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Saturday, July 31, 2021



There is something charming with Gold Medalist -  the humble yet astute Sunisa Lee - originally from Laos.

Sunisa Lee - has brought attention to the Hmong Tribes of Laos - an honor for her parents, more her father - all indigenous people - Kudos.

Sunisa Lee will always be remembered for her tenacity and fortitude.

When pressed to be a leader - and lead the United States gymnasts to victory - a stellar and memorable victory - we all will remember for years to come.

Here in San Francisco - home to so many immigrants - some of us have enjoyed meeting the Hmong people and admire their tenacity and love for Mother Earth.


I first encountered the Hmong at the Farmers' Market and admired how humble most carry themselves - and what was unique among them - a smile on their faces.

I especially am drawn to the Elderly - they have the grace and wisdom of having something special to offer in humility. 

Early on, I made friends with a Cambodian who explained to me more about the Hmong - he served with the United States Army - and told me some daring adventures lead by Hmong guides - in our War in Southeast Asia - known as the Secret War. 

Some Hmong people were allowed to migrate to the United States and settled all over the United States - we have a bigger population - Hmongs  - in the Bay Area - and are proud of their unique achievements.

It is time for America and genuine Americans - to ponder the indigenous people and more the indigenous people of this land - Turtle Island - our beloved Native Americans.

In decades gone by, Native Americans, Blacks, other people of color have represented the better aspects of the United States. It is all gratitude, about respect - and with respect comes genuine - honor.

Sunisa Lee has touched many children and youth - and at the next Olympics, we will see the results of her smile, her tenacity, as we see above.

Sunisa Lee's - ardent willingness to thank her father, her coach, the many on her unique journey - who put their faith in Sunisa Lee.

I love the Hmong people and often go out of my way to greet them and make small talk. Those who have lived here for a longer time can speak good English and do not shy to speak their minds.

Some years ago - we had a situation - with some Hmong targeted by hate entities - and we in San Francisco had to stand tall and represent. The situation has not been resolved - it can be with the present administration - at the White House.

With President Joe Biden in the White House - and Sunisa Lee shining - those that someone wanted to be deported - will be kept safe here in the land of the free. 

It makes no sense to use convoluted laws - to deported those Hmong -  who have lived here for a long time - to go back to Laos - where they have no one to comfort them and less to protect them.

Again and again, Sunisa Lee - mentions her father - a loving father who has done so much to help his daughter.

Sunisa Lee shares her love for her coach - who has done so much to uplift Sunisa Lee - and done it with grace - Kudos to the two of them for sharing - so much with the world.

Sunisa Lee displaying the finest aspect of a seasoned gymnast.


Thursday, July 29, 2021



Like a reed blowing in the wind - Nancy Pelosi always wanting to be the center of attention - less talk and more walk - STOP wasting millions of dollars on projects that have no sound needs assessment - stop aiding and abetting corrupt Democrats.

Americans in the past have always risen up and given their best - we saw this best - during World War II - and more after World War II - when President Eisenhower and his key teams - build our transportation system - more freeways that today are in disrepair - they call is deferred -maintenance. 

When we look at the bridges that once were in sound condition - against and again - we see bridges falling apart - some propped up to serve a temporary purpose - putting the lives of thousands - to use these weak bridges - in harm's way.

The standard of our education more high school and college has been thrown to the wind. Other developing nations are doing better - without sound education - we cannot and will not compete worldwide.

Our health system favors the rich and those that have money. Today, our nation must address our National Health System - and more Medicare that has been chipped away - and the many Seniors - adversely impacted.

Our nation must allow every citizen to have high-speed internet - and with that " firewalls " that STOP hackers invading our privacy. We know the Russians, Nigerians, Chinese - others are having a field day hacking into our computers - demanding ransom money - and receiving the money. This nonsense must STOP.

The homeless are all over San Francisco - and while the citizens of San Francisco are fed up - our. Mayor London Breed - and our SF Board of Supervisors - and busy kicking the can - down the street. No one in San Francisco should be living in a tent - we have a budget of $13.7 Billion - yes - Billions.

The City and County of San Francisco - deserve better - we do not have a sound - Emergency Management Office.

It is time we have an Emergency Management Commander - much like the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

Some of us went out of our way to contact and bring thousands of San Franciscans to get their vaccinations - not only the first one - but the second one - fully vaccinated. 

It is not enough as Mayor London Breed does - barking up the wrong tree - saying things - but when it comes to action - she asks others to stay at home - but she herself and her lackeys - have dinner at the famous French Laundry Restaurant and when caught red-handed - fails to apologize.

The Delta Variant - is surging all over California - and here in San Francisco - impeding progress - forcing people to stay at home - they have no choice - if you go out - your chances of getting COVID-19 is increased - even if one is vaccinated - more when we have knuckleheads - failing to listen - and failing to get vaccinated - here in San Francisco.

Businesses in San Francisco have shut down in the thousands.

Over 100,000 thousand decent, hardworking San Franciscans have left San Francisco, never to return.

When it comes to working - even if one desires to work - one cannot - more in some areas like the Bayview Hunters Point area - where there is a surge. 

Many are dying more with underlying ailments.

Some who have had their vaccinations - the first dose and failed to get their second dose.

All this and more has not been noted by the San Francisco Health Department - it does not help first; it was Director of Health Barbara Gracia who was let go by the SF Health Department.

Recently Dr. Tomas Aragon, after over 35 years - what the hell is happening with the San Francisco Health Department.

In the middle of the pandemic - the San Francisco Board of Supervisors has decided to have HOPE SF develop contaminated parcels - on Hunters Point Naval Shipyard. 

HOPE SF a rogue developer - has a sordid track record - and thinks it can hoodwink us all in broad daylight.

Depleted Uranium was tested at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - no one should be living on this contaminated land.

Tetra Tech a contractor who changed the manifest and forced some of its employees to commit illegal activities - has been charged - and the case has yet to be adjudicated.

Contaminated dirt was dumped in areas that were not contaminated - these facts have to be investigated by Law Enforcement - who is fast asleep at the cockpit.

When others do the heavy lifting and aid Law Enforcement, including our SF City Controller, SF City Attorney - instead of charging the crooks - they keep kicking the can down the street. 

Our infants, children, youth, young adults, our beloved Elders, those with compromised health - more our physically and mentally challenged are slowly dying.

Dwayne Jones created Community of Opportunity -
and robbed the City and. County of San Francisco - 
of $3 million and there is more.

These digesters have failed - emitting a stench - stinking, 
eye burning sulfur - it is taking forever to replace the
digesters - with Mayor London Breed and the SF Board of Supervisors - looking the other way.  

This is a conceptual plan. STOP building high-density units
on land that is contaminated - Depleted Uranium was tested
at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard. The entire area should
be cleaned to residential standards. This has NOT been done -
do not put our infants, children Elders - those with
compromised health in harm's way.

The areas marked red are all contaminated -
more radioactive - why would anyone want decent
human beings to live on such land - Chernobyl.

We have a Mayor - London Breed who is corrupt. We have heads departments the linked of Harlan Kelly, Naomi Kelly both have left office.

GateKeeper and Philanthropist of the Bayview Hunters Point -
purveyor of all things crooked - he has amassed millions - and roams Scott Free - acts as a consultant - blacklisted from doing business - yet is on the Contract Monitoring Division Committee - what is happening to San Francisco - the man has amassed millions - no project goes untouched - unless Dwayne Jones has a part of the pie - the Sewer System Improvement Project. 

Juliet Ellis was fired - where is the accountability - 
linked to millions of dollars - she was the 
Assistant General Manager of External Affairs/ Chief Strategist -
she did as she pleased - and has cast a very dark shadow
on the SF Public Utilities Commission.

Who is watching whom?

I would like to acknowledge Mitch Salazar -
his work helping the youth - address workforce -
working with me on environmental issues - all these many 
years - I wish him good health - and a quick recovery.
Here is Mitch with Mayor Ed Lee and me.

This is the land on the indigenous people -
the GREED of some knows no bounds -
in injustice prevailing in many quarters - despicable.

Juliet Ellis, Masood Ordikhani, Tracy Zhu, Dwayne Jones, Veronica Hunnicutt, Elosie Patton, Oscar James, Shamann Walton, DionJay Brookter - others who have received thousands - linked to Community Benefits - cheating the Taxpayers'.

I have worked hard for 40 years and seen it all. All documented in the many articles that I have written. Past Mayors have acknowledged my work, past Chiefs of Police have acknowledged my work, past Governors of California have acknowledged my work. 

The corruption in San Francisco has reached saturation point - there is NO justice in San Francisco. Some of us have seen it all - and will decide what action to take. There is a rising concern - to address the corruption - and those in charge of doing what is right - are dragging their legs.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021



This is San Francisco's skyline - next to the Salesforce building - the Millenium Building - slowly sinking - the pilings went down just 80 feet - the Salesforce building 250 feet - why? 

San Francisco has just decided to declare thousands of poorly built homes and tall buildings built before 1970 - in the interim, the San Francisco Department of Building - has located all the homes and buildings - but refuses to state the latest location. 

In San Francisco, we have the SF Planning Department - doing as it pleases - mostly bought lock, stock, and barrel by the SF Developers. 

It does not help we have a dysfunctional SF City Attorney, the same could be said of the SF District Attorney, the SF Ethics Commission confused, the SF Controller's office confused. 

The SF Board of Supervisors - talking in circles  - appointing unfit folks to Committees - we are watching the show - like a hawk.

The SF President of BOS - a jailbird - thinks he can fool us in broad daylight - the day is coming - he has been involved with the worst type of corruption and is tied to the hip of Dwayne Jones.

Dwayne Jones the purveyor of all things corrupt - a so-called Philanthropist who uses taxpayers' money - to buy favors - hundreds of folks on his payroll. 

It is just a matter of time - when his assets will be seized and the Gate Keeper of the Bayview Hunters Point - will be led to spend a long time - vacation time - in a Federal Jail.

Shamann Walton - the SF President of the SF Board of Supervisors - wheeling and dealing - appointing handpicked crooks - to select committees - with one thing in mind - make money illegally.

It does not help that the former SF City Attorney - is now going to head the SF Public Utilities Commission - located at 525 Golden Gate Avenue.

The current SF Public Utilities Commission employees are jumping ship - they could not stand the corruption and discrimination before - more, when Harlan Kelly was the General Manager.

Harlan Kelly has been indicted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation - and his sidekick who spilled the beans - has left the SF Public Utilities Commission - so has Naomi Kelly - the former SF City Administrator - who has over 36,000 employees under her jurisdiction - the entire SF City and County of San Francisco - in utter turmoil.

For 25 years I have been monitoring the SF Public Utilities Commission - in 1996 the SF Public Utilities Commission was created by Willie L. Brown Jr. 

Prior to 1996, all the operations came under the SF Water Department - which still has a lot of doing with the SF Public Utilities Commission.

The SF Public Utilities Commission - is an Enterprise Department - it generates millions of dollars - charging for treated - clean drinking water. Not only to those living in San Francisco - but to its Regional partners - BASWA itself boasts 26 entities - all receiving clean drinking water.

Paradoxically - our clean drinking water that comes all the way from the Hetch Hetchy Reservoir -  is used to flush our toilets. One would assume that in the year 2021 - greywater would be used - to flush all toilets.

San Francisco has a population of 850,000 - that used to accommodate over one and a half million people - pre-pandemic.

The SF Public Utilities Commission makes a lot of money -  treating the sewer and dumping the secondary effluents into the bay.

The SF Public Utilities Commission makes millions lease large tracts of land - to farmers - linked to grazing. 

The SF Public Utilities makes millions generating at Sunol - it has quarries - all these activities and more are not known to the public at large - taxpayers.

Added the SF Public Utilities Commission has Golf Courses - for the filthy rich to play - there are other activities the SF Public Utilities conduct - I will reveal them - at the appropriate time. 

Harlan Kelly has been indicted  - and as each day goes by - the thousands of SFPUC employees - are not prepared for the unsavory changes - and the hostile environment.

The former U.S. Attorney for Northern California 

David Anderson.

No one seems to care - the investigation initiated by David Anderson - gave many of us some consolation - the few indictments - and the more pending - was a step in the right direction.

The Sewer System Improvement Project started with a price totaling $6 billion - yes, six billion. It is now $12 billion - and in the years to come -  may cap at $20 billion.   

Some of us laypersons - have gone out of our way to expose the corruption. For the longest, the corrupt the likes of Harlan Kelly, Naomi Kelly, Masood Ordikhani, Juliet Ellis.

Dwayne Jones, Shaman Walton, Veronica Hunnicutt, Eloise Patton, Linda Richardson, Derf Butler, Keith Jackson others too many to mention- have been making hay - while the sun shines. No more.

Over $300 million Community Benefits - linked to the SSIP project - have been misused. Adversely impacting our infants, our children, our youth, our young adults, our beloved Elders - those with compromised health - more our mentally and physically challenged.

Who will speak for those that cannot defend themselves - and then we have to deal with the current Novel COVID-19 - pandemic.

Saturday, July 24, 2021



Naomi Osaka at the Tokyo Olympics - 2020.

Naomi Osaka lit the Olympic 2020 torch and did us all proud.

The Tokyo Olympics are on - witnessed a ceremony - that will be embedded in the memory of those that admire the human spirit for overcoming - and showcase unity, solidarity, empathy, a commitment to bring the best in us - and overcome any hurdle - with tenacity and fortitude.

The Japanese government had to overcome all sorts of hurdles - and addressed each problem in a meaningful way. After stalling the opening of the Tokyo Olympics for a year - the impending Novel COVID-19 - took a turn for the worse, the Delta Viarant causing a surge. 

It was touch and go - even the Director of the Olympics - brought forth a problem leading to his dismissal - and yet those in charge - showed the world - human beings can and will - overcome - and showcase the best they have in unity having the tenacity and fortitude. 

Drones display Earth and all the continents.

Out came thousands of drones - and drew the map of the Earth - the many continents - and brought the Earth and those that inhabit it together - what a show - people looked at the sky - and saw that together we can and must put our best foot forward.



President Joe Biden's wife - the first lady represented America - the French President was in the house - there were other dignitaries too - too many to name - but showed up - because it was necessary to make a statement.

Every precaution has been taken to keep the virus at bay - we know this is not easy - more when so many are coming from all over the world. 

Here in the United States, we have the vaccine - not so in many countries - we must count our blessings. 

We must also have empathy and share our resources with others - work with the World Health Organization and Centers for Disease Control, and more.

The Olympians from all over the world have our support and more our prayers - we need the Olympics to help us realize that we cannot each go our own way - and destroy the very element that keeps humanity alive LOVE, HOPE, and EMPATHY. 

The United States contingent! 

Jazz Musician Hiromi is at her best.

The Tokyo Olympics 2020 showcased the best it had to offer.

Naomi Osaka lit the Olympic Torch.

There came a moment - who would be chosen - to light the Tokyo Olympic 2020 torch - it did not come as a surprise - it would be Naomi Osaka.

Noami Osaka has had many trials and tribulations - she is of African and Japanese descent - and lives in New York - an up-and-coming tennis champion.

We all rejoiced - more those people of color - we thank the Japanese Government and the organizers - for making this one-of-a-kind choice - the choice of the people.

Japan's Naohisa Takato - won a gold medal in Judo class 60KG.

Faster, Higher, Stronger, Together.

In the next two weeks - we will witness the best athletes prove to us all the best they can offer - God has been good to us to witness from near and far - we must get vaccinated - we must uplift each other - we may not win a medal - but if we all do our best - we can say we tried - and in doing join the Olympic spirit. 

China's Yang won the first Gold Medal of the Tokyo Olympics - 
Women's 10m Air Rifle

The Stadium in all its glory!

Oiled and shinning - Tongan Pita Taufatofua -
the crowd loves him and his display.

There is so much to witness and learn from this year's Tokyo Olympics 2020 - we needed this Olympic event - to recalibrate and address the bigger issues - all over the world - our lives.

As a sports enthusiast and one who managed sports teams - I learned early on - when one endeavor to play well - more as a team player - one learns a lot. 

A lot of detailed planning goes on putting on any sports event - Japan has shown us - how to overcome - this Tokoyo Olympic games - will down in history - as one that happened even when so many said it would not.

We will be entertained for the next two weeks, and we will also learn a lot - world records will be broken - and already we see so many shine. God Bless.

Japanese Emperor Seiko-Hashimoto - the opening ceremony.

Naomi Osaka lit the Olympic cauldron.

Aerial view of the stadium.