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Sunday, June 2, 2024


The wheeling and dealing at SF City Hall has reached a saturation point, and the time has come to cut the salaries of all those who make $250,000 by 10%. We, the public, also need to see each of those in management positions evaluated yearly.

San Francisco stands out, and we should take pride in its diverse and vibrant community. We are fortunate to have constituents from all corners of the globe, each bringing their unique perspectives and making our city an exceptional place.

We have some of the best minds—folks with two or three degrees—and their contribution to the private and corporate sectors is excellent. 

However, the public sector's performance, marred by corruption, is a cause for serious concern. 

Such failures tarnish our city's reputation and erode public trust, creating discontent.

While the City and County love to tax small businesses and fail to maintain our roads, our public transportation is tanking, and the Municipal Transportation Agency (MTA) is a JOKE.

Time for Mr. Tumblin, the MTA Director - to Tumble out of sight and into oblivion. 

Regarding quality of life issues, San Francisco has to face the following facts: Our air is contaminated, our Bay is polluted, and the health of our infants, children, youth, Elders, and those with compromised health is failing daily.

Stress leading to mental challenges is increasing in San Francisco - and most people - who were once vibrant and happy are despondent. 

While there is a dire need to accommodate challenged folks - the City and County of San Francisco - is kicking the can down the street.

This is the same for all challenged folks protected by the Americans for Disability Act (ADA) - created with disdain.

It must be noted that as long as the City and County receive Federal Funds - they must serve the mentally and physically challenged - today, some think they can do as they please and break the laws.

No needs assessment was done regarding the increase in food products, which adversely affected most poor folks.

The same holds true for all kinds of electricity, water, and utilities—Xfinity and others are just increasing the price of their poor and unreliable services. 

Let us not forget Verizon and other unmonitored service providers who provide compromised services—who say one thing but fail to deliver quality services. 

San Francisco is aware of those with compromised health from Covid and other related disease variants but has failed to protect those challenged and suffering from compromised immunity. 

The matter came up before the SF Disability Commission. For all the talk, the SF Disability Commission - has no walk.

Who is in charge, and why should the disability community suffer in San Francisco? 

If we are educated on issues - learn how the government works - how we spend our money - and how much we take in - we all can keep the crooks - wheeling and dealing honestly:

Over 60% of those living in San Francisco have two jobs to make ends meet.

We have many who work three jobs - many die young, and stress and mental challenges - are issues our City and County of San Francisco have failed to deal with. 

The SF Health Department took three years to find a Wellness Director. Now that they have found one, nothing much has changed—the situation has not worsened.

Time the citizens wake up and boot out those hood-winking us in broad daylight.

Check out the salaries of some who do not deliver:

Dr. Grant Colfax -The Director of Health -    $645,629,42

Carmen Chu  CityAdministrator                     $462.431.33

Dennis Herrera - Gen Manager -SFPUC       $518,529,10 

Sean Elsbernd - Advisor to the Mayor            $310,573.44

Mayor London Breed                                      $446.206.72

The level of corruption at SF City Hall has peaked, and it's time to take drastic - action. 

Sit down, scoundrels who have tarnished the name of the City and County of San Francisco.

Why did it take 21 years to get to the indictment?

One has just to read in the newspapers the many indictments—more connected to the Enterprise Departments. 

One must review the audits to determine how the Enterprise Departments have fared. Each has its share of corruption, casting a dark cloud over San Francisco.

The Public Utilities Commission is leading the charge and continues failing to adhere to standards. 


The Digesters, Bio-Solids, Headworks, the Phelps Raw Sewage Treatment Plant, and getting makeup started with a sordid budget of $6 Billion, which is now $12 Billion and soon to reach $20 Billion. AECOM/PARSON doling out the millions.


Where have all the standards, ethics, and morals gone?

We should cut the salaries of all those earning around $250,000 by 10%. Additionally, we demand regular evaluations for those in management positions.

San Francisco has a diverse and vibrant community, but our city faces severe challenges. While small businesses are overtaxed, our roads must be addressed, and public transportation is a mess. The Municipal Transportation Agency (MTA) is a complete disaster.

It's time to hold those in power accountable. We need to educate ourselves on how the government operates, how our money is spent, and how much revenue is generated. This is the key to keeping corrupt individuals in check.

More than 60% of San Francisco residents must work multiple jobs. Some even work three jobs, and many struggle with stress and mental health issues that the city has failed to address.

In our schools, more information needs to be taught when it comes to civics.

The Brown Act protects anyone from speaking her or his mind - on critical subjects - and contributing to Society.

The time given for public comment - for years was three minutes - now it has been reduced to two minutes, and when the morons feel like it - they reduce it to one minute.

During the pandemic, millions of dollars were poured into San Francisco, and millions were wasted. FEMA is working on many of those bills that must be recovered, and the City and County of San Francisco will have to fork out the millions.

Millions were poured into non-profits, which claimed to help the poor but used the money for other things rather than helping the poor and the indigent. 

The same with the Mayor's Office of Economic Development and Workforce. 

The Director of the Human Rights Commission - other Departments who saw opportunities to use taxpayers' money to dole out to friends and relatives.

The nonsense is going on now, and it is only fitting that those in charge fade into oblivion, make room for some decency, standards, and ethics, and stop barking up the tree.

In the Bayview, Dwayne Jones, supposedly the Gate Keeper, is indicted - Juliet Ellis, another crook - who is missing in action - both accumulated millions - of taxpayers' money - and made the Bayview Hunters Point families - infants, children, youth, our Elders - those with compromised health - slowly die.

Nancy Pelosi has failed San Francisco and should step down.

Nancy Pelosi has failed San Francisco - she is part of the Machine - that has destroyed decency and standards and fostered cancer - it is called chronic corruption.

The last three Mayors have been puppets, salivating and begging for money—taxpayers' money that has been used in a manner that lacks transparency and accountability.

We saw this with the Stimulus money - all it did was fill the coffers of the corrupt. 

In the Mission and the Bayview, thousands died - and many thousands still suffer from stress and mental challenges. This does not bother the SF Health Department - which uses poor parts of San Francisco to collect data - gets funding from the State and Feds - and pays no attention to the Mission, Bayview, and other poor areas in San Francisco.

We have thousands of apartments vacant in Francisco - and 44 million square feet of commercial space vacant in the Financial District. 

There is a talk about a 30/30 model - just talk - it is costly to convert or upgrade commercial space to residential standards. We do have some gullible morons that go with the flow - and will drown in the cesspool of their own creation.

San Francisco needs good leaders who can go to a niche place. So far, we do not see anyone coming forward. We have yet to see a platform with a vision—a strategy that infuses change for the better—with a timeline and monitoring goals.

We have SF City Hall doling money to groups - taxpayers' money - money given to Non-Profits who do as they please, and this must stop.

The taxpayers' money is for those who primarily work hard, not for those who pussyfoot around, talk too much, and cause divisiveness. We know who they are and will call them out at the appropriate time.

We all know what happened to Harlan Kelly, Juliet Ellis, Dwayne Jones, Walter Wong - and many others. 

The Machine was in touch with them, including many SF Board of Supervisors. Some of them cannot be trusted at all.

There is no sound public comment anymore. 
The SF Board of Supervisors and the Clerks, who control Public Comment, know that Public Comment is at an all-time low. 

Only some people want to talk to the SF Board of Supervisors. Most SF Board of Supervisors talk too much and do not take good actions that contribute to progress and better things.

Rudolf Dwayne Jones

Check out how the crooks operate.

Dwayne Jones and his scheme to hoodwink the community in broad daylight.

While much has been made about Dwayne Jones as the gatekeeper of the Bayview Hunters Point - no one has seen him.

Entities still receive money in the thousands - linked to his ploys and machinations.

It is time to stall these payments - we want the accountability of our Community Benefits - linked to the community that fought for them for the Bayview Hunters Point who suffer most from the environmental hazards that the SF City and County have no clue about - depleted uranium was tested at the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.

The Social Impact Program (SIP) must be clarified and brought to the community for meaningful dialog.

I have attended the SF Public Utilities Commission in person and virtually for many years. 

The Social Impact Program - asks contractors or primes to contribute voluntarily to the SIP - primes such as MWH and Webcor make change orders in the millions - while talking about contribution to the SIP - but failing to adhere to the contribution - with transparency and accountability.

All sorts of behest money payments are made - even though the SF Board of Supervisors says that " behest " money should not be allowed.

Many exemptions linked to the behest donations - have to come before the SF Board of Supervisors.

If it is allowed, the subject matter must be thoroughly adjudicated. This is not what is happening—behest donations are part and parcel of the end game.

Finally - we have 34,000 City Employees, and most can skip a yearly evaluation.

There are all sorts of exemptions to the upper and middle management—suffice to say, the Mayor and those calling the shorts do as they please. 

Can we ask a simple question - are these morons working for us, the constituents and citizens who work hard and pay our taxes - all sorts of taxes if we have a business, more - while those in management - are mostly pussyfooting around.

For too long has the City and County of San Francisco tolerated blatant corruption - check the ploys below:

It is a shame our enterprise departments and SFPUC is the worst involved in wheeling and dealing:



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