Tents all over the place in San Francisco - no one should be facing the inclement weather - many poor slowly dying. All the while Mayor London Breed - pussyfooting around - taking shopping junkets - failing the constituents of San Francisco - compromising Quality of Life issues - barking up the wrong tree.
Mayor London Breed is NO leader - she has now accommodated Carmen Chu - with a position - to be the City and County of San Francisco's - City Administrator.
Carmen Chu should have stay on as Assessor - as the City needs qualified experience to deal with our vacant buildings - millions of square feet of Commercial Space vacant - large areas in San Francisco - look like a War Zone.
Naomi Kelly - who has resigned from the City and County of San Francisco - will head some Public Bank - soon.
Carmen Chu will continue the work that Naomi Kelly which was well known for - pandering to crooks of the worst order.
As City Administrator Naomi Kelly had jurisdiction of over 33,000 employees.
Naomi Kelly had full control of the Contract Monitoring Division. The Contract Monitoring Division -has NO Commission. Few understand the dynamics - when the City Administrator and the Mayor - can sit down with large developers -and make a deal.
Many of the City workers - will be fired - this process started - before Naomi Kelly resigned.
In short this wicked City Department heads - only care about themselves - and to hell with the essential workers.
The result thousands will be left in limbo - in the middle of the pandemic.
The Mayor London Breed cares less - about essential workers - or workers in general.
London Breed's recent speech was all hog wash.
Scream that our City will recover and be better than ever - you can just keep " dreaming" the worst Mayor we have ever had.
Millions of square feet of vacant Commercial Space. Thousand of workers and hundreds of large Corporations - have left San Francisco for Miami, Florida - Houston, Texas - other places like New Mexico - they pay less taxes and get many incentives.
You - London Breed - should be ashamed of yourself.
Who do you think you are talking to - uneducated people like yourself.
You, London Breed have not produced one single plan - with goals, timelines, and more with accountability and transparency.
Immoral as you are - you dared give yourself a raise - making over $400,000 a year and should be ashamed of yourself.
Useless as you are - inept, weak in the knees - taking this raise in the middle of he Pandemic.
London Breed a panderer is simply unfit to take care of San Francisco - again and again - under London Breed - Quality of Life issues are compromised.
Our infants, children, youth, and beloved Elder suffer from food security.
While London Breed in the middle of the pandemic - breaks the rules - hogs at The French Laundry - and fails to apologize.
Then when she apologize for breaking the law - she makes some half-ass excuses.
Typical of a spoiled brat - an immoral person - typical of one - brought up in the hood - and having NO etiquette whatsoever.
I am not generalizing - but speaking to London Breed - who lacks manners and more standards.
President Joe Biden keeps signing Executive Orders - what is important to note - each Executive Order must be followed by a detail plan - with goals, timelines, and detailed Accountability and Transparency - all we see are the Executive Orders.
If one signs too many Executive Order - it sends a wrong signal. We must do what the previous President done - more when once President Biden - before he became President - said that Executive Orders - too many of them - smacked of - " Dictatorship ".
We the taxpayer wait for the details - linked to the Executive Orders just signed by President Joe Biden.
It is in the details that we can monitor the results - witness the capacity building - see how much of what needs to be done is done - witness on much has been put on track - and judge the results at hand - when those that need help most - feel they are helped and more healed.
Millions are hungry and go to bed hungry - food security.
Million have No jobs - Toxic stress reigns supreme in many households.
Domestic Violence in on the increase. Women more single mothers are stressed out - and have for over 10 months. All this is telling on the infants, the children, the youth that all need help most and nurturing now - and not months and years - after the damage has been done.
The crooks in San Francisco all members of the Democratic Party are salivating - waiting for free money.
Waiting for Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris, others - to send the money our tax payers money - to corrupt folks the likes of London Breed, Joaquin Torres, Jose Cisneros, and Carmen Chu.
In the past the Stimulus money has NOT reached those that needed it - most.
Thousands of small businesses have folded up and left San Francisco. Many locations - in many Districts - we have 11 Districts in San Francisco. In each District you have boarded businesses - the locations looking - like a War Zone.
Our SF Board of Supervisors (SFBOS) have failed us - all they do is talk - and some talk about grandiose plan to revamp the Municipal Transportation Agency - that is bankrupt.
Waiting for money to come from Washington DC.
The SFBOS has failed us - yet some want to come to the aid of the SF Unified School District.
You - SFBOS are a joke - you know it - but now - it has to be spelled.
It has been a year now and you cannot provided a standardized virtual meeting service - you offer the Public at Large two miserly minutes - but again and again - the communication is pathetic.
Recently we are witnessing musical chairs - Naomi Kelly resigned - her husband was caught with his hand in the cookie jar. His name Harlan Kelly - General Manager of the most corrupt agency - the SF Public Utilities Commission.
Naomi Kelly is being replaced by Carmen Chu the Assessor - who had NO clue what she is getting into - as the hurriedly anointed City Administrator.
Joaquin Torres has been anointed as the
next Assessor of San Francisco - time will tell.
Joaquin Torres a "B" Move star who was heading the SF Office of Economic Development - he now will be in charge of the Assessor's Office - has NO clue about the duties linked with the Assessors Office.
When it comes to Accounting, conduct a sound Needs Assessment - understanding Infrastructure, Property Management, Marketing the man is a failure - has been as the head of Economic Development - he is a B Actor - and not fit for the current job as Assessor.
Joaquin Torres - will be parlaying with Mayor London Breed - on issues - where - some big developers can get a break - and the Mayor can fill her campaign coffers. Joaquin Torres has NO spine, and is a lackey.
This musical chairs game continues - where the same crooks are filling in positions - mostly because they are all being investigated - for rampant corruption. They are being watched - and better be very careful.
We are in the middle of a pandemic - thousands of businesses have left San Francisco.
As the Director of Economic Development Joaquin Torres was an utter failure - in many places Small Business are waiting for their Stimulus Checks.
As I stated earlier - thousands of small businesses have folded - never to return to San Francisco.
If they had got their Stimulus money in time - they could have saved their businesses - it is too late now. Jackasses appointed as the heads of SF City Departments - have failed the hard working - tax payers.
The SF Mayor's Office of Economic Development must be audited - Joaquin Torres - spending millions of dollars - without any Transparency and less Accountability.
Juliet Ellis and Harlan Kelly - have wasted millions of dollars and both are still around - and corrupt as they are
both are in business - simply shocking when it comes to ethics.
The SF Public Utilities Commission - has wasted millions of dollars - linked to Community Benefits.
Where do they find such corrupt, crooked and sordid individuals - scumbags of the worst order.
The above two have resigned - they should now take their sorry assess far away from San Francisco and the Bay Area.
London Breed - every opportunity she gets to speak - she barks up the wrong tree - spewing hot air and diatribe.
Mayor London Breed can talk the talk but she cannot walk the walk.
London Breed She with Sulphur - corruption is what is specializes - sorry rabid ass - and a disgrace to anything - decent.
San Francisco was a world class city - not any more we have jail birds and mannerless folks - given position to do bad not good.
Crooks who do not know what it means to have empathy and compassion. Thousands of poor folks in District 10 are dying - more our Elders - and this nonsense has been going on - before the Pandemic.
Crooks and the very corrupt - talking from both sides of their mouth - they are in the minorities - may be 2 % of our population - but involved in 99% of the blatant corruption - this nonsense must STOP - now.
Over 50% of our jails belong to this segment of the population.
Many have been released and entire rows of businesses have been broken into - and the SF Police Department have the reports - but nothing much is done.
Why are we permitting a certain segment of the population - that wants most everything for free - to tarnish the name of our City and County of San Francisco - adversely impact Quality of Life issues. When will the mayhem stop - more when we pay our taxes.