE - of the bombing - Benjamin Netanyahu - had a sordid PRESS Conference - blatantly declaring that Israel will NOT - stop the bombing.

Anthony Blinken can also reach out to HAMAS and HEZBOLLAH and have a binding truce - worldwide, we want peace, and the suffering of the infants and children in GAZA is too deep to bear - we must STOP this murder, killing, carnage, and barbarism of the highest order.

The jets, the bombs, and other ammunition the United States has provided Israel is not to kill and maim infants, children, innocent Palestinians - and nationals from other nations who were in Gaza.

Warring with intense hate is not the way to go - we can introduce and inject the teachings of the faith and people in and around Gaza and Jerusalem - none of the faiths endorse murder, killings, uncheck bombing against International Laws - that are binding and must be respect - in the name of humanity.

Benjamin Netanyahu - ceasefire - now!

Israel is losing support - not because of the Israeli people - but because Benjamin Netanyahu is hard-headed and acting like a warmonger.

Benjamin Netanyahu - he should know better - and change his ways - now.

Worldwide - bombing hospitals, schools, and places of refuge must not be bombed - we must not allow this carnage, atrocities, killing, murder, and look the other way.

In the first place, on October 7, 2023 - Benjamin Netanyahu was fast asleep in the cockpit.

Right now, Egypt, Jordon, the United States  - and others all key players want peace - Benjamin Netanyahu -  must acknowledge that the world is watching him - it is now or never. 

Pope Francis will be visiting the Middle East - he could go out of his way - or schedule a meeting - with the key players - and persuade them to STOP the bombing - the murder and killing of innocent - infants and children - Palestinian.

It is incredible how the Jews think they are superior to all - and have abject disdain for the Palestinian people. 

I know a lot of Jews, and I see a lot of Palestinians and have known them for over 55 years.

Time is running out - and we cannot have Benjamin Netanyahu calling the shots - he is a warmonger -  and must be stopped - better he steps down - and fades into oblivion.

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