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Monday, November 18, 2019


Banners like this were posted -
all over the Hill - and the banners got worn out
nothing ever happened - gentrification 
removal of the Negro - gentrification fast speed ahead -
there has been no walk -
time will tell - we will continue -
to speak Truth to Power.

The Southeast Sector of San Francisco from Potrero Hill to SF State University - covering Districts 9, 10, and 11 -  known to have the highest concentration of infants, children, youth, young adults, our Elders - most with compromised health.

These three District have the highest number of respiratory diseases affection mostly infants, children, youth, and the Elders.

Tumors one of a kind - the SF General Hospital know about this - so do the other hospitals - but they do little.

With the closure of Saint Luke Hospital - things have adversely impacted those in the Southeast Area - more with an influx of diabetes, respiratory diseases, heart diseases - in short " Toxic Trauma ".

For all the talk - there has been no walk.

Not - from the State nor the Federal Government.

Health premiums have gone up - and many cannot afford health services. 

There is a pandemic and no one seems to care - for sure NOT the politicians.

Stellar and astute advocates from this entire area - the Southeast Sector - have served the Districts - as best they can.

More - doing the best to help those in dire straits.

For sure - the community at large - doing what they can - and doing a very good job.

Conceptual Plans -
brand new housing built on very 
contaminated ground - prone to liquefaction
and flooding - who act like this -
except the very corrupt - who have no empathy -
less compassion - most who have LOST their soul.

It does not help that now the City and County of San Francisco with a budget of $12.8 billion plus - does little to help those that are in dire straits.

Most - of the SF Board of Supervisors making in access of $150,000 a year - plus benefits - talk from both sides of their mouth. Always  talking in circles - come Public Comment - you get a measly two minutes.

The San Francisco - Board of Supervisors - have failed us all - the tax payers, the citizens of San Francisco, the constituents who vote and get little in return.

The congestion on our streets, the skyrocketing rents, the pollution and contamination, the poor health services that cost an arm and a leg.

The killings and shootings - assaults on the street, home break-ins, car break-ins, what else is there to say to impress the corrupt and those failing to represent us?

When it comes to sound health services - it is mediocre in San Francisco  - now even some - community pharmacies that use to help the poor in the community - are penalized.

When it comes to - " Wrap around Services " forget about it - we had them in the past - we have some now - we need more in this reigning - dire emergency more a pandemic.

Learn more about Wrap Around Services :

Again and again the Mayor's Office of Housing - has been  undergoing drastic changes.

We see millions of dollars - wasted on rehabilitation programs - rehabilitating old Public Housing - the end result - producing gentrification of the worst type.

Over 100,000 families - who contributed so much to San Francisco have left San Francisco - never, ever to return today -
this in the last five years.

Dwayne Jones - he lives in Oakland -
commutes to the City daily -
to wheel and deal - corrupt to the core
using of Community Benefits money - tax payers money -
to buy favors -  placate some with stale bread crumbs -
why are we  tolerating such nonsense
and for how long?

The paradox is that some Blacks in power - have been contributing to the " gentrification " - it makes NO sense - but that is the state of affairs. 

Corruption is in their DNA -  they think they can get away with murder - in broad daylight.

One of many fiscal reports from Mercy Housing - read between the lines - they pat themselves in the back - and make money off the backs of the poor - so called - " affordable housing " - they owe San Francisco over $800 million - loans waiting - that should be paid :

The John Stewart Company - Property Managers - well entrenched fleecing the poor - more those that need much needed affordable housing :

The Property Managers - Mercy Housing, the John Stewart Company, Bridge Developers - have partnered with the City and County of San Francisco.

$4.2 Billion given to the John Stewart Property Managers  -  by Bank of America - other entities too - to target and rehabilitate  former Public Housing - in the Southeast Sector of San Francisco -  making some superficial - so called rehabilitation - to existing Public Housing - raking in millions - fostering - abject - G e n t r i f i c a t i o n .

These superficial changes - allow them to jack up the rents - find other methods to amend and write leases - they all make millions - laughing all the way to the bank. 

They detest Tenant Organization - and have made in roads with Housing Cooperatives - Northridge at Hunters Point - and Marcus Garvey at Western Addition - all with the help of corrupt Mayors Edwin Mah Lee and London Breed.  

Those corrupt - mostly Blacks - work with these Property Managers - and think nothing - pity one Black against the other - all this will come to a halt - but some one must stand up for what is right.

The Public Housing at Potrero Hill, Hunters View, Kiska Road, the Oakdale Housing Public Housing - all the housing once controlled by Apartment Investment  Management Company on the Hill .

 All Hollows one of many on the Hill  and so on - and adjacent properties - Sunnydale Public  Housing - are controlled by White Property Managers.

These White Property Managers - get millions from all sources - the State of California, the Federal Government - Housing and Urban Development - the Banks like Bank of America -  rake in millions - and treat those that need help most - with disdain.

Under HOPESF - all sorts of ploys, machinations and shenanigans are used - to evict the poor - more people of color - and foster - abject - GENTRIFICATION.

Mercy Housing - owes the City and County of San Francisco over $800 million.  That is a lot of money. When are they going to pay that money back?

Recently Mercy Housing got more money  - to build pre-fabricated units - never mind - that these small units - cramped up quarters - do not meet humane standards - and fail to foster Quality of Life issues.

There has been NO Environmental Impact  Report - are we setting the tone - for a dictatorial type of process - when it come to the indigent and the poor? Who is behind this nonsense?

It is the same with the John Stewart Company - paying NO attention to pollution and contamination - building poor housing  - in close proximity of a Superfund Site.

We - saw this at Huntersview - they did better at Oakdale Housing - changing the clean water and sewer pipes - but all the same - weeding out those that did not have good credit.

Alice Griffith has seen some changes - the land is contaminated and was not abated - people living in the brand new housing - still suffer from respiratory diseases, severe heart attacks, tumors and all sorts of chronic diseases.

There are no Wrap Around Service :

The Property Managers - looking for any opportunity - to evict tenants - many of whom have lived in Public Housing for generations. Today you find them on the streets of San Francisco - by Sixth Street - in the Tenderloin - this City and County of San Francisco - has lost its soul - pathetic.

Bridge Developers pussyfooting with Mayor London Breed and thinking they can fool all the people - all the time.

There are other Public Housing  -  all over the City and County of San Francisco.

I am  focusing on those areas the come within the Southeast Sector - adversely impacting our youth - and creating " turf issues ".

Killings and shootings - given NO opportunities are dealing drugs and many lose their lives.

Young women too involved with selling drugs - women have sex dens and provide sex for money.

Selling - other stolen goods - this has been going on for decades - but our Mayor London Breed - who knows this - being from the hood - continues to bark up the wrong tree.

Some politicians pretending to help - while pocketing all sorts  money.

The - Sewer System Improvement Project - has millions of dollars - Community Benefits - the local advocates get nothing at all - even as our infants, children, youth, young adult, our Elders - those with compromised health suffer - more our mentally and physically, challenged.

Outsiders -  who pander to the politicians get what they want.

These SF politicians are the scum of the earth.

More those - wheeling and deal with Lennar Urban - aka 5 Points Holdings LLC - building thousands of units on very contaminated ground - prone to severe flooding and liquefaction.

These politicians are busy pussyfooting around - failing to address Quality of Life issues - when you name them - they feel insulted - they talk the talk - but cannot walk the walk.

Daily they seek opportunity to hoard " dark money " and they think we do not know about  sordid deeds - linked to them and know to me - I have the empirical data.

Then - they talk to the " OGs " - begging me not to mention their name -  what is it that I am saying - besides, speaking Truth to Power.

Nothing that I gain - never ask the City and County of San Francisco a cent  - have helped the City that is always ungrateful  - me - always putting the community at large - first.

Any takers - come to talk to me with empirical data - tell me when have you been in the trenches - fighting the good fight.
More for the community at large.

These vultures  come from far off places - think they can rearrange our furniture in our sitting rooms - without our permission.

The SF Health Department continues to take surveys in the Southeast Sector - getting millions in grants.

Spending  it in other areas - other communities - far from the Southeast Sector Areas of San Francisco. This has been going on for decades.

This  nonsense was carried on - " with intent " - by former Directors of the SF Health Department - Mitch Katz - then by Barbara Garcia and now by Susan Ehrich - all talk and no walk.

Who will defend our infants, our children, our youth, our young adults - our beloved Elders - those with compromised health - more our mentally and physically challenged?

All Public Housing was built by the Department of Defense and paid for over a hundred time over. The Public Housing was not built to last for more than 50 years - but was used for over 70 years - and all the City and County of San Francisco and the SF Housing Authority ( corrupt to the core ) - did - was what is known as - " deferred maintenance.

They ran down the Public Housing with intent - to prepare the way to " wheel and deal " - make agreements with corrupt Property Managers - bringing in the Private Sector - giving them grants - and fostering - abject - G E N T R I F I C A T I O N . 

Stellar and Astute Advocates - will always speak Truth to Power.
We do this because God is on our side - and we do not fear the crooks and the corrupt - it may take some time - but come what may - we know who will see light at the end of the tunnel. Aho.

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