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Wednesday, January 13, 2021


  current San Francisco Board of Supervisors (SFBOS) lack sound leadership. 

Their first meeting patting each other's behind - having failed our infants, children, youth, our Elders - those with compromised health - more, our physically and mentally challenged.

Fundamentally the SF Board of Supervisors (SF BOS) rarely address Quality of Life issues - they lack the ability to discern - and most importantly - do not have empirical data to back their sordid statements.

A full 40% plus of San Franciscans are " asymptomatic " and there has not been testing - worth the salt - to bring some semblance to the situation at hand.

How can we talk about have hearing on COVID-19 when the SF BOS - have no clue about the situation at hand. Today we have several variants of the virus - mind boggling - and here the SF BOS talk about the COVID-19 virus - as if it is a walk in the park. Pathetic.

The SF Board of Supervisors are talking in circles - failing to address the situation at hand.

We are in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic - and soon will be dealing with new mutating viruses - that have already played havoc in South Africa, England - and have already taken hold in some places - here in the United States.

This new strain will wipe entire locations - more, in place like Los Angeles - where, all the ICU beds are occupied - the essential workers over-worked - and this scenario and others like it  - will hit San Francisco - like lighting.

We need to vaccinate as many decent, hardworking, San Franciscans - our essential workers, our Elders, those vulnerable - and we are pussyfooting around.

Mayor London Breed and her lackeys have no Blue Print - to administer the vaccines on a War Footing. There has been too much talk - and NO - walk. 

The pharmacies the likes of Walgreens, CVC and others - many small Pop and Mom pharmacies - are more suited to administer the vaccines.

More so,  Sutter Hospitals, Kaiser, Blue Shield, and others - who are deep into greed and pander to devious money mongering - issues compromising the health of those that pay huge premiums and let little in return.

Governor Gavin Newsom - too much talk and less walk -
our Elders must be vaccinated on a War Footing -
let Walgreen, CVS, our Mom and Pop Pharmacies -
do the administering of the vaccines - and the rest follow -
too many innocent people - falling prey to the COVID-19 virus.

Gavin Newsom the Governor - has been waving his hands - talking too much - and the time has come to act - and STOP wasting time.

When it comes to testing San Franciscans - Mayor London Breed has failed us.  She has lied to us again and again - that San Francisco does testing - more than any other place - how stupid can she be.

All the time - here is San Francisco - over 40% are asymptomatic - she has NO clue what asymptomatic is - I bet you she is asymptomatic - and so are most of those who surround her - partying every single day - in various ways.

What is important to know - no one can trust a liar - and some one who says one thing and does another. 

Mayor London Breed - in her younger days -

all over the place - doing nothing at all.

Mayor London Breed has failed the essential workers - who do not trust her. 

The essential workers are over-worked and underpaid and the SF Board of Supervisors want to waste our time - having hearings - how to better administer the vaccinations.

For starters they are not paying attention to the ravaging, large number of " asymptomatic " individuals - roaming our streets and spreading the virus - thousands put in harms way - daily.

It is the same with Food Security - one in three Seniors do not have food - and in the golden years - we as a Society must do something - the SF BOS - kicking the can - down the street.

Shamann Walton and his gimmick with JUL -

took $5000 and had to give the money back.

Our children 3 out of 5 do not get the nutrition they need - suffering from Food Security.

The new President of the SF BOS is a Nutritionists - but in really wheels and deal - and has a tarnished history taking bribes.

Shamann  took $5000 from JUL and had to give it back. He took millions from Lennar Urban when he ran for District 10 Supervisors - he will be investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

Harlan and Naomi Kelly - both resigned -

Harlan has been charged - not so Naomi.

Harlan Kelly the General Manager has resigned and Harlan will spend time in jail. 

Juliet Ellis the former Assistant General Manager and supposedly Chief Strategist - has resigned - still being monitored by the FBI.

The City Administrator Naomi Kelly has resigned - for good reason - and hopefully her two sons will not be adversely impacted by the despicable actions of Harlan Kelly and his minions - the likes of Dwayne Jones, Shamann Walton, Malia Cohen, DionJay Brookter, Juliet Ellis, and other most Black and a disgrace to the human race.

It has been 11 months - our Small Business are suffering. The SF Mayor London Breed and the SF Mayor's Office of Economic Development has failed us. 

More Non-Profit who have done the heavy lifting - and are now told to send in some application - when we have already sent it many times before. Who is fooling whom?

These folks working at the SF Mayor's Office of Economic  - get huge salaries more then $175,000 a year with benefits - but have failed to help the needed Non-Profits.

We are not going to fill our application again and again and beg - fuck you scumbags.

You all will fall flat on your face - all that I have said before has come true - and so will this statement - so that you all know - how despicable you are.

The City and County of San Francisco -

has over 36,000 homes vacant - we have 12,000 homeless.

The SF BOS are not aware that we have over 36,000 homes that are vacant. The landlords will not rent the homes - because the renters - often will not pay their rent  - and it is costly to evict the tenants. 

There are thousands of condominiums vacant - the City and County of San Francisco - for decades has favored building Market Rate homes - and have failed to build affordable homes - catering to those who make under $60,000.

The present SF BOS are kicking the can down the street - and think that all will be well. We will have riots in San Francisco - and the SF BOS will be the IRE of those they are adversely impacting and have been impacting for decades.

The SF Board of Supervisor are boring and each one patting they behind - failing to address Quality of Life issues.

Our MUNI transportation is a mess - the buses filthy - and many boarding the MUNI buses without wearing a mask.

SF City Hall has been closed - those in authority -
working from home - pussyfooting around - you call 
a number - and no one gets back to you - shame on
these scoundrels who make $250,000 plus the head of 
departments - tryin to hoodwink us in broad daylight.

SF City Hall is closed and it is very difficult to conduct any business - long messages - informing us someone will get back - but no one does.

The Assessor's Office in the middle of the pandemic - using gimmicks to collect property taxes - on office equipment and other things - treating to put a lien - on property that one does not own.

The State of California has also changed many laws - making it difficult in this pandemic to pay fees and do business - most everything - online - each time one calls - one gets a different answer. The State of California should understand - that it has failed millions - those with jobs still encountering difficulty - with unemployment insurance.

Nefarious entities from Nigeria, other crooks of the highest order - from States all over the United States - fleeced the Employment Development Department (EDD) of Billions of dollars.


Right now the Bank of America has frozen thousands of accountants - hacked by those who saw the poor fire wall - hacked - got in and took billions of dollars.

In the middle of pandemic the SF Mayor of San Francisco refuses to give a small pay raise to the Essential Workers.

Yet  gives her obsessive herself a raise - making $400,000 a year - she does nothing at all - loves to order people around - while failing herself to abide the laws - she talks so much about.

She had the audacity to attend a party at The French Laundry - a fancy restaurant - with others - not wearing a mask.

Caught in the act  - after being notified of her mistake - she took weeks to apologize. Where do they find such scumbags - pretending to represent San Francisco? 

We have 12,000 homeless and all sorts of so called experts - trying to address the homeless situation.

Most of those making decision linked to the poor  -  are chosen on life style - they have NO family values.

More they have disdain for our poor and love the huge amounts pay by taxpayers - shameless

Such scumbags - make in access of $200,000 -  deprive the poor of what they need most - a roof over their head. Most linger living in tents - facing inclement weather - the deaths do not bother the SF Mayor, the SF BOS, nor the minions - laughing all the way to the bank.

We have so much tents - on the streets of San Francisco - filthy conditions - and none of the SF BOS visit the " filthy tent villages " - yet they want to talk about programs - far fetched - and all long, drawn out - stupid SF BOS - who have no idea that we are watching them like a hawk.

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