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Saturday, November 4, 2017


The lying dictatorial Hillary Clinton -
she single handedly brought the downfall
of the Central Democratic Party - directly and indirectly -
and with it utter - confusion and pandemonium -
to the Democratic Party - itself.

The Central Democratic Party and its leaders have now been revealed - exposed in its totality - for all the utter, blatant, and most importantly - " undemocratic principles ".

Directly and indirectly - linked to Hillary Clinton bailing out the Democratic Party literally  - to dictate terms - that led to her downfall - and more cast aside - and out of the way - candidates like Bernie Sanders - leading to the defeat of " platforms " that said one thing and delivered another - and there is more ......

Donald Trump - an egoistical maniac -
what you see - is what you get - 
be it that Donald Trump is all about himself -
and as time goes - he will fall flat on his face.
Those in his cabinet - leave - so many have left -
we cannot keep a count - and less remember their names.

The Republicans cannot make head or tail of Donald Trump - the Republican Party is faltering.

A tsunami  of sorts  -  at the head of this tumultuous and sordid wave of " cloak and dagger " - machination, ploys, and shenanigans - linked to the " Russians " - other nefarious entities - including the Democratic Party - and other tentacles - with wide stretching, consequences.

The sad state of our Nation - so called Representatives - that we trust - but who have become chronically - callous.

The person who heads the White House - is a danger to democracy world wide. Millions who once admired our Nation - that truly belongs to the Native American who now lived in large measure on " Reservations " - stating clearly - the injustice done to those that deserve our thanks - they protected and preserved - all that is to enjoy - respecting Mother Earth.

The strangers with their greed - simply will not get it - and greedy and all the dimensions of " GRED " - have led to this day - lack of spirituality, lack of respect, lack of empathy, less compassion - crooks doing what they do best - selling their mother for a nickel.

I served my Nation as best I could - understood protocol - including that practiced from time immemorial by the Native Americans. I went to North Dakota - to see things for myself - and what I saw  - was not pretty.

Today no one worth the salt - respects the head at the White House - Donald Trump - has tarnished all that this Nation - preserved and upheld - Donald Trump has thrown all things - decent to the wind. Donald Trump is an Anathema - he is a disgrace - to the human race. God save America and more the Native Americans - who have done so much for us - those of us who are NOT - Native Americans. Aho.

Here is General  Michael Thomas Flynn - selling out our 
Nation and when this was    revealed -  he 
bailed out - sooner than he joined the
Donald Trump inner circle to make something happen -
his life is a disaster - and his service to the Nation null and void.

Carter Page - spilling the beans -
saying one thing - always in generalities -
but behind the scenes - Carter Page -  has provided all the required
information - to take down the many dubious characters -
including Attorney General Jeff Sessions - time will tell.

It is just a matter of time -
Attorney General for all his pretentious, savviness -
he will go disgraced -
out the door -  more totally not to be trusted by anyone.

Paul Manafort
the behind the scene shadow supporter -
part of the Donald Trump clock and dagger team.

As time goes by - one by one both on the Democratic side and the Republican side - one by one - those that held - important positions - have been exposed - for being the " crooks " they are - be Donna Brazille who has written a book - to spill some beans - she being one of those that lied, cheated, and disgraced - her lesbian self.

It is amazing how these evil people - rubber stamp - pretend they represent - cheat and deceive - then when they are caught - with their hand in the cookie jar - admit their  disgraced " evil self " - for all the world to see and note.

Closer to home - crook number one 
Nancy Pelosi -  SF tarnished Congresswoman -
she keeps calling others - names -
she, herself - is a disgrace to the human race.

Dianne Feinstien - should step down -
but she still wants to represent herself not the constituents -
she has since 1992 - doing little and amassing great wealth -
she has sold our Nation to those entities she is behold to -
she thinks - she knows best - even saying that 
Donald Trump is not as bad - as he is - and can be changed -
very poor judgement - and wait for more - confusion.

San Francisco has long been know as one of the hubs - where crooked people like Hillary Clinton and House Negro Barack Hussein  Obama - made raids after raids - to fill their campaign coffers - millions if not billions of dollars - counting those from Political Action Committees (PACs).

San Francisco must wake up - and those inspired Independent Voters - must bring about change - open the windows and the door - let fresh air in - and clean the cobwebs - get rid of the corrupt and evil - the likes I have mentioned above.

In the past Chief Isapo - Muxika -
Crowfoot, Blackfoot -
he words still rings strong - to those 
that have their heart in the right place.

Chief Sitting Bull - whom I admire a lot -
what he did - Chief Sitting Bull  left is a legacy -
if those that do evil do not pay heed -
they will fall flat on their face.

Chief Joseph - who fought for his people -
he left a legacy and reading his words -
the deep " wisdom " that today's leader lack -
today leaders - more political leaders are scumbags -
they cannot leave a " legacy " - the live to live -
and when they die - no one worth the salt - remembers them.

Chief Isapo-Muxika -
his words of " wisdom " ring to this day -
the ignorant do as they please - but not for long
but those that have their heart in the right place -
with overcome - and make this Earth a better place. Aho.

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