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Thursday, February 16, 2023



War is not pretty - more when Ukrainian infants, children, youth and young adults, Elders, and those with compromised health - are held hostage and murdered in broad daylight.

Those educated on issues - some of us who have traveled the world and seen things for ourselves - know what the word "attrition " really means - and how it has been used in past wars and skirmishes of sorts all over this Earth.

Putin the monster is now accepting donations of ammunition from China, Korea, and other nations through sleuth corridors, and the United States, the Northern Alliance Treaty Organization (NATO), and other countries aiding Ukraine - the other side of the coin - are exhausted with their supplies of ammunition. 

Ukraine needs jet fighters and excellent air cover.

Glory to Ukraine! Glory to Ukraine! Glory to Ukraine!

The flag of the United States of America

In 1991, Ukraine was the third-largest nuclear power in the world.

 In 1996, Ukraine returned all of its nuclear warheads to Russia in return for economic aid. 

Britain and the United States persuaded Ukraine to join the 1968 Nonproliferation Treaty.

When the Soviet Union collapsed at the end of 1991 - Ukraine found itself with about 4,400 nuclear warheads on its sovereign territory.

1900 strategic and 2,500 non-strategic or tactical warheads.

Other weapons included the SS-19 and SS-24 intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs).

Mikhail Gorbachev was our friend. In 1992, the United States painted a rosy picture, but soon Gorbachev was deposed by no other devil than Vladimir Putin.  

Let it be known that the United States was apprised because Kyiv hoped the United States would join in providing security guarantees.

The entire transfer of nuclear weapons - went back and forth - until, in 1994 - Russia, Ukraine, and the United States sat down with President Bill Clinton - and came to some sort of an agreement.

In February 2014, Putin invaded Crimea and Donbas from Ukraine. 

The Free World witnessed this, but this did not speak out with a united voice.

From early on, the Free World knew not to trust the devil - Putin - today, we are afraid to take him down - we could have done it a year ago.

We had all the information - and Russian Generals who would have done the " dirty deed." 

The United States insisted on the term " assurances " instead of "guarantees."

The many back-and-forth negotiations led to a 1994 meeting with President Bill Clinton.

Such are ways of those that will wheel and deal - and compromise - always speak truth to power. 

Let not hidden agendas - lead to the many atrocities we see today - civilians in the thousands killed - infants, children, youth, young adults, our beloved Elders - those with compromised health - thrown to the wind. 

Today, truth be told, the United States has over 900 billion dollars - Putin's cash stash blocked and under our control.

We also have another 400 billion from the oligarchs who technically stash the cash for Putin.  

In like manner, we have cash stashed from other rogue nations, Iran, Libya, and more. 

The United States taxpayers may think - we pay for the ammunition, tanks, and other war weapons - sent to Ukraine. We do not.

We deplete our ammunition stocks, and our factories stock brand-new ammunition.

Few know about this - because most need to be educated on issues.

We have the stashed money to restock, and the war machine - mostly filthy rich military weapons corporate firms - are laughing to the bank.

The children of Ukraine are compromised - today, we have detailed reports - of Ukrainian children brainwashed - sold to Russian families - God alone knows what the devil Putin has in mind. 

We have over one million Ukrainians living in the United States.

The Main Media, like other events, be it Earthquakes, War, Floods, Draught other calamities - fail to provide us with empirical data.

We look at the Ukrainian situation - the Ukrainians are doing the heavy lifting. 

The Ukrainians putting their lives on the line and will win - they love their Nation, Urkarine - not so the conscripts and the Wagner army hired thugs.

The Ukrainians are well educated and, as I have noted repeatedly, were the third most nuclear power. 

After gaining independence, Ukraine decided early on - not to be depended on Russia - the reason the Russians - cannot be trusted.

The United Nations should remove Russia from all committees and deprive Russia of its Veto Vote.

This can be done - the General Assembly can vote and put Russia on its Black or Shit list.

Today in Turkey and Syria, we witness the plight of humanity - the earthquakes and tremors - have brought about some unity - the disaster, the pain, the suffering, the deaths - the atrocities committed by those who built inferior homes - more in Turkey.

The bombings by Russia and Syria - weakening the homes on the border of Turkey and Syria - and now the earthquake - that final push that brought thousands of homes - crumbling - down.

We know now, as we knew on day one - the count has increased - as much as 100,000 in Turkey - we do not know the exact count - but we can say over 30,000 in Syria.

For the first time, the United States got permission to send help - the checkpoint in Turkey and Syria open to all - the Syrian who favor the Syrian government - the other Syrian who is with Issis - the so-called rebel -  the earthquake - does not discriminate.

Empathy is essential - with compassion comes just the thought; with empathy comes action - actions count - and humanity matters.

More and more - we must stand united - be it a natural tragedy, the raging war, drought, floods, raging fires - you name it.

United States - Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.

General Mark Miley - Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

President Joe Biden - weak in the knees.

We are leading to a point where the United States must finetune its leadership. 

President Joe Biden should not be creating a situation where he is mudding the waters.

Anyone can shoot down a balloon and then take their own sweet time to give us, the taxpayers - what precisely the contents were.

The United States can jam any technology in nanoseconds, and the ability to make a sound needs assessment on any equipment - stop hoodwinking the public in broad daylight.

President Joe Biden - just woke up from his slumber - wants the sharpen the ways to detect and take down objects that fly closer to our planes at 40,000 feet - and on our sovereign territory. 

Vladimir Putin, an autocrat, is assessing all these ploys, machinations, and shenanigans. 

So is Xi Jinping - the Chairman of the Chinese Community Party. 

We have over 35,000 Chinese students learning and reporting what Mainland China wants to know - most of them - get their tuition fully paid and stipends to live in the United States.

For sure, hand in glove, there are over 3500 spies - doing what they do best - including some who penetrate our government and are on local, state, and federal bodies - selling out the United States.

Right now, thousands of Chinese youth in Mainland China are on lockdown - even as they try to exercise their freedom - the authorities clamp on them and treat the young women and men - with disdain.

Many have their ribs broken - others have head injuries - young women have been raped - and all these while Xi Jingpin - looks the other way.

Here in San Francisco - our politicians have no clue about these atrocities - and the larger population of San Francisco - is still slow to learn English - and study the U.S. Constitution.

China's influence is worsening in Africa - more and more - China is dominating many African countries. 

The Chinese are buying products in bulk - impacting local businesses - and the locals are now raising their voices - and want to have little to do with the Chinese. 

Senegal, Sierra Leon, Nigeria, Sudan, Ivory Coast, and many other African countries - have had it with Mainland China - and want the Chinese out. 
It does not help when one-third of our Nation - fanatics - do not respect our Constitution - nor respect our Congress or our Senate.

Our U.S. Supreme Court has treated our women with disrespect, trying to control their bodies - Roe v Wade - dark money does not matter to the U.S. Supreme Court - more and more the checks and balances - created by our Founding Fathers - the experiment - is moving in the wrong direction.

We fail to teach our children, youth, young adults - others the true history of the indigenous people of our Nation.

Can you imagine the indigenous tribes living on Reservations when they - indigenous tribes lived here for 100,000 years?

Millions of acres of land stolen from the indigenous tribes - and there has been NO restitution? 

Muweka Ohlone Warrior

Closer to home here in San Frnacisco where the United Nations was formed - where we have the United Nations Plaza - daily folks gather at the United Nations Plaza in San Frnacisco - to sell drugs - more Fentaynl - that kills thousands of people.

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors has failed to recognize the Muwekma Ohlone Tribe - choosing to muddy the waters by reading our fake Acknowledgments - that do not speak truth to power.

San Francisco better wake up -  over forty-five million square feet of commercial space are vacant.

Over seventy thousand homes vacant - the City and County will have a deficit of over eight hundred million - General Fund.

The Mayor of San Francisco - London Breed, barking up the wrong tree - as she did at the latest - State of City address.

Check the address given by Mayor London Breed.

Chief Joseph (Heinmot Tooyalakekt)
1841 -1904
Nez Perce Leader

Tuolumne River, California

The Indigenous on Turtle Island

The Great Spirit sees it all 
to those that can see the Blue Light
is revealed the most profound secrets to behold
that time is coming - in fact, it has come
we cannot be killing when we can love
we cannot hate when we can uplift
we must act now - time is running out
our rock-solid freedom 
there is freedom, and there is a license
abuse of freedom is a license
long live Freedom - Glory to Ukraine!

The children are sensitive 
all over the world - in Ukraine, Sudan, Guatemala
Ethiopia, Kenya, Pakistan, Yemen, Jordon
all over the world, the pangs of the children
cry to heaven for justice and fair play
where is the United Nations on this 
where are the Superpowers on this crucial matter?

All over the world - indigenous are sincere
over forty percent of the Earth today
is cared for by the indigenous -  while the rest 
keep polluting - contaminating  - destroying
today the carbon foot has increased 
by leaps and bound - more fossil fuel is used
not only in Europe but here in the United States
the pandemic has made it worse 
the Ukraine war has taken us aback
where is the action - where is the uplifting?

I have heard from the children 
and know what they think 
most think the monsters of today are 
those that fight and kill - while they must stay alive
the children wonder why we adults fight
well, the adults will never get to the point
if our hearts are not in the right place
we will never, ever - get to a better place

To children worldwide, I say
many of us feel your pain - we love you
we are working hard to bring about peace 
you can, too - write and speak truth to power
the world will not remain silent - when more children
youth, young women and men speak up
that time is now

President Joe Biden and Chairperson Xi Jingpin 
can bring about the peace 
if they put aside their petty garrulous - diatribe 
how many thousands must die  -  how many lies
do we have to hear - only to be deceived
shoot balloons down - with one million dollar missiles 
stop flexing your muscles - when you have nothing
much to show - except the foolishness of thoughts 
of the moment - ponder - find solutions.

the general Mark Miley and Lloyd Austin
can use their influence to
talk to the generals from China and Russia
there is nothing holistic about nuclear warheads
the United States has first-hand experience
the Vedas and Upanishads have revealed 
the force of nature and more
the Bible has of floods and plagues 
today we have a pandemic - what stops one devil
from using - nuclear weapons - and destroying
all that we see - and will see no more.

Putin is not a god - nor is he worth the salt
a thug, liar, and a loser of the first order
Putin can have the Wagner renegade for now 
violate all principles and protocols
we must put the devil on notice 
we will catch you by the tail 
and toss you out the window 
stop your sordid actions now 
or forever hold your peace!

Francisco Da Costa
San Francisco
February 17, 2023  

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