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Saturday, June 29, 2024



Donald Trump, often seen as a symbol of chaos and discord, is more than that. His actions and decisions have a global impact, reverberating across the world and affecting us all. He stands for divisiveness and autocracy, and his influence is not confined to the United States.

The numerous emails and texts I've received from around the world all ask the same question: What has happened to the United States? The issues we face are not just ours, but the concern of the entire globe. Why can't we have a leader who can effectively address these pressing global issues? 

The world is in dire need of a strong and capable leader, and this need is not a distant concern but an urgent one that demands immediate attention. 

It's disheartening that we, as Americans, are tolerating a leader who is often perceived as a maniac. The truth is, our judicial system is in dire need of a revamp.

Our Congress is impotent. In years past, we had Congress resolve issues bipartisanly -  not anymore. 

Right now, we have the Republic Speaker of the House - back Donald Trump - the man has lost his mind.

Recently, the Supreme knowing that Donald Trump is a traitor - having encouraged other traitors to cause damage and abuse the Capitol Hill building - is sacrosanct to us who call ourselves Americans.

The Supreme Court more the six judges favoring Donald Trump and his thugs  - has adjudicated in a manner that muddies the waters.

Donald Trump is out to get revenge - he has said that many times. The man is an egoistical maniac - and such a person who has already been charged as a felon - must be jailed.

He keeps abusing the judges - the present President of the United States, Joe Biden, puts down the Department of Justice, the U.S Attorneys - and a host of key officials who have to do their job. 

The Supreme Court is pandering to a traitor - who is in contact with thousands of traitors - and these traitors are ready to destroy what and create pandemonium.

The six Supreme Court Judges must be ashamed of themselves - positioning any future President of the United States - to take law and order into her or his hands?

Here in the United States, most of us watching the debate - clearly understood who was lying and who tried his best to keep up with the liar.

It does not help that more than one-third of the United States's population, about  334 million, are fanatics. 

It's disheartening that a significant portion of our population doesn't uphold the values of our Constitution. 

Our nation has been torn apart. We've lost the spirit of bipartisanship when Republicans and Democrats could set aside their differences for the greater good. This loss has hindered our progress as a nation.

Few ponder the trials and tribulations our country has endured during the last thirty years - the many one-of-a-kind Presidents we have heard - and how our middle class has been decimated. 

The debate was shallow. It focused on our economy now and then, not once on the constituents suffering and slowly dying.

With unemployment at three percent and the economy pretty robust, we are better off today than when Donald Trump was in the White House.

No one wants to talk about the big breaks the rich and filthy got - most of them pay no taxes - taking big breaks on capital improvements - other ploys and machinations linked to taxes.

Today, many work two and three jobs to make a living - the price of food expensive, health insurance, and most things that garner - the quality of life issues.

The segment of the population affected is those with fewer skills and poorly educated—who were better paid in past years, but this is not the case now.

During the pandemic, many got breaks through the Stimulus Plan. Parents got breaks to help their children. Many received unemployment benefits. Many saved money, and most used their money wisely.

Donald Trump's defeat by Joe Biden was good the last time around - otherwise, we would all be in a worse place today.

Donald Trump keeps talking about the immigrants - his lies are just that - his mother was an immigrant, and so was his father. 

Again and again, Donald Trump has been sued by his workers - many immigrants - one Chef took Donald Trump to court and won.

Donald Trump is a maniac - he should be ashamed of how he treats women, the many women he has raped.

The Republicans who trust Donald Trump share his sordid values - they can rest assured - that Donald Trump will be defeated one way or the other.

President Joe Biden made several trips to California to fill his campaign coffers.

Gill, his wife, too, made some trips to fill President Joe Biden's campaign coffers. 

It is all about money—paying for advertisements, bragging about what the candidate will do, and often making promises that are never kept.

Joe Biden made a great mistake calling himself a Zionist - I know of no Catholic who is a Zionist.

The majority of the Zionists want the Palestinians to be removed from their homeland - this will not happen.

The war in Gaza and the role Joe Biden played in it - has taken a heavy toll on his health - he keeps getting slow in his walk - and from time to time - his speech staggers - and some other aspects - reveal to those who watch him - that he must do better.

That is being polite to him - keeping in mind the recent charges and verdict brought against his son Hunter - has also taken a toll on his health.

While Donald Trump deserves a lengthy jail sentence, he can be significantly criticized. Most people do not respect Donald.

 Joe Biden is sensitive, and most people treat him with respect.

 Let us not make much of the New York newspaper - it is too early to make a sound adjudication - let us wait until October - and you will see Donald Trump land in jail.

F A C T   C HE C K S

Donald Trump lied 32 times - Joe Biden made 8 mistakes.

Anyone who with intent lies - more one who wants to be the President of the United States, who is a felon - has gone before the courts stating he won the last elections - he lost all the cases - all the 50 cases. Donald Trump is an egoistical maniac - a perilous man - who will destroy the United States. Donald cannot be the Commander-in-Chief, according to 156 U.S. Generals who sent a letter to the White House and Congress, which is dangerous to the Republic.

President Joe Biden - he had a bad day.

For those of us advocates - who follow the politicians - and who sometimes have to speak on issues - we have our bad days - and as hard as we try to put on a good appearance - if we are sick - you simply cannot give your best.

Having said that, one man lied - Donald Trump.

Joe Biden happened to fall ill with the flu - Joe Biden tried his best to avoid lying.

Donald Trump is a businessman - who lies all the time. He will look you in the eye and lie.

Donald Trump knows little about politics and has disdain for everyone - even the key U.S. Generals to whom he said he knows more than them. 

136 U.S. signed a petition - warning the White House that Donald Trump is dangerous for our country.

Donald Trump - during his first term, burnt bridges with NATO - sold secrets to Russia - and took thousands of secret documents to Mar - a - Lago when he was not reelected.

Donald Trump is a traitor - we saw this on January 6, 2021, and must not forget it - ever.

For those who love our country, this debate was not something sacrosanct—so important—that we had to decide—who was better?

This debate showed us all that there came a time when someone decent debated a crook. 

The crook is healthy, and the decent percent is not healthy—in this case, he has flu—yet he stands his ground and does his best.

We still have over four months to go before November 2024.

Our nation is in dire straits - and we are debating one singular insignificant debate - Donald Trump is salivating to work with Putin and other diabolical entities - if he wins - which he will NOT.

We love our freedom.

Donald Trump believes in being autocratic - this does not jive with our freedom.

We must stand united - and stop anyone from getting into the White House - who will tarnish our Democracy.

Chief Sitting Bull - Lakota Nation.

Chief Joseph - Nez Perce.

Let those fanatics - who favor autocrats - go and live in Russia or North Korea. Good riddance of bad rubbish.

We do not appreciate the fanatics living on Turtle Island.

This is the land of the indigenous people - stolen by those who are materialistic and greedy to the core.

The Indigenous people are the owners of Turtle Island - the land was stolen - not one inch was sold - all of it was taken by force.

There will come a change, in a manner never before seen, where those who did wrong will be adjudicated.

Paradoxically, in less than 300 years, all that was pristine in Turtle Island was polluted and contaminated.

The Indigenous people address Turtle Island as Mother Earth - not the materialistic greedy elements that want it all - money is all they care about - as to their being and soul - that does not matter.

The indigenous are the keepers of the Earth - take less and leave more.

Only those with their hearts in the right place - can take others to a better place.


It is a shame in the year 2024, the nation has not apologized to the many indigenous tribes - and Joe Biden can sign an Executive Order to recognize all indigenous tribes - and put them on the Federal Register.

Joe Biden can also issue an Executive Order - and prohibit a felon who is a traitor - from holding a vital office - that adversely impacts any citizen of the United States and the security of our nation.

Joe Biden has wasted his time with Israel, a rogue nation - and is complicit because of poor judgment  - providing them laser-guided bombs that have killed innocent Palestinians, more infants and children.

The United States has given Israel - missiles, tanks, ammunition, even a secret site 512 - able to intercept long-range missiles from Iran and other entities to protect Israel.

Joe Biden makes every effort to provide Israel with the best, only for Benjamin Netanyahu to bite the hand that feeds him.

The Founding Fathers never, ever envisioned a man like Donald Trump - twice impeached, now declared a felon, he would have been hung a long time ago - a traitor linked to the January 6, 2021 invasion of Capitol Hill - what else is left?

Andrew Jackson - March 15, 1767 - June 8, 1845.

President Andrew Jackson - a murderer and killer - comes close to Donald Trump - removing thousands of Indigenous tribes from their land where they lived for thousands of years - to so-called Reservations. Killing and murdering - he took pride in his atrocities. The entire world knows about it - the United States has failed to realize it is wrong and has NOT apologized. President Joe Biden had better step up and do right.

The history of dirDemocracyracy amongst non-native Americans in the United States dates from 1630 in the New England Colonies.

In the 17th and 18th centuries, we had the Iroquois Confederacy—the Six Nations, one of the oldest participatory democracies in the world.

A government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by the people directly or indirectly through a system of representation involving periodically held free elections.

The United States is a Republic ruled according to a charter or Constitution, while a democracy is a government ruled according to the majority's will.

The United States has an Electoral College that needs to do justice and further convolutes the elections. The model is linked to the feudal system, where the lord of the land represents all.

While most favor the popular vote, we have repeatedly found that a presidential candidate can win the election using the electoral model.

Today, our nation is in dire straits - if Donald Trump wins - there is no telling what will happen. 

For sure, we will have a civil war - the man has spoken of bloodshed - as if it is something - not to be taken seriously.

Donald Trump has spoken of revenge, and we know that he is a loser—a poor loser—who thinks he must win every time. 

Even though he has lost over 50 cases brought against him—each and every case he has lost—in his warped mind, he thinks he is still the President of the United States.

Right now, the Supreme Court—three Supreme Court judges that Donald Trump appointed favor him— trying to give him a break on the Capitol Hill charges on January 6, 2021. 

Our judicial system must be revamped, and the terms of Supreme Court Judges must be shortened to sixteen years. Right now, it states that they can linger at the court for as long as they behave themselves—this is ridiculous.

Half the Supreme Court judges have been taking bribes—accepting favors—and they get away with murder—foremost, Clarence Thomas, and the three more that I will not name.

In 1924 - May 26 - President Calvin Coolidge signed the Immigration Act 1924 in law.

President Calvin Coolidge - June 2 - signed the Indian Citizenship and Revenue Act in 1924.

President Calvin Coolidge signed the Anti-Heroin Act on June 7, 1924.

"Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence," said President Calvin Coolidge. He had to face enormous hurdles, much like President Joe Biden today.

President Abraham Lincoln

Fredrick Douglass

President Abraham Lincoln stands out among the Presidents of the United States. 

However, we must remember Frederick Douglass's role, the slaves freed to join the Civil War, and their contribution to the victory and the Union Army.

President Joe Biden has surrounded himself with lackeys who chose to challenge Donald Trump to a debate. 

Joe Biden was sick, so he chose to proceed with the debate. Was that a critical mistake - this question he left to be answered - by his handlers?

Good leaders know the way, show the way, and go the way.

It is a shame that we cannot groom and choose a leader in 2024 who will have to deal with so many autocratic leaders worldwide.

Drastic changes are happening in Europe and the Northern Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), which relies on nations like Canada, the United States, Britain, and many others, including Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Poland—you get the picture.

The nuclear war and its adverse impacts are real - anyway you look at it, we once disarmed Ukraine - Britain, and the United States - making a deal with Russia - Ukraine giving up 1600 nuclear missiles.

Britain and the United States were slow to respond in 2014 when Russia invaded Crimea - occupied and annexed Crimea from Ukraine.

Parts of Ukraine, the Donbas taken earlier by Russia and Russian proxy troops engaged Ukraine soldiers - many died on both sides - those who earlier had promised Ukraine help - failed.

The repercussion of that one act has taken a course that slowly but surely is calling to use more sophisticated missiles - soon Ukraine will be able to target any location - with weapons that will bring drastic results, and Russia will see for the first time - what have the capability and capacity to succeed.

Recently, we heard that Israel is willing to send its aged Patriot system, which has fared well for over ten years - old Patriot system to help Ukraine.

Some sources tell us that Ukraine suffered greatly from a lack of ammunition for tanks and short-range missiles when the United States was slow to release $80 billion in aid—not money but missiles, ammunition, tanks, and other military hardware and software.

NATO was forced to think about what would happen if Donald Trump won the impending General Election in November. 

In recent weeks, the Ukraine army has recovered its confidence - and slowly but surely - has taken back land that the Russians occupied.

Thousands of Russian soldiers have died - and truth be told, mercenaries from Nepal, India, Syria, and now North Korea.

NATO put their differences aside and has come to the aid of Ukraine.

More and more, Vladimir Putin has come to an understanding that he cannot play with fire anymore - he is fully aware that we have missiles positioned in South Korea, Guam, Japan, Australia, Alaska - submarines that have the latest missiles - and satellites in space that China and Russia - are concerned about.

It is a shame that despite all our institutions and the many great United States Generals we have, we have yet to groom and support a leader who can stand his ground and address pressing issues that matter.  

Those in Congress and the Senate have done a poor job - tolerating Donald Trump - an egotistical maniac. 

We simply cannot permit a maniac to get back into the White House.

The New York Times is making statements that hurt the nation and send a false impression worldwide.

This is not the time to write some sordid sensational piece in the New York Times—to increase the sale of a spiraling newspaper that is not valued as it was 50 years ago.

It is time we take a deep look at a war footing and allow the best minds to bring about change with short-term and long-term strategies.

This is the time to honor the Indigenous people here on Turtle Island—the only segment of the population that has the wisdom. Aho.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024



These stairs lead to the rooms of the SF Supervisors. Yet, the poor and those in need are repeatedly overlooked. It's a travesty, and the SF Budget and Appropriation Committee is to blame. They talk endlessly, giving the public a mere minute to speak. It's time to revoke their representation. None of them are worthy of serving San Franciscans.

Our City and County of San Francisco, named after Saint Francis Assisi, has a long-standing tradition of embracing all and caring for those in need. We should be proud of this legacy.

For the first time in decades, almost everyone who serves the poor and the indigent has been denied funds to support their clients. This is a significant moment in our history that calls for our collective responsibility.

This is not just a problem; it's a crisis that demands immediate attention.

The SF Budget and Appropriations Committee wastes time, talks in circles, and caters to those with clout. It's disappointing that they favor those who leach on others.  

It favors those who leach on others.

Kudos to the Chinese Progressive Association for your relentless efforts and dedication and for exposing the San Francisco Budget and Appropriation Committee's pandering to those who wheel and deal—to the detriment of the poor and those in dire straits.

After hundreds showed up to speak at the SF Budget and Appropriations Committee meetings, the Committee, late June 28, 2024, restored some of the funds to children's programs, violence prevention, and other much-needed programs.

Those in charge mustn't show favoritism as they have shown to Young Community Developers and  Community Youth Center - receiving millions with little or no accountability and transparency. We demand transparency and accountability in all financial allocations.

We are monitoring you, folks, and you have yet to serve the community that most needs help.

We will speak up and protest peacefully in ways you have never seen before.

The Chinese Progressive Association has secured over $60,000 in unpaid wages and brought relief to so many poor American Chinese - from SF, China Town, and elsewhere - living paycheck to paycheck - denied their benefits by their bosses.

The volunteers are young American Chinese who came to August Hall, Room 250, to speak to the public and state their policies and what they have achieved over the years.

Each of them dressed well and fired up to speak truth to power. 

The SF Budget and Appropriation better learn that in the future, no one will tolerate the back-and-forth, the wheeling and dealing—enough is enough.

The youth and others affiliated with the Chinese Progressive Association go door to door.

Inform those in need that they can learn more about wages, their rights, and the workplace, and they are ready to help them if they join their ranks.

From their testimony, they do a great job - kudos to the Chinese Progressive Association.

These young people and some older American Chinese from the Chinese Progressive Association were articulate. They showed how they could achieve so much with little funding—funding denied to them today.

Shame on Mayor London Breed and her office.

Shame on the SF Budget and Appropriations Committee, and more shame on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, who recently gave themselves a pay raise.

San Francisco City Hall - smelling of Sulphur.

Millions of dollars have been wasted on Infrastructure involving the Department of Public Works and its engineers. 

This nonsense has been going on for years now. 

The head of the Department of Public Works needs to learn about managing contracts and is less concerned about failing infrastructure and deferred maintenance. 

She knows how to hug trees and, beyond that, panders to the Mayor - she is her lackey. Where do they find such folks - one worse than the other.

Dr. Grant Colfax makes $600,000 a year but has failed San Francisco. A lackey with no backbone, he is now embroiled in ploys, machinations, and shenanigans. Millions transferred from the General Fund to the Mayor's Office of Children, Youth, and Families - millions linked with the Soda Fund - that we need to learn about the policies behind these millions - spent in the wrong area - doing more harm than good.

Over forty entities are receiving money from the Soda Fund. 

The Fund has ties with the General Fund. These funds should be used holistically to avoid sodas, but this is not the case.

These entities signed contracts promising them resources for three years. Now, suddenly, they are told that the funds for which they worked hard and had detailed plans for the future have been thrown to the wind.

The Street Violence Intervention Program (SVIP) was once in dire straits - the SVIP did not have facilities that had standards - and lacked restrooms that lacked hygiene.

At that time, the SVIP came under HealthRight 360, and I had to intercede and help the SVIP—bring them to my office, which had 3000 square feet—good office rooms, cubicles that could be used and stabilized—Street Violence Intervention Program.

The City and County of San Francisco, then under Mayor Ed Mah Lee - had gotten rid of the Mayor's Office of Criminal Justice - and the contract was outsourced to HealthRight360 - mainly probably using the Mayor's Office of Children, Youth, and Families.

Street Violence Intervention Program took some years to stabilize - and even today - has serious problems when it comes to logistics and the recent intrusion of Fentanyl and increases in many cases - linked to mental wellness.

HealthRight360 operates several clinics—one at Glide and another with a large clinic at Eleventh Street and Van Ness—and is a billion-dollar-plus operation headquartered in Los Angeles.

 We rarely see HealthRight 360 come before the San Francisco Board of Supervisors.

Visit their website, and you can find hundreds of vacancies linked to Registered Nurses, Case Managers, and all sorts of vacancies for the many hospitals and clinics - HealthRight360 is everywhere, and no one knows - to whom HealthRight360 is - accountable.

Again and again, many of these entities who try to tap into grants are directly or indirectly linked to HealthRight360. 

Recently, we have seen HealthRight360 distance itself from some entities, preferring to transfer work they were directly involved with, transfer the operations with funding to the San Francisco Health Department, and muddy the waters.

HealthRight brags they are into comprehensive and compassionate care:

  * Medical Care

  * Mental Care

  * Dental Care

  * Re-Entry Services

  * Substance Use Disorder Treatment

Who are these entities from New York - Hillary Kunins - who heads our SF Behavioral Health Services and Mental Health SF Director - has 8 other directors under her  - failing to address the severe issues.

We see more and more issues linked to drugs, mental wellness, and other serious problems -  dementia and related issues - so many roaming on the streets of San Francisco. 

There are all sorts of teams like the Gold Team—other ploys and machinations—and there are no viable and sustainable results—millions wasted—as much as one hundred million. 

Where did Dr. Grant Colfax come from, and why was he never found in his office? He stands like a lackey at ribbon cuttings and fails San Franciscans on many fronts.

The soda fund has not been used holistically, and it does not matter if it sits within the general fund.

From the onset, the soda fund strongly suggested that young and old people avoid soda and stick with clean drinking water.

The problem with these jerks like Dr. Grant Colfax is that they think they know better. Lying comes naturally to them. 

We want the people, San Franciscans,  and taxpayers at the table.

We will not tolerate these SF crooked leaders - heads of departments having disdain for the people.

The people united will never be defeated. 

San Francisco is well-educated, has professional skills, and is ready to serve our beloved City. 

If worse comes to worst, we will unite and eliminate the nuisance.

Coleman Advocates for Children and Youth are well respected and have recently reached out to other non-profits, uplifting them and helping thousands in need.

For all its talk, the SF City and County of San Francisco has failed our youth.

The youth attended the meeting in Room 250 and explained to the SF Budget and Appropriation Committee that they needed more help and that many youths were harmed.

In 2024, it is a shame that we do not care for our youth, that the Mayor and some of the SF Board of Supervisors are playing politics, and that millions are being sent to the wrong folks.

Millions are poured into Young Community Developers—more involved in Property Management—the Community Youth Center of San Francisco, purportedly serving 8,000 youth—some other charlatans—using our taxpayers' money. 

At the same time, the neediest and those in dire straits are left in dire straits.

We will learn more when we get a new Mayor, and all the bull shit we are dealing with will be brought to book.

Choose your pick - best of luck.

Anyone who wants to serve the constituents and citizens of San Francisco must be educated on issues and know how to interact with the community. 

If you represent them, you surely must not be a liar.

The last four Mayors have failed us - miserably.

The incumbent Mayor has wasted money - much of the millions we received after the Pandemic were wasted - and now that we have no cash flow - our Mayor has acted like a fool.

No one in their right mind, with an over $1 billion deficit, would dare suggest we bring some pandas to San Francisco.

Is this a priority for the Mayor - when so many are suffering working two and three jobs?

Now, to fulfill the Mayor's desire - behest money is suggested - to meet the obligations - the enclosure at the SF Zoo is pathetic - some animals have been stolen - including one lemur.

The enclosure will cost $25 million, and then some million more to pay the Chinese Conservation fee to care for the Pandas linked to their program.

Just feeding the Pandas daily with bamboo - they consume anywhere from 26 to 84 pounds daily.

San Francisco has hit rock bottom - and the Mayors in the last 15 years have taken many things for granted.

Our financial district is hurting—over 41 million square feet of commercial space is vacant—and the Accessor Office has no clue how to raise money.  

Can you imagine the SF Mayor, the SF Accessor, the SF Treasurer, the SF City Administrator, the SF City Attorney, the SF District Attorney, and the SF Board of Supervisors getting raises?

That says it all. These politicians stink to high heaven - they do a lousy job, and San Francisco is last among all Municipal Cities regarding quality of life issues - San Francisco is last - from the list of 158.

All the right things - in the right place.

Well done, Chinese Progressive Association.



Friday, June 21, 2024



It's high time we addressed the pressing issue of budget allocation in San Francisco. The time for indecision and inaction is over—our constituents are increasingly frustrated. Today in San Francisco, the middle class is eroded - the filthy rich - who have no empathy - and do not care for the poor - they lack - empathy.

Every year, before the new cycle of the SF City County of San Francisco budget begins, hundreds come to the August Chambers—Room 250 at City Hall—to beg and plead for funding.

Our essential programs, which are the backbone of our community, are being severely compromised. From the well-being of our infants and children to the support for our Elders, these cuts are leaving a gaping hole in our quality of life.

Arbitrarily cutting the funding linked to our Ambassadors - targeting others that cannot defend themselves the " Baby C" funding is nauseating. 

The Baby C Proposition language is clear—stick to it and keep the baseline funding intact. It makes no sense for us to vote for a Proposition before fighting for it—working for it—and then, once we win, start the fight again.

Every year, between June and the start of the City Budget in July, thousands of decent, hardworking San Franciscans are left in a state of confusion, distress, and even trauma. 

The lack of funding for these essential programs, which are the lifeline of our community, has a significant impact on our daily lives, families, and future.

Honestly, the over 35,000 City Workers we have have to be assessed. Across the board, those making over $150,000 up to $200,00 should have their salaries cut by 10% for three years.

Those making over $200,000 to $500,000 and more by 25% for three years - until our budget gets on track. 

Some of us are watching you - so-called representative, like a hawk. For starters - the salary of the so-called representatives and the many SF City Attorneys - why do we need so many drab attorneys - on every commission, every committee - whoever decided to have these suckers - who do not know how to adjudicate less control the situation. 

The Democratic Central Committee has chosen to take a stand - create some policy that has NOT been vetted - taken some stance - that defies logic - and so far has been pussyfooting around - diatribe takes you nowhere.

We witness those who launder money now try to change the dynamics of our politics - somewhere along the line - the far right is trying to make inroads in San Francisco - the moderates and liberals - singing the blues.

It is a shame how the Democratic Party - Joe and Gill Biden - makes several trips - not so much to meet the constituents - but to beg for money - from the billionaires - who contribute both to the Democratic and Republican Parties - then sit on the fence and see which side is green.

Our infants, children, youth, and Elders - more those with compromised health and slowly dying in San Francisco - more in areas where people of color make a living working two and three jobs. 

None of the Mayoral candidates running have touched this subject because none has the guts to speak truth to power. These scumbags are for themselves - and have no respect for those taxpayers who pay their taxes - and get nothing in return.

Deprive us of Public Comment - giving us one measly minute - while they talk and talk - spewing diatribes and trying to hoodwink us all in broad daylight. 

The Democratic Party cannot hoodwink the public at large anymore - enough is enough - more when no one is paying attention to the leading issues we have today - many mentally challenged suffering - mentally challenged living in tents - others sleeping anywhere they land - often on the doorsteps of homes.

When the representative targets the most vulnerable - denying them assistance - more those in dire need - we must, as we did before - rally and take some action.

This bluffing game—doling out taxpayers' money like the San Francisco Human Rights Commission—has become embroiled in too many hanky-panky programs, and its Director is singing the blues.

This program, linked to diversity, equality, and inclusion, is just an illusion.

Millions of dollars are spent to brainwash and try to convince thousands who do not live here to live outside San Francisco - they do not care about San Francisco and our values - they only care about their salary - laughing all the way to the bank.

It is the same with our police force that is in dire straits. 

Our SF Police Department is dealing with some dire straits - we have about 900 SF Police Officers present to work - when we should have 2000.

The SFPD continuously receives money from the General Fund for 2000 plus Full-Time Employment (FTE) positions. 

It may surprise most - in addition, millions in overtime - with the Mayor going with the flow.

To aid the SF Police Department, there are over 10 other groups or entities—some trained on Safety issues, others ferrying our visitors from one place to another. 

Urban Alchemy has received over $50 million in the five years since its formation. When audited, there were several loopholes and no standard worthy of the salt.

The Director of Urban Alchemy brags, " We have managed to polish the Turd. "

She has been polishing her coffers - since her early days with Girls 2000, the Hunters Point Family, and many other polys and machinations.

Then came her connection with Pit Stops and a dark cloud of corruption - and now the practitioners who somehow can heal those who are chronic thugs and killers -  spent time in jail - and have not been rehabilitated at all. 

To make matters worse, many of them are from outside San Francisco, such as Compton and Los Angeles.

Some practitioners sell drugs - others armed when guns are prohibited from being on their person - who is fooling whom.

Recently, in Sausalito, Urban Alchemy practitioners have been having sex and selling drugs - at Urban Alchemy-operated sites - bringing shame - and exploiting the poor, the indigent, and those that need help most - the mentally challenged.

Here is a report that the reader can garner more - from many crimes committed by Urban Alchemy in Sausalito, California - very near San Francisco:

It is the same with Urban Alchemy using jailbirds in Los Angeles, Oregon, here in California—and in other places. Urban Alchemy has hundreds of court cases charging them with crimes - selling drugs, abusing victims, having sex with clients, cheating, and lying - that adversely impact thousands. 

For the first time, many cities are looking at Urban Alchemy with another, better lens - hoodwinking the public in broad daylight - millions of taxpayers' money - wasted on poorly and defective - services. 

Making $53 an hour—others paid higher rates—is all our taxpayers' money—while the SF Police Department looks the other way.

We need an audit - a matrix that matters - and an independent audit - that reveals the good, the bad, and the ugly - that takes place on the streets of San Francisco. Any takers?

The CEO of Urban Alchemy is making over $230,000. We have no money for the Ambassadors who do good work and dare to pay more -  those outside San Francisco who have no clue what they are doing.

There are many instances of the Drug Cartels taking potshots at Urban Alchemy - other infringements that the Mayor knows about but will not address - such atrocious actions are despicable and tarnish the good name of San Francisco.

No wonder San Francisco now ranks last on WalletHub's list of Municipal cities that are compromised when it comes to quality of life issues.

The matrix used zeroed in on Financial Stability ( #52 ), Education ( #15 ), Health ( #1 ), Safety ( #107 ), Economy ( #133 ), and Infrastructure and pollution ( #12 ).

Each factor was comprised of a more specific matrix.

San Francisco has the nation's worst long-term outstanding debt per capita but the best infant mortality rate.

No one in their right mind would run for Mayor of San Francisco after 15 years of poor leadership and blatant overspending, even with financial support during the pandemic aided by the Stimulus Bill.

The present mayoral candidates each have a hidden agenda—none is connected to the pressing needs of decent, hard-working San Franciscans.

Our rents have skyrocketed, the price of food has increased by 30% - transportation is a mess - our roads are all dug up - killings and shootings are on the increase - home thefts galore - and no one cares to call the police - you call and have to wait for hours.

Our youth in Bayview Hunters Point watch developers and others come into the community and work - the local youth need to be given opportunities.

There are better ways to go than a pre-apprenticeship model. 

The law mandates that contractors provide opportunities to the local youth—for every three workers hired, including one apprentice from the neighborhood—but none of these incentives are followed, even though they are mandated.

For all the talk, there is no walk.

San Francisco has been ranked last among all United States municipalities by WalletHub, which looked at financial stability, education, health, safety, economy, infrastructure, and pollution. Each matrix was graded on a 100-point scale.


We continue to have the indigent living in tents - facing inclement weather  - in recent years - families - and we call ourselves a first-class city - with third-class representatives barking up the tree.

Many City and County of San Francisco Department heads need the qualifications or skills to address the situation because they cannot perform a needs assessment that mandates education on issues.

Our SF Department of Public Works is not qualified to run the SF Department of Public Works - it is the same with the SF City Administrator and the Mayor's Office of Economic Development and Workforce,  may I say more.

San Francisco is the City and County of San Francisco, and it has a higher status regarding funding and other protocols.

At one time, San Francisco's jurisdiction stretched from San Francisco to Palo Alto.

These heads of department in San Francisco - need to be fully educated and experienced - most lackeys of the Mayor who anointed them to the job.

The current Mayor went to the University of California Davis - and took some classes at the University of San Francisco. 

Needs to have education on governing a City and County - just managing our City and County of San Francisco - barking up a tree - using the " gift of the jab. "

It has become fashionable to join the SF Commissions - we have so many Commissions in San Francisco that no one has the number of Commissions - what exactly they do - accept, meet, talk, and waste the time of all who participate.

Each Commission has an attorney - most make over $200,000 - why?

The SF Department of Public Works has two commissions,  which suffices to say that the SF Department of Public Works is dysfunctional.

Recently, the SF Grand Jury decided to look into the matter:

At one time - at SF City Hall - the KKK had their ceremony - most San Franciscans have no clue about this. Right now, all over  San Francisco - there is an intrusion of devious folks - propagating - the policies of the KKK. We must be on our watch.


                                                                                                                The mural you see can be seen at the Chapel at the top of the hill - by the Golden Gate Club.     

The Sixth U.S. Army and Presidio of San Francisco - helped the City and County of San Francisco on many levels.

I remember signing an agreement that allowed the SF Fire Department to lease some of our buildings - when the SF Fire Department needed the space. 

I remember other contracts going back many years. The Presidio was established in 1776. The Presidio has 350 historically significant buildings.

At one time, the United States looked at the Presidio of San Francisco to establish the United Nations. Rockefeller used its clout to establish the United Nations in New York.  

The United Nations Charter was signed in San Francisco at the Memorial Theater - on Van Ness near City Hall - on June 26, 1945.
50 countries attended the United Nations Conference in San Francisco.

Today, when we look at the United Nations, the first thing that comes to our mind is the homeless and drug dealing - that was allowed by the present Mayor of over six years. 

While some effort has been put into cleaning the area, the many changes have adversely affected the ambiance of the SF United Nation Plaza.  

The problem with our representatives at SF City Hall is that they lack etiquette and, with that, lack sound information.  

San Franciscans donated money, gold, silver, furniture - other materials that could be sold - and money contributed towards World War II.

Before that, in 1906, the military at the Presidio played a crucial role in dealing with the 1906 fire, which burned down many buildings, including the first City Hall.   

Today, the representatives have no clue about our history or how much we love San Francisco. 

Today, it is all about money - they say we have nine billionaires in San Francisco.   

Our SF Financial District has many skyscrapers vacant -  over 41 million square feet of commercial space vacant.

The assessor's office is working hard to bring in the money - to no avail - he has no qualification to be an assessor - the clowns we have in San Francisco as heads of our SF City Departments. 


          Sixth U.S. Army and Presidio of San Francisco.


Thousands of us worked for the Sixth U.S. Army and Presidio of San Francisco, and in doing so, we worked for the City and Count of San Francisco. 

Thousands contributed to our neighborhoods, the Eleven District, and the Ten Police Precincts.

The situation at SF City Hall has deteriorated over the last 15 years. 

Those visiting us after many years ask us what has happened to our City and County of San Francisco. The one word that can describe the situation is buffoonery.

Muwekma Ohlone Warrior

This land we call San Francisco has gone through drastic changes - the contamination, pollution, health problems, and lack of sound education for our children are despicable; safety is nonexistent - assaults, shootings, and killings are on the increase.

At one time, I brought the former Chair of the Muwekma Ohlone to the SF Board of Supervisors to hear firsthand what she felt was close to her heart.

In short, she stated that those who lived here should be cared for.

Now, as the mayoral election is approaching, we have yet to learn, as we, the people, have yet to see a viable and sustainable solution to serve the taxpayers and constituents of San Francisco.

In short, our Safety, Transportation, Health services, children in our schools, and Infrastructure linked to clean water and sewer are pathetic - we love to kick the can down the street - and embrace " deferred maintenance."   

The City and County of San Francisco have total disdain for our constituents in the Bayview Hunters Point area.

Case in point: the Bayview Hunters Point Foundation for Community Improvement is in a mess - an institution founded by some eminent Blacks now controlled by rogue Whites.

I would like the Mayor and those in charge of funding the Bayview Hunters Point Foundation and Community Improvement to find out how, using Zoom, the present CEO  - without giving due notice - has fired some key Blacks - an action that defies fair play and justice. Talk about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

We are in the middle of the Budget and Appropriation - hearings being held at SF City Hall right now - and this issue is disturbing - even as Racial discrimination is surging all over the Nation and more in San Francisco.