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Wednesday, December 19, 2018


Donald Trump
a loser - who want to build a wall -
this wall and more will bring his downfall.

When over 40 Psychiatrists and Psychologists - sign a petition warning that Donald Trump has serious mental  issues - this Nation must take serious - note.

Donald Trump single handedly has disgraced the White House - and brought disgrace to our Nation. 

When I think of Donald Trump  - I think of another person like him - and that is Andrew Jackson. 

A racist bastard - who took on the indigenous people of Turtle Island - and much like Donald Trump - dictatorial.  Donald Trump has focused on immigrants and immigration - talking from both sides of this mouth - saying one thing and mean another.

Donald Trump has NO idea what so ever - about the thousands of Federal Employees - that he is holding hostage - right before the holidays. If he dares to take on the Federal Workers - he will speed up his downfall - his poll ratings - are at a all time - LOW.

Donald Trump never served his Nation - yet, because he illegally won the Elections - we now have for the first time ever - a unfit - Commander in Chief - who is a chronic egoistical maniac - and does things according to his whim and fancy.

Every day - early in the morning - the man watches the many Television Screens -  in his den - sees if his name or picture appears. 

Never mind - how the media portrays Donald Trump - in what light - whether it is negative or positive - he just wants his name mentioned and his photograph displayed - he tallies daily his own popularity - contest.

Always trying to massage his sordid ego - trying to win fake browny points.

Every building must have his name - Donald Towers - every Park he contributes to - anything he does - must have his logo - his name - his fake rubber stamp. Such a maniac has never, ever appeared on the public stage - and for the first time in the White House.

Now we know - those that follow Donald are mostly shallow ignorant folks - who have NO clue whose land this is.

They call themselves Americans and listen to the rubbish that Donald Trump - spews - diatribe of the worst kind - he wants to take on anyone - that confronts him - and most of the time - make a fool of himself.

The indigenous people the many Tribes that lived on this land once called Turtle Island - have been here for over 15,000 years.

The ones that claim a right to this land - we know as Turtle Island - say they could claim right to the land - just because they were Christians.

Have lived on this land - even though they stole the land - had no right to their own land. From the days of the Magna Carta to today - nothing much has changed - when it comes to wheeling and deal - signing Tribal Treaties - and making a mocking of the deliberations.

We saw this first hand when we went all the way to North Dakota - the North Dakota Pipeline - visited the Reservations, spoke to the Tribal Leaders - and saw and heard things - we never could have - etched in our memories.

How can you take land, steal land, have NO documents - and yet the Government - permitted Whites to do as they please - while the Tribes were removed from their ancestral lands, removed and taken and place on barren land - the Government called them Reservations.

As stupid and nonsensical as this may sound today - for decades this mentality still prevails. 

These strangers - openly stated - for the longest  time " that the only good Indian - was a dead Indian ".

The indigenous people of the Americas - did not need a passport and could travel freely. They never believed in borders, fences, and like crazy Donald Trump - a wall.

The very second the White folks landed on land that was not theirs - they built fences to claim their land. 

Others became stakeholder - by putting fake stakes here, there and everywhere - and claimed that was their land - land that never, ever was given to them.

This inherent trait of building walls, fences, forts, moats is inherent with mostly greedy Whites.

Whites - who never ever mention in their way of thinking and talking - about Mother Earth.

Respect for Mother Earth and respect for the Elders.

Folks who want to take everything and give nothing back.

Folks who do not  have Respect for the culture and tradition - of the indigenous people - be it the songs, dance, rituals that are meaningful and more.

I have travelled all over the world - met world leaders - and more.

I have always have been comfortable with the indigenous people - they are down to Earth, are NOT greedy, and welcome everyone.

We cannot say that of the Europeans - the Colonists - who invaded Africa and divided it as they pleased.

Just grabbed foreign lands for King and Church.

Invaded places - the Portuguese, the Spanish, the Dutch.

The Belgians, the English, the Germans, the French - you get the picture.

Most Americans do not know their own history - how can this Nation - the United States of America - incarcerate the Tribes on land that is not fit for growing - dare to remove the First People the indigenous people - from the land - of their ancestors ?

The ancestors who lived on Sacred Land for thousands of years - and put the Tribes on RESERVATIONS?

For the longest time ever - they saying - " the only good Indian is a dead Indian " - was accepted by most ignorant Whites with the inception of a few - who had their heart in the right place.

Up until 1927 - anyone could kill a Native American - and fetch a measly $5 dollars - reward - in California. 

The California Governors would send edicts to kill the Tribes from Turtle Island.

These strangers destroyed the camping grounds of the indigenous people - the Tribes of the land.

Those wicked to the core killed the children, raped the women - and thought nothing of these atrocities. The Catholic Church looked the other way - filled with pride and arrogance that they had God on their side - who  God would condone such atrocities - shame on the Catholic Church that has NOT apologized for their sordid actions.

When the Modocs from Northern California took on the United States Army.

When the Modocs  - took refuge among the volcanic rocks - settled in caves - the Army tried to capture the Modocs- but they could not. The terrain favored the Modocs from Northern California - and the United States Army of that time - got lost in the fog.

The U.S. was routed and a General killed and all this and more - put fear in the " palefaces " - but that fear was short lived.

More and more troops joined the defeated ones - and the war - went on - and millions of dollars were spent - all because the Modocs wanted to live peacefully on their own land.

Only the most despicable people - that segment of the population that Donald Trump belongs to - could and have continue this racist nonsense - putting down the indigenous people - wanting to be build a wall at the Mexican border.

The Mexicans are not dumb - and the previous Mexican President told Donald Trump " to go fuck himself ". 

Other Presidents including the President of China, the Prime Minister of Canada, The German Chancellor - many other heads of State - most who belong to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization - detest Donald Trump - and prefer that he not attend their meetings.

Donald Trump and his ilk - once known as barbarians - have NO right to live on Turtle Land.

Think  for a second their ancestors who did not live here - that, just like that - the invaders - those who landed here - not for Religious Reasons - but for Economic Reasons.

They have NO right to call themselves Native - and brag that they own this land - once better known as Turtle Island.

These are strangers and they will always be strangers - as long as they are tainted - and have blood on their hands. 

It is just a matter of time the genocide that was perpetrated on the indigenous people - and history has recorded it - will be reversed - that is how it always happens. 

It is called Karma.

Only - those who are spiritually inclined understand this important - factor.

It is important to note that indigenous people already had their renaissance - many times over.

One has just to study the civilizations linked to the Babylonians.

The  Mohenjo Daro civilization.

The Egyptian civilization.

The Mayan civilization - all supersede any type of civilization that originated in Europe.

More because those living in Europe - at the period when these civilizations - mentioned above reigned supreme - those living in caves in Europe - were totally uncivilized.

The Mosque in Cordabo, Spain.

When the Moors invaded and ruled Spain - perhaps for the first time the European understood - the full meaning of mathematics, philosophy, medicine, astronomy, and an entire gamut of subjects - never, ever exposed to those living in Spain.

Few have read the history and the happenings at Cordabo in Spain.

All of our science today - has its origins on lands where indigenous people lived - be it the numerals, geometry, algebra, astronomy, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, theology - those who have wisdom - will reveal to the ignorant - more.

The Colonists as I said - had only one thing is mind - Gold and precious stones - spices and silk - they only had one thing in mind to bring fame to themselves - and honor for the King and Queen.

The paradox is at that time the Kings and Queens - took a bath once a year if not after more years.

Lacked basic hygiene - their food lacked spices.

Sexually transmitted diseases, small pox, the black plague, and we can go on and on - all originated in Europe. 

These diseases were brought to foreign lands - and devastated the indigenous people on many a Continent.

You see all the above origins today in Whites - greedy to the core.

Donald Trump hitting and dipping whenever an opportunity presents - itself. 

Donald Trump has met his match in Mueller - who will string him up -  by his balls. Follow  the money.

Today, much as yesterday - Donald Trump is at his wits end. He thought he was smart - with his Trump Foundation no more - and soon his children in jail. Time will tell.

The man is the laughing stock of the entire world.

Yet we tolerate this jackass - and yet we give him air time - yet we follow him and his tantrums - the man is a chronic egoistical maniac.

I get emails and calls from all over the world - asking me how - can Americans tolerate such a jackass ?

The answer is simply - more and more Whites who support Donald Trump - share his traits and mentality. 

This mentality - must be nipped in the bud.

Our Election system - more the Electoral System that has its origins in the Feudal System must be abolished.

The Law of the Land has protected Donald Trump - while we all have to pay our taxes to the Internal Revenue System  (IRS) - we look away when it comes to Donald Trump.

Donald Trump who has broken hundreds of laws.

More since the early 1970s. His father did that too - wheeling and dealing - Americans do not know that - because they have failed to Vote - failed to be educated on issues. 

Donald Trump is a disgrace to the human race.

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