All over San Francisco our youth are not given opportunities - leading to " career jobs " - by the City and County of San Francisco.
All over San Francisco - there are few " Safe Havens " - where are youth can learn more in this " digital world " - with Silicon Valley in our back yard - our youth treated with disdain and not given the best opportunities - to contribute to our City and more to our Nation and the world.
Less by the San Francisco Unified School District - that year after year - fails to achieve - superior standards to send those graduating to our colleges and further preparing them to enter our best universities.
Recent empirical data available paints a very poor picture - our students who go to our SF Unified School District - evaluating their grades - perform below many other districts - and in most cases are at the bottom of the list. What has the SF Unified School District have to say about this?
For all the talk at the many long, drab, noisy SF Unified School District Board meetings - most of it is hot air - all talk and no walk at all.
Parents, teachers, constituents - are so fed up - that for all the venting, screaming, pulling their hair, and their teeth - there seem to be no - true response - pathetic Superintendent and with him the President of the Board.
The other Boards members - patting their behinds - bring no progress - what so ever - to San Franciscans and our children who attend Public Schools - going down the drain - into the cesspool - the creating of those managing and directing - this on going - nonsense.
The City and County of San Francisco - Department of Human Resources - has the worst record - known for abject corruption and nepotism.
Its Director has been known - for hiring the most incompetent employees - never mind if they took some test - there is simply no sound - over sight.
Yearly evaluations are not done - and if you question the sad state of affairs - you are ignored and what is more - those in charge do as they please.
Practically every City Department is a mess - Department does not talk to one another.
Judging from the report - from the San Francisco IT Department - the recent evaluation is pathetic - so many fundamental platforms that could have been in place missing - and those in charge - promising to do something - time will tell.
When employees - who worked for the City and County of San Francisco - are charged by the Fair Action Political Committee in Sacramento - and the SF Ethics Commission - on charges that clearly - mandate - firing such employees.
The Department of Human Resources head - will cow down - and do what is wrong - back corrupt employees - such as Juliet Ellis - who should have been fired a long time ago.
Juliet Ellis - still continues to carry out nefarious activities - wasting millions of dollars - that should go to stellar organization - but are given to corrupt organization such as Young Community Developers, Girls 2000, and other non-profits that pander to Juliet Ellis and her lackeys.
The same person who heads the agency - Director of Human Resources - worked with former "thug" Mayor Willie L. Brown Jr. - created over 2000 jobs - under some drab title - Administrative Assistants.
Hiring many of those who have now cozy jobs - sell outs - using nefarious ploys and machinations - to become permanent - and the rest in history.
Mayor Edwin M. Lee -
daily wheeling and dealing in Room 200 at City Hall .
However, Mayor Edwin M. Lee has gone ahead and hired thousands of his lackeys - under dubious titles - be that they are temporary - but he can put them here and there - as Full Time Employment (FTEs) who retire - or are fired - to make room for his lackeys.
Aaron Peskin has been making some noise - but no one seems to care - the corruption at SF City Hall - has reached saturation point.
The Mayor Edwin M. Lee - continues ordering the City and County of San Francisco - the head of the Department of Human Resources - the person who heeds him - to follow his dubious mandate - hire his lackeys and disgrace San Francisco and neutralize whatever few standards we had flooding now sinking faster than ever.
Again - giving succor to so many corrupt individuals - who work here in San Francisco for the City and County of San Francisco - and the paradox is that most of these jackasses do not live in San Francisco.
Caught in the mix - are our youth - we have more dogs in San Francisco then infants, children, youth and youth adults.
We have a budget of over $10 Billion - yet our youth are not given opportunities - to garner Career Jobs. We must learn to have our heart in the right place. Stop hoodwinking the youth - all the time. Enough is enough.
Less protected with " safe havens " - where they can do their homework, have access to digital services - mentored so that they can be proud of themselves - honor their parents and loved ones - and contribute their best to San Francisco.
Young girl and young boys - are missing out - and this has been going on - for the last 15 years - getting worse as each year goes by.
The fun fare that is created by the Summer Jobs - is just that - after the Summer Jobs - the small stipend given - some very little , passing, fleeting - satisfaction.
Then it is back to the usual. 95% of the youth who we interviewed - feel that they get little from the experience - the mundane Summer Time Jobs - in terms of preparing them - for a good job.
What has Mayor Edwin M. Lee and his lackeys to say about this situation ? More, what are they going to do about it?
Even as I wrote before - the more I delve into the Intercept, Predict and Organize (IPO) - the Mayor's own program gone berserk - the more I have unearthed corruption of the highest order.
Millions are totally not accounted for - the youth who are in the program - are treated with disdain.
It does not matter one of the youth - in the program was murdered - Emeere Jackson - that this incident has adversely impacted his team mates - the youth are treated - in a nonchalant manner - and this nonsense - must STOP - now.
Diana - with that grin on her face -
she must step down - never at her office -
always pussyfooting around - check it out.
Diana Oliva - Aroche who makes over $200, 000 and has been hoodwinking the public at large - must be fired.
Diana Oliva - Aroche is competent, lies, bluffs, and has with " intent " put our youth in peril - so far on her watch - two youth from the IPO program have died - been murdered.
What is the Mayor Edwin M. Lee waiting for - one more death?
This situation is made all the more convoluted when Street Violence Intervention Program (SVIP ) - technically has been involved with the IPO Program.
Receiving money for some type of participation - but the Program itself is doing whatever they do - under the cover of darkness - no accountability and less transparency.
To make things even more convoluted - we have the very corrupt non-profit that receives over $4 million annually - Young Community Developers (YCD) - acting as " case managers " - for some of the youth.
YCD - is far removed from the very difficult and hazardous IPO work - the youth are thrown into - and deserve better.
Emeere Jackson who was murdered recently - had a case manager - who was employed by YCD.
We also learn that Arriba Juntos too is involved - and we want to know - what quality case managing is given to these youth - who in the first place - are disadvantaged.
The disadvantaged youth - are paid a minimum wage to work under difficult conditions.
Paid for two days - they study the rest of the days in the week - and all this and more - some dubious curricula - does not meet any given proven standards - as mandated by any sound Educational System - preparing disadvantage students for a General Education Diploma (GED) or any like Diploma.
The San Francisco Unified School District has failed San Franciscans - decent hard working tax payers - who hire people from outside San Francisco, more - depriving our youth and others from good jobs - our San Francisco youth are treated with disdain.
Add fuel to fire - the Probation Departments - raking in millions - money meant to provide quality services - for the youth and young adults - are out sourcing the programs to dubious entities and under the supervision of Diana Oliva - Aroche - who do as they please.
In Sacramento recently a hearing was held to address incarceration and resources offered by non-profits that count and do good work - who are kept out.
Dubious non-profits such as YCD and Girls 2000 are involved in all sorts of activities - even though they do not have the " capacity building " - and less the expertise to train.
Anyone can stand and check out who visits a " Pit Stop" - better understood as a stop where people stop to take a "DUMP" or urinate. More thinking should go into the creating of such jobs - and the often fragile situation of the youth and young adults.
Such jobs - demean a person - more those that come out of incarceration - who have to be challenged to do better and offered better - more uplifting jobs.
Our youth be they disadvantaged - from the IPO Program and other programs to better themselves - should be treated with respect.
The time has come for a hearing - and I request the SF Controller Office - Mr. Ben Rosenfield to take charge of this situation.
Hold a hearing with all those Department Heads who promised to work with the Mayor Office and the entity that manages Violence Prevention Services - once carried out by the Mayor Office of Criminal Justice - deactivated in 2012.
We want a transparent - line item accountability - going 5 years back - on money spent on the youth and youth adults - the turn over - of supervisors - the graduation of the youth - and how many have permanent jobs - linked to the IPO program and other such programs.
The investigation of the two murders - both Blacks - and both well known in the community - working for the IPO program - more known well - in Bayview Hunters Point - has adversely impacted the community at large. Enough is enough.
We want to know who were the case managers - linked to the young adults who died - what did they report - on the demise of the two young adults who worked for the IPO Program.
We want to know - how the teachers from the schools attended - what they have to say - how they reacted - and how the death have affected those cohorts that were a team and connected to the two individuals - who were murdered and died ? These youth died - and some good must be come - in terms of holistic changes - it cannot be business as usual.
We want to know how many millions were expanded since 2012 by the Violence Prevention Service Department under Diana Oliva - Aroche - who is pathetic.
Diana Oliva - Aroche - thinks she can fool all the people - all the time - and more lives in Oakland - has failed to represent - San Francisco and decent San Franciscans.
I have been fighting in the trenches for over 35 years - addressing the issues that I am writing about.
I demand - some accountability - and what I see is a nonchalant attitude - the corrupt and those raking in the millions - thinking they can get away with murder - in broad daylight.
This nonsense of outsourcing to entities that are playing with the lives of our youth - without qualified Psychiatrists and Psychologists - Doctors and Nurses - on board - must be provided buy Barbara Garcia - Director of the SF Health Department - who is participating - directly and indirectly - with IPO and SVIP - and thinks that we do not know - about the situation at hand.
Who is going to address the many shootings, and killings, the many assaults - our youth put in danger - both women and men young adults.
Our children, youth and those who are vulnerable the mentally and physically challenged - I see it all - and I have been writing about it - in detail - for those that are educated on issues.
Those in charge and those directing these programs are using antiquated programs - have dubious training methods - have refused to listen to reason - they are adversely impacting the community - and more now the community does not " trust them " - more Diane Oliva - Aroche - who is protected by Mayor Edwin M. Lee - who will fall flat on his face.
The buffoonery must stop and stop now - Quality of Life issues in the Bayview Hunters Point Area - have been compromised - too much talk and less walk.
Too much hoodwinking - and some of us - have been very patient - more, having the empirical data - the time has come to put an end and take account of the situation at hand.
The Mayor Edwin M. Lee - daily has been wheeling and dealing - and he thinks that we are not monitoring him - we are and we will - he must step down - now.