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Friday, October 1, 2021



Speaker of the House must remember - the time has come for Representative to behave like adults - this back and for - hidden ploys, machinations, and shenanigans must STOP.

For God's sake, we are in the middle of a pandemic.

Innocent, hard-working poor people are dying - more our infants, children, youth, young adults, our beloved Elders - those with compromised health - more our mentally and physically - challenged.

Our Representatives are playing with fire - this budget is a scam - there is no clarity - it is for ten years - just focus on the key issues - Medi-care and related issues, education, childcare, transportation, infrastructure, health care for seniors, job training - and stop addressing " pork barrel issues " - if you cannot pass this budget - get out of the kitchen - scumbags. 

The Delta Virant is playing hell with millions - people cannot find jobs - family cannot find childcare - if you find one, you have to wait for two, three, four years.

Our Seniors suffer from food security - this is the United States of America.

Our infrastructure has been hacked and will be hacked - yet, we do not want to address - high-speed internet, create platforms that can deal with the hackers, invest in powerful servers, nip the hackers in the bud, and more.

This land belongs to the indigenous people - we dare to put them on reservations. We signed treaties and sunsetted the treaties. Then we made things cumbersome - and took the land - with little or no compensation. We must know our history - and more the ongoing atrocities. Today, more Native Americans MISSING - and no one seems to care.

Our Representatives have no clue what is happening at ground zero - no one in their right mind can tolerate the ongoing nonsense. 

COVID-19 in here to stay - five years and longer. Those who have been tested positive - suffer for a long time - now, we are learning the lining of the arteries - are affected - slowly killing the one affected. 

The Corona-10 virus.

The medical doctors say the Covid-19 virus attacks the Endothelium - the single-cell lining in the arteries preventing clotting, controlling blood pressure, and protect the human body from invading pathogens. 

The politicians are full of it - dumb as they are - they could have settled the present issues.

The issues linked to the budget ceiling, keeping our government open, the debt ceiling, the welfare of Americans -  - when it comes to Quality of Life issues - the jerks fail each and every time. Morons of the highest quality:

Read this article which explains the above mention issues linked to blood clotting and related problems - clearly :,the%20heart%2C%E2%80%9D%20Li%20said. 

We failed to focus on the one-tenth of one percent  - the filthy rich - who got a tax break. 

The Representatives continue to play hell with the ninety-nine percent - the poor - just because we permit it - the damn idiots better change their ways and more their sordid mentality.

The Democrats played a role in enabling the sordid agreement and voted on that previous bill - that is coming to bite the taxpayers in the butt. Last year's passed budget totally accommodated the filthy rich - the scumbag of the Nation.

The Internal Revenue Service cannot audit the rich scumbags - because of lack of funds and less personnel power to perform the audits - for the longest time, these scumbags have been singing blues - failing to pay their dues. No more. 

In addressing the budget ceiling, we have to focus not on future spending but on the debt the Democrats and the Republicans created with full accountability and transparency.

The filthy rich - were given a tax break, and most of them did not pay taxes. The filth decadent must now pay their taxes - and reveal the many hidden accounts - they use to shelter - " dark money. "

Joe Manchin must first think of his constituency - Virginia - one of the poorest in the Nation. He talks a good talk - but his walk is pathetic. We know for a fact he is wheeling and dealing with the fossil fuel magnets - the many culprits that pay no attention to Climate Change and the increase in the Carbon Footprint.

Krysten Sinema is headstrong for all the wrong reasons - I have yet to hear why she voted against the minimum wage increase.  Krysten Sinema should change her mentality - this time around - she will fail, and so will Joe Manchin. Both fail to remember that most Americans are hurting - people are dying - and these two are pussyfooting around - they must be ashamed of themselves.

Chuck Schumer is the Majority leader in the Senate - he must represent the taxpayers and stated the fact as clearly as possible. This is a budget for 10 years - in less than two years Chuck Schumer - will step down. It will be the same when Mitch O'Connel steps down - no one knows the reason - time will tell.

We, the people, must vote those representatives out - including some democrats who have failed - fighting for those who need the most help.

The current budget ceiling will not meet the smelt test.

The current budget - stalled - will accommodate the crooked representatives - they always agree because most of them fill their own campaign coffers - have pork-barrel amendments that help the wicked few.

Any way you look at it, this budget - pays the past debt - the billions of dollars we gave away to the filthy rich. Pathetic.

Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer must not be tolerated - they must produce and if it too hot in the kitchen - get out and fade into oblivion.

As I see for myself - the many telephones I receive - too many are slowly dying - in recent months - children who are not vaccinated -the Delta Viarant has play hell - all over the Nation.

More - with those not vaccinated - who in turn - force our essential workers - to work overtime - our nurses, our doctors, our medical technicians, our janitors - other too many to name - putting these decent people in harms way.

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