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Thursday, February 11, 2021


President Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

 Politicians by large measure - in today's world - will tell you what you want to hear. 

Then after they are done speaking with you - they forget what they said - so if you feel you are left out - this is the time to speak up.

First and foremost let us go to a place - where the disparity - exists in large measure. COVID-19 pandemic does not discriminate - it attacks everyone - that come is its path. It is EVIL.

The Center of Diseases Control (CDC) should mandate that information about Ethnicity is noted - so that we get a very clear picture - who gets the vaccine and who does not.

As things stand today - months after the vaccines are available we find " people of color " Native Americans, Blacks, LatinX, Asians - other you get the picture - find it difficult to get the vaccine.

What compounds the abject discrimination - are those 65 years and older - who are cleared to get the vaccines but cannot get them - because of various hurdles.

Those living in zones where poverty exists are left to themselves and those authorities and entities who should help them - are no where to be found.

Paradoxically, the CDC does not have the empirical data - and can tell you about Whites - women and men - but finds it difficult to mention - about people of color.

Capitol Hill and January 6, 2021 - mob attack

Anyone can talk - good actions count.

Again and again we find ourselves talking to the television - and if one is ignorant - have not read the constitution, have not read about Human Right protected by the United Nations.

Do not have any idea about the International Courts - if one is ignorant - one must begin to educate oneself - and use empirical data - to know more.

Simply put we know how to eat right to feel right - treat our body with respect.

We understand that education is critical to discern, stand up for our rights, and improve our living condition. Our children must be well educated to keep the standards we enjoy - Freedom.

Our mind is powerful and the more we exercise our mind - the better we are - each and everyone of us.

Most importantly most of us have learned about our soul - by large measure most people are people of Faith. That does not mean that we do not tolerate those that do not - believe in God and have no Faith.

 I am saying it is important to have Faith and believe in God. That is my subjective opinion. I have good friends, very close friends - who do not go to Church - they are good people and believe their good actions count.

Our Founding Fathers - created the Constitution.

The Constitution is a very interesting document - living in other countries - reading the Constitution before becoming a citizen and from time to time today - the more you read the Constitution it reveals situations - much as it has in place solutions - for those who favor insurrection - want to commit treason - and in short commit high crimes.

The Constitution is evolving - and the Founding Fathers - had no clue about technology, the advancements of atomic and nuclear weapons, our adventures into space, advancement in health, education, safety - in short Quality of Life issues.

Many amendments to the Constitution embrace the many rights that we enjoy - including one important one - the Right to Vote.

The Civil Right Movement - lead by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and others - has brought true Freedom to many.  We need to do more - and that left on us - we cannot afford to have too many armchair critics - and no one on the frontlines - fighting the needed - fight for true freedom.

There is Freedom and there is License. Abuse of Freedom is License.

The flag of the United States.

Again and again we are forced to pause and ponder whose land this is - better known at Turtle Island.

Again and again the United States has failed to apologize to the First People, the indigenous people of this land - they called Turtle Island.

The United States of America has signed many treaties - with the indigenous tribes - tribes having sovereign rights. Most of the treaties have been broken.

The Elders have a saying do not trust those that speak with a forked tongue - making direct reference to the Whites - who stole the land, raped the women, killed the children, maimed many, burnt homes -  to this day the United States government has not apologized.

Statutory Hall - the mob invaded and desecrated this this Sacred Space. They did the same breaking-ini not offices stealing, rampaging and show their true colors. Trash.

Today the arrogance of the Whites - that mob that attacked Capital Hill  is on trial - and those that broke the law - must be dealt - in a manner that a very strong message is sent to all those - that want to use violence to make a point - that can be made with true representation - and peaceful protests.

If you play with fire - think that you can harm others - adversely impact those that protect - behave like hooligans - you better think twice.

It is pathetic for some to think they know what a revolution is - when they cannot spell revolution.

Show me your platform - show me your mission objective.

Tell  me more about yourself more, how you have brought people together. 

If you have no Blue Print - do not come on my FaceBook and think I will tolerate you. I will not.

It is not easy to write about the issues I am addressing - more during this pandemic of sorts.

One reason I do it - is because I have a large following of youth and sometimes children write to me.

I must be cautious - the children and youth understand a lot - but have given No clarity - when adults be they White - behave like hooligans - they children and youth get confused - values and standards count - and mixed signals sent - confound those we must care for.

Children and our youth must be educated on issues - it becomes difficult - when the Commander in Chief of the Untied States - behave like a thug, a liar, commits treason - and thinks that he must be allowed to do as he pleases.

Let me tell you - from experience - no one who is a citizen and those who are not - are above the law. You break the law - you will brought to book.

Frederick  Douglass (1818-1895)

There was a time - during the Civil War - where had it not been for a great Abolitionist, Editor, and Statesman - Blacks then known as Negros would not participate in the Civil War - and bring about victory - in battle after battle.

Frederick Douglass who I admire a lot - have read a lot about him - sat down with President Abraham Lincoln and proposed to him a plan that brought President Abraham Lincoln - our victory and freedom that we all enjoy today.

Many Blacks earned the victory for the rest of us - and we owe them our gratitude. Some were compensated - given land - and many Blacks from that time called Negros - took pride in tilling the land and working hard.

Slowly as time went by White farmers - more racists got huge subsidies and the Blacks were left to fend for themselves. Blacks gradually lost their farms. 

Blacks who made headway in politics - were adversely impacted - dirty politics that kept Blacks down for over a hundred years. Only after the recent Civil Rights marches - led by Dr. Martin Luther King - have we seen some resurgence.

Recently we saw our Capitol Hill invaded by a mob of Whites - most chronic racists. We do not pay attention - and history repeats itself. 

Earlier the Mr. George Floyd incident hit a raw nerve - we saw on television - a White so called police office - racists to the core - put his knee on the neck - of Mr. George Floyd.

Mr. George Floyd - begging to save his life - his every breath deprived - suffocated to death - and millions decided to take to the streets - all over the world.  

For the first time people from all walks of life - Asians, LatinX, Whites, Middle-Eastern, Native Americans - others.

Even - the Amish community came out and surprised so many - Whites too who care and many Whites - who suffer today.

So - many of the poor - from all walks of life - living pay check to check - decided to march and vent the disparity, lack of respect - crimes against humanity - the sordid ill treatment of those who work hard - two and three jobs - and barely survive.

Today we have a Defense Secretary a Black man - General Lloyd J. Austin who is the 28th Secretary of Defense and we all are proud of this fact - more, those of us who know some and stand tall and represent.

General Lloyd J. Austin - Defense Secretary U.S.A.

We all have an opportunity to realize many opportunities where we can participate in meaningful dialog. 

This has been made easier with those who embrace the Native Americans - and the Secretary of Interior - the Department of Defense - and a General who understand our plight General Lloyd J. Austin. You should get the drift.

As we were going through our trials and tribulation we had General James Mattis - he is White but he understands the situation at hand.  We thank him for his hard work and standing tall and representing - when he was needed.

General James Mattis - played a key role uniting the United States Military - and the United States military - continue to back the people by following the Constitution of the United States.

We are living in dire times - the COVID-19 pandemic has played havoc with those who are poor and needy.

Our children are suffering - from food security and lack of education.

This one singular fact - takes us all back years. Unless we create models to help all have bread and butter - some semblance - more decency, human rights as projected by the United Nations and other stellar and astute organization.

The World Health Organization and other institutions within the United States - have been beacons of hope - only for one egoistical maniac - who we have thrown out of the White House - to defund, leave organizations, and bring disgrace to the United States.

The only idiot to be "impeached twice" - the idiot should not have been allowed to be " Commander in Chief " - the only reason he got in - was because he was White. 

Today America is reeling in shame - confused, divisiveness is deep - and the scars and hurt - will take decades to heal. Wake up America - and see the light - of those that worked hard - and revealed the best aspects of our being to the world - now, tarnished - but there is Hope and we - Americans - will rise from the ashes.

More those children who are in so called Special Education classes.
Each year promoted - and after some years - we realize that this method of just promoting - with much progress and development is not working. Special Education is a ploy - not to address the real   issues - and less the human development - of those that need help most. God save us all.

Secretary of Interior Haaland

President Joe Biden has done well by giving fair representation - appointment some very important people of color - to some very important position - where changes can be made.

The most important the position as the Secretary of Interior - time for all the tribes that are NOT Federally Recognized by recognized - that too in their own land.

How is it possible for Tribes that have lived here for over 15,000 years are treated as second class citizens - here on Turtle Island - also know as the United States of America.

In order to be Federally Recognized  - the tribes have to prove they have been here as a tribe - continuously living - according to mandates set by the Department of Interior.

We now can have DNA tests - to get rid of that primitive way - of making the tribe to collect - documents like birth certificates and other mundane documents and methods that defy logic and more fair play and justice.

People of color today - must understand - only in unity can we bring about change. We cannot leave out Native Americans, the LatinX community, the Asian community, the Pacific Islander community - talk about Racial Equity for Blacks - when they is no paramount logic to this current madness.

Here is San Francisco we have very corrupt folks mostly Blacks who are doing injustice to San Francisco. 

Yet millions have been taken from the SF Police Department and Sheriff's Department - some $21 million to be used by Sheryl Evan Davis and her lackeys - this type of nonsense will not bring about unity - not in the middle of this pandemic.

Black in San Francisco commit more crimes than any other community. Some of them horrific  - attacking Senior Citizens like Asians - not. only in Oakland China Town - but all over the San Francisco. This nonsense must STOP  - now.

We have three Blacks on the SF Police Commission - DionJay Brookter, Malia Cohen, and Paul Henderson who is uncharge about Police Complaints and related issues - none of them represent San Francisco and San Franciscans - they are an anathema to us all - and must step down.

The Chief of Police is Black - and crimes like home break-in are on the increase, stores booked into - assaults on the increase - domestic violence more among Black on the increase.

The empirical data must be posted on the website - the true picture - not a fake picture - saying hundreds of cases cannot be reported - as long as they being investigated.

The SF Police Commission is a JOKE - each one talking on that sordid Commission - talking in circle - folks yawning the likes of Malia Cohen and Paul Henderson. 

Each one patting the behind of each other - when these good for nothing jackasses - should not be on the SF Police Commission - that has failed us all.

We people of color must speak up - it is now or never. Do not think the Democrats in San Francisco - will come to our rescue. 

The majority of those who vote are Independents. Time the Independents show their true color - unity and stand tall and represent - their heart in the right - place. Aho.


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