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Wednesday, January 27, 2021


San Francisco for all its talk - NO - walk.

 Economists the better ones will tell you - companies and families are leaving San Francisco in droves.

All the while our SF Board of Supervisors are talking and wasting our time -  long drawn out virtual meetings - where a measly two minutes are afforded the taxpayers - during Public Comment.

Taxpayers who pay their taxes - who pay the salaries of the crooked and very corrupt - politicians - and get nothing much in return.

At the SF Board of Supervisors (SF BOS) - January 26, 2021 - there was a hearing on the SF Police Department (SFPD) - the injustice committed to the public at large - the SF BOS - talking in circles - and failing San Franciscans - each and every time.

The Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) - an entity that was part of the Department of Justice - that created some 272 suggestions so that the SFPD could improve itself - has been an albatross round the neck of the SFPD.

Four years ago when the last President of the United States was elected - the first thing he did - was get rid of COPS, Our present SFBOS have no clue about this fact.

Give me a break if it takes so long for the SFPD to state that only 40 of the 272 recommendations - have some language - vague as the accepted recommendations - are - and over $800,000 spent on Consultants and others - kicking the can down the street.

Chief  William Scott

Unlike those that talk in circles - when Chief Scott Williams came on board - I scheduled an appointment and met him. We spoke about some pertinent issues - and offered him my help - as I had and have been fighting in the trenches - for over 40 years - on matter linked to Quality of Life issues - here in San Francisco.

In the middle of the pandemic the Mayor - London Breed gave herself a pay raise - making more than $400,000 plus benefits. An inept, useless, spineless, not educated on issues - lacking sound leadership - our once great City and County of San Francisco is going down the drain - into the cesspool created by the Mayor of SF.

The SFBOS gave the 2000 plus - SF Police Officers a raise - all this in the middle of the pandemic.

The SFPD is there to protect and serve the constituents of San Francisco - the taxpayers pay their salaries - and most of the SFOD make a lot of money - they are simply over compensated.

When it comes to serving decent, hardworking - now suffering San Franciscans - because of the COVID-19 pandemic - instead of helping us all - we encounter - many crimes  on the increase.

Here are some of them - home break-ins, assaults, domestic violence, shooting and killings - our businesses hurting - more, when the stores and businesses are broken into - and nothing much done. Blatant shoplift and most a certain segment of the population involved in these ignored - blatant crimes - that compromise Quality of Life issues. 

The Walgreens at the Evans Shopping Center - Third and Evans - closed - people just walking in and out - loaded with stolen goods from Walgreens. Now these thugs have moved to other locations - stealing, and creating a nuisance of the worst order.

Car break-ins on the rise - and in general it is not safe for anyone to go out late evening or at night. The SFPD knows this - but arrogant as most of them are - they give a hoot.

I hav known the last 8 Chiefs of SF Police Department - and know what I talking about. Today the SFBOS and the Mayor are pandering to an entity - as long as they can benefit - and benefit they do - in ways that are not legal - as I often say - dubious in nature.

The skyline of San Francisco you see above has changed  - too many market rate condominiums - and while the SF Planning Department has been hoodwinking us - in broad daylight - the SF BOS are pussyfooting on other mundane issues - more those who talk too much - the spew hot air - and think they can fool all the people - all the time.

Our infants, children, youth, young adults -our beloved Elders - those with compromised health - are all suffering from food security. One in three Elders go to bed hungry. One in four children go to bed hungry - right here in San Francisco.

Not once has there been a hearing on food security, toxic stress, the sad state of innocent people suffering at the hands of criminals. The many criminals released from jails - having a field day committing crimes - crimes reported and nothing done about it.

Our Mayor is blaming the Federal Government when it comes to anything - in the past the former President - now she does not say much about President Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi  - because she want them to fill her coffers - so that she can go on shopping sprees, have a gala time - while the constituents of San Francisco suffer.

The Black we have in San Francisco and you see some of them above - are very corrupt - they have been placed by the MACHINE - to rake in as much money as possible.

All this has been slowed down by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) - we have seen Naomi Kelly resign and now purportedly will head some private bank. We saw Harlan Kelly the General Manager who disgraced himself leave - and has now a company already established - such are the deeds of those who defy society - leeches - of the highest order.

Few Blacks in San Francisco has read and studied the document put out by the Human Rights Commission - the UNFINISHED AGENDA - one can google the title and read it.

Another document OUT MIGRATION - go to the library and you will find the document - read it and learn more.

Unfortunately in San Francisco we have very corrupt Blacks the likes of Dwayne Jones, Juliet Ellis who has resigned but still is found hovering around - San Francisco - reeking of Sulphur.

Sheryl Evans Davis, Shamann Walton, DionJay Brookter, Shakira Simley, Sophie Maxwell, Malia Cohen - others too many to name - who are hiring Blacks - pretending to say something - but do nothing at all. 

Good actions count. We have the empirical data how the money is spent, who is behind the behind - and it is just a matter of time - when all will be revealed. More corrupt Blacks will be charged - and some of them are sweating - waiting to hear the news.

Juliet Ellis and Harlan Kelly -
singing the blues and there is more to come

$4.3 million missing from the Bayview Opera House -
where did that money disappear?

If sworn in - Dev Haaland will be sworn in 
as the Secretary of Interior - San Francisco
must decided what why so many Native Americans 
are treated with disdain in San Francisco - the
Muwekma Ohlone are the only ones who exercised 
the Right of First Refusal - here in San Francisco.

 Willie Brown, Gavin Newsom, and Ed Lee -
each played a role - screwing things up -
that have put us all in harms way - time will tell.

The Sewer System Improvement Project
started with $6 Billion - is now at $12 Billion -
at this rate will tally at $20 Billion - the crooks
are still having a field day - laughing all the way to the bank.


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