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Thursday, July 26, 2018


Human beings should not be living -
anywhere on Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.

When human beings get greedy - they fail to pay attention to factors - that are critical and important - they even put their health on the line. 

This has happened on Parcel A - no human beings should be living anywhere near - Hunters Point Naval Shipyard. The many parcels B, C, D, E, E2, F which is the Bay, G where the stadium was supposed to be built. UC 1, 2, 3 and so on (utility corridors that are contaminated).

There are so many hotspots registering high levels of cesium, plutonium, other heavy metal that can play havoc with human beings - in fact with any life.

San Francisco has the Precautionary Principle on its books - it has NOT been enforced on Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.

The SF Planning Department, the Department of Building Inspection, but for sure the District 10 Supervisors - Sophie Maxwell and Malia who have profited the most - have been complicit - and should be charged by the people.

The  SF Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure to this day - encourages innocent people to buy contaminated homes - and all of them should be charged and sent to jail - this Commission - should not exists - all they do sell - lies and put innocent people in harms way.

The above OCII succeeded the former SF Redevelopment Agency.

I have appeared before this sordid commission - those sitting on that OCII commission - they have no conscience and more do not have their heart in the right place.

Malia Cohen and London Breed are two sell outs - that have received thousands from Lennar Urban - aka 5 Points Holdings LLP.

These political whores - do not represent decent human beings.

These two political whores have BLOOD on their hands.

These two political whores have been complicit with Lennar Urban and have  "with intent lied ".

They have lied so many times - again and again - that Hunters Point Naval Shipyard is clean - again, this is a Big LIE.

Hunters Point Naval Shipyard has not been mitigated, abated to " Residential Standards " - human beings should not live nor work on SF Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.

Depleted Uranium was tested on Hunters Point Naval Shipyard. The Defense Radiological Laboratory still stands still - with shut windows - on Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - precursory to Lawrence Livermore Laboratory - and few know about this fact.

People should be educated on issues - they are not - some put the interest linked to tainted money - before the health of our infants and children. Thinks about this serious fact.

The Hunters Point Naval Shipyard played
an important role in killing millions -
during the World War II efforts -
an atomic bomb left Hunters Point Naval Shipyard -
to be dropped on Japan killing innocent civilians.

London Breed is a puppet on a string -
in the time she has occupied - Room 200 -
much like any political whore -
she will sell herself to the highest bidder.

London Breed served as a member on the former San Francisco  Redevelopment Agency - Commission.

Again and again as some of us advocates - presented our facts - our empirical data - London Breed and those on the SF Redevelopment Commission - that Commission looked the other way.

It did not matter to them that our infants, our children, our youth, our young adults, our seniors. 

Those will compromised health - more of mentally and physically challenged were harmed by the nefarious activities of Lennar Urban aka 5 Points Holding LLP - same snake - different head.

Malia Cohen - a political whore of the worst order -
has with intent - done nothing much -
the hearing on Tectra Tech whistle blowers revealed a lot - 
at that  hearing - Malia said a lot - but there has been 
no " qualified " enforcement -
years ago in the early 2000 - Proposition P -
mandated the entire Hunters Point Naval Shipyard 
be mitigated and abated - to Residential Standards -
that did not happen - and will NOT happen.

I have written hundreds of articles on Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - the last 25 years - plus.

Folks like Sophie Maxwell, Linda Richardson, Doris Vincent, Calvin Jones, Toye Moses, Shaman Walton, London Breed, Amos Brown, the Tabernacle Group, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, Malia Cohen - others too many to mention - including the Mayors starting from Mayor Willie L. Brown Jr to the present Mayor London Breed - have BLOOD on their hands.

People who sue are free to sue - but it should always be in the full interests of the infants and children - more so because they cannot defend themselves - and have suffered the most.

Today we have London Breed and Malia Cohen - and as much as they are told to do right - they love money - and serve mammon and will do wrong -  such are the ways of political whores.

Nothing much will change - in the next two years.

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