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Saturday, June 22, 2019


History repeats itself - " war mongering " is something civilized nations - must stay away from - we have sufficient of war and war causalities -  unfortunately the United States has been at the fore-front of skirmishes that led to war.

In Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Libya, Yemen, Syria - we can go on and on - but now Iran.

Our sitting President simply does not get it - he cannot and should think - that he controls all that he sees and hears.

His diabolical antics with North Korea have failed - and he still thinks - he can hoodwink us in broad daylight.

His coziness with Saudi Arabia - back fired - when a sovereign leader that we embrace - murders a journalist - and we have our sitting President - looking the other way - he on singular fact - reveals how deep in deceit, and callous behavior - our sitting President engages in - and how perilous his decisions can come to bite us in the butt.

The Statue of Liberty -
beckons us to do good -
not to adversely impact those -
that come for succor to our shores -
this man who is an egoistical maniac
is an anathema to the human race.

Iran has a long civilization - the Persians have played a stellar role in contributing so much to the entire world.

The United States " with intent " chose to over throw a democratic government and install a " the puppet Shah of Iran" - the people of Iran were adversely impacted for decades - until the " Iranian Revolution " - over threw the Shah and and the Shah took refuge in the United States.

When will be learn to mind our own business - and listen to wise military leaders like General James Mattis ?

Our Constitution caution us against war - mandates that we consult the Legislative Branch - that is Congress -  the sitting President - is acting like a dictator who has lost his mind.

When the opportune time presents itself our votes can boot him and his minions - out.

The world is laughing at us - Congress led by Nancy Pelosi has NO military expertise - nor have those in Congress the loud mouths that think they can spew diatribe and are fooled when no one listen to them.

The 2020 Election must prove that our changed leadership that will lead this once great Nation - has stellar leadership - more, someone that has modern and contemporary military experience - and a person who is educated on issues.

Our Nation is on the brink of a great change - a change that will adversely impact those that live pay check to pay check - because more and more the " disparity " between the haves and the have nots - increases.

The disparity gap between the rich and the poor in San Francisco - supposedly a very rich City - with more Billionaire than most cities - has been compared to Rwanda - a Third World Nation.

What does that say - to anyone who has empathy and compassion - and more understands about Quality of Life issues.

Nancy Pelosi must step down -
she has no vision less stellar leadership 
that counts - as to being savvy on military matters -
forget about it - she should - retire and stop waving her arm.

Our local leaders and those in Congress and the Senate representing  San Francisco - lack military experience not one of them on the SF Board of Supervisors - have qualified experience. 

The lack empathy and compassion - and have no clue - how much congestion, the concrete jungle, two and three families living in one housing unit.

The  increase stress factors across all levels of daily living, lack of safety, poor health conditions - and more - all affecting more - those that are indigent and poor.

One can find that out quickly - when these SF Supervisors - open their mouth and spew diatribe. 

More and more housing units are planned in San Francisco - on land that is contaminated. Millions of dollars offered as grants to mostly Black sell out - acting as Project Managers - who do not live in San Francisco. This nonsense must STOP - before those committing these crimes - fall flat on their face.

The smiling jackass - London Breed.

The present SF Board of Supervisors and the Mayor London Breed - have not taken up the contamination and utter pollution at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard. The surround area in and around the former Candlestick Stadium now call Candlestick Point.

Our immigrant population is living in fear - and no one in their right mind - is making a concerted effort to protect and more help our immigrants - in a meaningful way.

California is the fifth largest economy in the world. San Francisco is consider a " Financial Center" that controls billion of dollars - we should NOT be enduring the hardship and growing disparity - yet we do - while skyscrapers are built, the Warriors Stadium and that hoopla, other facilities  and commercial spaces - that give millions of dollars in tax breakers.

All the while in San Francisco in the Bayview Hunters Point we have real issues to deal with. Shamann Walton - a jail bird - is busy fighting companies that deal with  e-cigarettes -
closing the Juvenile Center - without a Blue Print that has been vetted. The man is JOKE - and hails from Vallejo - where he should move to and stay there.

In the meantime - Shamann Walton - the District 10 Supervisor is pushing for Cannabis Clubs.

Intently  supporting these Cannabis Clubs.

Wheeling in dealing - with Rogue Developers like Lennar aka 5 Point Holdings LLC - that has contributed over $5 million to his sordid - campaign coffers. Go Figure! 

San Francisco can do better - we should not allow these outsiders - who lack empathy and less compassion - talk from both side of their mouth - while more and more poor and indigent people - are slowly dying.

There is no one - in their right mind to fight and more serve our infants, our children, our youth, our young adults, our Elders - those who are mentally and physically challenged - more those whose health are compromised. God helps us all.

Who finds these " jail birds " -
who are NOT educated on issues -
wheeling and dealing with rogue developers 
like Lennar aka 5 Points Holding LLC
the man is from Vallejo and should go there - now.

We have devils - evil to the core - daily hoodwinking the public at large - London Breed, Malia Cohen, Shamann Walton, Oscar James, Eloise Patton, Juliet Ellis, Dwayne Jones - and many more. 

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