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Sunday, June 20, 2021



The "Delta Variant " is making its rounds - all over the world - a unique strain that has the capability of multiple mutations.

Here is San Francisco - we have chosen - to lessen the previous restriction in place - wearing a MASK.

We cannot lower our guard and should not - for one singular reason - today - we do not have the empirical data - how many people really have taken two doses - and have vaccinated themselves in the real sense.

We also have not vaccinated our children - to the degree - we have vaccinated our children. So we must be leery of this variant playing hell - in India, where it originated.

Then spread to places like Singapore, United Kingdom, and more than 80 countries.

It has already established itself in Montana, Utah, North and South Dakota, Wyoming, Colorado, and even here in San Francisco and the Bay Area.  

The Scientists that matter - keep reminding us - this variant capable of multiple mutations - can spread and cause a surge - targeting those between 12 and 20 years - and we have no conclusive evidence so far about infants and children under 12 years - we cannot allow ourselves - to let down our guard.

Paradoxically - thousands of Americans - who took their first dose - for reasons best known to themselves have failed to follow up and take their second dose.

These folks can easily fall prey to the Delta Variant.

Mayor London Breed - talks the talk - has failed to walk the walk.
While asking us to stay put at home - she was out there partying and pussyfooting around. Now, she thinks - she can open up places and allow people NOT to wear - MASKS. 

As I have said before - some of us advocates - took it upon ourselves - to do quality outreach and bring thousands of people to be vaccinated.

We followed up that most of those who took their first vaccination - followed up and took their second - vaccination.

I targeted large businesses, like large restaurants, and worked with the managers to have all their restaurant employees vaccinated with great results.

We provided coffee, drinking water, snacks and made things easier for our Elders and those that had comprised health. We met the essential workers and treated them well and in the bargain got to know them - " per diem " nurses and " travel nurses" and more.

I got to meet Dr. Grant Colfax and other doctors - and they got to know from where I come.

All the time - I was studying the various phases of sound operations, giving those who came to the centers - the quality service they needed. God is good.

We worked hard to vaccinate smaller groups and gave them quality service. Some centers promised to cater to larger groups - and failed in their mission - lacking sufficient vaccinations to go around. Not once at the centers - I volunteered - did we encounter such fiascos. 

Not once in a meaningful manner did San Francisco Emergency Center  - centered at the Moscone East Hub - address the many sent-out links and did not work.

The Director of  San Francisco Emergency Service - Mary Ellen Caroll and her lackeys - do not have qualified - Commander trained and accepted by the Federal Emergency Management Agency - who is fooling whom?   

Not once was there a concerted plan to pick up our Elders and those with compromised health - make the arrangements to give them vaccinations - by reserving a date and time - and fulfilling the obligations - to the best of our ability - at our expense.

The Mayor London Breed and some of her lackeys - were busy barking up the wrong tree - and we have the empirical data - to show what we attained - we kept copies of all our work.

Those that we helped - helped others - understood that uplifting one another is essential to our survival.

I met with many Non-Profits, Faith-Based Organizations, Health Maintenance Organizations and saw how poorly the City and County of San Francisco - made promises and failed to deliver.

10 years before the Novel COVID-19 virus showed its ugly head - our Scientists had already worked on the M-RNA technology -
the protein attaches to the head - and destabilizes the virus. Normally vaccines take years to be created - as did Dr. Salk with the Flu and Polio vaccines. In the case of the Novel COVID-19 vaccines, the vaccines were tested within months - and saved millions of lives - here in the United States.

Way back in December 2020 - we could have had a plan in place - we did not. An egotistical maniac who occupied the White House - was looking forward to the Sun and Summertime - to neutralize the pandemic. 

Once we got rid of the egotistical maniac  - we made progress - only for the "naysayers" and others - to impede our progress. These folks were told NOT to congregate - and they did - creating surging all over the Nation.

In San Francisco, we had many congregating at our Parks - Dolores Park and Golden Gate Park - defying logic and the orders that should have been followed. 

Paradoxically both Governor Gavin Newsom and London Breed failed us - attending parties at the French Restaurant in numbers and failing to abide by their own dictates. Hypocrites! 

Never trust politicians - they say what they want you to hear - and then do as they please behind the back or the taxpayers who pay their salaries.

Mayor London Breed makes $400,000 plus benefits and is NOT worth the salt.

She got her rise in the middle of the pandemic - and failed to accommodate the " essential workers " - who in the thousands - do not trust her and her lackeys.

Let us NOT play with FIRE - the " Delta Variant " is deadly - it is already here - we still have work to do - with the majority - getting two doses - not one.

Even with the two doses - we have no guarantees - it all depends on the immune system -  as more and more people - get past two and half years, three years - we really do not know - nor do the scientists or experts.

The Novel COVID-19 is here to stay - at least for another 4 years.

Learn more :

Please wear a Mask and protect yourself - and by doing, you will protect others and humanity. Aho.

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