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Friday, December 8, 2023



This child and others will rise up and defend Palestine.

 There is a limit regarding human beings - more civilians - the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) - are obligated to follow the standards laid by the Geneva Convention.

Again and again, we are forced to remind the Zionists - now on the eve of Hanukkah that Israel must not break the laws and stoop down to those that have NO standards and morals.

Parading and making detainees sit on cold ground - inclement weather, handcuffed and abused - is not kosher - and every decent Jew knows this - not so the sordid Zionists - and that is the big difference.

Millions worldwide are watching the bombing, the maiming, the killing, the murdering - of innocent Palestinians.

Moving the Palestinians from North Gaza to South Gaza - then tell them to move from place to place.

No consideration is given to housing, sanitary conditions, clean drinking water, food, electricity, and sound transportation - people living in shanty tents - are exposed to the intense cold, rain, and inclement weather playing havoc with the health of everyone - more those with compromised health. 

Once, three hundred to five hundred trucks brought food and other essentials into Gaza. 

Now that has trickled down to forty - what do Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu think?

Benjamin Netanyahu is a warmonger.  The blood of innocent infants and children will haunt him all his life.

Worldwide, millions are wondering why is the United States supporting Israel and why is Joe Biden and his lackeys giving our hard-earned money  -  United States taxpayers' money to Israel?

The United States is complicit - aiding and abetting " crimes against humanity " - this is 2023 - and we are all informed -, and we all can discern - and the many educated on issues - are fed up with the Zionists and warmongers - who must be brought to book - and jailed for a long, long time.

The United States must STOP issuing dual citizenship to the Zionists - who have is good - and mostly adversely impact us here in the United States - and think they can make hay - while the sun shines.

A good Jew abides by the dictates of the Torah and has always embraced the indigenous - Palestinians Muslim and Christian, others like the Greek Orthodox, Armenian, Catholic, and others - for decades if not centuries.

With the intrusion of the Zionists after World War II, a pandemic was introduced into Palestine - now an endemic. The Zionist philosophy has no place in Palestine.

Those who have no conscience cut the olive trees. You know who they are: greed, liars, cheats, and bloodthirsty killers - now operating in the West Bank.

Our love for Palestine knows no bounds - we will stand by Palestinians - through thick and thin.  We will overcome. Those who now think they can bomb using United States jets F-18 - and laser-guided 5000-pound bombs - against those who are innocent - innocent Palestinians are wrong - we know that, and we have empirical data. Abide by the principle of Proportionality - now. These young men visited San Francisco and enjoyed their stay here - attending the Sunrise ceremony at Alcatraz - years ago.

No good comes from these two weak-knee leaders.

Over 60 journalists have died on duty in Gaza - someone has BLOOD on their hands.

How many more?

The situation in Gaza is horrible. Soon, many infectious diseases will not be able to be controlled. The sanitary conditions are atrocious - women and children are primarily impacted.

The Arab nations must unite and put the United States and Israel on notice.

This war impacts the entire world - is the United Nations forced to do something it cannot do?

How can the United Nations feed the people and care for those needing medical care? 

The churches bombed, the schools failed, and other places of refuge bombed - why are we tolerating the utter nonsense - supported by Israel and the IDF?

There are no hospitals, electricity, or medicines, and the doctors cannot conduct operations without anesthetic, medical equipment,  clean drinking water, or toilets.

No sound housing, no sound transportation, no safety - what is happening to standard, decency, empathy, and quality of life issues - we must no let Palestinians down now - we must uplift them - more Egypt, Qatar, and the United. States, Turkey, and those that matter.

These sordid actions committed will not go unnoticed - your time is coming - you will fall - flat on your face - much like the plagues on Egypt and the Pharaohs.

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