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Sunday, October 31, 2021



All over Yemen - our Jet Fighters - sold to Saudi Arabia - are bombing - the conflict can be solved - but it is not being solved - over 25,000 Yemini civilians have died -  thousands more maimed, infants and children - dying of starvation - daily.

It is not easy when you have known the Yemeni people since you were young - not in Yemen - in Nairobi, Kenya, and all along the East African coast from Mombasa to the island of Zanzibar.

There has been a long tradition using the Moonsoon Winds for Yemeni sailors to travel as far as India and beyond - trading in species, ivory, carpet, brass carved utensils, one-of-a-kind artifacts, and more.

Here in the United States, in places like New York - there are thousands of bodegas - small stores - that sell newspapers, cigarettes, other small items - milk, bread, candy, and the smile and welcome of the Yemeni - is well known.

Donald Trump is the scum of the Earth - he and his minions - he has set fires all over the world - Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, North Korea - treated France, Germany, Norway - the North Atlantic Treaty Organization with disdain - and has BLOOD on his hands. Donald Trump is an egoistical maniac - he must be done away with.

It is simply wrong to starve infants and children - we must stop selling our Jet Fighters to nations - who use them to commit crimes against humanity - in Yemen, it has been going on for 6 long years - the same in Afghanistan - 20 plus years.

The Yemeni have been our friends for ages - the Yemeni also are friends with Iran.

Our logic has been - telling Yemen to stop being friends with Iran - that is what we are saying to Yemen - and it is none of our business to order people around.

Yemen needs help - monetary help - arms and ammunition - and receives this from Iran and other countries to defend itself.

Yemen  - a sovereign nation will not listen to Saudi Arabia that is dictatorial - and has stood up to Saudi Arabia and the Qataris - who allow the airbases in Qatar - to attack the Yemeni - killing over 25,000 Yemeni civilians. 

The Qataris block food and other essential goods - at their ports - from reaching Yemen, causing deep food security.

Letting - food to rot - depriving the Yemini of medicines and medical equipment, other essential commodities that Yemenis from the United States, England have donated to their fellow Yemini.

The Qataris and Saudi Arabia dare to kill and maim children - and with intent use food and medicines to teach the Yemeni a lesson. 

The Qataris are our friends - we the United States - use their airbase - we built that large airbase in Qatar.

We have good relations with the Qataris -  the United States can intercede in the name of infants, children, and the malnourished Yemeni. The United will not intervene. There is a God.

President Joe Biden can do this with one single telephone call - so can other nations - that the Saudi Arabian henchmen - have warned to stay away from the Yemini issue - ongoing genocide.

The United States must stop the Saudi Arabia government  - perpetuating the ongoing genocide.

The United States must stop supplying the dictatorial Saudi Arabian government with our taxpayers' money - paid bombs, ammunition, arms, jet fighters - and more.

Saudi Arabia has trillions of dollars - from its petroleum sales - and investments here in the United States and worldwide.  They use their ill-gotten wealth to buy friends, weapons, and jet fighters - the maim and kill innocent Yemenis. 

Saudi Arabia is also known - kidnapping and killing those that speak against the dictatorial government of Saudi Arabia. 

The Saudi Arabian devious authority - like the leading Crown Prince - are cowards. The well-known CBS 60 minutes television show exposed him and his renowned devious deeds - murdering a Saudi journalist who was a naturalized American citizen.

The United States - Main Media have exposed Saudi Arabia - its many ploys, machinations, and shenanigans - time and time again.

The majority of those arrested linked to 9/11 were Saudi Arabian nationals. 

Why did we not bomb Saudi Arabia - Osama bin Laden was a Sudanese - whose father made billions - as a contractor in Saudi Arabia. 

When he was hiding in Pakistan, we went gunning for Osama bin Laden more because he needed dialysis to help him with his ailing kidneys.

We bombed the Bora Tora mountains to no avail - using 6000 lbs - think Obama bin Laden - who had already escaped a long time ago - and lived in a mansion in Pakistan - a mile away from a Pakistani military base.

The Pakistanis, to this day, take money from us in the billions of dollars.

The Pakistanis detest the United States  - we need their help - to cross the border - and supply goods and essential goods to landlocked Afghanistan.

After 9/11 - four 737 Boeing jets were made available to the Bin Laden family in the United States - to leave the United States - with all their belongings and luxury items - to find succor in Saudi Arabia!

The United States can pressure the Saudi Arabian government to stop the genocide in Yemen - this must STOP.

We advocates can do only so much - when will someone like President Joe Biden - stop being a hypocrite and refrain from bad decisions.

The cockeyed Afghan evacuation was a disaster - that must be highlighted and noted of Joe Biden's - resume.

The Yemeni infants and children are dying - they are suffering - pangs of hunger - leading to extreme starvation - scenes like the holocaust - that we speak of but will not deter from happening again and again.

The United States must have some heart - so-called civilized world - to speak Truth to Power - STOP the genocide of the Yemeni people - now.

Scenes like the above - litter that entire Yemeni countryside - the Yemeni have NO food - chew leaves - that soothe the pain - the Khat plant.

Khat plant - they Yemini chew the leaves - to get high - kill pain - address the situation at hand.

The Khat plant may do Joe Biden some good - calm his nerves - and act like a world leader that matters.

Scenes like the above are chilling - heartbreaking - and nauseating when will we, the United States, learn to use our power to STOP such atrocities from taking place. 

As you see above, children are starving - we must stand up and speak Truth of Power.  There is karma - it can come and bite the United States in the butt - we can stop it by good actions and preventing innocent children from dying - God sees it all. 
President Joe Biden is a hypocrite - General James Millie -
get his briefing daily - what the hell is happening?

I am requesting General James Milley - to bring some resolution - the infants and children must not die of dire starvation - this is a crime against humanity - we are better than that - to permit it to happen - we can and must find a solution.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021



Prime Minister Boris Johnson - spoke to the children in England - he thinks and so do most informed people - the UN Climate Change - will be all talk and no walk. 

The United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, Scotland, will soon start with a bang - Vladamir Putin from Russian has decided to stay at home and chill out.

We all were fired up - when the Climate Change held in Paris with President Barack Obama and other world leaders - including Russia, China, the United States, England, Germany, and so many all agreeing to set some impressive benchmarks.

So have they - not so - leading our children, youth, those that really care about Mother Earth, and all the harm done by those countries who continue to spew pollutants - increase the Carbon Footprint and think nothing much of it. 

Donald Trump was against Climate Change for all the wrong reasons - upset France, Germany, England, so many countries - but most importantly, the youth - who turned their back on the United States.

President Joe Biden failed miserably on Afghanistan, cannot attain any worthy benchmarks on the current budget - both Congress and Senate in the United States - clearly do not want to serve the taxpayers - many of them are just interested in their own narrow interests - many receive considerable amounts in the millions from Political Action Committees (PACs) - the hypocrisy knows no bounds - but not for long - there is only so much the people will tolerate - many of these scumbags will beg for mercy - but it will be too late.

So far, President Joe Biden - is down in the polls.

Biden's failure on the Afghanistan issue has created a serious and chronic - humanitarian fiasco.

Here - in the United States, his policies are lackluster - on the international level,  no one seems to care about the White House - that continues to commit blunder after blunder.

Vladamir Putin is thumping his nose - the fourth largest polluter in the world - he will stay at home and sip his Vodka. 

China's Chairman Xi Jinping will appear remote control - at least that is what we hear.

Chairman - Xi Jinping is geared up for the Winter Olympics, drawing thousands with state-of-the-art facilities and impressive accommodations for the world Olympic athletes.  

If only we could address Climate Change in like manner.

Attract - the world leader and experts - create solutions - accept benchmarks and responsibilities and adhere to our commitments.

Russia is going down the drain - its economy is in dire straits - Crimes against Humanity and in your face stubbornness - combined - it is taking Russia down the cesspool of its own creation. We all think about Gorbachev's perestroika - and believed Russia would follow his lead -  so far, all we see is the GKB in Putin.

Our world's children and youth are fed up with our adults and leaders - those immersed in a sordid - materialistic world.

More - using fossil fuel without understanding the serious consequences - knowing that increasing the Carbon Footprint is detrimental to our very - survival.

Climate  Change is here - all we have to do is study is the wildfires here in California, the flooding in Germany and Southeast Asia, and recently on the East Coast of the United States.

All over the world, we see the telltales of Climate Change and its adverse impacts - and yet we have fanatics who think that Climate Change is just a myth. 

The Glasgow, Scotland United Nations will be held soon - let us hope the leaders learn from that many promises made at the Paris Climate Change Conference - and do a sound needs assessment - more actions and less talk.

Here in America - once known as Turtle Island - the indigenous people protected the land. 

Today that tradition continues - land protected by the indigenous people plays an essential role in reducing the Carbon Footprint - yet the indigenous people are NOT the center of this madness - the very people who truly comprehend the increase in the Carbon Footprint's adverse impacts.

Sunday, October 24, 2021



50 nations met in San Francisco, California, between April and 26 June 1945. 46 countries, including 4 sponsors. The War Memorial building was where it all happened - few in San Francisco -know this history - and there is more.

San Francisco and the surrounding area are unique - few understand the land we call the Bay Area. Those who live work hard - many working three and four jobs to make a living - pay rent and put food on the table.

I started this article by mentioning the United Nations, which now makes its headquarters in New York - it was even at that time about money - the Rockefellers had the cash and sponsored most of what was needed. 

I started the title of this article by mentioning that China is flexing its muscles- using Taiwan as a ploy - honestly speaking, wants to be at the table - to announce to the world - that it is a force to be reckoned with.

Time - will tell - its success recently - with its sonic rocket - that is difficult to detect - and can take out satellites in space - hit and stall the space platforms - other related issues - make China a force to be reckoned with. 

China's leader Xi Jinping - has done a sound needs assessment - anyone with weapons that no one else can compete with - wins. The - sonic rocket is just the beginning of this cat and mouse play. As I often say - time will tell.

We can look at America any which way we want. Common sense, which is a rare sense - tells one - we need sound leadership. For a moment, like what is transpiring - I think of President Eisenhower. 

I also feel strongly we need a Commander-in-Chief of our nation - who has sound military experience. Our Founding Fathers could not have envisioned a diabolical liar as a President who has sold our country to the Russians.

As the United Nations goes - the United States did its best to keep mainland China out of the United Nations.  No doubt China was a founder member - but Taiwan too was granted membership. 

Time and time again, Taiwan was favored by the Untied States - mainland China playing second fiddle.

Finally, mainland China was admitted into the United Nations in 1971 and respected - on 76 in favor - 35 opposed and 17 abstentions. 

Since then, China has exercised its rights at the United Nations - gradually contributing the most money - having the most significant number of United Nations Security soldiers - all over the world and so on.

Added China has played a significant role in the World Health Organization. 

When we have leaders who act like buffoons - pulling out of the World Health Organization, not paying our dues linked to international organizations, treat world leaders with disdain - such actions are on the fanatics who voted diabolical maniacs in - like  Donald Trump.

The harm this one person has created is set us back a decade.

President Joe Biden messed up in Afghanistan.

We cannot let Afghan children die slowly.

America cannot allow infants to die of starvation. 

America had no business making an agreement with the Taliban - as far as I know, the Taliban and their Caliphate have not been accepted by the United Nations -  President Joe Biden - planning a move - an evacuation that will go down in history as the worst fiasco in contemporary history. He is not a leader - weak in the knees, spine - and all over the place. 

Americans must read the agreement - seeing is believing:

We are a Republic - both the Democrats and the Republicans know the majority of the United States of America - citizens - are hurting.

We also know that the majority call themselves Independents - who are a force to be reckoned with. Time will tell.

General Eisenhower

Chief Joseph

On a clear day - you can see the Farallon Islands off San Francisco.

The United States Navy dumped over a thousand barrels of low-level atomic waste - typical of what some authorities did - just because they thought they could do it.

We know who dropped two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki - Japan.

The Superpowers who think they have Nuclear Weapons must fully realize that no one will win this time around.

In fact, this winter, we will see - maybe four variants - right now, we have the Delta variant plus - just making its round.

We could have nibbed the Covid-19 virus in the bud - we did not.

This is how it works - dumb human beings are warned - it is not a warning spelled out in detail - a warning that should prepare us for our eventual death - or a cautionary beginning - as life was a million years ago.

None of our leaders, be it Russia, Israel, Iran, the United States, China, India, Pakistan - those that purport to know some about Nuclear Weapon - but know little.

The reason is simple - most of the nations I have mentioned above are - " spiritually bankrupt. "

Pause, please do not play with fire - you are warned.

Those  -  who think they know more - know less.

Those - that know less - amble - and do not play with fire. Aho. 


Saturday, October 23, 2021



Afghan women protest - they cannot go outside the home without being harassed, they cannot go to work, they have not been paid for months, the women and girls are treated like chattel, and the sordid Taliban think they own the Afghan women and girls - and the Taliban must not be trusted at all.

President Joe Biden has not accepted full responsibility for all the turmoil going on in Afghanistan.  President Joe Biden and his useless sidekick Vice-President - have failed the world - and are responsible for the hardship, slow death, and mess in Afghanistan.

President Joe Biden had no business assuming that withdrawing from Afghanistan - was the right thing to do. President Joe Biden - did not have to honor the agreement made with the Taliban and the United States when Donald Trump was President of the United States.

Here is the agreement for all the world to read - we, the United States, had no business - meeting and making a deal with an entity that even today is considered our enemy:

The women and girls in Afghanistan must be respected and treated as human beings - the crimes against humanity - committed by the Taliban have been recorded - and until they agree to behave - no decent nation - recognized by the United Nations and other world organizations - should cooperate with the Taliban. In short, right now, the Taliban cannot be trusted.

This blog offer translation in many languages - including the main languages spoken in Afghanistan. Go to the upper left corner of the blog - and click the tool - that offers the translation. 

It is below the hits recorder - and says TRANSLATE. The advantage is you can read the article in your own language.

The decent Afghan people, women, men, youth, young adults, children, the beloved Elders who have wisdom, others - all love Afghanistan and must be treated like human beings.

For 20 years, women dressed respectfully - now they have to cover the entire body, face - and see the world in ultimately another way - treated with disdain - the Taliban think they have the women under their control and can do what they want with them. In indignities suffered by the Afghan women and girls - is untold - and the world must not keep quiet - more the man who think they have balls - and look the other way.

Look at the map of Afghanistan - and some surrounding nations - Pakistan, Tajikistan, Iran, Uzbekistan, a border with China - here in America, we have NO clue about geography and less history. Yet, we dare invade Nation after Nation - and leave them in a mess - Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan - the many Banana Republics and more. 

40 years ago - I was fortunate to visit Afghanistan - I traveled freely and saw things for myself.

This is not possible today - as human beings, we talk a lot about crimes humanity - but we are the first to commit them - and use stupid excuses - to calm our conscience.

We must not go to war - more so after World War II.

The American politicians should read and listen to the words of President Eisenhower - he was a General but also a President - he knew what he was saying and meant them.

Today our United States Generals still pander with Donald Trump and Joe Biden.

 Our United States Generals have a narrow window of opportunity - our Democracy - is in a mess - more because most Americans are not educated on issues - and have very little about the process.

Look at the Texas fiasco - the Supreme Court pacifying those in Texas who interfere with women's rights. 

Leave the women to deal with their own body - it is none of anyone's business - to tell women or men how to deal with matters about their own self-being. 

Honestly speaking, the Conservatives can go fuck themselves.

It does not matter if one is a Governor, some crooked Senator - or just a man who is a  loud-mouthed moron - leave the women alone - and let the women - make their own decisions. 

The flag of the United States of America

These are our Founding Fathers.

More and more, our Nation - the United States of America - is being deceived by misinformation and disinformation.

The Main Media is full of sensational news - and those Producers and Directors behind the scene should be taken to task.

Our Founding Fathers had limited tools - and yet they managed to produce a Constitution - that allowed improvement and meaningful amendments.

This man rakes in millions from the Pharmaceutical Companies  -
he does not care about the taxpayers - more those that make below $40,000 - he is loaded and will do all in his power to stall progress - contributing to divisiveness - he is a scumbag.

We are a Republic - the Founding Fathers would be ashamed of someone like Mitch O'Connell talking from both sides of his mouth. 

Can you imagine the Republican Senator failed to vote in favor of the Voting Acts Bill - initiated by former representative John Lewis?

Can you imagine the Republican Senates still working in the shadow of Donald Trump - stalling progressive issues - increasing the Debt Cap - the money spent by the Republicans under Donald Trump?

President Joe Biden should get rid of the Filibuster once and for all. What is it that the old man does not comprehend - his latest decision border on senility - we gave him a chance - but he keeps blowing it.

President Joe Biden and his sidekick -useless and inept - Kamala Harris - talks a lot - giggles - and does nothing at all. What a jackass - for all her education - she has no wisdom. 

President Joe Biden failed on Afghanistan - he has left Afghanistan in a mess. The people are dying more infants, children, and those in dire straits. The Elderly - President Joe Biden has BLOOD on his hands.

The DACA students who were promised reprieve - now have to deal with another failed promise - President Joe Biden cannot continue with his old so-called consensus - that does not work. 

Read more about Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals (DACA) - I-812 D :

President Joe Biden has caved in on the future of our Nation and budged in the wrong direction -  shown that he is weak in the knees and spineless -  allowing two jerks - to stall the process. 

President Joe Biden cannot order the Department of Justice - however, he can work with Congress and the Senate - with pointers that have empirical data to back him up - however, the man cannot do a sound needs assessment.

President Joe Biden loves to talk - much as he liked to ride Amtrack - and all this and more - is fine - but our Nation is hurting - and he has no clue what will come to bite his butt - again and again.

President Joe Biden failed to send a representative to the talks held in Russian - linked to helping the Taliban with whom he gave his tacit agreement - working with Antony Blinken. 

The Taliban are salivating - they want the money - and once they get the money - to hell with the people.

On the international level, China is flexing its muscles - Russia cannot be trusted.

Donald Trump sold our Nation to Russia - he is a traitor - one hundred years ago - a traitor was hanged - today, we allow the jackass to spew diatribe and cause more divisiveness. 

In the meantime, Donald Trump was responsible for thousands of deaths - over 200,000 for sure.

Not a word about his mandates and stupid suggestions - one injection Clorox into one's body - another telling us when the sun come out - COVID-19 would go away.

Because Donald Trump is White - as a Jackass- the Whites tolerate his nonsense.

The longer we allow him to speak and have access to communication tools - the more damage this traitor will cause -  adversely impact - our Nation.

Over 757,000 have died from Covid-19 - we are dealing with the Delta Virus - soon we will be dealing with DELTA VIRUS PLUS - now, playing havoc in England.

The winter is here - one of the worst in the world - we expect a new strain of flu - and other variants of the current pandemic - we are grateful that the vaccinations are there to protect us.

Thursday, October 21, 2021



Astuaray Hall at Capitol Hill was desecrated by traitors and thugs.


The many traitors who planned the desecration of Capitol Hill - January 6, 2021 - must be held accountable - including those Congresspersons and Senators who endorsed the sordid actions of the traitors, thug, scum of the Earth.

It is simply mindboggling to have seen on January 6, 2021 - those who are not educated on issues, have no etiquette - attacked Law Enforcement.

Went on to damage Capitol Hill - most disgusting those that displayed the worst - defecating and urinating - consumed by anger -  led by Donald Trump - the ultimate LOSER - who failed miserably to win the Presidential elections.

Our Constitution defines who a traitor is - and our Courts must abide by the law. 

Congress has dragged its legs - and the Department of Justice (DoJ) - too, has been slow to make up its mind - the traitors deserve " death " - one hundred years ago - they all would have been hanged.

The Republicans - more Mitch O'Connell who has corralled the Republican Senators - and defied plain decency - he recently chose with intent not to endorse the Voting Amendment - language crafted by the late John Lewis.

Sick in mind - Donald Trump - the LOSER!

Mitch O'Connell is well known for receiving millions from Pharmaceutical The man must be ashamed of himself - the Republicans destroyed their own Party by listening to the egoistical maniac - they only can save face -  by disowning the loser and stop abiding by his sordid dictates - Donald Trump is a jerk.  

Thousands have died, and many more laid their lives for our flag - January 6, 2021 - the thugs chose to beat our Law Enforcement using our National Flag - who in their right mind would behave in this manner - the Confederate Flag - was seen displayed and used to show disdain at Astutary Hall - these thugs who invaded Capitol Hill - have lost their mind - and must be severely dealt with. 

Chief Sitting Bull

Chief Joseph

Once known as Turtle Island, the indigenous people of this Nation lived in peace and preserved and protected this land, now known as America.

Today many indigenous people have been uprooted and placed on reservations - the indigenous people who lived here for over 15,000 years carbonated - human remains and artifacts.

It is a shame that strangers who came from Europe now have turned this Nation into a mess.

Divisiveness and hate - folks that do not want to adhere to law and order.

They do not respect the Constitution - went so far as to desecrate Capitol Hill -  now, they do not want to admit their guilt.

It is just a matter of time - that these scoundrels will be brought to book - among them Donald Trump, who is their leader - the leader of the scumbags - Donald Trump - a LOSER.

President Joe Biden has tolerated the nonsense of the traitors - traitors cannot be changed -  only those who are chronically dysfunctional - betray their Nation.

There is only one solution to this madness - for the military to step in - and restore law and order. Give some semblance to what is happening to thousands suffering - in the middle of this pandemic.