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Tuesday, June 14, 2022


Indigenous children are extraordinary - more spiritual.

Indigenous children are unique in that they have been nurtured uniquely.

Loved - close to Mother Earth - their DNA is the embodiment of everything natural, spiritually - the seeds of wisdom planted early by the Great Spirit.

The many indigenous tribes worldwide - more on Turtle Island - traveled freely - thousands of miles - visiting other tribes - and continuously maintained honor and respect.  

We know more from empirical data: artifacts, human remains, other materials, paintings left in caves, and more.

Democracy was practiced by the indigenous tribes - here on Turtle Island for thousands of years. The ignorant Whites would not know that - because they feel they are the center of everything.

Such selfishness defies logic - selfish people are doomed - they create a cesspool and eventually drown in the madness of their own creation.

We cannot forgive those that killed indigenous infants and children and those who could not defend themselves.

This documentary reveals the horrible atrocities committed on indigenous children - here in the United States and Canada too :

This man, Andrew Jackson, murdered indigenous infants, children, and those who could not defend themselves. He must be brought before the courts - and indicted. His legacy must be broadcast worldwide - a killer and a thief stole millions of acres - of fertile land that belonged for thousands of years to the indigenous tribes. We dare have him on a twenty-dollar bill - scumbag.

This genocide cries to heaven, and this matter must come before the World Courts - the United States and Presidents of the United States, the likes of President Andrew Jackson - must be brought to book.

Another - that all will agree with is Donald Trump - an egotistical maniac - must suffer the same fate. A traitor who failed to abide by the U.S. Constitution - he still lies, steals, and spreads misinformation. 

Every indigenous couple cares for and loves their children. The United States government - stole the fertile land - and put thousands of indigenous tribes on Reservations - starved them with no food, no opportunities, and created all sorts of hurdles - to bring about their slow - death. 

The many indigenous tribes must be the first to receive the best we can offer. 

Not so, according to the White men who are greedy and will do everything possible - to remove any impediment in their way - to possess the land and steal resources such as gold and uranium.

Clear-cut forests - killed thousands of Buffalo for their fur - leaving skinned Buffalo flesh to rot. Who would do this? Evil to the core - and folks who dare to call themselves better than others?

It is astonishing that indigenous children - after suffering so much - still have managed to hold up.

This one fact - proves that the inherent spiritual DNA - has kept most indigenous children - stable.

The evil that the indigenous children endured from boarding schools - being forced to speak English - were brainwashed and forced to eat food that was foreign to the indigenous children.

Kept away from their parents, kept away from the unique culture - forced to dress like whites - and pray in a manner totally foreign to the indigenous children.

Today's psychologists and psychiatrists are shocked and astounded by such behavior and sordid tactics that defy any decent - norms. 

Today it is fashionable to talk about organic, live a simple life, eat right and embrace nature to bring about solace and healing.

The concrete jungle goes on - skyscrapers that favor high-density living - people living next to one another - hardly communicating.

We know children suffer when they do not have playgrounds, do not have access to parks and nature - are fed fast food - and are left on their own to watch television.

The Covid-19 pandemic.

We witness this type of living - exposing all  - the harm done to children - the pain and suffering endured - during the last two years -  the ongoing pandemic. 

Paradoxically children and those under five years were the last to get vaccinated. 

Thousands of children died worldwide - and hundreds here in the United States.

Chief Joseph - Nez Perce leader.

Let us uplift one another.

I have a friend Joe Ubelmesser who has been good to me for many years. His love for the indigenous tribes is one from the heart.

I have other friends who share my values and views - we must uplift each other.

The Great Spirit sees it all.

Here is a report from the United States government - admitting indigenous children were treated with disdain:

May the Great Spirit be with us all. Let us honor and respect our beloved - Elders.

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