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Saturday, October 22, 2022


The San Francisco skyline has changed for the worse. Next to the tallest building center is the Millenium Building - sinking over 18" and tilting - adversely impacting the entire area - questioning the SF Planning Department and the SF Department of Building Inspection. 

The San Francisco Planning for all its talk has no walk.

The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) reviews the Housing Element, which is due every eight years. 

For some strange reason - the SF Planning Department seems not to comprehend the relevance of the SF Housing Element.

For over thirty years, it has pandered to Market Price Housing - and condominiums going from $ 5 million to $10 million - catering to the rich with no empathy and less compassion for the middle class and the working poor.

This mandated requirement by the HCD uses the Housing Element to accommodate towns and cities all over California to access affordable state funds.

Each planning department works with other agencies within its jurisdiction, and the General Plan element is then adopted by the SF Board of Supervisors as a legal ordinance.

The SF Planning Department had chosen to pat their behinds - arrogant and ignorant - trying to hoodwink us, the  San Francisco taxpayers - in broad daylight.

No mention of the San Francisco Redistricting ploys, machinations, and shenanigans - adversely impacting thousands in San Francisco and favoring big developers who have destroyed many lives. For thirty years - SF Planning has failed to take of affordable housing - those making $80,000 and under.

Not once has the San Francisco Planning Department done a needs assessment - on the homeless - over 15,000 homeless in San Francisco.

The hundreds of tents, the filth around the tents, the drug use - needles, feces, and horrid stench in so many locations - where these tents are operated.

SF Planning has no clue - about the situation at hand. The SF Planning Department and Commission have failed miserably regarding the quality of Life Issues in San Francisco.

The current draft - Housing Element, is working to bring about some drastic changes - it will be in place in 2023 - the last one was in place in 2014. 

This time, the SF Planning Department Commissioners, uneducated on issues and have no clue how to do a sound needs assessment, have failed to do any meaningful outreach. 

The is Muwekma Ohlone land, and all of it was stolen.

The indigenous people have lived in California and more here in the Bay Area and San Francisco for over 23,000 years - remains and artifacts - carbon dated - recorded - empirical data.

In less than 200 years, the strangers - have contaminated and polluted the land - destroyed San Francisco - its unique micro-climate adversely impacting the innocent who has made San Francisco our home.

Our Bay, which surrounds us on three sides, is contaminated - half-treated secondary effluents, lead, mercury, and all sorts of other contaminants have killed the fish and other life.

Not once has the SF Planning Department mentioned the Precautionary Principle - why - because the SF Planning is not well versed with Environmental issues - there is no well-educated expert on the SF Planning Department?

The San Francisco leading agencies and SF City Departments have failed to contribute the best to the Housing Element. 

So has the very corrupt San Francisco Public Utilities Commission. 

Racial and social equity is a farce in San Francisco - why - too much talk and no walk.

SF Planning wants to focus on small and mid-size housing. It recently gave a prominent developer the to build over 3000 housing units - in a location that already has 1500 units vacant. Hypocrites!

SF Planning wants to build 82,000 new housing units in the next 8 years. We already have over 61,000 homes vacant - and millions of square footage of commercial space vacant. 

Over 80,000 families have left San Francisco - hundreds of Large Corporations - have moved to places like Houston, Texas - the SF Planning Department is stuck with its diatribe and foul hot air.

Do you see that paradox?

The SF Planning Department has focused on Market Rate housing in the last thirty years. It has failed to cater to those that make under $80,000.

Over 15,000 innocent folks are homeless - thousands now live in their cars. Other in Recreational Vehicles. Thousands crash on couches - it is not uncommon - for some friends - to ask someone they know well - if they can spend a week or two - at their home. 

The California Department of Housing and Community Development - encourages focusing on environmental issues -  factors like Cumulative Pollution -  which the present California Environmental Quality Act fails to adhere - less acknowledge.

A Muwekma Ohlone warrior

The indigenous tribes have their own protocol - always acknowledges the local indigenous tribe - in the case of San Francisco, it is the Muwekma Ohlone.

The only tribe that exercised its right of first refusal in 1991. 

The only tribe - Muwekma Ohlone was acknowledged over ten times - by the SF Board of Supervisors, the Mayors, and the San Francisco Human Rights Commission.

One has only to read the General Management Plan linked to the City and County of San Francisco acknowledged by the SF Planning Department and the SF Board of Supervisors, and all past Mayors - the then SF Planning Director - Mr. Amith Ghosh.

Other Directors of SF Planning, too - Green, Dean Macris, John Rahim, and the current Director, Rich Hillis - clearly understand what I am stating. 

We all know former Director of SF Planning John Rahaim - just focused on catering to the wealthy developers and paid no heed to uplifting the working poor. 

It is a shame we tolerated such nonsense then - even as we do today - the Mayor and some lackeys trying to pull the wool over our eyes - this November 2022 election - there are two Ballot measures - none make sense. Each overrides the other, and such are the follies of the idiots who are so selfish that they have lost their minds.  

 The current SF Planning is in a bind - the lasting consequences of Covid are here to stay - for another twenty years.

Climate Change is here to stay and lingers - the issues linked to clean drinking water, sewage, the 1500 toxic hotspots all over San Francisco, the thousands of homes in SF Richmond - homes that have weak foundations - another salient and pertinent factor too many to mention - has given the current SF Planning Commissioner - constipation.

The current Housing Element - has many pressing issues that have to be addressed. The changes adversely impacted thousands - the SF Redistricting and in-your-face Gerrymandering. 

The recent Grand Jury report on Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - contaminated and polluted - additionally prone to liquefaction - lead, chrome, mercury, cesium, plutonium, and other very toxic contamination - in the past, the land has been capped with a thin layer of clay - and people live on the land after homes have been built. 

This is a crime - Crimes against Humanity.

This land - Muwekma Ohlone land was once very pristine - no more.

The current SF Planning Department is well known for kicking the can down the street.

Recently San Franciscans came and pleaded they did not want a Cannabis Club operating in a unique residential area.

The SF Planning Commission unanimously voted in favor of the Cannabis Club and against the many residents who spoke during public comment - were given a measly two minutes - and articulated a million times better than the dumb - SF Planning Commissioners.

Never mind, there are seven other Cannabis Clubs close by - within a couple of blocks. The residents live close to the world-famous Crooked Street.

Millions of visitors from all over the world - have come - all these many years - to get a great view of our beloved City of San Francisco.

Here is the Housing Element for those that want to be educated on issues - and speak truth to power - it is time this current SF Planning Department Commissioners - step down - many elected - on criteria - such as Life Style:




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