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Sunday, December 17, 2023



NO entity has the actual statistics - thousands killed, covered by rubble, the smell is unbearable - and all this and more is NOT reported by the Western Media - they look at the Palestinians as expandable, and all this and more must STOP.

It is atrocious to see - day in and day out - all these many days - the killing and murdering of innocent Palestinians - more children, more than nine thousand innocent infants and children, have died.

Thousands of infants, children, youth, women and men, Elders - those with compromised health - detailed reports on this situation are lacking - the daily atrocities committed by Israel and the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) - are despicable.

The Israelis seem not to care about Palestinian lives - much as now the entire world does not respect the Israeli government and the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) - Israel is a rogue nation - its military - worse than the Third Reich. 

For those who have no clue about the United States of America - we have to have some sense of Turtle Island.

It is strange when the strangers landed on Turtle Island - they found the various tribes - it was just a matter of time - that the Whites - needed the help of the indigenous - and as time went by - the Whites bit the hand that fed them.

Palestinians, more the indigenous, cannot just be linked to the Zionists, mainly mixed with East Europeans - with no connection to the Jews who follow the traditional spiritual tradition - and waiting for the Messiah to return - that day is coming.

The Koran and the Muslims who interpret the Koran as followers clearly do not endorse killing any human being who is innocent. 

The Koran does not endorse killing infants and children - for sure does not endorse the bombing of those that are innocent - that the Zionists could care less.

That is why we must speak up and warn the Zionists that the utter nonsense - the atrocities linked to the sordid Zionists - will not and must not be tolerated.

Those of us who see the blue light - see the coming of hell fire and destruction of those who do not care and have killed thousands of infants and children - there is coming that day of reckoning, and it will be knocking at the doors of the unjust - those who have disdain for the Palestinians.


Nine thousand infants and children were killed by the Israelis

innocent infants and children

the cowards know right from wrong

the cowards will reap their reward

hellfire waits for them - here on Earth.

No decent human being will harm children

yet the Israeli Defense Forces - kill children

again and again - they do not follow

the principle of proportionality - a disgrace 

the Zionists will fall flat on their face.

Too many mothers and fathers

sisters, brothers, and loved ones have suffered

trials, tribulation, arrests, diseases, starvation and more

bombed from their homes - to live in sordid slums

The Israeli government will face the reality of justice

the United States, too - is in the bed with the cowards.

I have seen it all - the failure of the Geneva Convention

the United Nations and the Security Council 

The United Nations General Assembly

took a stand and voted in favor of Article 99

How do we bring about a ceasefire - justice denied

to the infants and children - of Palestine?

The skies will light up with missiles - one-of-a-kind

the cowards will take cover - it will be too late

that day is coming - the Zionists will wish they never lived

to see the end and the beginning of a new era 

history repeats itself - the dumb never learn - World War II

until death knocks at your door - and ends it all.

To those behind the scenes pandering to the Zionists,

the machinations and ploys will be revealed

the money is tainted - and someone has blood

on their hands - but more than that is restitution when?

Bombing, killing, starving, terror - when will it end?

The United States, for all the talk, has no walk.

The indigenous people who lived in Palestine for thousands of years - are now residing in the Gaza Strip and West Bank - not as a State but under the control of the Zionists - who want all the Palestinians removed - so that the Zionists can have it all. 

Benjamin Netanyahu will never, ever bring about the demise of HAMAS.

No one can bring about the demise of a concept - fueled by over seventy years of disdain, torture, stealing, cheating, and lying - the Zionists were never, ever meant to live in Palestine - we all know this.

After World War II - we know the Jews had no place to go - and begged countries to accept them. Most refused to take them in.

The United States took in over a million Jews - some of the Jews went to Palestine - under the pretext the land was theirs - even though they were away from Palestine for decades. Most victims of the Ottoman Empire.

It was the same when the Jews were taken as slaves and disbursed all over the Roman Empire.

The Bible speaks of the horrendous atrocities committed by the Pharaohs of Egypt - the Jews were treated with disdain by those who were their masters.

The Persians, too, had Jews as slaves - and we remember King Cyrus, who gave his favorite Jew money to build the temple in Jerusalem after the first temple was destroyed. 

The Persians are modern-day Iranians - who once helped the Jews, and the Israelis hate the Iranians - the Iranians detest Israel - one has just to think about the Hezbollah - on the border, most residing in Lebanon. 

A little bird told me Hezbollah has 100,000 long-range rockets and over 20,000 drones and other lollipops they could use.

Once, the Zionists - more those who married into the East European families - did not have any land in Palestine. 

Yet they went as strangers and used the hospitality of the Palestinians.

As time went by, they bit the hand that fed them - the Zionists do this all over the world and here in the United States, too. 

That is why our major American Universities have disdain for the Zionists - who at one time spoke as if they had access to and owned Palestine. 

In the tens of thousands of neighborhoods - the people detest the Zionists, and this spills over to all Jews -  which is not correct.

The distinction - to be made is - that every Zionist is a Jew - but not every Jew is a Zionist.

A practicing Jew will not accept the devious ways of a Zionist - the Zionists do not mind killing or harassing innocent Palestinians.

The murder of Samer Abudaqa at the hands of the IDF - shocked journalists, the press worldwide, and millions of decent people who understand what is right and what is wrong. This one case has been sent to the International Courts for adjudication.


Samer Abudaqa was murdered by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) in cold blood - he was 45 years old.

Sixty-six journalists have died - trying their best to reveal to us - what really is happening in the Gaza Strip and in the West Bank.

This blatant, in-your-face bombing, destruction, killing, murdering, defiance is nauseating - and speaks to the very being of those who say one thing and do another.

The Israeli Defense Forces must be ashamed of themselves - using thousands of bombs made in the United States.

Millions of bullets are made in the United States.

Tanks made in the United States.

The United States Congress disapproves of using these war materials to kill, maim, and murder innocent Palestinians. 

More infants and children who have done no harm - how many of these innocent children must die - how many - and who is really responsible for these atrocities?

66 Journalists have been killed by the IDF - they committed these killings and shootings with intent. The IDF fears the journalists who speak truth to power. The IDF are cowards - the many photographs taken by the journalists - will serve the world in courts - to bring justice - and shed light where there is abject darkness.

Slowly but surely, the scum of the Earth, the Zionists - stole the land - took the land by force - using their military might - until only the Gaza Strip and the West Bank were left.

What is it that folks do not understand - the Zionists do not belong in the Holy Land - their atrocious acts speak for themselves.

There is no way anyone - much less the Palestinians - who have suffered so much - will NOT live side by side with the Zionists.

This nonsense started way back in 1948 - on May 14, 1948, the Zionists declared independence and created the State of Israel.

Five Arab nations gathered to fight the Zionists - from that time today, the Zionists have used this tactic of divide and rule - to steal land and to defy the United Nations resolutions and International law.


Billions of people worldwide will not trust Israel - if the United States does not adhere to international laws and crimes against Humanity.

The United States will be looked upon as a pariah nation - much as Israel has been more among the African and Arab nations.

Paradoxically, Hamas's origins were with the Muslim Brotherhood - hailing from Egypt - and not from Palestine.

Hamas emerged in 1987 during the first Palestinian uprising.

The Palestinians were let down by the Palestinian Liberation Organization.

Truth be told, the Israelis sponsored Hamas at first for a long time - to neutralize the PLO.

Today, over fifty percent of the Palestinian population are infants and children.

This 2023 war that Israel declared against an organization - was not warranted.

Benjamin Netanyahu and his thugs - are saying that they will uproot Hamas - no one can uproot a concept - Hamas has roots all over the world.

The United States has no sound international policy - imagine signing an agreement with the Taliban linked to Afghanistan and then having no exit policy. 

Today, Afghanistan is a mess - millions slowly dying - more children and women.

The United States cannot make a needs assessment - if the United States gives billions of dollars to Israel - we should call the shots. 

The Zionists use our jets made in the United States - bombs manufactured in the United States - and kill and murder children, women, the Elders, and those with compromised - health. 

Benjamin Netanyahu - warmonger and liar. The United States should put pressure on this jackass - and get him out. Most decent Israelis hate him - he has always used - divide and rule - and he will be booted out.

Benjamin Netanyahu has been charged by the Israeli Courts - the Israeli Court will adjudicate the case - and Benjamin Netanyahu will go to jail. It is just a matter of time.

In the coming weeks - more, because of the incident - where three Israeli hostages - shirtless - with white flags in their hands - shouted in Hebrew - asking to be rescued. 

The IDF shot and killed them. 

This one incident - points - to the direction given to the Israeli Defense Forces - whatever the circumstance, shoot first and ask questions later.

The parents, loved ones, many Israelis, and people all over the world want the Israeli hostages rescued.


It is a shame how uneducated most folks are - they have never learned anything substantial in school and college - and what they know about Palestine - is from the propaganda from the Main Media - CNN foremost - selling out Americans.

This dual citizenship must be revoked - let those who make their abode in the United States - the land belongs to the Native Americans - decide where their allegiance belongs.

We have tolerated the utter nonsense for too long - in the insurance, banking, and political fields. 

Hollywood, our universities and colleges, in Congress and the Senate - we need to take care of our Elders first, our children instead - and pander to the Zionists.

These bastards calling themselves settlers daily harass the Palestinians - at times killing them -  sending them to jail, children, women, men, and the elders.

Leaving the Palestinians - charged under some fake, stupid, and uncalled-for - " detention law. "

This bombing with thousands of bombs that the United States provides Israel is atrocious. More failing to use the principle of proportionality.

Nine thousand Palestinian children have been killed - and we will not stop until those responsible are hung, maybe they need to be impaled - for Benjamin Netanyahu.

In the West Bank, thousands are forced out - after being harassed every single day.

The precious olive trees nurtured by the Palestinians for thousands of years - are cut down- while those who love their olive trees scream and cry.

The land of the Palestinians was stolen while Benjamin Netanyahu and his thug mock the Palestinians.

These scum of the Earth came begging for shelter after World War II.

The Zionists have bit the hand that fed them - leaving two parcels for the Palestinians - the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

The Zionists are frolicking - having a good time - without having any concern for those who need empathy.

Congress must not give a single penny to Israel - let the Israeli government - corrupt to the core - seek money from the many whores and pimps - that many of the Zionists are.

Making billions in the insurance field - as greedy developers, loaning money at very high interest, much like the merchant described by Shakespeare - the pound of flesh.

This killing of innocent infants and children must STOP - now.

The pressure should be put to remove Benjamin Netanyahu - and let him fade into oblivion. The worst scumbag that ever lived in modern times - has always used divide and rule - to make this sordid point.

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