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Monday, November 6, 2023



More and more we see such scenes - more and more we ponder - when will this killing, murdering, and maiming stop - worldwide, millions have come out in support of Gaza and the innocent Palestinians.

When the October 7, 2023 incident took place - most of us thought the propaganda that Israel boasted of - that their security systems were the best in the world - imploded in their face - and Israel will never, ever recover from this episode.

This nonsense has visited the United States too - too many times cocksure that our Special Forces would go into a situation and come out with flying colors - the problem is that there is no guarantee - each mission has its own issues - and this is because human beings are not perfect.

To make the point clear - we all remember the Iranian fiasco - when we sent our helicopters to Iran to rescue the hostages and failed. Or even when we went to kidnap Osama Bin Laden - one helicopter hit the wall and had to be destroyed. I am making a point that we humans are vulnerable - Israel proved its talk sounded great - but its walk is a disgrace to the human race.

We really do not know how many human beings have died in GAZA. There are thousands buried in the rubble - and there is no heavy machinery to clear the rubble and get to the dead bodies. These crimes against humanity will come to roost - Israelis who are bombing the people of Gaza - with American-made jets and bombs - will be brought to book - and the world will never forget the acts of the cowards - killing and maiming thousands of children in GAZA.

When human beings with empathy and respect see scenes like what you are witnessing above - our hearts - are moved - depending on each one - the level of one's ability to share the feelings and endure the pain and sorrow.

There is no way anyone can talk about the two-state solution now - Israel has crossed the line. The Palestinians will have nothing much to do with those who say one thing and do another. They are not worth the salt.

Paradoxically - most human beings all over the world - will not distinguish between being Israeli and Jewish - one a State and the other a faith or religion.

Every Zionist is a Jew - but not every Jew is a Zionist.

The Jews today are confused - and all this and more - because they consider themselves privileged. 

All human beings must be treated equally - make no bones about it.

Worldwide, millions are confused and confounded when they find out that the indigenous Palestinians have suffered so much for over 75 years. 

75 years is a long time - and the 58 years that Hamas has been in power - Hamas with links to the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt - has made the situation - all the more - convoluted.

Hamas was once funded by Israel - when the Israelis wanted Hamas to neutralize the power of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO).

Today, truth be told, the Qataris are now sending Israel millions of dollars - the Israelis, in turn, fund GAZA for vital operations - no one knows how this works. No one wants to speak truth to power. 

We also are aware that Iran is a crucial player - supporting Hamas, who are Sunni.

In Lebanon, the Hezbollah, who are Shia, are supported by Iran  - both share mutual interests.

Hezbollah has thousands of missiles and a force to reckon with - the latest incident in Gaza - has brought the Sunni Hamas and the Shia Hezbollah together - and this unity must be recognized and respected. 

Does the bombing and killing equate to ethnic cleansing:

We now have a nuclear submarine - ready to flex its muscles - the United States is now poised to bring about significant destruction - why do we muddy the waters?

The US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken - keeps moving from one Arab state to the other - trying to say something - but the end result is the same - the United States wants the bombing to continue - to prevent Hamas from regrouping. Any military expert will tell you this makes no sense. 

Hassan Nasrallah is a Shia leader who has not spoken to the public at large for a long time - some days ago - he said, addressing the incident that happened in Gaza - and what he purported would occur if the bombing would not stop. He had deep links with Hezbollah - and we know that if Hezbollah, for whatever reason, decided to act -  the situation with Israel would explode beyond comprehension.

Some of us who know and followed the Vietnam War - understand that guerrilla warfare and more house-to-house-hand fighting is not easy.

Hamas has over 300 miles of deep tunnels that the Israelis have no clue about - the Israelis say what they say - however, in hand-to-hand fights in the tunnels - the causalities on both sides will be in the thousands.

The Vietnam, which most of us have forgotten about, resulted in 58,000, that is, fifty-eight thousand American bodies - dead.

When the American soldiers returned from Vietnam - many here in the United States - shouted at the American soldiers - and called them baby killers.

Some saw the bodies of young Vietnamese children killed and felt the trauma. Life magazine that has gone out of circulation - printed the photographs, and the editors spelled out the truth.

The United States signed an agreement with the Taliban - a terrorist organization agreeing to withdraw from Afghanistan after 21 years of occupation. Millions died, and millions more are dying in Afghanistan today. Not a whimper from President Joe Biden - about the failed exit from Afghanistan that put our military in harm's way - and we lost over $8 Billion of our military equipment that fell in the hands of the Chinese and Russians.

For those who want to be educated on issues - please read the agreement signed by the Taliban, which was not a nation or state and the United States of America. The then-Afghan Government kept in the dark:

Some leaders linked with Gaza in prior years, most kicking the can down the street.

President Joe Biden declared, " You don't need to be a Jew to be a Zionist. "  President Joe Biden is not a worthy statesman - he still thinks - he is in the Senate. His poll ratings are at a long-time low - and soon he will be - toast. 

President Joe Biden thinks people of color - the Afghans and the people of Gaza are fodder.

President Joe Biden had no obligation to exit Afghanistan in the manner that he did.

Joe Biden had NO obligation to follow anything Donald Trump was involved in  - signing an agreement with the Taliban.

We all are fully aware of the report on the fiasco and pandemonium involved - linked to the unplanned exit from Afghanistan.

The report took a year plus - and went into the details and revealed the abject failure - of the United States in Afghanistan after staying there for 21 years and spending over a trillion dollars.

Promises were made to Afghans who worked as translators and in other sensitive occupations - most were left behind - many were tortured and died at the hands of the Taliban.

Young girls and women are daily raped - many commit suicide, and Joe Biden is not aware of these atrocities - all he does is pussyfoot around - saying stupid things that make no sense - whatsoever.

Our exit was a mess at Airport Abbey Gate - where a bomb exploded and 13 American soldiers died. 

President Joe Biden has not dealt with this incident and should be ashamed of himself.

In Afghanistan, President Joe Biden has BLOOD on his hands.

Millions have died of starvation; infants, children, girls, and women have suffered at the hands of the Taliban.

Now we see a Nuclear Submarine - has arrived near Gaza - why are we flexing our muscles?

We know Iran can use a Nuclear Bomb - so why is President Joe Biden - acting like a fool?

Strictly speaking, many of the actions - sending the two aircraft carriers to the Middle East and other war spending should have been approved by Congress.

They - were not because we did not have an elected speaker! 


The flag of the United States.

Secret site - SITE 512 - perched atop Mount Har Qeren in the Negev:

The United States, amidst the confusion in Congress - and the talk about funding Taiwan, Ukraine, the mess at the United States' southern border, and Israel - has not said a word about SITE  512 - a secret site inside Israel - near Gaza - a radar facility - this and more is provided to Israel. Not to mention, Israel wants $100 billion of laser-guided bombs to use against Hamas.

Since when did we authorize the authorities to sell our weapons and bombs that we, the taxpayers, pay for and must not be used to kill and maim infants, children, women, and the frail.

All the bastards who are complicit will be brought before the courts - " crimes against humanity. "

Watch this video with an open mind; it is about Africa:

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