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Wednesday, March 17, 2021



The ever changing skyline of San Francisco.

San Francisco take. our Essential Workers for granted - so fare we have had a lot of patience - our Mayor London Breed - making all sorts of statement - patting her fat behind.

London Breed  lacks leadership - and has taken a pay raise - now earning $400,000 a year - and has nothing much to show - our tax payers money - thrown down a sordid black hole.

Essential workers had to visit the home of Mayor London Breed - protest and proclaim loudly that Essential Workers are mistreated, treated with disdain, pay little and made to work long - hours.

The Essential Workers now have reached " saturation point " - toxic stress, depression, paid less and made to work long hours - and more. 

London Breed and her lackeys are wasting our tax payers money - and it does not help we have a San Francisco Board of Supervisors who talk in circles - pat their behinds - and think they can fool all the people - all the time.

Harlan Kelly charged for Crimes - despicable -

he made $450,000 a year plus and yet wanted more 

he will be getting a long jail term - where he can sing the blues.

Again and again we see Blacks the likes of Derf Butler, Keith Jackson, Harlan Kelly, Juliet Ellis, others too many to name - using Community Benefits - and all this and more under the watchful eyes of very corrupt politicians the likes of Malia Cohen, London Breed, Sheryl Evan Davis, Shamann Walton, DionJay Brookter, Dwayne Jones  - and many more.

Many of these Democrats are now salivating - waiting for Stimulus Money to spend on themselves - they never, ever learn - again and again corrupt to the core - they seek public office - not to serve - but pussyfoot and fill their campaign coffers.

In recent months much is made of Racial Equity - and when the issues is addressed it is focused on Black only. One has just to read about Title VI - it embraces all injustice and all people of color and those physically challenged, mentally challenged and more.

The paradox is that Blacks the likes of Sheryl Evan Davis and Shamann Walton do no speak for all Blacks - and less for astute and stellar people of color.

Shamann Walton - he talks a good talk - but NO - walk.

District 10 the District in San Francisco that Shamann  Walton reeks with problems - an influx of rats - inundates Visitation Valley - Shamann Walton does nothing about this problem.

Elders who need housing - are place in trailers - Recreational Vehicles - by Pier 94. Dust and fine sand flying all over the place - the homeless in District 10 has increased by 400% and the man - thinks most everything is fine.

He and his side-kick have received million from the Rogue Developer Lennar aka 5 Points Holding - and Dwayne Jones - Community Benefits - in the millions and have nothing to show.

DionJay Brookter is the Director of Young Community Developers that will be investigated - now - trying his hand - with Property Management - on Mission Bay and some drab, corrupt, so called affordable housing ploy.

DionJay is from Fresno must like Harlan Kelly is from Fresno - and birds of a feather flock together.

Some years ago -  Amare Jackson was killed - right in front of this home. 

His case manager - never ever helped him - and worked for Young Community Developers (YCD). Not once did his Case Manage help Amare Jackson.

I got him a job -  a few days before he could work at this new job - he was murdered - in front of his home - 56 bullets pumped into his body. 

I wrote about his case and this incident - with NO response from the SF Police Department - and No apology from Young Community Developers.

Young Community Developers (YCD) -  in this pandemic - is worthless - they cannot think - outside the box. They have NO leadership and absolutely no Transparency and for sure - lack ethics, morals and plain standards.

YCD get paid for so called Case Management and to this case - does a despicable job. They have BLOOD on their hands.

YCD keeps wasting millions of dollars - talking the talk but failing  failing to walk the walk.

 All of the money - taxpayers' money - how many millions do we have to see wasted - while these criminals - fleece us all.

YCD is an Equal Opportunity Crooked Entity - that preys on the community.

No one know what they do - but they receive millions - and have nothing much to show. 

I get many complaints - the shady work YCD does - and takes NO - responsibility. But, not for long.

While all this nonsense is going on - Community Benefits - that was suppose to help us all - is controlled by crooks like Dwayne Jones.

I hear that he is being investigated - but this Gate Keeper of the Bayview - must be put away - despicable to the core.

He lives in the East Bay - and comes to San Francisco very day to conduct his nefarious activities.

This COVID-19 pandemic has hit District 10 - and for all the talk - Shamann Walton has nothing to show - accept take huge bribes. 

 Shamann Walton helped create a computer hub in District 11 but has nothing to show in District 10. The Computer Hub did not last long - the pandemic visited it and shut it down.

Shamann Walton keeps denying he has taken money from Lennar  - a Rogue Developer.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation knows best  and soon Shamann Walton - will be singing the blues. A write up in the Marina Times is still available for most to read - and spot on the topic - corruption and Shamann Walton - a jail bird.

In the interim District 10 has thousands who are without a job - no opportunities - suffering from food security.

The Alice Griffith Public Housing inundated with all sorts of problems. 

The State Park close by to Alice Griffith Public Housing - stinking to high heaven.

All sorts of filth dumped - and all this and more is known to Shamann Walton - he keeps - doing what is does best - cheat, bluff, and deceive.

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