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Monday, April 22, 2019


San Francisco Public Utilities 
Commission - No one deals with more
crap than I do - that is  what they say -
but really - who deals with more excreta ?

When London Breed speaks - she says what she is told to say.

She may think that when she says no one can boss her - no one can tell her what to do and what not to do - that we should believe her. NO.

London Breed - for sure as each week passes - we know that she cannot attain anything she says - we have yet to see a Blue Print - on any major issue - she fails to address the issue with concrete timelines and goals - linked to "affordable housing", sound transportation, less congestion on our roads - all over San Francisco.

London Breed has no clue - on this subject - not a word on the state of affair in our schools - more, as it pertains to Black students.

Black students, teachers and now even principals who are discriminate.

In our great City of San Francisco - we have an increase in serious assaults and an increase in shootings and killings. 

Our Safety has been compromised - we are told that all will be well - home invasions are on the increase and London Breed as fast asleep at the cockpit.

London Breed loves fake attention - and get an over dose of this crap - at the many ribbon cuttings and the appearing here, there, and everywhere.

Dragging the City heads of department who should be doing their job - addressing transportation issues, the many deaths linked to pedestrians being killed in the cross walks.

It is a shame  some City Heads follow her like some lap dogs - just goes to show you - how much of discerning, how much of sound education on issues, our much of accountability and transparency - is practiced by those that talk the talk but cannot walk the walk.

While all the time "gentrification" is force - there have been so many heart rendering stories that can be told - how about in the last 5 years - over 50,000 families have left San Francisco - and some think - that this factor should not be addressed - seriously.

London Breed for all her talk - favors the Big Developers and has No clue when she says that SF Public Utilities Commission will be able to take charge of Clean Energy.

Much like she chose someone to head the Rent Control Board. 

And recently chose Sophie Maxwell and Tim Paulson - two individuals - who took positions to harm our infants, our children, our youth, our young adults, our Elders - those with comprised health - in our fight against the rogue developer Lennar in 2004.

We shed our sweat and blood and will not forget. We supported Proposition F and were winning. Then over $10 million were used to bombard us daily with advertisements -
and we narrowly lost to Proposition G which Sophie Maxwell endorsed. 

To date nothing holistic is happening at Parcel A, the SF Public Utilities Commission has delayed the Disgester an over $3 Billion project by 2 years. This one more is a very serious issue. The entire Bayview Hunters Point reeks with foul smell - more when the 40 to 50 mph winds - hit you in the nostrils.

For all the talk - that that need help most - our mentally and physically challenged - are left to fend for themselves.

It is a shame that London Breed favors Navigation Centers as a solution - where folks can stay for a limited time - and then are kicked out - and forced to live on the streets.

We have 100,000 units vacant - in the region - but at least 80,000 vacant in San Francisco for sure. 

London Breed does not have a Blue Print to fill these units - working with the SF Planning Department - and Non-Profits - not the usual suspects.

We must give stellar and astute non-profits with proven experience and issue -  Request For Proposals - with timelines and goals - to do the work and serve the people.

We have the Non-Profits who under Property Management - who comprehend State and Federal Compliance, who understand Quality of Life issues - childcare, transportation in place - again and again these new developments do not address Quality of Life issues.

Those thousands of housing units planned at India Basin and Candlestick Point - built on land that is contaminated - prone to severe liquefaction and flooding. In many area hot spots that register - high level of radioactive elements.

San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) is NOT to be trusted. 

 More folks like Juliet Ellis and the minions who work for her. 

Juliet Ellis makes in access of $250,000 with benefits and was charged by the Fair Political Action Committee. She must be fired - yet she is working - doing the devil's work.

This evil woman funneled $200,000 to Green For All for whom she worked and was on the Green For All Board - while at the same time - hold the position of Assistant General Manager of SFPUC for External Affairs - a position she is NOT fit and has abused - wasting - millions of dollars - tax payers money - with NO accountability and transparency.

Many of those stellar employees who once worked hard at SFPUC - have left the SFPUC and no one seems to care.

Some of them  - having years of sound experience and having institutional memory that matters - have left the SFPUC - one of them the head of all the Project Managers - serving the SFPUC - Mr. Surjeet Singh.

The lead Project Manager on the Sewer System Improvement Project - a bright and decent woman - Karen Kubick. 

Tommy Moala who was in charge of the Phelps Raw Sewage Treatment Plant.

Tony Flores whose institution experience was second to none and Mark Harris a Black man who came up the ranks - was denied promotion and now works for the Pacifica Treatment Plant - makes more money and enjoys his job.

Recently two incompetent, inept, immoral individuals were chosen by London Breed - Sophie Maxwell and Tim Paulson -to fill two vacant positions - left vacant by Ike Kwon and Vince Courtney.

Both Sophie Maxwell and Tim Paulson chose to work against the Bayview Hunters Point community.

Our infants, our children, our youth, our young adults, our Elders - those with compromised health - more our physically and mentally challenged - were bombarded by Lennar Urban now known as 5 Points Holdings LLC - a rogue developer that has not met one of its bench marks.

Both Sophie Maxwell and Tim Paulson - took money from Lennar Urban now  better known as 5 Points Holdings LLC.

Lennar Urban with intent bombarded our community with Asbestos Structures - for months on end - adversely impacting many - and what is more many have died - and there has been NO accountability.

Sophie Maxwell while she was Supervisor of District 10 - was fully aware of four conduits that were dug under the Main Force a 8 foot pipe - by Pier 80.

The conduits compromised the the Main Force - and Sophie Maxwell and Harlan Kelly the now General Manager know who made a fool of themselves.

Of course the Muwekma Ohlone Park and Sanctuary was compromised and not a word about restitution from Sophie Maxwell who saw it all.

The dumb woman had no clue at that time what was truly happening. After ending her term as District 10 Supervisor - she was Missing In Action.

Much as Sophie Maxwell had NO clue about testing the soil before tunneling the conduits - and less about the Main Force and its purpose.

Sophie Maxwell has no clue that the Digesters have been delayed by two years. If she was concerned she would have spoken up - now she purports she will do something - she will do nothing at all - she is GREEDY and her main aim is to make money  - the bread crumbs that will be thrown her way.

I heard her brag about knowing something about Power Plants and I know as one who fought in the trenches that her statements are all hogwash. 

When Sophie Maxwell was Supervisor she did not take a stand to abide by the Proposition that was passed by San Franciscans - to rehab the Waters System Improvement Project but also the Sewer System Improvement Project in 2002. 

District 10 reeks with stench and one of the entities that made this happen is Sophie Maxwell. 

She has no clue that she has been an anathema and the sooner she realizes that greed is something that will take one down - in this case Sophie Maxwell will drown in the cesspool of her own creation.

Tim Paulson should stay away from conflict of interest issues - much as they came to haunt Vince Courtney. At least Vince Courtney spoke his mind - and took on those at the SF Public Utilities Commission - that went with the flow. 

We all know that corruption has reached a saturation point in San Francisco. Leading that charge London Breed - she talks the talk but cannot walk the walk. 

No one who does not have their heart in the right place - can take others to a better place. We must be educated on issues - we must have the ability to discern - it is a shame we have leaders - who pander to those that will bribe them - and fill their campaign and other coffers - with " dark money ". Aho.

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