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Sunday, February 12, 2023



The Muwekma Ohlone Tribe is here to stay.

 If anyone with sense - more common sense has been around San Francisco - you do not need anyone to tell you - when it comes to Quality of Life issues - things have gone to the hogs.

The leaders at SF City Hall are pathetic, to say the least.

The homeless situation has worsened; Fentanyl and its new cousin now kill more, and the Mayor is talking about Maya Angelou -  stop ringing the bell - that is not yours to ring - that falls on deaf ears.  

It only helps to show the world how messed up the state of affairs is at the SF Board of Supervisors when it takes seventeen rounds to elect the SF Board of Supervisors - President.

The present one thinks he knows more than anyone else - the past one keeps mudding the waters - first, it was a Sheriff's candidate just doing his job - now he shows his finger and accompanies that with foul words. 

The man is a jailbird that has not reformed.

Politicians, the likes we have in San Francisco, are shallow - they talk too much - weak in the knees.

Recently - one of them wanted to curtail public comment - the public stood tall and spoke truth to power. 

Stop infringing on the rights of the citizens - the citizens who pay your salary.

Public comment in San Francisco is sacrosanct, and the SF Board of Supervisors - should get that - the first time around. 

If you find the kitchen too hot - stay out - and fade into oblivion.

Muwekma warrior - I said the warrior.

This land we call San Francisco and the neighboring areas - is indigenous.

The Muwekma Ohlone has addressed the SF Board of Supervisors before. 

I ensured the past Chairperson, Rosemary Cambra - addressed the entire SF Board of Supervisors.

When it comes to any kind of reparation - the indigenous tribes in San Francisco and California come first.

Latinos come second - too many were lynched for no reason but that they owned land and the Whites stole the land - history has recorded this fact - but no one wants to pay attention.

We know the segment of the population who make a lot of noise - say they need millions of dollars for reparation - but today disgrace humanity with their behavior.

The indigenous tribes have lived here for over 100,000 years.

You all who are educated know some - however, you must understand that all indigenous tribes, federally recognized or not - must respect the Muwekma Ohlone who was recognized a long time ago - and exercise their Rights of First Refusal - this one act and others duly recognized status - proves who is right. 

There is not a single document that can be shown that the land millions of acres that belonged to the Muwekma Ohlone and other indigenous tribes were stolen and taken by force - not one single document existed that some indigenous tribe sold or handed over one single square inch.

The land was fertile - Ablone and other food were plenty - the whites came, and in less than 200 years - wiped out the deer, abalone, herring, wild foul, and you know what. 

The clans lived where there chose to live - small families not more than fifty or so - and, as I mentioned, had plenty of food, as recorded by the history and paintings of the Ohlone of the time.

The shell mounds were created on sites where the Ohlone lived - the shell mounds heaps Abalone shells - we learn a lot from these sites - archeologists call them middens - which is a misnomer.

In my early writing, I called the shell mounds sites healing locations - much like acupuncture points - healing the world.

The U.S. Department of Interior can be fair to the indigenous tribes - however, they want to dictate terms - having already stolen billions of dollars - that the Department of Interior says - they have no records of - a flood have washed the records - we do not believe such nonsense.

While indigenous tribes in California were hunted down - the U.S. Department of Interior wanted the indigenous tribes to have possession of records - baptismal records and other white men's documents - while the indigenous were hunted down - and many, to save their lives took Spanish names.

When anyone says they want you to provide documents, anything that shows that your tribe was organized, had continuity, spoke a language, show us your cultural heritage. 

We will hand you your federal recognition. Those put in this position cannot lie - and the demands defy logic, but more, there is nothing fair and just about such a sordid - process.

The Franciscans forced conversions did not bode well - those who fought back were murdered - women raped, and children killed - all in the name of the King, Queen - and the Catholic Church.

The Ohlone and we have more paintings and murals.

Yes! Indeed!

Chief Sitting Bull  - Tatanka-Iyotanka
Circa 1831-1890

Today when we show the U.S. Department of Interior the DNA evidence - they have nothing to say - pull their teeth and hair - and hire lying attorneys and lawyers, and Representative Congress persons and Senators - to put hurdles in the path of the innocent and decent indigenous who lived here for over 100,000 years.

There have been many instances - in " porkbarrel bills," some tribes are handed federal recognition - and such deeds and more by many Representatives - say a lot about ethics, morals, and standards.

More and more today, no one trusts the Representatives - we have two that stand out in California.

These two have crossed the age where they can retain helpful information that matters - impeding proper adjudication.

The wisdom of Chief Black Elk.

Our children need nurturing and love that knows no bounds.

Family counts - the ancestors more.

Too many missing indigenous women - why?

How many more - we ask?

San Francisco better wakes up.

We have over 71,000 homes vacant - landlords are afraid the tenants may cause damage to their fleeting - assets.

We have over 45 million square feet of commercial space - vacant.

The current Mayor mentions Maya Angelou, but barking up the wrong tree does no good - nor ringing the bell - that falls on deaf ears.

The men that speak truth to power - shame all - including those who favor women and the clap that brings them small satisfaction.

Our commissions and other task force - loaded with women - lifestyle issues forced on the majority of taxpayers - learn to be fair and just - much like all of us advocates - have done all these years.

Businesses are leaving - thousands of families are gone - can the Mayor not see the writing on the wall?

The hood does not leave those marinated with drug selling, whoring, lying, and stealing. We see it in the SF Ethics - fines and more indictments - who is telling whom? 

Life is for the living - not the living dead - those that pussyfoot a lot - are the living dead.

Change your ways and do it before the rumbling visits you and your kind - you will drown in the cesspool of your own - creation.

The Great Spirit sees it all. Stand tall and represent.

Let me make it very clear - do not mess with the ancestors - they are with me - and I have been patient.

You that fleece the poor - and have no empathy - will fall on your face.

Time to fine-tune your moral compass. Actions count, not the diatribe and hot air. Always speak truth to power - if you lie, you need ten more to cover one!

Only those whose hearts are in the right place can take others to a better place. Aho.

Mayor London Breed - bleak view of San Francisco.


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