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Monday, February 7, 2022


Malia Cohen will pander to anyone - to climb the ladder. 

As the SF Police Commission Chair - anointed by Mayor London Breed - she is an utter failure.

 San Franciscans are fed up with the San Francisco Police Commission - too much talk and no walk at all.

The SF Police Commission, headed by an airhead Malia Cohen - anointed by Mayor London Breed - was elected Chair of the Commission. Things have gone from worse to worst.

Since this anointing of Malia Cohen - who is not educated on issues - fewer matters of importance - to the SF Police Commission - the SF Police Commission - has been drowning in the cesspool of its own - creation.

Malia Cohen, dumb as she is, tends to build her resume - bringing in speakers - legislators from Sacramento - to the SF Police Commission to talk about legislation - going on in Sacramento.

Legislation devoid of good action and execution takes years to implement in Sacramento.

We San Franciscans are fed of the political whores and pimps - who have failed to represent the people and compromised quality of life issues.

In San Francisco, we have severe problems - assaults, shootings and killings,  car break-ins, home break-ins. 

It does not help that the SF Police Commission fails to review the fundamental amendments it makes - laws on the book - that they pay no attention to.

It took the SF Police Commission over 6 years to address the 272 recommendations initiated by the  U.S. Department of Justice - led by DOJ Community Oriented Policing (COPS) (now defunct ).

San Francisco made national and international news when high-end stores were ransacked on Union Square.

Mayor London Breed trying to flex her muscles after the fact - using the SF Police force - that has fewer offices - spread too thin.

The raids of stores in San Francisco continue - Walgreens, CVCs, Pop and Mom stores - mostly Blacks committing the theft - in open defiance. 

The SF Police Department should have a working force of around 2000 Police offices - they have 1400. Many of the positions are vacant.

Many SF Police Officers - have taken early retirement. Over 200 are adversely impacted by COVID-19.

The SF Police Commission has failed to endorse the many suggestion and requirements mentioned in the SF Police Department's PERF - report.

The PERF report that expanded $400,000 sits on the shelves - gathering - dust.

Please read the PERF report for yourself - and see for yourselves - how the SF Police Commission has failed to do its homework:

It is the same with the COPS report with its 272 recommendations that took over six years to implement - those in charge still working on it.

Every SF Police Commission meeting is a waste of time - during the past two years - it is a waste of precious time. 

Not once has the SF Police Commission stated its Mission Objective.

Today there is a great divide between the District Attorney and the SF Police Department.

It was the same when George Gascon was in charge.

The same was when Kamala Harris was in charge.

The same goes for the last five District Attorneys. I knew all of them - one worse than the other.

Some of us advocates attended the drab, long drawn out, putrid - SF Police Commission meetings.

The inept, uneducated on issues, weak in the knees SF Police Commissioners all anointed by the Mayor of San Francisco - London Breed - are useless. I repeat - USELESS.

The last meeting that resulted in pandemonium - I was the only one that spoke during Public Comment.

Chief Scott Williams

The issue that the SF Police Chief brought up started early during the Chief's Report.

The SF Police Chief Scott Williams was giving his report - when the Chair interrupted him and told him to hurry up - as he had crossed the limited time - supposedly. 

The Chair, Malia Cohen - disrespected the SF Chief of Police - Malia opens her mouth and shoves her foul foot - into that mouth.

I have never heard any SF Police Commission Chair conduct themselves in like manner.

The matter regarding the SF District Attorney - more, how the SF District Attorney is treating those attorneys representing SF Police Officers and cases coming before the judges - was not on the agenda.

However, what triggered the discussion was an action taken by the SF Police Chief earlier  - where the SF Police Chief - terminated an agreement between the District Attorney and the SF Police Department.

The SF Police Chief approved the agreement - the SF Police Commission approved it too -  the SF Police Chief strongly felt - the deal did not serve any purpose.

That may be the SF Police Chief prerogative - was it or not?

If not, how should a matter like this be handled - how should the Commissioners act - can any SF Police Commissioner throw tantrums?  

Did the Chair of the SF Police Commission - misbehave, and is there something that can be done about such actions?

Is the current SF Police Commission Chair fit to lead the current SF Police Commission?

This matter will be put on the agenda - duly noticed - and when the presentation is made - we the people - San Franciscans - will have our say. 

The SF Police Chief mentioned the situation at hand - but one of the Commissioners blew the subject manner - making a mountain out of a molehill.

The SF Police Chief was annoyed, and even as he tried to explain the situation - one Commissioner went on and on.  

The Chair of the SF Police Commission  - Malia Cohen - failed to nib the repartee early on.

The Chair of the SF Police Commission - then threatened to censure the Commissioner - another blight on the SF Police Commission Chair - an airhead that is totally inept and should not be on the SF Police Commission.

Let us see how this matter is handled on Wednesday - it has already been blown out of proportion by the Media.

I know what I am talking about - as I was the only one who spoke at Public Comment. Time will tell.



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