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Sunday, February 20, 2022



Ukraine, Germany, and the United States could have done better - they blew it - when they made many dubious decisions. Thinking the gas line from Russia to Germany - would bring about some stability. Ignored the pleas of the people of Ukraine,  allowing Putin to mess with Crimea, Georgia, Belarus - and with Ukraine in 2014 the first time around and now - once again.  

For the last 8 years, the people of Ukraine have been suffering - just like the Afghan people - the United States had full knowledge of the situation at hand - and kicked the can down the street.

The United States cannot meddle in nations' affairs, be it Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Ukraine, other countries - just to flex our muscles - saying we are a Super Power.

When the first nation to fire nuclear missiles, there is no Super Power, which may cause tremendous suffering and damage and bring all progress ever achieved to a halt.

It does not matter that our Media says something - they say something about nothing at all. The Media likes to see where they can go and sensationalize the news.

The people worldwide - are bright, and few trust the Media, the fourth estate - and get their news from other, more reliable sources.

Russia knows something about missiles that can deal with Russia a blow - Alaska is not far from the target - other Scandanavian nations may have them - powerful missiles - with nuclear heads. 

We could make small talk with the Tomahawk missile and then move to the hypersonic missiles - with nuclear heads - it is all about location - 10 miles away from the target of even 2800 miles - it is also all about logistics with a deep strategy that works.

Russia, China, the United States - others have hypersonic missiles - with nuclear heads - but will not use them - because that will be the end of the beginning - we human beings have lost our mind - and more when we salivate and listen to the Media.

Few know about war - war is not pretty - and madness prevails when you get politicians in the equation.

During the last 25 years - we have killed millions of innocent people - just because autocrats, dictators, decided they could do as they please.

We have not learned much from World War I, then World War II, the Korean War, the Viet Nam War, the Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Afghanistan War.

The skirmishes with Iran, Yemen, Isreal bullying the Palestinians,
the wars going on in Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea - East Timore, Taiwan, the many fights in South America - with the United States siding with dictators many times.

The United Nations that was created right here in San Francisco - is impotent - those five nations wite Veto rights - can do as they please and mostly vote - with strings attached and have been doing so - since the early days of the United Nations.

We have maybe six tunnels capable of testing hypersonic missiles - China has hundreds - builds one more - every six months. Where are our main Media on hypersonic missiles? Hypersonic missiles that can go undetected - while Biden is scratching his balls. Biden should sit down with Putin - speak on behalf of our infants, children, youth, Elders, those with compromised health - more the mentally and physically challenged. 

China can afford to spend trillions of dollars -  today has hundreds of Hypersonic Tunnels - the United States has less than six - it is useless to say who has more tunnels. The is no more than one single Super Power. It all depends on who pulls the trigger.

We know those nations that have more hypersonic missiles than the United States. Why did the United States fall behind?

We know the nations that have the capability - to mess up our precious world  - capable of making bad choices. Why?

Where is the astute and stellar world leadership on this crucial subject?

We must be proud to have some of the best jet fighters - in the world - they need to be equipped with sophisticated jamming devices. Our United States Airforce - still maintains very high standards. Now is the time to honor our jet fighters. We are fully aware that we have lost a couple of these jet fighters - one very near the China Sea - wake up America in recent months.

Chairperson Xi Jinping is a master manipulator - he and Putin made a deal - during the Winter Olympics. The United States should not have shown any animus - sent a U.S. Government official or two - just to maintain decorum. China is a force - we made them great - bought their rubbish - while failed to produce at home. President Biden talks a lot - and far as Kamala Harris is concerned - there is nothing to said - a reed in the wind - blowing any which way.

Our United States military knows well that we cannot allow laymen politicians to mess with our Constitution and Democracy.

The Republicans who are insane do not want to stand in unity to deal with the Ukraine situation. What can we expect from the supporters of the January 6, 2022 - fiasco - traitors who desecrated Capitol Hill.

Most of the old men - United States Senators - should step down. 

While we are on that subject, three terms should be the maximum allowed in the House and Senate - three terms - every four years.

We are now on the verge of starting a war - and the ordinary American has no clue what is happening. 

Until recently, we had restrictions on what type of missiles and actions - we could take - in case we went to war - more with Russia.

Today Russia has no restrictions - and Donald Trump - who should be put under House Arrest - has sold most everything to Putin.

Donald Trump has a cloud hanging over his head - titled Golden Showers. A book on the Golden Showers has yet to be spun - and it will - soon.

Donald Trump loves a specific look - he favors East European women -  who soothe his sordid soul - with Golden Showers.

Chief Sitting Bull

Fredrick Douglass 

Chief Joseph

Indigenous women will lead the war - win - one battle at a time.

The Great Spirit will lead Turtle Island, and we know who could before and let down their guard - indigenous women are specially prepared for this war - and will win hands down.

America this is not the land of Whites - each and every square inch belongs to the indigenous people.

Empirical Data - carbon dates - artifacts and human remains - using DNA - dated 23,000 years ago. 

The Whites came as strangers - 300 years ago could have contributed - but chose with intent - to be GREEDY - the rest is history.

Whites have treated Turtle Island with disdain; no one has the right to treat this land better known as Turtle Island - disrespecting the Elders - Indigenous Elders. 

The indigenous Elders have spoken; " do not trust those who communicate with a forked tongue. "

To be precise - we cannot judge all and speak in general terms - but we can speak truth to power.

We know about lynchings, Blacks, and Latinos too.

Whites steal land, cheat, and lie all the time.

Even now - attacking nations without them attacking us.

Today, we know who is behind the divisiveness - the great divide - we know who redlines and who stands for Qualified Immunity.

We know who hails from Africa -  the land of humankind.

 We know - it is useless to waste time with a fool - do not go near a cesspool - be educated on issues - your heart in the right place.

The lying Putin - and the gas line deal.

The satellite photographs do not lie - Putin - will pull back - Putin the thug - will understand once and for all - he does not have the balls - to be a man - he was and is a - coward.

Once there was a Rasputin -  now we have just Putin!

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