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Sunday, October 2, 2022



The skyline of San Francisco has changed for the worse.

San Francisco is one of the most corrupt cities in the United States.

It does not help we have - the authorities in place - the Mayor London Breed, the Assessor Joaquim Torres, and an actor of sorts, the SF City Administrator - Carmen Chu - who has not studied our SF Charter - and is not educated on issues. 

All of them pussyfooting around.

Millions of square feet of once-high-end commercial space are vacant.

No one predicted the current pandemic - the situation is precarious - we still have Covid surges in San Francisco. 

Added, we have a surge of MPox - and those who are aware of their state of affairs - still have been playing with fire.

The Mayor London Breed - has taken upon herself to use lifestyle and sordid practices to place women as Commissioners - many of them have no clue - how to conduct an inquiry and less to do a sound needs assessment.

Tyra Fennell - Director of Commissions and Public Relations.

In San Francisco, we have so many brand new Commissions and Over Sight committees - all coming under the purview of Tyra Fennell - an outsider - who is out to destroy San Francisco.

We have a brand new Commission linked to the Department of Public Works - another Commission that deals with Streets and Sanitation.

Yet another Over Sight - our City, our Home Oversight Committee -an oversight Committee on the Sheriff's Department.

Dr. Grant Colfax - center - has failed us all.

The SF Health Department has a $2.6 Billion budget - and has failed us miserably. Dr. Grant heads this department - makes over $616,000 a year, and has no leadership - less common sense. A transplant from hell. 

All over San Francisco, we have tent cities - where people have Covid, and no one seems to care.

Mbox has hotspots all over San Francisco - even though most think - this disease affects only a specific segment of the population - children and others have caught - Mbox. 

Do not spend time - hours on end - at Press Conferences - that mean nothing to the decent, hard-working, tax-paying San Franciscans.

When it comes to Quality of Life issues - Mayor London Breed and her sidekick have failed us all.

Carmen Chu was anointed by Mayor Ed Mah Lee - at that time, she was the Supervisor of District 4. She was handed over the SF City Assessor position and is now promoted to SF City Administrator. She was in charge of over 33,000 City workers - pre-pandemic at the time of this appointment.

I remember Carmen Chu as a Supervisor taking notes - when I was addressing the entire SF Board of Supervisors - at Public Comment.

At one time, we had an SF City Administrator who was independent and had clout. Mayor Willie L. Brown Jr. - changed that by amending the Charter and bringing the SF Administrator under his wing. He did this in 1996.

Today the SF City Administrator plays second fiddle to the Mayor.

No one knows - but today, we may have 25,000 employees on the rolls. Many SF City employees are fed up with how they are treated - and prefer staying at home - and working virtually.

For over two years - after the pandemic was declared - everything stalled. You called and left a message - you left 50 messages, and no one would get back to you.

No vaccines were found when decent San Franciscans needed to be vaccinated.

Early on, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention sent test kits that did not work.

The Mayor lackeys sent links where one could schedule to take a vaccine - the links did not work. 

Some Churches and pastors were put in charge - these clowns. I do not want to say much about them. Pathetic.

In the Bayview Hunters Point area - where we needed vaccines - nothing was available - more,  to cater to our Elders.

 I had to come to the rescue - and put things on track. I had an opportunity to meet Dr. Grant Colfax - I hope he remembers that day at 1800 Oakdale.

San Franciscans lined up to get their vaccines at the Moscone Center - early on - many had to go home and come again. Let us not forget - how stressed thousands of people were - how unprepared SF City was prepared. How some of us came to their rescue. These idiots are something else.

Some Control Center work opened at one of the Moscone Centers - headed by a Safety Officer - Mary Ellen Carroll. 

It was a disaster - some groups from one of the Navigation Centers - were transferred to the Moscone Center - and the entire area - was contaminated.

The Stimulus money flowed in the millions - and many City Department Heads were at the so-called Controlled Center - whiling away precious time - while thousands died in the Mission, the Bayview Hunters Point, elsewhere - and so one cared. 

Millions of dollars were wasted - and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) - audit - reveals a lot - the less said, the better.

Mayor London Breed and Mary Ellen Carroll

The Right hand did not know what the left hand was doing.

Mayor London Breed -  keeps appointing folks with no experience.

There is a big difference between a Safety Office and anyone who is a Commander - trained in sound Emergency and Incident Management Services.

Here is an article from the SFStandard

Here in San Francisco, when the Big One takes place - we will not have the right tools to do our work.

The SF Fire Department Commission - talk and act like a Cabal.

Money set aside to buy hoses for the fire engines - and to pump water from wells and other places - was taken away by Mayor London Breed, a Commissioner on the SF Fire Commission.

It is incredible to see - all these lifestyle appointments at the SF Planning Commission, on the Municipal Transportation Agency, and on many recent Over Sight committees.

The recent one was created - to address Drug Overdoses - why are we bringing in so many buffoons - who have no resources to do the job?

There are those watching the shenanigans, ploys, and machinations.

The more buffoons we put on San Francisco Commissions and Overnight Committees - the more our once great City - will go down the drain - and drown in the " cesspool " - of the SF City Departments' authorities - one worse than the other.

The coming November 2022 elections - will bring forth the correct answers - and shed light where there is abject darkness.

Always speak Truth to Power - do not be afraid of the sellouts and those that use taxpayers' money - to dole money and cater to the inner circle of thieves.

The San Francisco Controller and the SF City Attorney - have no balls - fast asleep in the cockpit.

Too much pussyfooting and, what is more, cock-a-doodle-do!


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