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Sunday, June 16, 2024



From left to right - Supervisor Ahasha Safai, Mark Farrell, Daniel Laurie, CEO) of Tipping Point, Mayor London Breed, Board President (SF BOS) - Aaron Peskin.

Once a shining example of excellence, San Francisco is now in disarray.

Year after year, San Francisco has been grappling with a series of challenges, and when the pandemic arrived, we were pushed to our limits.

It's a harsh reality that even the most highly educated San Franciscans are not immune to compromised quality of life.

San Franciscans struggle with exorbitant rents, skyrocketing food prices, unreliable transportation, and a pervasive sense of insecurity on the streets.

Our homes are broken into - cars broken into, shootings and killings - and we are taxed to the maximum and receive no benefits worth the salt.

Our air is contaminated - the Bay polluted - what once was clean and pristine has been taxed - and asthma and other respiratory diseases are on the increase in San Francisco.

Our Bay water has been tested, and new contaminants have been found. However, our SF Health Department does not care; they are ignored when the challenged ask for help.

Our SF Streets are filthy - dog feces everywhere - tents where people live and face inclement weather.

It is a shame that entire families in recent months are living in tents - father, mother, children, and sometimes elders - what a crying shame.

The San Francisco Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing singing the Blues.  

At this late date, we need good leadership. Leaders that can go to a "niche " - stop shouting and barking up the wrong tree. Think about solutions that are viable and sustainable.

Forget the pandas and the idea of having open bars where people can drink and make merry - think of those with two or three jobs. - who live a miserable life - many die slowly - from chronic stress.

Think deeply that we pay you politicians - scumbags you a salary - a salary that you do not deserve.

The drug dealers have now moved into the neighborhood - and all sorts of deals are conducted.

Again and again - we have protested to no avail.

We are supposed to have 2000 SF Police Officers working any day, yet it would not surprise anyone who dares to check the empirical data that about 900 are on duty.

One mayoral candidate tried his best to steal city land and was stopped. He ran for SF Supervisor and is now a mayoral candidate.

Another is inebriated and thinks he knows it all—for all his talk, he has no walk. He has now positioned himself, hoping rank-choice voting will yield some success.

Yet another has millions but needs to gain experience as a Mayor. He has helped the City and County—Tipping Point—aiding the homeless—but failed to do a concrete needs assessment.

When offered advice, his lackeys - think they know it all.

A decade ago, San Francisco was undeniably a first-class city. However, today, it faces substantial challenges further exacerbated by the recent pandemic. 

Despite the high level of education among the residents, they need help with soaring rents, escalating food prices, and a notable lack of safety on the streets. Break-ins, shootings, and a heavy tax burden without corresponding benefits have become a harsh reality.

The mayoral candidates are under scrutiny. One attempted to wrongfully acquire city land but was halted and is now vying for the Mayor's position. 

The Bayview Hunters Point has always fought for what's right - only for the corrupt to wheel and deal - the likes of Dwayne Jones and scumbags like him. 

Another lacks experience but exudes unwarranted confidence, optimistic that rank-choice voting will work in their favor. 

Despite considerable resources and charitable work, a different candidate needs to gain mayoral expertise and has been faulted for failing to conduct a comprehensive needs assessment and displaying an unwarranted sense of superiority instead of a willingness to learn.

Our schools are in a mess - the SF Unified School District - came under the State of California - the City and County of San Francisco decided some years ago - to bail the SFUSD - at a time when there were some standards - today, our SFUSD is in a mess.

The Rainy Day Fund is linked to our City and County of San Francisco General Fund—we did that at a time when we really cared about our children. 

Today, this does not seem to be the case—the Baby C fund voted by the citizens of San Francisco has been used for something else—the current Mayor thinks she can go against the people's wishes.

When will the drab politicians—selfish to the core—learn to care for our infants, children, and youth—those who most need help? It was the same with Proposition C and E—failing to adhere to the Proposition that laid out the policies clearly—affordable housing—and help for those who need it most.

Again and again, our youth are treated with disdain - the Trans we have are educated and want some minor help with housing and safety - they are left to fend for themselves.

San Francisco embraces all - we have never closed our doors - and more being a Sanctuary City - why do those who need help most -have to come again and again - begging for help - when millions are wasted by those who do not have their heart in the right place. 

We once were proud to be a First Class City - until the leaders of San Francisco - let the City of San Francisco down - today - no one is safe on the streets - for all the talk, no walk.

A decade ago, San Francisco was undeniably a first-class city. However, today, it faces substantial challenges further exacerbated by the recent pandemic. 

Despite the high level of education among the residents, they are struggling with soaring rents, escalating food prices, and a notable lack of safety on the streets. Break-ins, shootings, and a heavy tax burden without corresponding benefits have become a harsh reality.

The mayoral candidates are under scrutiny. One attempted to wrongfully acquire city land but was halted and is now vying for the Mayor's position. 

Another lacks experience but exudes unwarranted confidence, optimistic that rank-choice voting will work in their favor. 

Despite considerable resources and charitable work, a different candidate needs to gain mayoral expertise and has been faulted for failing to conduct a comprehensive needs assessment and displaying an unwarranted sense of superiority instead of a willingness to learn.

One mayoral candidate was briefly appointed Mayor of San Francisco, only to be replaced by the current Mayor.

 Today, he is aiming to use Law Enforcement as a ploy - having no clue that over forty percent of our SF Law Enforcement - and is unhappy with the situation.

Truthfully, no one wants to join Law Enforcement—not only in San Francisco but all over the United States.

Soon, you will witness in our newspaper the corruption raging in the SF Police Department. As many as forty Police Officers have their cases pending. Most of them have passed the adjudication timelines and are, by law, null and void.

Paul Henderson tries his best to explain the protocol and has done his best to represent what is best for all the San Francisco Police Officers.

Paul has tried his best to explain the protocol to the SF Police Commission but has failed.

Wake up soon - no one will want to join the SF Police Department.

All those SF Police Officers who are suffering—waiting for their adjudication—while the SF Police Commission meetings are canceled.

All sorts of ploys and machinations put hurdles in the way of the SF Police Officers who may have made a mistake—all the same, to be fair, they have to be treated as the law states—be fair and just. 

I have personally known the last twelve SF Police Chiefs - including the current SF Police Chief.

I attended all the meetings brought about by Community Oriented Police Services (COPS) - the 272 recommendations that cost the SF Police Department - over $600,000 - all sorts of side groups, one headed by Amos Brown - who has his finger in every dirty pie. 

The United States Department of Justice must send its Task Force t linked to Racial Equity in Criminal Justice.

Enforce Executive Order 14091—investigate the many SF City Departments, the SF City Administrator's Office, and the SF Mayor's Office—Room 200—where the best practices are not enforced.

Our SF Controller's Office must play an important role. 

The rampant corruption and the many indictments have not stopped the ongoing wheeling and dealing, with most heads of Departments in San Francisco involved. 

Your time is coming.

What may the problem be?

Recently, our current Mayor - defunded the Ambassadors - whom we affectionately call " Yellow Hornets. "

The Urban Alchemy in San Francisco has amassed $62 million over the years and continues to tap into SF Police Department funds. Who permits this is anyone's guess. 

At about $53 an hour - working at Urban Alchemy - is higher than the minimum wage in San Francisco - crimes continue to be on our streets in San Francisco - according to recent surveys.

More and more, the SF Police Department is playing second fiddle to secondary resources to do their work—hiring retired police officers, outsourcing to entities like Urban Alchemy, and so on.

The Yellow Hornets, unfortunately, singing the blues.     

Imagine our SF Police Department was asked to reform itself. Community Oriented Police Services (COPS), attached to the U.S. Department of Justice, suggested 272 recommendations to be enforced to better most things at the SF Police Department. 

Over $600,000 was spent to attain this, to no avail. 

The SF Police Department has repeatedly failed to adjudicate cases linked to its force in time, stressing its police force while looking the other way.

Recently, one SF Police Commissioner was denied her seat after completing one term. Then, pressure was applied, and the SF Board of Supervisors reinstated the Commissioner—to the chagrin of the San Franciscans—to serve another term. 

None of the SF mayoral candidates has a platform that caters to the needy and those in dire straits.

Blessed are the poor, for theirs, is the kingdom of heaven - said the Great Master.

Muwekma Ohlone Warrior

None of the candidates mention the Muwekma Ohlone, whose land is in San Francisco. They have no clue about respecting the land on which they live and are thieves.

Those who manage San Francisco - confused - spew all sorts of gimmicks to muddy the waters - when it comes to the indigenous people.

Fake representatives - claiming to be Indigenous - seek Land Trust ploys - trying their best to be anointed as someone they are not.

Traditionally - the host tribes have consistently been recognized. Indigenous people deeply respect the Elders and rituals that bring peace and goodness.

What is happening in San Francisco with the last five Mayors is in a pandemonium of the worst order.

Selling out the community - the SF Bayview Hunters Point.

Any Mayor must be educated on issues - none of the candidates are - if you take the Bayview Hunters Point Area - the conditions have increased from bad to worse.

Recently, the CEO of the Bayview Hunters Point Foundation For Community Improvement  - the employees in attendance on Zoom - got the shock of their lives - some key employees were fired.

Then, to make the situation even worse - he hired all men to fill the vacant positions. Where is the District 10 Supervisor in this situation?

It does not matter how many billions you have in our budget—as you see, even with a budget of $15.9 billion, you will have a $1.2 deficit in six months - after July 2024. 

San Francisco needs sound leadership. The SF Board of Supervisors is a Joke. They talk and talk in circles, and when it comes to Public Comments, they give you a measly two minutes.

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