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Saturday, June 13, 2020


We have a movement today - led by " young adults " - and they know who to trust and who needs to be shunned. 

For sure those politicians - who say what you want to hear - and have nothing much to offer - cannot fool us - all the time. Enough is enough.

The politicians have a  " hidden agenda ".  Now is a time for change - from the Constitution to the main other laws that need to be neutralized -  "Qualified Immunity ".

Steeped in thuggish behavior - some of the politicians in San Francisco - they still do not realize - the days -when they could hoodwink all in broad daylight - simply will not be tolerated - more, when these sordid politicians do not pass the - " smelt test".

We never saw these "thuggish politicians " - jail birds on the frontlines - other crooks from Fresno, Los Angeles and New York - fighting with us  advocates in San Francisco on crime.

Now, suddenly they want to represent us the tax payers - and are coming in at the eleventh hour to showcase - a plan - that has NOT been vetted - using the back door.

Friday after Friday - we stood in front of the "jail house" 850 Bryant - and protested.

We never saw once - these so called " wicked politicians " join us - be it Shamann Walton or London Breed or Malia Cohen - the others too many to mention - one worse than the other.

We from San Francisco led a delegation and  represented Oscar Grant.

We represent Alex Nieto, we represent Mario Woods, we represent Jessica Williams  - others too many to mention.

We chose to be on the frontlines - while " these suckers " - were frolicking - doing what they do best - wheeling and dealing -  doing what they do best - selling out the community.

These nonsense must STOP - now.

We have never seen these scumbags - do anything progress - helping those what most need help - in the community.

When  the City Attorney - Dennis Herrera instituted the so called " gang injunctions ". We took a stand and we shed light where there was and is - abject darkness to this day.

We were the first to create a document - complete with all operations - spelt out in detail - to put in place sound Community Policing.

Again and again the politicians sold us out.

Again and again Lennar Urban now known as 5 Points Holding LLC - souled us out.

The SF Police Department received one million dollars to patrol Alice Griffith - aka Double Rock.

Big Developers participated in funding entities that we know and have empirical data - that choose to defy the citizens of San Francisco - and actively brought about divisiveness - encouraging - " gang injunctions ".

Many were debarred from visiting their homes, their parents - and all this and more took 8 years to revolve. I want to ask what did Shamann Walton, Malia Cohen, or for that matter London Breed contribute to end " Gang Injunctions "? the answer is nothing - nothing at all.

We protested for years - is front of the jail house -
850 Bryant and in front of SF City Hall -
that the SF Board of Supervisors -
and past Mayors Willie L Brown Jr, to Gavin Newsom, 
to Edwin Mah Lee, to Mark Farrell, to the present
Mayor London Breed - has done nothing -
but kick the can down the street.

These women leaders and men too - respected by all -
did the heavy lifting - while George Gascon -
the District Attorney - was playing the buffoon - his gone now -
good riddance of bad rubbish - and we have a new one -
still figuring things out - more confused.
All this at 850 Bryant - the jail house -
not once did the District Attorney George Gason -
have the guts to come out of stinking office -
and meet us - nothing much has changed - 
they keep kicking the can down the street - 
we smell the same stench - more in fact - as so many are 
jailed - others die - and there is no one to represent.

It is amazing that the Mayor London Breed has no clue about 
"Qualified Immunity" - nor does the " jail bird " - Shamann Walton. Both want to represent - the people will have none of it.

We back legislation to neutralize " Qualified Immunity " the last one led by Mark Leno - the Law Enforcement pumped thousands if not millions - to defeat the bills.

Now at last - it took the death of Mr George Floyd - he was choked for 8 minutes and 46 second - begging that he allowed to breathe, calling upon his mother - we all saw it - and at last the movement  acted - as should have been done - decades ago.

It took a perfect storm - to bring all people together - Whites, Asians, LatinX, Native Americans, indigenous people - others - to bring Congress to their senses - the Black Caucus - other Senators - women and men of faith - to address "Qualified Immunity " among other issues.

You just do not march to the Bayview Police Station without understanding the under laying situation at hand. We need to find out who is putting the youth and young adult in harms way - who is behind the ploys, machinations, and shenanigans.

This and other fall out - will be revealed in the 2020 elections -
all those odd number districts - will see a drastic changes - sending shocking vibrations - to the even districts - to wait their turn. The people are fed up - with poor leadership - no ethics, and for sure NO - standards what so ever.

Jail birds and those that have an affinity to gang around with gangsters - must stay away - from representing the people.

You just do not stand up and shout slogans that have No substance.

We  must be educated on issues - the focus should not be on the money - that will taken from the POPOS and given to you - anyway you look at it - it is " blood money ".

Do not join the sell outs in the community mostly Blacks - who are in the majority - try to speak for everyone.

When we have other in the majority - we have LatinX, we  have Asians, we have Whites, we have Native Americans, we have Blacks - we have others.

All must join - and speak as a united front.

We know the sellouts - who work with the POPOS - many of them work at the Mayor Office - not only now - but much  before the passing of Mayor Edwin Mah Lee and now Mayor London Breed.

It is ridiculous that these so called wannabes - have no clue about history.

We once had  the Mayor's Office of Criminal Justice - that was abolished by Mayor Edwin Lee. 

Edwin Mah Lee chose to out source  - crime prevention issues - to HealthRight360 headquartered in Los Angeles - a billion dollar plus - entity. Keeping million for himself and his pet projects.

The pet project linked to Mayor Edwin Mah Lee  the creation of the Intercept Prevent Organize ( IPO ) - allowing youth to work in many street clean up projects - and by the Highway working with Caltans.

I went out my way to provide them parking for their cars and vans - and when I could help them in other ways I did that to. 

The City and County of San Francisco - has no way of understanding - how the youth and young adults should be treated and more nurtured.

The City and County of San Francisco - create these organizations - pay minimum wage - and do not look beyond the beyond. There is no follow up - no sound orientation - no periodical evaluation - no nothing that makes sense and is holistic.

It is a know fact - that many youth have died - shot and killed - who once worked for the IPO. One of them Amare Jackson - others to - I leave the readers from San Francisco to fight that out.

Street  Violence Intervention Program - out sourced to HealthRight360 - and now the SF Health Department.

 I tried by best to establish this organization - renting them 3000 square feet of space - with clean toilets, kitchen and other amenities that they did not have before.

Helped them transition from 5 Thomas Mellon to 150 Executive Park - never saw London Breed visit them at 5 Thomas Mellon - nor Malia Cohen - and for sure not Shamann Walton - all these entities - want a piece of the pie - and will stay away from any entity that stands for full transparency and accountability.

We know the mess prevailing at the Bayview Opera House - over $3 million missing - that was when Malia Cohen was the District 10 Supervisor - she is now with the State of California - still wheeling and dealing.

Young Community Developers linked to Shamann Walton and Dwayne Jones - are corrupt. The Director of YCD - DionJay Brookter. Time will tell.

SVIP is facing great difficulties in this pandemic.

We hear that John Nauer is no more - and that the leadership of SVIP - is being revamped for the best.

This pandemic encourages all to " Stay at Home " and not roam the streets of San Francisco.

Really - do we want to go there - forming entities that have no clue - what they are doing.

If you have NO training -  you cannot mess with domestic violence - any violence - the uniform is a deterrent - and the lay women and men - must not be sent into harm way.

Mental issues are the prerogative of the psychologists and psychiatrists - Social Workers - the qualifications do not come easy  - for sure the SF Police Department must not be involved with such duties - but so also - laymen and women.

Many of these non-profits have no - Mission Objective.

Thus they have NO purpose in mind - to be focus - with goals and time lines. Many just waste their time - because there is no sound evaluation - less transparency and absolutely NO - accountability.

These entities always playing second fiddle to nefarious groups - and all of them having a " hidden agenda". 

The politicians are NOT to be trusted - ever.

The politicians want the money - pay to play and other such shenanigans. All this must STOP - now.

We want to know who permitted the SF Police Department - to deal with mental issues without training, intervene in the many non-police issues all these many decades. Those who encouraged such activities are well known - to the SF Controller and we can find out more.

They are know to the City Attorney - Dennis Herrera - who has been pussyfooting with many other extra-curricula activities - and failed to address - pressing and needed - Quality of Life issues.

We have NOT seen these so called wannabes - support us on the frontline.

More - fighting injustice - shoot first and ask question later incidents - by the Law Enforcement -  that have forced us to lay our lives on the line - time and time again. For how long can this go on - in this City and County of San Francisco?

This is the " crux of the problem " - others do the heavy lifting - and the " idiots " come in and want to take over.

Francisco Da Costa, former Mayor Edwin Lee 
and his wife Anita - we thought things - would get better. 

Well, after Lee's demise - the jail birds are in charge -
they do not want jails, close the Juvenile Center  they say -
get rid of Law Enforcement - and have untrained
people handle - all  sorts of cases.  They have personnel -
that have no training - no skills, no certifications -
why do we not get rid of the politicians - we can -
stop voting for the buffoons - stop giving them a pass .

We the people started the " Movement " - I have written several articles and I am in touch with Law Enforcement - Congress and the Senate in Washington DC.

Jack Schumer 

Nancy Pelosi -
she must step down and fade away.

The Reform linked to Policing - should be handle by the people - who are qualified - we have entities deep into the operations - and do NOT need the politicians - anyway in sight - No - Nancy Pelosi - NO, Jack Schumer. 

Mayor London Breed -
poor leadership not educated on issues -
she has failed decent San Franciscans -
loves to bark up the wrong tree.

Shamann Walton -
surrounded by this lackeys -
there is a time for everything -
time will tell - we have the empirical data .

Malia Cohen and Willie L. Brown Jr -
one need not say more -
the pair have been wheeling and dealing -
and enjoy every minute of the - pay to play.

For sure we do not  need - Mayor London Breed and Shamann Walton - none are respected by the tax payers, the citizens, the people united will never, ever be defeated. Aho. 

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