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Monday, February 21, 2022



If we were in Afghanistan today with our forces -

there is no way Putin would act the fool - as he does now.

Life is for the living, not the living dead. 

It is despicable that we have autocrats, more thugs of the worst order on this Earth  - the likes of Putin from Russia and Assad from Syria - who commit crimes against humanity -unchecked.

The above-mentioned thugs have no conscience - these thugs - kill infants, children, women - those that oppose them.

The autocrats have killed millions worldwide - the World Courts - have the facts - the empirical data - and it is time - we sound the clarion call.

Right now, Ukraine is on our mind - we saw the same thing happen in 2014 - and looked away. 

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) - thirty nations strong - are now geared up to deal with a situation - the last time they did that was during World War II.

For the first time - since World War II- NATO - realized they made a big mistake - trying to pander to Russia and the thug who controls Russia.

Vladamir Putin - trained by the KGB - a killer who put people away - people who oppose him and his dictatorship.

Today - he plans to invade Ukraine - and has just declared Russians occupied territory illegally - declaring his past actions illegal - by giving DONETSK and LUHANSK - the status of a nation.

President Joe Biden - has already received information - lists prepared by Putin stooges.

Lists of those who will be rounded up locked, tortured, killed - those - who are now in Ukraine.

Putin has a plan for others too - who have taken refuge in Ukraine - protestors from Belarus and other areas.

The demon himself - he set the nation years back.

He is the right-hand man Lucifer himself.


Here in the United States, we keep tolerating the demon - Donald Trump.

What else do we need to gather - in terms of sound information - the demon lies, cheats, steals - does not pay his taxes.

He loves golden showers, is a good friend of Putin himself - has sold information to our enemies.

The whites who have used the color of their skin - to steal, rape, plunder - did not live here on Turtle Island - thousands of years ago.

The indigenous people care about Turtle Island - not the mostly greedy whites - they want it all - and GREED is their mantra. Despicable to the core - whites have messed up the entire world.

The indigenous people lived here on Turtle Island for over 23,000 years - carbon-dated - artifacts and human remains.

Whites fail to realize when it comes to slavery, colonization by the British, Portuguese, Spanish, Belgians, Dutch, French - others.

Whites have spread hatred and discrimination - like raging cancer spread worldwide. Country after country was raped - resources are stolen - and the indigenous people deprived of any opportunities and benefits. 

This fact has not been addressed by the World Courts.

The framework to adjudicate by the World Courts is convoluted, and the United Nations can say the same.

The five powers can use their veto power - as Super Powers - more - to stall or kill - any resolution - or action worth the salt.

The United States has lost its power - more with our incursions - invading Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan.

Providing - Jetfighers to Saudi Arabia to kill and maim infants, children, women - refugees in Yemen.

Assad and the Russians have been using chemical warfare, adversely impacting children's infants.

More - those that cannot defend themselves - and we the United States - look the other way.

Today our negotiations with Iran are going South - Joe Biden if he has the balls - can sit down with the lead Iranian negotiator and release the millions we froze - since the days of the Shah of Iran.

Donald Trump stumped us all  - Biden followed his sordid playbook and fucked things up in Afghanistan. No one negotiates with the Taliban and he did so - Joe Biden is so deep in trouble - the United States will lose trillions of dollars - when the current Ukraine mess - comes to a grinding halt.

We can bring about resolutions on many fronts with Iran on behalf of the people of Iran - who have suffered a lot - decades of suffering - the Joe Biden does not understand - Joe Biden is not a leader - he is a follower - and if has balls he would do right - Joe Biden will kick the ball down the street - and forget he did it.

As a young man, I visited Iran and Afghanistan. As a young man, I met many a Russian - man and woman and had deep talks with them - I understand the Russian in the context of how every Russian family lost many members - in a family - during World War II. 

Joe Biden lacks the ability to put himself in the shoes of many a woman and man - from all over the world. Joe Biden is one tracked-minded and the Democrats will bring about a change for the worse - after the coming General Elections.

The Democrats will lose and lose badly - Nancy Pelosi and those who listen to her - better change their ways - there will be a Revolution in the United States - and those in leadership today.

More - in the Democratic Party are fully responsible for this folly - the ordinary citizen has lost all hope - in the Democratic Party. 

Take this from me - I have been monitoring the situation at hand - and have empirical data.

Putin the ultimate thug and a liar.

The United States did little to protect the Iyardis from Iraq and Kurdistan. Millions are refugees, and no one seems to care. Karma is waiting to happen - more those who have blood on their hands.

The world is confused - the United States has no firm international policies - we are weak - and we the United States bared it all - in Afghanistan.

Putin saw this weakness - Putin uses it as a pretext to partner with Crimea, Donetsk, and Luhansk areas, once an integral part of Ukraine. 

Donetsk and Luhansk in the Donbas region - Russians in the million more than 3 million have been in this region for a long time acting as stooges for the Russian government.

More - to create nations from enclaves once linked to Ukraine - to create division but more divisiveness of the worst order.

Putin right now has put Russia and Russians in utter pandemonium - soon they will have no food, no freedom, suffer Quality of Life issues - Putin corrals those who oppose him - and takes them down.

Assad and Putin are just two examples - other autocrats the likes we witness in North Korea - Myanmar, formerly known as Burma.

Turmoil in Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea, Kashmir, Afghanistan, East Timor, Taiwan, Hong Kong - the leaders of those nations - adversely impacting those living in the above-mentioned nations - have failed humanity - and the leaders must be charged - crimes against humanity.  

Uyghurs in Northern China should be allowed to speak their own language - to hell with Mandarin for all - Xi Jinping, a dictator, autocrat, killer - is known to send people into incarceration - never, ever to be seen again.

Someone has BLOOD of their hand - who might the scumbags be - stop the bombing in Yemen.

Communist Chairperson Xi Jinping.

Then this same Xi Jinping appears at the Olympics - what sense this makes. While millions are in jail, organs harvested, life as precious as we see it in the United States  - in China, those imprisoned are treated like chattel.

The International Olympic Committee - has lost its mind - we must have nothing whatsoever to do with killers,  thugs, maniacs who are autocrats - the likes of Putin Xi Jinping both have the understanding to back each other. 

Here in the United States, we have 35,000 plus students from Mainland China - and thousands of spies from Mainland China - enjoying our freedom in the United States - and feeding the  Mainland Communist Chinese - with information that compromises our nation's interest. 

In recent years on Social Media - social whores - who purport to like to eat well not knowing what they are talking about - they purport to love shopping, they use fake photographs, and think that here at home we like slim, pale, they smile - and want your money.

China is flexing its muscles - bullying the Philippines - they took over an atoll close to the Philippines - created a large artificial island - capable land jetfighters - to provoke the ships that carry goods on international ocean waters.

America lacks leaders like President Dwight D. Eisenhower and President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

George W. Bush, Barrack Hussein Obama, Donald Trump - have left us, the constituents and citizens of the United States, in a mess. 

President Joe Biden is a loser - he has no gumption - the world leaders look at him - as a follower a lackey.

Joe Biden had an opportunity - blew it with Afghanistan - and since has been drowning in the cesspool of his own - creation. Aho.



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